42 resultados para Oat bioassay


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Taking into account that information about the host status of cover crops for Pratylenchus brachyurus is scarce or contradictory, this study was undertaken to assess the host status of selected graminaceous cover crops by estimating nematode reproduction and their ability to decrease the nematode density in glasshouse conditions. Furthermore, the reproductive fitness of three P. brachyurus populations was assessed for Brachiaria grasses. Silage and forage sorghum proved to be good hosts for P. brachyurus; consequently, they should be avoided in fields infested with this lesion nematode, mainly before susceptible crop such as soybean, common bean, cowpea, and cotton. Dictyoneura grass, the pearl millet cv. ADR 300, and black oat were poor hosts for P. brachyurus but may increase densities of this nematode over time. Consequently, these cover crops might be used in infested fields for only short periods, because they could increase the P. brachyurus population density slowly but progressively.


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Host suitability of oats for Pratylenchus brachyurus Black oat (Avena strigosa), white oat (A. sativa) and Algerian oat (A. byzantina) are extensively cultivated in the south of Brazil for grain, forage, hay and silage production, or as cover crop in no-tillage and crop-pasture integration systems. In both systems, the genotypes of oat used as cover crop must be nonhosts or poor hosts of damaging nematodes for summer cash crops. Taking into account the relevance of Pratylenchus brachyurus as a pathogen for many cash crops in Brazil, two experiments were carried out in a glasshouse in order to evaluate the host suitability of selected oat cultivars to this nematode. The initial population inoculated (Pi) were 92 specimens/plot in experiment 1, and 270 in experiment 2. At the end of experimental periods (86 days after inoculation in experiment 1 and 67 days in experiment 2), the final population (Pf) of P. brachyurus was estimated and the reproductive factor (RF = Pf/Pi) was calculated. The results demonstrated that black oat (RF = 0.04-1.03) is more valuable than Algerian oat (RF = 2.63-2.88) or white oat (RF = 1.37-1.93) for the management of P. brachyurus.


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Host suitability of Avena spp. genotypes to Meloidogyne incognita race 4 The black oat (Avena strigosa), the white oat (A. sativa) and the Algerian oat (A. byzantina) have been widely used as cover crops under succession with soybean, cotton, bean, potato and carrot, which are crops highly damaged by Meloidogyne incognita. The management of M. incognita may have as a component the use of oat genotypes that reduce the nematode population density. Three greenhouse experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the host suitability of five genotypes of black oat (`CPAO 0010`, `Common`, `Embrapa 29`, `Embrapa 140` and `IPFA 99006`), one of white oat (`UFRGS 17`) and one of Algerian oat (`Sao Carlos`) to three isolates of M. incognita race 4 (BA, SP and MT). The black oats increased the population density of the nematode. The oats `UFRGS 17` and `Sao Carlos` reduced or caused a small increase in the population of M. incognita race 4, and neither differentiated from Crotalaria spectabilis. Therefore, the white oat `UFRGS 17` and the Algerian oat `Sao Carlos` should be used in preference to black oats as cover crops in areas infested with M. incognita race 4.


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Diagnosing herbicide-resistant weed populations is the first step for herbicide resistance management. Monitoring the nature, distribution, and abundance of the resistant plants in fields demands efficient and effective screening tests. Different glyphosate resistant populations of Lolium multiflorum (VA) and L. rigidum (C) were used in assays for testing their effectiveness to detect herbicide resistance. According to a Petri dish bioassay 7 days after treatment (DAT), the VA and the C populations were 27 and 31 times more resistant to glyphosate than the susceptible populations, L. multiflorum (SM) and L. rigidum (SR), respectively. On a whole-plant bioassay (21 DAT), the VA and the C populations were 6 and 11 times more resistant to glyphosate than their respective susceptible populations. The susceptible populations accumulated 2.5 and 1.4-fold more shikimic acid 48 hours after treatment (HAT), than the resistant VA and C. Glyphosate gradually inhibited net photosynthesis in all populations but at 48-72 HAT the resistant plants recovered, whereas no recovery was detected in susceptible populations. All assays were capable of detecting the resistant populations and this may be useful for farmers and consultants as an effective tool to reduce the spread of the resistant populations through quicker implementation of alternative weed management practices. However, they differed in time, costs and equipments necessaries for successfully carrying on the tests. Regarding costs, the cheapest ones were Petri dish and whole-plant bioassays, but they are time-consuming methods as the major constraints are the collection of seeds from the field and at least some weeks to evaluate the resistance. The shikimic acid and net photosynthesis assays were the quickest ones but they demand sophisticated equipments which could restrict its use.


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The short-term effects of surface lime application and black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) residues, with or without N fertilization, were evaluated in a long-term no-till (NT) system on a sandy clay loam, a kaolinitic, thermic Typic Hapludox from the state of Parana, Brazil. The main plot treatments were: control and dolomitic lime applied on soil surface at 8 Mg ha(-1). Three treatments with crop residues were evaluated on the subplots: (i) fallow, (ii) black oat residues, and (iii) black oat residues aft er N fertilization at 180 kg ha(-1). Black oat dry biomass was not affected by the treatments during 3 yr. Surface liming increased soil pH, microbial biomass, microbial activity, and bacterial/fungal ratio at the soil surface (0-5 cm), resulting in increased amino acid turnover, water-soluble humic substances formation, and N mineralization and nitrification. While the application of black oat did increase the soil pH, overall it had much less effect on soil biological processes and C and N pools than did lime. We concluded that black oat cannot replace the need for lime to optimize crop production in these tropical NT systems. In the long term, however, black oat should aid in the amelioration of acidity and replenishment of soil organic C pools and should help reduce erosion. Overall, this study suggests that overapplication of inorganic fertilizer N may occur in some tropical NT systems. Further experiments are required in NT systems to investigate the use of slow-release N fertilizers in combination with lime and black oat as a mechanism to reduce acidification and promote sustainability.


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This study consists of the bioassay-guided fractionation of the dichloromethane extract from Eudistoma vannamei and the pharmacological characterization of the active fractions. The dried hydromethanolic extract dissolved in aqueous methanol was partitioned with dichloromethane and chromatographed on a silica gel flash column. The anti-proliferative effect was monitored by the MTT assay. Four of the latest fractions, numbered 14 to 17, which held many chemical similarities amongst each other, were found to be the most active. The selected fractions were tested for viability, proliferation and death induction on cultures of HL-60 promycloblastic leukemia cells. The results suggested that the observed cytotoxicity is related to apoptosis induction. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Investigation of the bioactive crude extracts from two populations of the red alga Laurencia dendroidea from the southeastern Brazilian coast led to the identification of five sesquiterpenes: (+)-obtusane (1), a triquinane derivative (2), (-)-elatol (3), obtusol (4), and cartilagineol (5). An antileishmanial bioassay against Leishmania amazonensis was conducted for crude lipophilic extracts and for sesquiterpenes 2, 3, and 4. Compounds 3 and 4 displayed in vitro and in vivo leishmanicidal activity and very low cytotoxicity.


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Crude extracts of a callus culture (two culture media) and adult plants (two collections) from Alternanthera tenella Colla (Amaranthaceae) were evaluated for their antibacterial and antifungal activity, in order to investigate the maintenance of antimicrobial activity of the extracts obtained from plants in vivo and in vitro. The antibacterial and antifungal activity was determined against thirty strains of microorganisms including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts and dermatophytes. Ethanolic and hexanic extracts of adult plants collected during the same period of the years 1997 and 2002 [Ribeirao Preto (SP), collections 1 and 2] and obtained from plant cell callus culture in two different hormonal media (AtT43 and AtT11) inhibited the growth of bacteria, yeasts and dermatophytes with inhibition halos between 6 and 20 mm. For the crude extracts of adult plants bioassay-guided fractionation, purification, and isolation were performed by chromatographic methods, and the structures of the isolated compounds were established by analysis of chemical and spectral evidences (UV, IR, NMR and ES-MS). Steroids, saponins and flavonoids (aglycones and C-glycosides) were isolated. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the isolated compounds varied from 50 to 500 mu g/mL.


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Aspergillus terricola and Aspergillus ochraceus, isolated from Brazilian soil, were cultivated in Vogel and Adams media supplemented with 20 different carbon sources, at 30 A degrees C, under static conditions, for 120 and 144 h, respectively. High levels of cellulase-free xylanase were produced in birchwood or oat spelt xylan-media. Wheat bran was the most favorable agricultural residue for xylanase production. Maximum activity was obtained at 60 A degrees C and pH 6.5 for A. terricola, and 65 A degrees C and pH 5.0 for A. ochraceus. A. terricola xylanase was stable for 1 h at 60 A degrees C and retained 50% activity after 80 min, while A. ochraceus xylanase presented a t (50) of 10 min. The xylanases were stable in an alkali pH range. Biobleaching of 10 U/g dry cellulose pulp resulted in 14.3% delignification (A. terricola) and 36.4% (A. ochraceus). The brightness was 2.4-3.4% ISO higher than the control. Analysis in SEM showed defibrillation of the microfibrils. Arabinase traces and beta-xylosidase were detected which might act synergistically with xylanase.


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The in vitro inhibitory activity of crude EtOH/H(2)O extracts from the leaves and stems of Rosmarinus officinalis L. was evaluated against the following microorganisms responsible for initiating dental caries: Streptococcus mutans, salivarius, S. sobrinus, S. mitts 5 sanguinis, and Enterococcus faecalis. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined with the broth microdilution method. The bioassay-guided fractionation of the leaf extract, which displayed the higher antibacterial activity than the stem extract, led to the identification of carnosic acid (2) and carnosol (3) as the major compounds in the fraction displaying the highest activity, as identified by HPLC analysis. Rosmarinic acid (1), detected in another fraction, did not display any activity against the selected microorganisms. HPLC Analysis revealed the presence of low amounts of ursolic acid (4) and oleanolic acid (5) in the obtained fractions. The results suggest that the antimicrobial activity of the extract from the leaves of R. officinalis may be ascribed mainly to the action of 2 and 3.


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The present study was designed to explore the correlation between the frequency of micronuclei in Trad-MN, measured across 28 biomonitoring stations during the period comprised between 11 of May and 2 of October, 2006, and adjusted mortality rates due to cardiovascular, respiratory diseases and cancer in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, an area with different sources of air pollution. For controlling purposes, mortality rate due to gastrointestinal diseases (an event less prone to be affected by air pollution) was also considered in the analysis. Spatial distribution of micronuclei frequency was determined using average interpolation. The association between health estimators and micronuclei frequency was determined by measures of Pearson`s correlation. Higher frequencies of micronuclei were detected in areas with high traffic and close to a petrochemical pole. Significant associations were detected between micronuclei frequency and adjusted mortality rate due to cardiovascular diseases (r = 0.841, p = 0.036) and cancer (r = 0.890, p = 0.018). The association between mortality due to chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases was positive but did not reach statistical significance (r = 0.640, p = 0.172), probably because of the small number of events. Gastrointestinal mortality did not exhibit significant association with micronuclei frequency. Because the small number of observations and the nature of an ecological study, the present findings must be considered with caution and considered as preliminary. Further studies, performed in different conditions of contamination and climate should be done before considering Trad-MN in the evaluation of human health risk imposed by air pollutants. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The sludge produced in sewage treatment plants can contain toxic substances. Among these, the genotoxic substances are of great concern. The present paper aimed at evaluating the genotoxicity of treated sludge samples collected at four different sewage treatment plants (STP) located in the State of Sao Paulo Brazil, using the Trad-MN assay. Another objective of the study was to compare the responses of the Clone #4430 with the Tradescantia pallida. Sludge samples mixed with reference soil in concentrations of 10, 25 and 50% (v/v) were tested in experiments with 3 months exposure in the field. Negative and positive controls (arsenic trioxide) were also tested with both plants. In Clone #4430 two sludge samples induced genotoxicity while in T pallida three were positive, although no clear dose-response were observed for both plants. Results with the negative and positive controls suggest that T pallida presented similar results when compared to the Clone #4430. The protocol using plants chronically exposed to sludge mixed with soil seems to be a promising tool to assess the genotoxicity of sludge although time consuming. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate clinical and laboratorial features of 1234 patients with different etiologies of hyper-prolactinemia, as well as the response of 388 patients with prolactinomas to dopamine agonists. Design, setting, and patients: A total of 1234 hyperprolactinemic patients from 10 Brazilian endocrine centers were enrolled in this retrospective study. Main outcome measure: PRL measurement, thyroid function tests, and screening for macroprolactin were conducted. Results: Patients were subdivided as follows: 56.2% had prolactinomas, 14.5% drug-induced hyperprolactinemia, 9.3% macroprolactinemia, 6.6% non-functioning pituitary adenomas, 6.3% primary hypothyroidism, 3.6% idiopathic hyperprolactinemia, and 3.2% acromegaly. Clinical manifestations were similar irrespective of the etiology of the hyperprolactinemia. The highest PRL levels were observed in patients with prolactinomas but there was a great overlap in PRL values between all groups. However, PRL>500 ng/ml allowed a clear distinction between prolactinomas and the other etiologies. Cabergoline (CAB) was more effective than bromocriptine (BCR) in normalizing PRL levels (81.9% vs 67.1%, p<0.0001) and in inducing significant tumor shrinkage and complete disappearance of tumor mass. Drug resistance was observed in 10% of patients treated with CAB and in 18.4% of those that used BCR (p=0.0006). Side-effects and intolerance were also more common in BCR-treated patients. Conclusion: Prolactinomas, drug-induced hyperprolactinemia, and macroprolactinemia were the 3 most common causes of hyperprolactinemia. Although PRL levels could not reliably define the etiology of hyperprolactinemia, PRL values >500 ng/ml were exclusively seen in patients with prolactinomas. CAB was significantly more effective than BCR in terms of prolactin normalization, tumor shrinkage, and tolerability.


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Prostacyclin (PgI(2)) and endothelium-derived nitric oxide (EDNO) are produced by the arterial and venous endothelium. In addition to their vasodilator action on vascular smooth muscle, both act together to inhibit platelet aggregation and promote platelet disaggregation. EDNO also inhibits platelet adhesion to the endothelium. EDNO and PgI(2) have been shown to be released from the cultured endocardial cells. In this study, we examined the release of vasoactive substances from the intact endocardium by using isolated rabbit hearts perfused with physiological salt solution (95% O(2)/5% CO(2), T = 37 degrees C). The right and left cardiac chambers were perfused through separate constant-flow perfusion loops (physiological salt solution, 8 ml min(-1)). Effluent from left and right cardiac, separately, was bioassayed on canine coronary artery smooth muscle, which had been contracted with prostaglandin F(2 alpha_)(2 x 10(-6) M) and no change in tension was exhibit. However, addition of calcium ionophore A23187 (10(-6) M) to the cardiac chambers` perfusion line induced vasodilation of the bioassay coronary ring, 61.4 +/- 7.4% versus 70.49 +/- 6.1% of initial prostaglandin F(2 alpha) contraction for the left and right cardiac chambers perfusate, respectively (mean +/- SEM, n = 10, p > 0.05). Production of vasodilator was blocked totally in the left heart but, only partially blocked in the right heart by adding indomethacin (10(-5) M) to the perfusate, respectively, 95.2 +/- 2.2% versus 41.5 +/- 4.8% (mean +/- SEM, n = 10, p < 0.05). 6-Keto prostaglandin F(1 alpha), measured in the endocardial superfusion effluent was also higher for the left cardiac chambers than for the right at the time of stimulation with the A23187, respectively, 25385.88 +/- 5495 pg/ml (n = 8) versus 13,132.45 +/- 1839.82 pg/ml (n = 8), (p < 0.05). These results showed that cyclooxygenase pathway plays major role in generating vasoactive substances for the left cardiac chamber endocardium; while it is not the main pathway for the right ventricular endocardium at which EDNO and PgI(2) Could act together and potentiate their antithrombogenic activities in isolated perfused rabbit heart. This may be an explanation for the intraventricular thrombus mostly seen in left ventricle rather than in right ventricle as a complication of myocardial infarction. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Neospora caninum is one of the most important causes of abortion in dairy cattle worldwide. The distribution of N. caninum in tissues of adult cattle is unknown and the parasite has not been demonstrated histologically in tissues of cows. In the present study the distribution of N. caninum in different tissues of adult cattle was evaluated by bioassays in dogs. Seventeen dogs (2-3 month-old) were fed different tissues of 4 naturally exposed adult cattle (indirect fluorescent antibody test N. caninum titer >= 400): 5 were fed with masseter: 5 with heart, 3 with liver, 4 with brain, and 3 pups were used as non-infected control. Two dogs fed masseter, 2 fed heart, 1 fed liver, and 3 fed brain shed oocysts, and all dogs presented no seroconvertion to N. caninum during the observation period of 4 weeks. The oocysts were confirmed as N. caninum based on the detection of N. caninum-specific DNA by PCR and sequencing. The results indicate that dogs can be infected by N. caninum with different tissues of infected cattle. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.