43 resultados para Pet-Vet
One of the most important recent improvements in cardiology is the use of ventricular assist devices (VADs) to help patients with severe heart diseases, especially when they are indicated to heart transplantation. The Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology has been developing an implantable centrifugal blood pump that will be able to help a sick human heart to keep blood flow and pressure at physiological levels. This device will be used as a totally or partially implantable VAD. Therefore, an improvement on device performance is important for the betterment of the level of interaction with patient`s behavior or conditions. But some failures may occur if the device`s pumping control does not follow the changes in patient`s behavior or conditions. The VAD control system must consider tolerance to faults and have a dynamic adaptation according to patient`s cardiovascular system changes, and also must attend to changes in patient conditions, behavior, or comportments. This work proposes an application of the mechatronic approach to this class of devices based on advanced techniques for control, instrumentation, and automation to define a method for developing a hierarchical supervisory control system that is able to perform VAD control dynamically, automatically, and securely. For this methodology, we used concepts based on Bayesian network for patients` diagnoses, Petri nets to generate a VAD control algorithm, and Safety Instrumented Systems to ensure VAD system security. Applying these concepts, a VAD control system is being built for method effectiveness confirmation.
In this work, the main factors affecting the rheological behavior of polyethylene terephtalate (PET) in the linear viscoelastic regime (water content, time delay before test, duration of experiment, and temperature) were accessed. Small amplitude oscillatory shear tests were performed after different time delays ranging from 300 to 5000 s for samples with water contents ranging from 0.02 to 0.45 wt %. Time sweep tests were carried out for different durations to explain the changes undergone by PET before and during small amplitude oscillatory shear measurements. Immediately after the time sweep tests, the PET samples were removed from the rheometer, analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry and their molar mass was obtained by viscometry analysis. It was shown that for all the samples, the delay before test and residence time within the rheometer (i.e. duration of experiment) result in structural changes of the PET samples, such as increase or decrease of molar mass, broadening of molar mass distribution, and branching phenomena. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 116: 3525-3533, 2010
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become an important tool in Neuroscience due to its noninvasive and high spatial resolution properties compared to other methods like PET or EEG. Characterization of the neural connectivity has been the aim of several cognitive researches, as the interactions among cortical areas lie at the heart of many brain dysfunctions and mental disorders. Several methods like correlation analysis, structural equation modeling, and dynamic causal models have been proposed to quantify connectivity strength. An important concept related to connectivity modeling is Granger causality, which is one of the most popular definitions for the measure of directional dependence between time series. In this article, we propose the application of the partial directed coherence (PDC) for the connectivity analysis of multisubject fMRI data using multivariate bootstrap. PDC is a frequency domain counterpart of Granger causality and has become a very prominent tool in EEG studies. The achieved frequency decomposition of connectivity is useful in separating interactions from neural modules from those originating in scanner noise, breath, and heart beating. Real fMRI dataset of six subjects executing a language processing protocol was used for the analysis of connectivity. Hum Brain Mapp 30:452-461, 2009. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Drosophila Fallen, 1823 (Diptera, Drosophilidae) is for long a well-established model organism for genetics and evolutionary research. The ecology of these flies, however, has only recently been better studied. Recent papers show that Drosophila assemblies can be used as bioindicators of forested environment degradation. In this work the bioindicator potential of drosophilids was evaluated in a naturally opened environment, a coastal strand-forest (restinga). Data from nine consecutive seasonal collections revealed strong temporal fluctuation pattern of the majority of Drosophila species groups. Drosophila willistoni group was more abundant at autumns, whereas D. cardini and D. tripunctata groups were, respectively, expressive at winters and springs, and D. repleta group at both seasons. The exotic species D. simulans Sturtevant, 1919 (from D. melanogaster group) and Zaprionus indianus Gupta, 1970 were most abundant at summers. Overall, the assemblage structure did not show the same characteristics of forested or urban environments, but was similar to the forests at winters and to cities at summers. This raises the question that this locality may already been under urbanization impact. Also, this can be interpreted as an easily invaded site for exotic species, what might lead to biotic homogenization and therefore can put in check the usage of drosophilid assemblages as bioindicators at open environments.
Objective-To evaluate the presence of a dominance rank in a group of cats and the relation between agonistic behavior and the use of resources, including environmental enrichment, in these cats. Design-Observational analytic study. Animals-27 neutered cats in a shelter in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Procedures-The cats were video recorded for 4 consecutive days to obtain baseline data. Subsequently, a puzzle feeder was added as an enrichment device every other day over 8 days, for a total of 4 days with enrichment. Cats were also video recorded on these days. All pretreatment and posttreatment agonistic behaviors and interactions with the puzzle feeder were recorded by reviewing the videotapes. Results-143 agonistic encounters were recorded, of which 44 were related to resources and 99 were not. There were insufficient agonistic interactions to determine a dominance rank. Presence or absence of the puzzle feeder did not affect the rate of aggression. There was no significant effect of weight, sex, or coat color on the rate of aggression, and aggressive behavior did not correlate with time spent with the puzzle feeder. Twenty-three of the 27 cats interacted with the puzzle feeder. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-In a stable group of communally housed cats, environmental enrichment did not cause increased aggression as a result of competition for the source of enrichment. Because environmental enrichment increases the opportunity to perform exploratory behaviors, it may improve the welfare of groups of cats maintained long-term in shelters, sanctuaries, or multicat households. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2011239:796-802)
Background and purpose: Tinnitus is a frequent disorder which is very difficult to treat and there is compelling evidence that tinnitus is associated with functional alterations in the central nervous system. Targeted modulation of tinnitus-related cortical activity has been proposed as a promising new treatment approach. We aimed to investigate both immediate and long-term effects of low frequency (1 Hz) repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in patients with tinnitus and normal hearing. Methods: Using a parallel design, 20 patients were randomized to receive either active or placebo stimulation over the left temporoparietal cortex for five consecutive days. Treatment results were assessed by using the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory. Ethyl cysteinate dimmer-single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging was performed before and 14 days after rTMS. Results: After active rTMS there was significant improvement of the tinnitus score as compared to sham rTMS for up to 6 months after stimulation. SPECT measurements demonstrated a reduction of metabolic activity in the inferior left temporal lobe after active rTMS. Conclusion: These results support the potential of rTMS as a new therapeutic tool for the treatment of chronic tinnitus, by demonstrating a significant reduction of tinnitus complaints over a period of at least 6 months and significant reduction of neural activity in the inferior temporal cortex, despite the stimulation applied on the superior temporal cortex.
Purpose of review To review neuroimaging findings that have been reported in samples of patients with cardiovascular disorders and their association with the onset of Alzheimer`s disease, vascular dementia, depression and bipolar disorder in the elderly and to highlight the implications of these findings to the knowledge about the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders in old age, as well as their potential clinical implications. Recent findings Vascular risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking habits and heart failure, have all been associated with signs of cerebrovascular dysfunction, including structural MRI findings of signal hyperintensities, lacunes and stroke and functional imaging findings of brain regional hypoperfusion and hypometabolism. Such brain abnormalities have been found to increase the risk of onset of psychiatric disorder (depression, bipolar and dementia) in old age. Summary As vascular risk factors are potentially modifiable when detected in midlife, the early characterization of brain changes associated with the presence of cardiovascular diseases holds promise to afford clinical applications in psychiatry, providing new perspectives for the prevention of old age psychiatric disorders.
Gemcitabine is a chemotherapy agent that may cause unpredictable side effects. In this report, we describe a fatal gemcitabine-induced pulmonary toxicity in a patient with gallbladder metastatic adenocarcinoma. A 72-year-old patient was submitted to an elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and a tubular adenocarcinoma in the gallbladder was incidentally diagnosed. CT scan and ultrasound before the surgery did not show any tumor. After the surgery a Pet scan was positive for a hot-spot in the left colon. The colonic lesion was conveniently removed and the histology evaluation confirmed the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma tubular. The patient was then submitted to three sections of 1,600 mg/m(2) of gemcitabine with intervals of 1 week. Three weeks later he developed severe respiratory distress. A helicoidal CT scan showed diffuse and severe interstitial pneumonitis, and lung biopsy confirmed accelerated usual interstitial pneumonia consistent with drug-induced toxicity. The patient presented unfavorable evolution with progressive worsening of respiratory function, hypotension, and renal failure. He died 1 month later in spite of methylprednisolone pulse therapy, large spectrum antimicrobial therapy, and full support of respiratory, hemodynamic and renal systems. Gemcitabine-induced pulmonary toxicity is usually a dramatic condition. Physicians should suspect pulmonary toxicity in patients with respiratory distress after gemcitabine chemotherapy, mainly in elderly patients.
Background. A 33-year-old woman presented to an endocrinology clinic with a 5-year history of secondary amenorrhea. 2 years before presentation, she had noticed progressively worsening signs of virilization. Investigations. Measurement of levels of serum free and total testosterone, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and gonadotropins; transvaginal ultrasonography, abdominal and pelvic MRI and (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET imaging. Diagnosis. Virilization secondary to an ovarian Leydig cell tumor. Management. The patient underwent a left salpingo-oophorectomy that confirmed the diagnosis of a unilateral Leydig cell tumor. Complete normalization of androgens and gonadotropin levels was achieved after surgery.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Functional brain variability has been scarcely investigated in cognitively healthy elderly subjects, and it is currently debated whether previous findings of regional metabolic variability are artifacts associated with brain atrophy. The primary purpose of this study was to test whether there is regional cerebral age-related hypometabolism specifically in later stages of life. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MR imaging and FDG-PET data were acquired from 55 cognitively healthy elderly subjects, and voxel-based linear correlations between age and GM volume or regional cerebral metabolism were conducted by using SPM5 in images with and without correction for PVE. To investigate sex-specific differences in the pattern of brain aging, we repeated the above voxelwise calculations after dividing our sample by sex. RESULTS: Our analysis revealed 2 large clusters of age-related metabolic decrease in the overall sample, 1 in the left orbitofrontal cortex and the other in the right temporolimbic region, encompassing the hippocampus, the parahippocampal gyrus, and the amygdala. The division of our sample by sex revealed significant sex-specific age-related metabolic decrease in the left temporolimbic region of men and in the left dorsolateral frontal cortex of women. When we applied atrophy correction to our PET data, none of the above-mentioned correlations remained significant. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that age-related functional brain variability in cognitively healthy elderly individuals is largely secondary to the degree of regional brain atrophy, and the findings provide support to the notion that appropriate PVE correction is a key tool in neuroimaging investigations.
Ventilation distribution can be assessed by SPECT with Technegas. This study was undertaken in piglets with different degrees of ventilation inhomogeneity to compare PET using (68)Ga-labeled pseudogas or ""Gallgas"" with Technegas. Methods: Twelve piglets were studied in 3 groups: control, lobar obstruction, and diffuse airway obstruction. Two more piglets were assessed for lung volume (functional residual capacity). Results: In controls, SPECT and PET images showed an even distribution of radioactivity. With lobar obstruction, the absence of ventilation of the obstructed lobe was visible with both techniques. In diffuse airway obstruction, SPECT images showed an even distribution of radioactivity, and PET images showed more varied radioactivity over the lung. Conclusion: PET provides detailed ventilation distribution images and a better appreciation of ventilation heterogeneity. Gallgas with PET is a promising new diagnostic tool for the assessment of ventilation distribution.
Purpose To assess the cost effectiveness of fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) in patients with Hodgkin`s lymphoma (HL) with unconfirmed complete remission (CRu) or partial remission (PR) after first-line treatment. Patients and Methods One hundred thirty patients with HL were prospectively studied. After treatment, all patients with CRu/PR were evaluated with FDG-PET. In addition, PET-negative patients were evaluated with standard follow-up, and PET-positive patients were evaluated with biopsies of the positive lesions. Local unit costs of procedures and tests were evaluated. Cost effectiveness was determined by evaluating projected annual economic impact of strategies without and with FDG-PET on HL management. Results After treatment, CRu/PR was observed in 50 (40.0%) of the 127 patients; the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of FDG-PET were 100%, 92.0%, 92.3%, and 100%, respectively (accuracy of 95.9%). Local restaging costs without PET were $350,050 compared with $283,262 with PET, a 19% decrease. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio is -$3,268 to detect one true case. PET costs represented 1% of total costs of HL treatment. Simulated costs in the 974 patients registered in the 2008 Brazilian public health care database showed that the strategy including restaging PET would have a total program cost of $56,498,314, which is $516,942 less than without restaging PET, resulting in a 1% cost saving. Conclusion FDG-PET demonstrated 95.9% accuracy in restaging for patients with HL with CRu/PR after first-line therapy. Given the observed probabilities, FDG-PET is highly cost effective and would reduce costs for the public health care program in Brazil.
Background: Since its introduction, laparoscopic colorectal surgery has raised intense debate and controversies regarding its safety and effectiveness. Methods: This multicentric registry reports the experience of 28 Brazilian surgical teams specializing in laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Results: Between 1992 and 2007, 4744 patients (1994 men-42% and 2750 women-58%) were operated upon, with ages ranging from 13 to 94 years (average 57.5y). Benign diseases were diagnosed in 2356 patients (49.6%). Most diseases were located in 50.7% of the left and sigmoid colon, 28.2% in the rectum and anal canal. 8.0% in the right colon, and diffuse 7.0%. There were 181 (3.8%) intraoperative complications (from 0% to 14%). There were 261 (5.5%) reported conversions to laparotomy (from 0% to 16.5%), mainly during the early experience (n = 119 - 59.8%). Postoperative complications were registered in 683 (14.5%) patients (from 5.0% to 50%). Mortality occurred in 43 patients (0.8%). Surgeons who performed less than 50 cases reported similar rates of intraoperative (4.2% vs. 3.8%,- P = 0.7), postoperative complications (20.8% vs. 14.3%; P = 0.07), and mortality (1.0% vs. 0.9%; P = 0.5) but the conversion rate was higher (10.4% vs. 5.4%; P = 0.04). Two thousand three hundred and eighty-nine (50.4%) malignant tumors were operated upon, and histologic classification showed 2347 (98%) adenocarcinomas, 30 (0.6%) spinocelular carcinomas, and 12 (0.2%) other histologic types. Tumor recurrence rate was 16.3% among patients followed more than I year. After an average follow-Lip of 52 months, 19 (0.8%) parietal recurrences were reported, 18 of which were in port sites and I in a patient with disseminated disease. There was no incisional recurrence in the ports used to withdraw the pathologic specimen. Compared with other registries, there was a 75% increase in the number of groups pet-forming laparoscopic colorectal surgery and a decrease in conversions (from 10.5%. to 5.5%) and mortality (from 1.5% to 0.9%) rates. Conclusions: (1) The number of patients operated upon increased expressively during the last years; (2) operative indications for benign and malignant diseases were similar, and diverticular disease of the colon comprised 40% of the benign ones; (3) conversion and mortality rates decreased over time; (4) Surgeon`s experience did not influence the complication rates, but was associated with a lower conversion; and (5) oncologic outcome expressed by recurrence rates showed results similar to those reported in conventional surgery.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is recognized as the leading cause of nosocomial respiratory infection among hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients, causing considerable morbidity and mortality. RSV is easily transmitted by contact with contaminated surfaces, and in HSCT units, more than 50% of RSV infections have been characterized as of nosocomial origin. From April 2001 to October 2002, RSV was identified by direct immunofluorescent assay in 42 symptomatic HSCT recipients. Seven RSV strains from 2001 and 12 RSV strains from 2002 were sequenced. RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, and seminested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers complementary to RSV genes G and F were pet-formed. PCR products were analyzed by nucleotide sequencing of the C-terminal region of gene G for typing (in group A or B). Of the 7 strains analyzed in 2001, only 2 belonged to group B; the other 5 belonged to group A. Of these 7 strains, 3 were identical and were from recipients receiving outpatient care. In 2002, of the 12 strains analyzed, 3 belonged to group A and the other 9 belonged to group B. Of these 9 strains, 7 were genetically identical and were also from recipients receiving outpatient care. Therefore, multiple strains of RSV cocirculated in the hematopoietic stem cell transplant units (ward and outpatient units) between 2001 and 2002. Nosocomial transmission was more likely to occur at the HSCT outpatient unit than in the HSCT ward. Infection control practices should also be implemented in the outpatient setting.
BACKGROUND: The development of newer diagnostic technologies has reduced the need for invasive electroencephalographic (EEG) studies in identifying the epileptogenic zone, especially in adult patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-HS). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate ictal single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in the evaluation and treatment of patients with MTLE-HS. METHODS: MTLE patients were randomly assigned to those with (SPECT, n = 124) and without ictal SPECT (non-SPECT, n = 116) in an intent-to-treat protocol. Primary end points were the proportion of patients with invasive EEG studies, and those offered surgery. Secondary end points were the length of hospital stay and the proportion of patients with secondarily generalized seizures (SGS) during video-EEG, postsurgical seizure outcome, and hospital cost. RESULTS: The proportion of patients offered surgery was similar in the SPECT (85%) and non-SPECT groups (81%), as well as the proportion that had invasive EEG studies (27% vs 23%). The mean duration of hospital stay was 1 day longer for the SPECT group (P < 0.001). SGS occurred in 51% of the SPECT and 26% of the non-SPECT group (P < 0.001). The cost of the presurgical evaluation was 35% higher for the SPECT compared with the non-SPECT group (P < 0.001). The proportion of patients seizure-free after surgery was similar in the SPECT (59%) compared with non-SPECT group (54%). CONCLUSION: Ictal-SPECT did not add localizing value beyond what was provided by EEG-video telemetry and structural MRI that altered the surgical decision and outcome for MTLE-HS patients. Ictal-SPECT increased hospital stay was associated with increased costs and a higher chance of SGS during video-EEG monitoring. These findings support the notion that a protocol including ictal SPECT is equivalent to one without SPECT in the presurgical evaluation of adult patients with MTLE-HS.