38 resultados para TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)
This paper presents an analysis of the performance of a baseband multiple-input single-output (MISO) time reversal ultra-wideband system (TR-UWB) incorporating a symbol spaced decision feedback equalizer (DFE). A semi-analytical performance analysis based on a Gaussian approach is considered, which matched well with simulation results, even for the DFE case. The channel model adopted is based on the IEEE 802.15.3a model, considering correlated shadowing across antenna elements. In order to provide a more realistic analysis, channel estimation errors are considered for the design of the TR filter. A guideline for the choice of equalizer length is provided. The results show that the system`s performance improves with an increase in the number of transmit antennas and when a symbol spaced equalizer is used with a relatively small number of taps compared to the number of resolvable paths in the channel impulse response. Moreover, it is possible to conclude that due to the time reversal scheme, the error propagation in the DFE does not play a role in the system`s performance.
In many engineering applications, the time coordination of geographically separated events is of fundamental importance, as in digital telecommunications and integrated digital circuits. Mutually connected (MC) networks are very good candidates for some new types of application, such as wireless sensor networks. This paper presents a study on the behavior of MC networks of digital phase-locked loops (DPLLs). Analytical results are derived showing that, even for static networks without delays, different synchronous states may exist for the network. An upper bound for the number of such states is also presented. Numerical simulations are used to show the following results: (i) the synchronization precision in MC DPLLs networks; (ii) the existence of synchronous states for the network does not guarantee its achievement and (iii) different synchronous states may be achieved for different initial conditions. These results are important in the neural computation context. as in this case, each synchronous state may be associated to a different analog memory information. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: The aim of this study was to identify novel candidate biomarker proteins differentially expressed in the plasma of patients with early stage acute myocardial infarction (AMI) using SELDI-TOF-MS as a high throughput screening technology. Methods: Ten individuals with recent acute ischemic-type chest pain (< 12 h duration) and ST-segment elevation AMI (1STEMI) and after a second AMI (2STEMI) were selected. Blood samples were drawn at six times after STEMI diagnosis. The first stage (T(0)) was in Emergency Unit before receiving any medication, the second was just after primary angioplasty (T(2)), and the next four stages occurred at 12 h intervals after T(0). Individuals (n = 7) with similar risk factors for cardiovascular disease and normal ergometric test were selected as a control group (CG). Plasma proteomic profiling analysis was performed using the top-down (i.e. intact proteins) SELDI-TOF-MS, after processing in a Multiple Affinity Removal Spin Cartridge System (Agilent). Results: Compared with the CG, the 1STEMI group exhibited 510 differentially expressed protein peaks in the first 48 h after the AMI (p < 0.05). The 2STEMI group, had similar to 85% fewer differently expressed protein peaks than those without previous history of AMI (76, p < 0.05). Among the 16 differentially-regulated protein peaks common to both STEMI cohorts (compared with the CG at T(0)), 6 peaks were persistently down-regulated at more than one time-stage, and also were inversed correlated with serum protein markers (cTnI, CK and CKMB) during 48 h-period after IAM. Conclusions: Proteomic analysis by SELDI-TOF-MS technology combined with bioinformatics tools demonstrated differential expression during a 48 h time course suggests a potential role of some of these proteins as biomarkers for the very early stages of AMI, as well as for monitoring early cardiac ischemic recovery. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Stable multiple emulsions containing andiroba oil and sunscreen have been formulated. These were prepared using the two-step procedure. The formulations were characterized and their stability over the time was evaluated by centrifugation, macroscopic, and microscopic analyses, and rheological measurements. The photoprotective efficacy of the O/W and O1/W/O2 containing or not andiroba oil was evaluated by in vivo sun protection factor determination according to the FDA method. The formulations exhibited good stability during 30 days after preparation at different temperatures. These presented pseudoplastic flow behaviour and thixotropy. The increase of in vivo SPF value was not observed when andiroba oil was incorporated into emulsions containing ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate. These multiple emulsions can be utilized as an interesting topical vehicle.
A novel method of preparation of water-in-oil-in-micelle-containing water (W/O/W(m)) Multiple emulsions using the one-step emulsification method is reported. These multiple emulsions were normal (not temporary) and stable over a 60 day test period. Previously, reported multiple emulsion by the one-step method were abnormal systems that formed at the inversion point of simple emulsion (where there is an incompatibility in the Ostwald and Bancroft theories, and typically these are O/W/O systems). Pseudoternary phase diagrams and bidimensional process-composition (phase inversion) maps were constructed to assist in process and composition optimization. The surfactants used were PEG40 hydrogenated castor oil and sorbitan oleate, and mineral and vegetables oils were investigated. Physicochemical characterization studies showed experimentally, for the First time, the significance of the ultralow surface tension point oil multiple emulsion formation by one-step via phase inversion processes. Although the significance of ultralow surface tension has been speculated previously, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first experimental confirmation. The multiple emulsion system reported here was dependent not only upon the emulsification temperature, but also upon the component ratios, therefore both the emulsion phase inversion and the phase inversion temperature were considered to fully explain their formation. Accordingly, it is hypothesized that the formation of these normal multiple emulsions is not a result of a temporary incompatibility (at the inversion point) during simple emulsion preparation, as previously reported. Rather, these normal W/O/W(m) emulsions are a result of the simultaneous occurrence of catastrophic and transitional phase inversion processes. The formation of the primary emulsions (W/O) is in accordance with the Ostwald theory and the formation of the multiple emulsions (W/O/W(m)) is in agreement with the Bancroft theory.
Starting with an initial price vector, prices are adjusted in order to eliminate the excess demand and at the same time to keep the transfers to the sellers as low as possible. In each step of the auction, to which set of sellers should those transfers be made is the key issue in the description of the algorithm. We assume additively separable utilities and introduce a novel distinction by considering multiple sellers owing multiple identical objects and multiple buyers with an exogenously defined quota, consuming more than one object but at most one unit of a seller`s good and having multi-dimensional payoffs. This distinction induces a necessarily more complicated construction of the over-demanded sets than the constructions of these sets for the other assignment games. For this approach, our mechanism yields the buyer-optimal competitive equilibrium payoff, which equals the buyer-optimal stable payoff. The symmetry of the model allows to getting the seller-optimal stable payoff and the seller-optimal competitive equilibrium payoff can then be also derived.
Objectives: Pneumothorax is a frequent complication during mechanical ventilation. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a noninvasive tool that allows real-time imaging of regional ventilation. The purpose of this study was to 1) identify characteristic changes in the EIT signals associated with pneumothoraces; 2) develop and fine-tune an algorithm for their automatic detection; and 3) prospectively evaluate this algorithm for its sensitivity and specificity in detecting pneumothoraces in real time. Design: Prospective controlled laboratory animal investigation. Setting: Experimental Pulmonology Laboratory of the University of Sao Paulo. Subjects: Thirty-nine anesthetized mechanically ventilated supine pigs (31.0 +/- 3.2 kg, mean +/- SD). Interventions. In a first group of 18 animals monitored by EIT, we either injected progressive amounts of air (from 20 to 500 mL) through chest tubes or applied large positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) increments to simulate extreme lung overdistension. This first data set was used to calibrate an EIT-based pneumothorax detection algorithm. Subsequently, we evaluated the real-time performance of the detection algorithm in 21 additional animals (with normal or preinjured lungs), submitted to multiple ventilatory interventions or traumatic punctures of the lung. Measurements and Main Results: Primary EIT relative images were acquired online (50 images/sec) and processed according to a few imaging-analysis routines running automatically and in parallel. Pneumothoraces as small as 20 mL could be detected with a sensitivity of 100% and specificity 95% and could be easily distinguished from parenchymal overdistension induced by PEEP or recruiting maneuvers, Their location was correctly identified in all cases, with a total delay of only three respiratory cycles. Conclusions. We created an EIT-based algorithm capable of detecting early signs of pneumothoraces in high-risk situations, which also identifies its location. It requires that the pneumothorax occurs or enlarges at least minimally during the monitoring period. Such detection was operator-free and in quasi real-time, opening opportunities for improving patient safety during mechanical ventilation.
Hepatectomy may prolong the survival of colorectal cancer patients with liver metastases. Two-stage liver surgery is a valid option for the treatment of bilobar colorectal liver metastasis. This video demonstrates technical aspects of a two-stage pure laparoscopic hepatectomy for bilateral liver metastasis. To the authors` knowledge, this is the first description of a two-stage laparoscopic liver resection in the English literature. A 54-year-old man with right colon cancer and synchronous bilobar colorectal liver metastasis underwent laparoscopic right colon resection followed by oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy. The patient then was referred for surgical treatment of liver metastasis. Liver volumetry showed a small left liver remnant. Surgical planning was for a totally laparoscopic two-stage liver resection. The first stage involved laparoscopic resection of segment 3 and ligature of the right portal vein. The postoperative pathology showed high-grade liver steatosis. After 4 weeks, the left liver had regenerated, and volumetry of left liver was 43%. The second stage involved laparoscopic right hepatectomy using the intrahepatic Glissonian approach. Intrahepatic access to the main right Glissonian pedicle was achieved with two small incisions, and an endoscopic vascular stapling device was inserted between these incisions and fired. The line of liver transection was marked following the ischemic area. Liver transection was accomplished with the Harmonic scalpel and an endoscopic stapling device. The specimen was extracted through a suprapubic incision. The falciform ligament was fixed to maintain the left liver in its original anatomic position, avoiding hepatic vein kinking and outflow syndrome. The operative time was 90 min for stage 1 and 240 min for stage 2 of the procedure. The recoveries after the first and second operations were uneventful, and the patient was discharged on postoperative days 2 and 7, respectively. Two-stage liver resections can be performed safely using laparoscopy. The intrahepatic Glissonian approach is a useful tool for pedicle control of the right liver, especially after previous dissection of the hilar plate.
Dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma may arise in patients with Barrett`s esophagus after fundoplication esophageal pH monitoring showing no acid in esophagus. This suggests the need to develop methodology to evaluate the occurrence of ultra-distal reflux (1 cm above the LES). The objective of the study was to compare acid exposition in three different levels: 5 cm above the upper border of the LES, 1 cm above the LES and in the intrasphincteric region. Eleven patients with Barrett`s esophagus after Nissen fundoplication with no clinical, endoscopic and radiologic evidence of reflux were selected. Four-channel pH monitoring took place: channel A, 5 cm above the upper border of the LES; channel B, 1 cm above the LES; channel C, intrasphincteric; channel D, intragastric. The results of channels A, B and C were compared. There was significant increase in number of reflux episodes and a higher fraction of time with pH <4.0 in channel B compared to channel A. There was significant decrease in fraction of time with pH <4.0 in channel B compared to channel C. Two cases of esophageal adenocarcinoma were diagnosed in the studied patients. The region 1 cm above the upper border of the LES is more exposed to acid than the region 5 cm above the upper border of the LES, although this exposure occurred in reduced levels. The region 1 cm above the upper border of the LES is less exposed to acid than the intrasphincteric region.
Although many mathematical models exist predicting the dynamics of transposable elements (TEs), there is a lack of available empirical data to validate these models and inherent assumptions. Genomes can provide a snapshot of several TE families in a single organism, and these could have their demographics inferred by coalescent analysis, allowing for the testing of theories on TE amplification dynamics. Using the available genomes of the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae, we indicate that such an approach is feasible. Our analysis follows four steps: (1) mining the two mosquito genomes currently available in search of TE families; (2) fitting, to selected families found in (1), a phylogeny tree under the general time-reversible (GTR) nucleotide substitution model with an uncorrelated lognormal (UCLN) relaxed clock and a nonparametric demographic model; (3) fitting a nonparametric coalescent model to the tree generated in (2); and (4) fitting parametric models motivated by ecological theories to the curve generated in (3).
Cognitive deficits are a key feature of recent-onset psychosis, but there is no consensus on whether such deficits are generalized or confined to specific domains. Besides, it is unclear whether cognitive deficits: a) are found in psychotic patients in samples from outside high-income countries; and b) whether they progress uniformly over time in schizophrenia and affective psychoses. We applied 12 tests organized into eight cognitive domains, comparing psychosis patients (n = 56, time from initial contact = 677.95+/-183.27 days) versus healthy controls (n = 70) recruited from the same area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Longitudinal comparisons (digit span and verbal fluency) were conducted between a previous assessment of the subjects carried out at their psychosis onset, and the current follow-up evaluation. Psychosis patients differed significantly from controls on five domains, most prominently on verbal memory. Cognitive deficits remained detectable in separate comparisons of the schizophrenia subgroup and, to a lesser extent, the affective psychosis subjects against controls. Longitudinal comparisons indicated significant improvement in schizophrenia, affective psychoses, and control subjects, with no significant group-by-time interactions. Our results reinforce the view that there are generalized cognitive deficits in association with recent-onset psychoses, particularly of non-affective nature, which persist over time. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cerebral toxoplasmosis is the most common cerebral mass lesion in AIDS patients in Brazil, and results in high mortality and morbidity, despite free access to HAART (highly active antiretroviral treatment). Molecular diagnosis based on conventional PCR (cnPCR) or real-time quantitative PCR (qrtPCR) has been indispensable for definitive diagnosis. We report here the evaluation of qrtPCR with blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from AIDS patients in Brazil. This prospective study was conducted for 2 years, analysing DNA samples extracted from 149 AIDS patients (98 blood and 51 CSF samples) with confirmed clinical and radiological diagnosis The laboratory diagnosis included cnPCR (with the B22/B23 primer set) and indirect immunofluorescence (IF). For qrtPCR, two primer sets were simultaneously designed based on described genes and using a 6-carboxyfluorescein dye-labelled TaqMan MGB (minor groove binder) probe One was Bug, which amplified a sequence from the B1 gene The other was the RETg, which amplified a PCR product of the 529 bp sequence. The overall cnPCR and qrtPCR results were positive results were observed in 33.6% (50) patients The sensitivities were 98% for cnPCR (B22/B23), and 86 and 98% for qrtPCR (B1Tg and RETg, respectively). Negative reactions were observed in 66 4% patients. The specificities were 97% for cnPCR and qrtPCR (B1Tg). and 88.8% for RETg These data show that RETg PCR is highly sensitive as it amplifies a repeat region with many copies; however, its specificity is lower than the other markers However, B1Tg PCR had good specificity, but lower sensitivity Among the patients, 20 had blood and CSF collected simultaneously Thus, their results permitted us to analyse and compare molecular, serological and clinical diagnosis for a better understanding of the different scenarios of laboratorial and clinical diagnosis. For nine patients with confirmed cerebral toxoplasmosis diagnosis, four scenarios were observed: (i) and (ii) negative molecular diagnosis for CSF and positive for blood with variable IF titres for the sera and CSF (negative or positive), (iii) positive molecular diagnosis with CSF and negative with blood, and (iv) positive molecular diagnosis in both samples. In the latter two situations, normally the IF titres in sera and CSF are variable. Other opportunistic infections were shown in 11 patients Despite the IF titres in sera and CSF being variable, all of them had negative molecular diagnosis for both samples qrtPCR allows for a rapid identification of Toxoplasma gondii DNA in patient samples; in a minority of cases discrepancies occur with the cnPCR.
Posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a serious complication following solid organ transplantation that has been linked to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. The aim of this article was to describe a single-center experience with the multiplicity of clinical presentations of PTLD. Among 350 liver transplantations performed in 303 children, 13 survivor children displayed a histological diagnosis of PTLD (13/242 survivors; 5.4%). The age at diagnosis ranged from 12 to 258 months (median, 47), and the time from transplantation ranged from 1 to 84 months (median, 13). Ten of these children (76.9%) were EBV-naive prior to transplantation. Fever was present in all cases. The clinical signs at presentation were anemia (92.3%), diarrhea and vomiting (69.2%), recurrent upper airway infections (38.4%), Waldeyer ring lymphoid tissue hypertrophy (23.0%), abdominal mass lesions (30.7%), massive cervical and mediastinal adenopathy (15.3%), or gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms (30.7%). One child developed fulminant hepatic allograft failure secondary to graft involvement by PTLD. Polymorphic PTLD was diagnosed in 6 patients; 7 had the diagnosis of lymphoma. Treatment consisted of stopping immunosuppression as well as starting intravenous gancyclovir and anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy. The mortality rate was 53.8%. The clinical presentation of PTLD varied from fever of unknown origin to fulminant hepatic failure. The other symptoms that may be linked to the diagnosis of PTLD are pancytopenia, tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy, cervical or mediastinal lymph node enlargement, as well as abdominal masses. Despite numerous advances, the optimal treatment approach for PTLD is not completely known and the mortality rate is still high.
Total scalp avulsion is a devastating injury in clinical practice. It often occurs in female adults, being rare in children. The standard treatment for scalp avulsion is microsurgical replantation, when feasible. Coverage becomes a major problem when replantation fails or is contraindicated, resulting in significant morbidity and requiring multiple procedures. In this article, in addition to reviewing the literature, we report a historical method for obtaining skin coverage after failure of replantation. The authors report a case of a 10-year-old girl who had her scalp totally avulsed by an agricultural machine, including her right auricle. Microsurgery scalp replantation was attempted immediately after fluid resuscitation. The surgery failed probably due to the long time interval between trauma and surgery, which resulted in total ischemic time of 11 h and consequently made vascular microanastomosis impracticable. Multiple trephination of the calvarium was performed in order to expose the diploe. After 4 weeks, granulation tissue from the holes began to cover the defect, allowing the formation of a vascular bed suitable for skin grafting. Total scalp avulsion in children is seldom reported in the literature. Therefore, its management is both difficult and challenging. The exposure of the diploe with multiple burr holes is a safe and effective method for treating this injury. It may be considered, along with skin grafting, a good therapeutic alternative to be used when microsurgical replantation fails or is not feasible.
Objective. This study aims to analyze the expression of cancer testis antigen 45 (CT45) in normal tissues and in plasma cell disorders and to identify possible associations with clinical data and prognosis in multiple myeloma (MM) patients. Materials and Methods. Expression of CT45 was studied in 20 normal tissues (testis, placenta, skeletal muscle, bladder, lung, spleen, heart, brain and fetal brain, thymus, uterus, stomach, mammary gland, pancreas, prostate, small intestine, kidney, adrenal gland, spinal cord, colon, and one pool of 10 normal bone marrow samples) and bone marrow aspirates from 3 monoclonal gammopathies of undetermined significance, 5 solitary plasmacytomas, 61 newly diagnosed MM patients and MM cell line U266 by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Results. CT45 was positive in 3 of 20 (15%) normal tissues tested: lung, brain (both fetal and adult), and spinal cord. Among monoclonal gammopathies, CT45 was positive in 2 of 5 (40%) solitary plasmacytomas bone marrow aspirates, 10 of 61 (16%) MM bone marrow aspirates, and in the U266 MM cell line. Conclusions. We did not find associations between bone marrow histology and CT45 expression. However, we demonstrated for the first time that positive expression of CT45 was associated with poor prognostic (international Staging System) and poor outcomes in MM patients, meaning that CT45-positive cases presented seven times more chance of worse evolution than the negative ones. (C) 2009 ISEH - Society for Hematology and Stem Cells. Published by Elsevier Inc.