32 resultados para Point absorber
The polymer tensiometer is a novel instrument to measure soil water pressure heads from saturation to permanent wilting conditions. We used tensiometers of this type in an experiment to determine the hydraulic properties of evaporating soil samples in the laboratory. Relative errors in the hydraulic conductivity function in the wet part were high due to the relatively low accuracy of the pressure transducers, resulting in a large uncertainty in the hydraulic gradient and therefore in the calculated hydraulic conductivity. In the dry part, the error related to this accuracy was on the same order of magnitude as the error related to balance accuracy. Therefore, the method can be assumed adequate for measuring soil hydraulic properties except under very wet conditions. In our experiments, relative error and bias increased significantly at pressure heads less negative than -1 m.
For a pair of non-Hermitian Hamiltonian H and its Hermitian adjoint H(dagger), there are situations in which their eigenfunctions form a biorthogonal system. We illustrate such a situation by means of a one-particle system with a one-dimensional point interaction in the form of the Fermi pseudo-potential. The interaction consists of three terms with three strength parameters g(i) (i = 1, 2 and 3), which are all complex. This complex point interaction is neither Hermitian nor PT-invariant in general. The S-matrix for the transmission reflection problem constructed with H (or with H(dagger)) in the usual manner is not unitary, but it conforms to the pseudo-unitarity that we define. The pseudounitarity is closely related to the biorthogonality of the eigenfunctions. The eigenvalue spectrum of H with the complex interaction is generally complex but there are cases where the spectrum is real. In such a case H and H(dagger) form a pseudo-Hermitian pair.
In order to investigate whether myofascial trigger points can modulate tinnitus, as well as the association between tinnitus and myofascial trigger points, 94 individuals with and 94 without tinnitus, matched by age and gender, were analyzed by means of bilateral digital pressure of 9 muscles. Temporary modulation of tinnitus was frequently observed (55.9%) during digital pressure, mainly in the masseter. The rate of tinnitus modulation was significantly higher on the same side of the myofascial trigger point subject to examination in 6 out of 9 muscles. An association between tinnitus and the presence of myofascial trigger points was observed (p < 0.001), as well as a laterality association between the ear with the worst tinnitus and the side of the body with more myofascial trigger points (p < 0.001). Thus, this relationship could be explained not only by somatosensory-auditory system interactions but also by the influence of the sympathetic system. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.
SETTING: Itaborai Municipality in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate access to tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis for users of the Family Health Program (FHP) and Reference Ambulatory Units (RAUs). DESIGN : A cross-sectional study was conducted in Itaborai City, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Between July and October 2007, a sample of 100 TB patients registered consecutively with the TB Control Program was interviewed using the primary care assessment tool. The two highest scores, describing `almost always` and `always`, or `good` and `very good`, were used as a cut-off point to define high quality access to diagnosis. RESULTS: FHP patients were older and had less education than RAU interviewees. Sex and overcrowding did not differ in the two groups. Patient groups did not differ with regard to the number of times care was sought at a unit, transport problems, cost of attending units and availability of consultation within 24 h. Adequate access to diagnosis was identified by 62% of the FHP patients and 53% of the RAU patients (P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: In Itaborai, Rio de Janeiro, TB patients believe that the FHP units provide greater access to TB diagnosis than RAUs. These findings will be used by the Department of Health to improve access to diagnosis in Itaborai.
The rise in boiling point of blackberry juice was experimentally measured at soluble solids concentrations in the range of 9.4 to 58.4Brix and pressures between 4.9 103 and 9.0 104 Pa (abs.). Different approaches to representing experimental data, including the Duhring`s rule, a model similar to Antoine equation and other empirical models proposed in the literature were tested. In the range of 9.4 to 33.6Brix, the rise in boiling point was nearly independent of pressure, varying only with juice concentration. Considerable deviations of this behavior began to occur at concentrations higher than 39.1Brix. Experimental data could be best predicted by adjusting an empirical model, which consists of a single equation that takes into account the dependence of rise in boiling point on pressure and concentration.
Cosmic shear requires high precision measurement of galaxy shapes in the presence of the observational point spread function (PSF) that smears out the image. The PSF must therefore be known for each galaxy to a high accuracy. However, for several reasons, the PSF is usually wavelength dependent; therefore, the differences between the spectral energy distribution of the observed objects introduce further complexity. In this paper, we investigate the effect of the wavelength dependence of the PSF, focusing on instruments in which the PSF size is dominated by the diffraction limit of the telescope and which use broad-band filters for shape measurement. We first calculate biases on cosmological parameter estimation from cosmic shear when the stellar PSF is used uncorrected. Using realistic galaxy and star spectral energy distributions and populations and a simple three-component circular PSF, we find that the colour dependence must be taken into account for the next generation of telescopes. We then consider two different methods for removing the effect: (i) the use of stars of the same colour as the galaxies and (ii) estimation of the galaxy spectral energy distribution using multiple colours and using a telescope model for the PSF. We find that both of these methods correct the effect to levels below the tolerances required for per cent level measurements of dark energy parameters. Comparison of the two methods favours the template-fitting method because its efficiency is less dependent on galaxy redshift than the broad-band colour method and takes full advantage of deeper photometry.
Point placement strategies aim at mapping data points represented in higher dimensions to bi-dimensional spaces and are frequently used to visualize relationships amongst data instances. They have been valuable tools for analysis and exploration of data sets of various kinds. Many conventional techniques, however, do not behave well when the number of dimensions is high, such as in the case of documents collections. Later approaches handle that shortcoming, but may cause too much clutter to allow flexible exploration to take place. In this work we present a novel hierarchical point placement technique that is capable of dealing with these problems. While good grouping and separation of data with high similarity is maintained without increasing computation cost, its hierarchical structure lends itself both to exploration in various levels of detail and to handling data in subsets, improving analysis capability and also allowing manipulation of larger data sets.
Localization and Mapping are two of the most important capabilities for autonomous mobile robots and have been receiving considerable attention from the scientific computing community over the last 10 years. One of the most efficient methods to address these problems is based on the use of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The EKF simultaneously estimates a model of the environment (map) and the position of the robot based on odometric and exteroceptive sensor information. As this algorithm demands a considerable amount of computation, it is usually executed on high end PCs coupled to the robot. In this work we present an FPGA-based architecture for the EKF algorithm that is capable of processing two-dimensional maps containing up to 1.8 k features at real time (14 Hz), a three-fold improvement over a Pentium M 1.6 GHz, and a 13-fold improvement over an ARM920T 200 MHz. The proposed architecture also consumes only 1.3% of the Pentium and 12.3% of the ARM energy per feature.
An evaluation was made of the influence of calcination temperatures on the structure, morphology and eletromagnetic properties of Ni-Zn ferrite powders. To this end, Ni(0.5)Zn(0.5)Fe(2)O(4) ferrite powders were prepared by combustion reaction and calcined at temperatures of 800, 1000 and 1200 degrees C/2 h. The resulting powders were characterized by XRD, SEM and reflectivity measurements in the frequency bands of 8-12 GHz. The results demonstrated that raising the calcination temperature increased the particle sizes of the powders of all the systems in question, improving the reflectivity of the materials. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A continuous version of the hierarchical spherical model at dimension d=4 is investigated. Two limit distributions of the block spin variable X(gamma), normalized with exponents gamma = d + 2 and gamma=d at and above the critical temperature, are established. These results are proven by solving certain evolution equations corresponding to the renormalization group (RG) transformation of the O(N) hierarchical spin model of block size L(d) in the limit L down arrow 1 and N ->infinity. Starting far away from the stationary Gaussian fixed point the trajectories of these dynamical system pass through two different regimes with distinguishable crossover behavior. An interpretation of this trajectories is given by the geometric theory of functions which describe precisely the motion of the Lee-Yang zeroes. The large-N limit of RG transformation with L(d) fixed equal to 2, at the criticality, has recently been investigated in both weak and strong (coupling) regimes by Watanabe (J. Stat. Phys. 115:1669-1713, 2004) . Although our analysis deals only with N = infinity case, it complements various aspects of that work.
We investigate the combined influence of quenched randomness and dissipation on a quantum critical point with O(N) order-parameter symmetry. Utilizing a strong-disorder renormalization group, we determine the critical behavior in one space dimension exactly. For super-ohmic dissipation, we find a Kosterlitz-Thouless type transition with conventional (power-law) dynamical scaling. The dynamical critical exponent depends on the spectral density of the dissipative baths. We also discuss the Griffiths singularities, and we determine observables.
Let M -> B, N -> B be fibrations and f(1), f(2): M -> N be a pair of fibre-preserving maps. Using normal bordism techniques we define an invariant which is an obstruction to deforming the pair f(1), f(2) over B to a coincidence free pair of maps. In the special case where the two fibrations axe the same and one of the maps is the identity, a weak version of our omega-invariant turns out to equal Dold`s fixed point index of fibre-preserving maps. The concepts of Reidemeister classes and Nielsen coincidence classes over B are developed. As an illustration we compute e.g. the minimal number of coincidence components for all homotopy classes of maps between S(1)-bundles over S(1) as well as their Nielsen and Reidemeister numbers.
We construct a two-point selection f : [P](2) -> P, where P is the set of the irrational numbers, such that the space (P, tau(f)) is not normal and it is not collectionwise Hausdorff either. Here, tau(f) denotes the topology generated by the two-point selection f. This example answers a question posed by V. Gutev and T. Nogura. We also show that if f :[X](2) -> X is a two-point selection such that the topology tau(f) has countable pseudocharacter, then tau(f) is a Tychonoff topology. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We determine derived representation type of complete finitely generated local and two-point algebras over an algebraically closed field. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Flash points (T(FP)) of hydrocarbons are calculated from their flash point numbers, N(FP), with the relationship T(FP) (K) = 23.369N(FP)(2/3) + 20.010N(FP)(1/3) + 31.901 In turn, the N(FP) values can be predicted from experimental boiling point numbers (Y(BP)) and molecular structure with the equation N(FP) = 0.987 Y(BP) + 0.176D + 0.687T + 0.712B - 0.176 where D is the number of olefinic double bonds in the structure, T is the number of triple bonds, and B is the number of aromatic rings. For a data set consisting of 300 diverse hydrocarbons, the average absolute deviation between the literature and predicted flash points was 2.9 K.