46 resultados para MEAN-FIELD THEORY


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We present, from first principles, a direct method for evaluating the exact fermion propagator in the presence of a general background held at finite temperature, which can be used to determine the finite temperature effective action for the system. As applications, we determine the complete one loop finite temperature effective actions for (0 + 1)-dimensional QED as well as the Schwinger model. These effective actions, which are derived in the real time (closed time path) formalism, generate systematically all the Feynman amplitudes calculated in thermal perturbation theory and also show that the retarded (advanced) amplitudes vanish in these theories. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The third law of thermodynamics is formulated precisely: all points of the state space of zero temperature I""(0) are physically adiabatically inaccessible from the state space of a simple system. In addition to implying the unattainability of absolute zero in finite time (or ""by a finite number of operations""), it admits as corollary, under a continuity assumption, that all points of I""(0) are adiabatically equivalent. We argue that the third law is universally valid for all macroscopic systems which obey the laws of quantum mechanics and/or quantum field theory. We also briefly discuss why a precise formulation of the third law for black holes remains an open problem.


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We consider the three-particle scattering S-matrix for the Landau-Lifshitz model by directly computing the set of the Feynman diagrams up to the second order. We show, following the analogous computations for the non-linear Schrdinger model [1, 2], that the three-particle S-matrix is factorizable in the first non-trivial order.


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We investigate the perturbation series for the spectrum of a class of Schrodinger operators with potential V = 1/2 x(2) + g(m-1)x(2m)/(1 + alpha gx(2)) which generalize particular cases investigated in the literature in connection with models in laser theory and quantum field theory of particles and fields. It is proved that the series obey a modified strong asymptotic condition of order (m - 1) and have an order (m - 1) strong asymptotic series in g which are shown to be summable in the sense of Borel-Leroy method.


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We consider the formal non-relativistic limit (nrl) of the : phi(4):(s+1) relativistic quantum field theory (rqft), where s is the space dimension. Following the work of R. Jackiw [R. Jackiw, in: A. Ali, P. Hood-bhoy (Eds.), Beg Memorial Volume, World Scientific, Singapore, 1991], we show that, for s = 2 and a given value of the ultraviolet cutoff K, there are two ways to perform the nrl: (i) fixing the renormalized mass m(2) equal to the bare mass m(0)(2); (ii) keeping the renormalized mass fixed and different from the bare mass mo. In the (infinite-volume) two-particle sector the scattering amplitude tends to zero as K -> infinity in case (i) and, in case (ii), there is a bound state, indicating that the interaction potential is attractive. As a consequence, stability of matter fails for our boson system. We discuss why both alternatives do not reproduce the low-energy behaviour of the full rqft. The singular nature of the nrl is also nicely illustrated for s = 1 by a rigorous stability/instability result of a different nature. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We study the Schwinger model at finite temperature and show that a temperature dependent chiral anomaly may arise from the long distance behavior of the electric field. At high temperature this anomaly depends linearly on the temperature T and is present not only in the two point function, but also in all even point amplitudes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polycrystalline Ni nanowires were electrodeposited in nanoporous anodized alumina membranes with mean diameter of approximately 42 nm. Their magnetic properties were studied at 300 K, by measurements of recoil curves from demagnetized state and also from saturated state. M(rev) and M(irr) components were obtained and M(rev)(M(irr)) H curves were constructed from the experimental data. These curves showed a behavior that suggests a non-uniform reversal mode influenced by the presence of dipolar interactions in the system. A qualitative approach to this behavior is obtained using a Stoner-Wohlfarth model modified by a mean field term and local interaction fields. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The model of dynamical noncommutativity is proposed. The system consists of two interrelated parts. The first of them describes the physical degrees of freedom with the coordinates q(1) and q(2), and the second corresponds to the noncommutativity eta which has a proper dynamics. After quantization, the commutator of two physical coordinates is proportional to the function of eta. The interesting feature of our model is the dependence of nonlocality on the energy of the system. The more the energy, the more the nonlocality. The leading contribution is due to the mode of noncommutativity; however, the physical degrees of freedom also contribute in nonlocality in higher orders in theta .


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We study the duality of the supersymmetric self-dual and Maxwell-Chern-Simons theories coupled to a fermionic matter superfield, using a master action. This approach evades the difficulties inherent to the quartic couplings that appear when matter is represented by a scalar superfield. The price is that the spinorial matter superfield represents a unusual supersymmetric multiplet, whose main physical properties we also discuss. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider a Moyal plane and propose to make the noncommutativity parameter Theta(mu nu) bifermionic, i.e. composed of two fermionic (Grassmann odd) parameters. The Moyal product then contains a finite number of derivatives, which avoid the difficulties of the standard approach. As an example, we construct a two-dimensional noncommutative field theory model based on the Moyal product with a bifermionic parameter and show that it has a locally conserved energy-momentum tensor. The model has no problem with the canonical quantization and appears to be renormalizable.


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It is known that the actions of field theories on a noncommutative space-time can be written as some modified (we call them theta-modified) classical actions already on the commutative space-time (introducing a star product). Then the quantization of such modified actions reproduces both space-time noncommutativity and the usual quantum mechanical features of the corresponding field theory. In the present article, we discuss the problem of constructing theta-modified actions for relativistic QM. We construct such actions for relativistic spinless and spinning particles. The key idea is to extract theta-modified actions of the relativistic particles from path-integral representations of the corresponding noncommutative field theory propagators. We consider the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations for the causal propagators in such theories. Then we construct for the propagators path-integral representations. Effective actions in such representations we treat as theta-modified actions of the relativistic particles. To confirm the interpretation, we canonically quantize these actions. Thus, we obtain the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations in the noncommutative field theories. The theta-modified action of the relativistic spinning particle is just a generalization of the Berezin-Marinov pseudoclassical action for the noncommutative case.


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The sigma model describing the dynamics of the superstring in the AdS(5) x S(5) background can be constructed using the coset PSU(2, 2 vertical bar 4)/SO(4, 1) x SO(5). A basic set of operators in this two dimensional conformal field theory is composed by the left invariant currents. Since these currents are not (anti) holomorphic, their OPE`s is not determined by symmetry principles and its computation should be performed perturbatively. Using the pure spinor sigma model for this background, we compute the one-loop correction to these OPE`s. We also compute the OPE`s of the left invariant currents with the energy momentum tensor at tree level and one loop.


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We discuss an interacting tachyonic dark energy model in the context of the holographic principle. The potential of the holographic tachyon field in interaction with dark matter is constructed. The model results are compared with CMB shift parameter, baryonic acoustic oscilations, lookback time and the Constitution supernovae sample. The coupling constant of the model is compatible with zero, but dark energy is not given by a cosmological constant.


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We develop an approach to the deformation quantization on the real plane with an arbitrary Poisson structure which is based on Weyl symmetrically ordered operator products. By using a polydifferential representation for the deformed coordinates, xj we are able to formulate a simple and effective iterative procedure which allowed us to calculate the fourth-order star product (and may be extended to the fifth order at the expense of tedious but otherwise straightforward calculations). Modulo some cohomology issues which we do not consider here, the method gives an explicit and physics-friendly description of the star products.


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The concept of Fock space representation is developed to deal with stochastic spin lattices written in terms of fermion operators. A density operator is introduced in order to follow in parallel the developments of the case of bosons in the literature. Some general conceptual quantities for spin lattices are then derived, including the notion of generating function and path integral via Grassmann variables. The formalism is used to derive the Liouvillian of the d-dimensional Linear Glauber dynamics in the Fock-space representation. Then the time evolution equations for the magnetization and the two-point correlation function are derived in terms of the number operator. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.