22 resultados para Upper cortex


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The Itaiacoca Belt is a sequence of metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks that crop out east of Parana and southeast of Sao Paulo states, in southern Brazil. This geologic-geochronologic study supports division of the Itaiacoca Belt into two major lithologic sequences. The older is a carbonate platform sequence (dolomitic meta-limestones/metamarls/calc-phyllites/ carbonate phyllites) with minimum deposition ages related to the end of the Mesoproterozoic/beginning of the Neoproterozoic (1030-908 Ma:U-Pb, zircon of metabasic rocks). The younger sequence contains mainly clastics deposits (meta-arkoses/metavolcanics/metaconglomerates/metapelites) with deposition ages related to the Neoproterozoic (645-628 Ma:U-Pb,zircon of metavolcanic rocks). These ages are quite close to K-Ar ages (fine fraction) of the 628-610 Ma interval, associated with metamorphism and cooling of the Itaiacoca Belt. The contact between the dolomitic meta-limestones and meta-arkoses is marked by intense stretching and high-angle foliation, suggesting that the discontinuity between these associations resulted from shearing. It is proposed here that the term Itaiacoca Sequence, should represent the dolomitic meta-limestones, and the term Abapa Sequence represents the meta-arkoses/metavolcanics/phyllites. in a major tectonic context, these periods are related to the break-up of Rodinia Supercontinent (1030-908 Ma) and the amalgamation of the Gondwana Supercontinent (645-628 Ma). (C) 2008 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Granada ignimbrite, an Upper Miocene volcanic unit from the northern Puna, previously has been interpreted as an extensive ignimbrite (>2300 km(2)) associated with eruptions from the Vilama caldera (trap-door event). On the basis of new data, we revise its correlation and redefine the unit as a compound, high aspect ratio ignimbrite, erupted at approximately 9.8 Ma. Calculated volumes (similar to 100 km(3)) are only moderate in comparison with other large volume (>1000 km(3)) ignimbrites that erupted approximately 2-6 m.y. later in the region (e.g. Vilama, Panizos, Atana). Six new volcanic units are recognized from sequences previously correlated with Granada (only one sourced from the same center). Consequently, the area ascribed to the Granada ignimbrite is substantially reduced (630 km(2)), and links to the Vilama caldera are not supported. Transport directions suggest the volcanic source for the Granada ignimbrite corresponds to vents buried under younger (>= 7.9-5 Ma) volcanic rocks of the Abra Granada volcanic complex. Episodes of caldera collapse at some stage of eruption are likely, though their nature and timing cannot be defined from available data. The eruption of the Granada ignimbrite marks the onset of a phase of large volume (caldera-sourced) volcanism in the northern Puna. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lycopodiopsis derbyi Renault was analyzed on the basis of compressed silicified stems from four Guadalupian outcrops of the Parana Basin (Corumbatai Formation) in the State of Sao Paulo, Southern Brazil. Dichotomous stems have been recorded, and three different branch regions related to apoxogenesis are described. The most proximal region has larger, clearly rhomboidal leaf cushions, with protruding upper edges; the intermediate transitional region also has rhombic leaf cushions, but they are smaller and less elongated than the lower in the same axis; finally, the most distal region reveals only incipient cushions, with inconspicuous infrafoliar bladders; interspersed microphylls were still attached. A well preserved branch representative of this most distal region was sectioned; it has a siphonostelic cylinder similar to that previously described for L derbyi. The cortex, however, shows new traits, such as a short portion of elongated cells between the periderm and the external cortex (or leaf cushion tissue). The stems were apparently silicified prior to their final burial but were probably not transported for long distances. Their final burial may have taken place during storm events, which were common during the deposition of the Corumbatai Formation. These stems are commonly deformed due to compression, mainly because the internal cortical portions rapidly decayed prior to silicification due to their thin-walled tissue, and are therefore not preserved. The common alkalinity of a shallow marine environment such as that in which the Corumbatai Formation was deposited, should mobilize the silica and favors petrifaction. Based on the new data, an emended diagnosis is proposed and a modification of the identification key published by Thomas and Meyen in 1984 for Upper Paleozoic Lycopsida is suggested. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Neodymium and lead isotope values in sediment samples were used to interpret sediment transport and source rocks on the Southeastern South American upper margin. The sediments of the Argentinian margin exhibit an average epsilon(Nd) value of -1.9, indicating the influence of the Andean rocks as sediment sources. Sediments from the Rio de La Plata estuary show an average epsilon(Nd) value of -9.6 which is similar to that of the Southern Brazilian Upper Margin. Finally, sediments of Southeastern Brazil, which are associated with the transport of the Brazil Current exhibit an average epsilon(Nd) of -13.0. The Pb isotope signatures also confirm the differentiation of source rocks in the sedimentation of the study area. In addition, Pb isotopes helped to establish the extent of the influence of the Rio de La Plata on the sedimentation of the Southern Brazilian margin. In terms of Pb isotopes the sediments from the Rio de La Plata estuary and Southern Brazil are more radiogenic than those of Southeastem Brazil and the Argentinian margin. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Each square complex matrix is unitarily similar to an upper triangular matrix with diagonal entries in any prescribed order. Let A = [a(ij)] and B = [b(ij)] be upper triangular n x n matrices that are not similar to direct sums of square matrices of smaller sizes, or are in general position and have the same main diagonal. We prove that A and B are unitarily similar if and only if parallel to h(A(k))parallel to = parallel to h(B(k))parallel to for all h is an element of C vertical bar x vertical bar and k = 1, ..., n, where A(k) := [a(ij)](i.j=1)(k) and B(k) := [b(ij)](i.j=1)(k) are the leading principal k x k submatrices of A and B, and parallel to . parallel to is the Frobenius norm. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Schizophrenia is likely to be a consequence of serial alterations in a number of genes that, together with environmental factors, will lead to the establishment of the illness. The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Brodmann`s Area 46) is implicated in schizophrenia and executes high functions such as working memory, differentiation of conflicting thoughts, determination of right and wrong concepts, correct social behavior and personality expression. We performed a comparative proteome analysis using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of pools from 9 schizophrenia and 7 healthy control patients` dorsolateral prefrontal cortex aiming to identify, by mass spectrometry, alterations in protein expression that could be related to the disease. In schizophrenia-derived samples, our analysis revealed 10 downregulated and 14 upregulated proteins. These included alterations previously implicated in schizophrenia, such as oligodendrocyte-related proteins (myelin basic protein and transferrin), as well as malate dehydrogenase, aconitase, ATP synthase subunits and cytoskeleton-related proteins. Also, six new putative disease markers were identified, including energy metabolism, cytoskeleton and cell signaling proteins. Our data not only reinforces the involvement of proteins previously implicated in schizophrenia, but also suggests new markers, providing further information to foster the comprehension of this important disease. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The prefrontal cortex executes important functions such as differentiation of conflicting thoughts, correct social behavior and personality expression, and is directly implicated in different neurodegenerative diseases. We performed a shotgun proteome analysis that included IEF fractionation, RP-LC, and MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometric analysis of tryptic digests from a pool of seven human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex protein extracts. In this report, we present a catalog of 387 proteins expressed in these samples, identified by two or more peptides and high confidence search scores. These proteins are involved in different biological processes such as cell growth and/or maintenance, metabolism/energy pathways, cell communication/signal trarisduction, protein metabolism, transport, regulation of nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism, and immune response. This analysis contributes to the knowledge of the human brain proteome by adding sample diversity and protein expression data from an alternative technical approach. It will also aid comparative studies of different brain areas and medical conditions, with future applications in basic and clinical research.