114 resultados para Long-Life Fatigue
Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASCs) are among the more attractive adult stem cell options for potential therapeutic applications. Here, we studied and compared the basic biological characteristics of ASCs isolated from humans (hASCs) and mice (mASCs) and maintained in identical culture conditions, which must be examined prior to considering further potential clinical applications. hASCs and mASCs were compared for immunophenotype, differentiation potential, cell growth characteristics, senescence, nuclear morphology, and DNA content. Although both strains of ASCs displayed a similar immunophenotype, the percentage of CD73(+) cells was markedly lower and CD31(+) was higher in mASC than in hASC cultures. The mean population doubling time was 98.08 +/- 6.15 h for hASCs and 52.58 +/- 3.74 h for mASCs. The frequency of nuclear aberrations was noticeably lower in hASCs than in mASCs regardless of the passage number. Moreover, as the cells went through several in vitro passages, mASCs showed changes in DNA content and cell cycle kinetics (frequency of hypodiploid, G0/G1, G2/M, and hyperdiploid cells), whereas all of these parameters remained constant in hASCs. Collectively, these results suggest that mASCs display higher proliferative capacity and are more unstable than hASCs in long-term cultures. These results underscore the need to consider specificities among model systems that may influence outcomes when designing potential human applications.
Context. Emission lines formed in decretion disks of Be stars often undergo long-term cyclic variations, especially in the violet-to-red (V/R) ratio of their primary components. The underlying structural and dynamical variations of the disks are only partly understood. From observations of the bright Be-shell star. Tau, the possibly broadest and longest data set illustrating the prototype of this behaviour was compiled from our own and archival observations. It comprises optical and infrared spectra, broad-band polarimetry, and interferometric observations. Aims. The dense, long-time monitoring permits a better separation of repetitive and ephemeral variations. The broad wavelength coverage includes lines formed under different physical conditions, i.e. different locations in the disk, so that the dynamics can be probed throughout much of the disk. Polarimetry and interferometry constrain the spatial structure. All together, the objective is a better understand the dynamics and life cycle of decretion disks. Methods. Standard methods of data acquisition, reduction, and analysis were applied. Results. From 3 V/R cycles between 1997 and 2008, a mean cycle length in Ha of 1400-1430 days was derived. After each minimum in V/R, the shell absorption weakens and splits into two components, leading to 3 emission peaks. This phase may make the strongest contribution to the variability in cycle length. There is no obvious connection between the V/R cycle and the 133-day orbital period of the not otherwise detected companion. V/R curves of different lines are shifted in phase. Lines formed on average closer to the central star are ahead of the others. The shell absorption lines fall into 2 categories differing in line width, ionization/excitation potential, and variability of the equivalent width. They seem to form in separate regions of the disk, probably crossing the line of sight at different times. The interferometry has resolved the continuum and the line emission in Br gamma and HeI 2.06. The phasing of the Br gamma emission shows that the photocenter of the line-emitting region lies within the plane of the disk but is offset from the continuum source. The plane of the disk is constant throughout the observed V/R cycles. The observations lay the foundation for the fully self-consistent, one-armed, disk-oscillation model developed in Paper II.
Insect societies are well known for their high degree of cooperation, but their colonies can potentially be exploited by reproductive workers who lay unfertilized, male eggs, rather than work for the good of the colony. Recently, it has also been discovered that workers in bumblebees and Asian honeybees can succeed in entering and parasitizing unrelated colonies to produce their own male offspring. The aim of this study was to investigate whether such intraspecific worker parasitism might also occur in stingless bees, another group of highly social bees. Based on a large-scale genetic study of the species Melipona scutellaris, and the genotyping of nearly 600 males from 45 colonies, we show that similar to 20% of all males are workers` sons, but that around 80% of these had genotypes that were incompatible with them being the sons of workers of the resident queen. By tracking colonies over multiple generations, we show that these males were not produced by drifted workers, but rather by workers that were the offspring of a previous, superseded queen. This means that uniquely, workers reproductively parasitize the next-generation workforce. Our results are surprising given that most colonies were sampled many months after the previous queen had died and that workers normally only have a life expectancy of similar to 30 days. It also implies that reproductive workers greatly outlive all other workers. We explain our results in the context of kin selection theory, and the fact that it pays workers more from exploiting the colony if costs are carried by less related individuals.
The objective of this study was to validate the Piper Fatigue Scale-Revised (PFS-R) for use in Brazilian culture. Translation of the PFS-R into Portuguese and validity and reliability tests were performed. Convenience samples in Brazil we as follows: 584 cancer patients (mean age 57 +/- 13 years; 51.3% female); 184 caregivers (mean age 50 +/- 12.7 years; 65.8% female); and 189 undergraduate nursing students (mean age 21.6 +/- 2.8 years; 96.2% female); Instruments used were as follows: Brazilian PFS, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS). The 22 items of the Brazilian PFS loaded well (factor loading > 0.35) on three dimensions identified by factor analysis (behavioral, affective, and sensorial-psychological). These dimensions explained 65% of the variance. Internal consistency reliability was very good (Cronbach`s alpha ranged from 0.841 to 0.943 for the total scale and its dimensions). Cancer patients and their caregivers completed the Brazilian PFS twice for test-retest reliability and results showed good stability (Pearson`s r a parts per thousand yenaEuro parts per thousand 0,60, p < 0,001). Correlations among the Brazilian PFS and other scales were significant, in hypothesized directions, and mostly moderate contributing to divergent (Brazilian PFS x KPS) and convergent validity (Brazilian PFS x BDI). Mild, moderate, and severe fatigue in patients were reported by 73 (12.5%), 167 (28.6%), and 83 (14.2%), respectively. Surprisingly, students had the highest mean total fatigue scores; no significant differences were observed between patients and caregivers showing poor discriminant validity. While the Brazilian PFS is a reliable and valid instrument to measure fatigue in Brazilian cancer patients, further work is needed to evaluate the discriminant validity of the scale in Brazil.
Aim: To evaluate the sexual functioning of breast cancer patients post mastectomy and its association with their quality of life, the personal characteristics of women and their partners, breast reconstruction, cancer staging and adjuvant therapies. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a University hospital located in the SouthEast of Brazil. A total of 100 women were included in the study. The parameters evaluated were sexual functioning, which was assessed based on the Sexual Quotient Female Version (SQ-F), quality of life (QoL), evaluated by the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form (SF-36), cancer staging, breast reconstruction, adjuvant therapies and the personal characteristics of patients (age, years of study and years of marriage) and their partners (age, years of study). Results: The majority (40.48%) of women had an unfavorable to regular SQ-F score. A significant positive correlation (p < 0.05) was found between the SQ-F score and years of education (p = 0.03), and the following SF-36 domains: functional capacity (p = 0.03), vitality (p = 0.06), emotional limitations (p = 0.00) and mental health (p = 0.03). A significant negative correlation was found between SQ-F score and the age of the partners (p = 0.03). SQ-F mean value was significantly higher (p = 0.04) among women who underwent breast reconstruction. Conclusions: Women with low educational level, who have older partners, and who did not have a breast reconstruction should receive special attention with respect to their sexuality, and the effects of mastectomy on the sexuality of patients should be assessed. Oncology nurses are best qualified to recognize issues related to sexuality and quality of life, and can offer specific and meaningful support for breast cancer patients. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Impact of cancer-related symptom synergisms on health-related quality of life and performance status
To identify the impact of multiple symptoms and their co-occurrence on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) dimensions and performance status (PS), 115 outpatients with cancer, who were not receiving active cancer treatment and were recruited from, a university hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil completed the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-C30, the Beck Depression Inventory, and the Brief Pain Inventory. Karnofsky Performance Status scores also were completed. Application of TwoStep Cluster analysis resulted in two distinct patient subgroups based on 113 patient experiences with pain, depression, fatigue, insomnia, constipation, lack of appetite, dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. One group had multiple and severe symptom subgroup and another had Less symptoms and with lower severity. Multiple and severe symptoms had worse PS, role functioning, and physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and overall HRQOL. Multiple and severe symptom subgroup was also six times as likely as lower severity to have poor role functioning;five times more likely to have poor emotional;four times more likely to have poor PS, physical, and overall HRQOL, and three times as likely to have poor cognitive and social HRQOL, independent of gender, age, level of education, and economic condition. Classification and Regression Tree analyses were undertaken to identify which co-occurring symptoms would best determine reduction in HRQOL and PS. Pain and fatigue were identified as indicators of reduction on physical HRQOL and PS. Fatigue and insomnia were associated with reduction in cognitive; depression and pain in social; and fatigue and constipation in role functioning. Only depression was associated with reduction in overall HRQOL. These data demonstrate that there is a synergic effect among distinct cancer symptoms that result in reduction in HRQOL dimensions and PS.
The aim of this study was to directly compare the causes of fatigue after a short- and a long-rest interval between consecutive stretch-shortening cycle exercises. Eleven healthy males jumped with different resting period lengths (short = 6.1 +/- 1 s, long = 8.6 +/- 0.9 s), performing countermovement jumps at 95% of their maximal jump height until they were unable to sustain the target height. After short- and long-rest, the maximal voluntary isometric contraction knee extension torque decreased (-7%; p = 0.04), comparing to values obtained before exercise protocols. No change was seen from pre- to post-exercise, for either short- or long-rest, in biceps femoris coactivation (-1%; p = 0.95), peak-to-peak amplitude (1%; p = 0.95) and duration (-8%; p = 0.92) of the compound muscle action potential of the vastus lateralis. Evoked peak twitch torque reduced after both exercise protocols (short = -26%, long = -32%; p = 0.003) indicating peripheral fatigue. However, central fatigue occurred only after short-rest evidenced by a reduction in voluntary activation of the quadriceps muscle (-14%; p = 0.013) measured using the interpolated twitch technique. In conclusion, after Stretch-shortening cycle exercise using short rest period length, the cause of fatigue was central and peripheral, while after using long rest period length, the cause of fatigue was peripheral.
Background: The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to treat cancer patients has increased around the world, and its benefits have been described. These therapies represent an important theme in oncology and have been used in parallel with conventional therapies. Objective: This study aimed to assess the outcomes of using relaxation with visualization and acupuncture on the quality of life of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment and to compare these outcomes with patients who did not choose to receive the intervention. Methods: Participants chose to be in either the intervention group (IG) or control group (CG). They completed the Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30 at the start and end of chemotherapy. The IG was chosen by 38 patients with different types of cancer who completed weekly relaxation with visualization and acupuncture sessions, whereas the CG was composed of 37 patients who did not receive the intervention. Results: Statistically significant results evidenced an increase in global health and emotional and social functions and a decrease in fatigue and loss of appetite for the IG, and an increase in global health for the CG (P <= .05). A highly significant difference was found when comparing the post-chemotherapy scores of the Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30 in the global health domain between the CG and the IG (P <= .001), indicating positive outcomes of the CAM intervention. Conclusion: Adults with cancer are able to choose between involvement or not with this kind of CAM intervention. Global health could be improved by participating in this type of intervention. Implications for Practice: Choosing whether to be involved may be assisted by knowing the positive outcomes for some patients.
A methodology for the computational modeling of the fatigue crack growth in pressurized shell structures, based on the finite element method and concepts of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, is presented. This methodology is based on that developed by Potyondy [Potyondy D, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea, AR. Discrete crack growth analysis methodology for through crack in pressurized fuselage structures. Int J Numer Methods Eng 1995;38:1633-1644], which consists of using four stress intensity factors, computed from the modified crack integral method, to predict the fatigue propagation life as well as the crack trajectory, which is computed as part of the numerical simulation. Some issues not presented in the study of Potyondy are investigated herein such as the influence of the crack increment size and the number of nodes per element (4 or 9 nodes) on the simulation results by means of a fatigue crack propagation simulation of a Boeing 737 airplane fuselage. The results of this simulation are compared with experimental results and those obtained by Potyondy [1]. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cementitious stabilization of aggregates and soils is an effective technique to increase the stiffness of base and subbase layers. Furthermore, cementitious bases can improve the fatigue behavior of asphalt surface layers and subgrade rutting over the short and long term. However, it can lead to additional distresses such as shrinkage and fatigue in the stabilized layers. Extensive research has tested these materials experimentally and characterized them; however, very little of this research attempts to correlate the mechanical properties of the stabilized layers with their performance. The Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) provides a promising theoretical framework for the modeling of pavements containing cementitiously stabilized materials (CSMs). However, significant improvements are needed to bring the modeling of semirigid pavements in MEPDG to the same level as that of flexible and rigid pavements. Furthermore, the MEPDG does not model CSMs in a manner similar to those for hot-mix asphalt or portland cement concrete materials. As a result, performance gains from stabilized layers are difficult to assess using the MEPDG. The current characterization of CSMs was evaluated and issues with CSM modeling and characterization in the MEPDG were discussed. Addressing these issues will help designers quantify the benefits of stabilization for pavement service life.
Background-The effectiveness of heart failure disease management proarams in patients under cardiologists` care over long-term follow-up is not established. Methods and Results-We investigated the effects of a disease management program with repetitive education and telephone monitoring on primary (combined death or unplanned first hospitalization and quality-of-life changes) and secondary end points (hospitalization, death, and adherence). The REMADHE [Repetitive Education and Monitoring for ADherence for Heart Failure] trial is a long-term randomized, prospective, parallel trial designed to compare intervention with control. One hundred seventeen patients were randomized to usual care, and 233 to additional intervention. The mean follow-up was 2.47 +/- 1.75 years, with 54% adherence to the program. In the intervention group, the primary end point composite of death or unplanned hospitalization was reduced (hazard ratio, 0.64; confidence interval, 0.43 to 0.88; P=0.008), driven by reduction in hospitalization. The quality-of-life questionnaire score improved only in the intervention group (P<0.003). Mortality was similar in both groups. Number of hospitalizations (1.3 +/- 1.7 versus 0.8 +/- 1.3, P<0.0001), total hospital days during the follow-up (19.9 +/- 51 versus 11.1 +/- 24 days, P<0.0001), and the need for emergency visits (4.5 +/- 10.6 versus 1.6 +/- 2.4, P<0.0001) were lower in the intervention group. Beneficial effects were homogeneous for sex, race, diabetes and no diabetes, age, functional class, and etiology. Conclusions-For a longer follow-up period than in previous studies, this heart failure disease management program model of patients under the supervision of a cardiologist is associated with a reduction in unplanned hospitalization, a reduction of total hospital days, and a reduced need for emergency care, as well as improved quality of life, despite modest program adherence over time. (Circ Heart Fail. 2008;1:115-124.)
Purpose: The impact of pelvic floor muscle training on the recovery of urinary continence after radical prostatectomy is still controversial. We tested the effectiveness of biofeedback-pelvic floor muscle training in improving urinary incontinence in the 12 months following radical prostatectomy. Materials and Methods: A total of 73 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy were randomized to a treatment group (36) receiving biofeedback-pelvic floor muscle training once a week for 3 months as well as home exercises or a control group (37). Patients were evaluated 1, 3, 6 and 12 months postoperatively. Continence was defined as the use of 1 pad or less daily and incontinence severity was measured by the 24-hour pad test. Incontinence symptoms and quality of life were assessed with the International Continence Society male Short Form questionnaire and the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire. Pelvic floor muscle strength was evaluated with the Oxford score. Results: A total of 54 patients (26 pelvic floor muscle training and 28 controls) completed the trial. Duration of incontinence was shorter in the treatment group. At postoperative month 12, 25 (96.15%) patients in the treatment group and 21 (75.0%) in the control group were continent (p = 0.028). The absolute risk reduction was 21.2% (95% CI 3.45-38.81) and the relative risk of recovering continence was 1.28 (95% CI 1.02-1.69). The number needed to treat was 5 (95% CI 2.6-28.6). Overall there were significant changes in both groups in terms of incontinence symptoms, lower urinary tract symptoms, quality of life and pelvic floor muscle strength (p <0.0001). Conclusions: Early biofeedback-pelvic floor muscle training not only hastens the recovery of urinary continence after radical prostatectomy but allows for significant improvements in the severity of incontinence, voiding symptoms and pelvic floor muscle strength 12 months postoperatively.
Despite modern reanimation surgical techniques, facial paralysis presents with functional and aesthetic deficits. We evaluated facial symmetry after treating with botulinum toxin the healthy side of the face of 25 patients with long-standing facial paralysis who had previously been treated by surgical methods, with 6 months follow-up. Evaluation consisted of a clinical score, the two subscales of the Facial Disability Index, and surface electromyography. The mean botulinum toxin dose was 38 +/- A 5 U (range = 15-69 U). The clinical score showed significant reduction of asymmetry of 48.4% at 1 month and 16.8% after 6 months. The initial result was a consequence of reduced motion on the treated side combined with better motion on the paralyzed side. At 6 months, the treated side returned to basal scores. The residual effect seen in symmetry was due to an increase (18%) of motion in the paralyzed side. There was a significant decrease in the action potential of muscles on the nonparalyzed side 1 month post injection but completely reverted after 6 months. The Physical Function Index increased, but not significantly. The Social/Well-Being Function Index showed a significant increase at 6 months compared to pretreatment. The proposed treatment improved facial symmetry for up to 6 months. Even after the end of the clinical effect of the drug, the paralyzed side`s clinical score was 18% higher than pretreatment, with an increased quality of life.
Objective: Physical and psychological incapacity, including fear of falling is related to decreased satisfaction with life in osteoporosis (OP). The impact of a balance exercise program on improving the quality of life is not well established. We have, therefore, investigated the effect of 12-month Balance Training Program in quality of life, functional balance and falls in elderly OP women. Methods: Sixty consecutive women with senile OP were randomized into a Balance Training Group (BT) of 30 patients and no intervention control group (CG) of 30 patients. The BT program included techniques to improve balance over a period of 12 months (1 h exercise session/week and home-based exercises). The quality of life was evaluated before and at the end of the trial using the Osteoporosis Assessment Questionnaire (OPAQ), functional balance was evaluated by Berg Balance Scale (BBS). Falls in the preceding year were noted and compared to the period of study. Results: The comparison of OPAQ variations (INITIAL-FINAL) revealed a significant improvement in quality of life in all parameters for BT compared to CG: well-being (1.61 +/- 1.44 vs. -1.46 +/- 1.32, p < 0001), physical function (1.30 +/- 1.33 vs. -0.36 +/- 0.82, p < 0.001), psychological status (1.58 +/- 1.36 vs. -1.02 +/- 0.83, p < 0.001), symptoms (2.76 +/- 1.96 vs. -0.63 +/- 0.87, p < 0.001), social interaction (1.01 +/- 1.51 vs. 0.35 +/- 1.08, p < 0.001). Of note, this overall benefit was paralleled by an improvement of BBS (-5.5 +/- 5.67 vs. +0.5 +/- 4.88 p < 0.001) and a reduction of falls in 50% in BT group vs. 26.6% for the CG (RR: 1.88, p < 0.025). Conclusion: The long-term Balance Training Program of OP women provides a striking overall health quality of life improvement in parallel with improving functional balance and reduced falls. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aims Trials of disease management programmes (DMP) in heart failure (HF) have shown controversial results regarding quality of life. We hypothesized that a DMP applied over the long-term could produce different effects on each of the quality-of-life components. Methods and results We extended the prospective, randomized REMADHE Trial, which studied a DMP in HF patients. We analysed changes in Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire components in 412 patients, 60.5% male, age 50.2 +/- 11.4 years, left ventricular ejection fraction 34.7 +/- 10.5%. During a mean follow-up of 3.6 +/- 2.2 years, 6.3% of patients underwent heart transplantation and 31.8% died. Global quality-of-life scores improved in the DMP intervention group, compared with controls, respectively: 57.5 +/- 3.1 vs. 52.6 +/- 4.3 at baseline, 32.7 +/- 3.9 vs. 40.2 +/- 6.3 at 6 months, 31.9 +/- 4.3 vs. 41.5 +/- 7.4 at 12 months, 26.8 +/- 3.1 vs. 47.0 +/- 5.3 at the final assessment; P<0.01. Similarly, the physical component (23.7 +/- 1.4 vs. 21.1 +/- 2.2 at baseline, 16.2 +/- 2.9 vs. 18.0 +/- 3.3 at 6 months, 17.3 +/- 2.9 vs. 23.1 +/- 5.7 at 12 months, 11.4 +/- 1.6 vs. 19.9 +/- 2.4 final; P<0.01), the emotional component (13.2 +/- 1.0 vs. 12.1 +/- 1.4 at baseline, 11.7 +/- 2.7 vs. 12.3 +/- 3.1 at 6 months, 12.4 +/- 2.9 vs. 16.8 +/- 5.9 at 12 months, 6.7 +/- 1.0 vs. 10.6 +/- 1.4 final; P<0.01) and the additional questions (20.8 +/- 1.2 vs. 19.3 +/- 1.8 at baseline, 14.3 +/- 2.7 vs. 17.3 +/- 3.1 at 6 months, 12.4 +/- 2.9 vs. 21.0 +/- 5.5 at 12 months, 6.7 +/- 1.4 vs. 17.3 +/- 2.2 final; P<0.01) were better (lower) in the intervention group. The emotional component improved earlier than the others. Post-randomization quality of life was not associated with events. Conclusion Components of the quality-of-life assessment responded differently to DMP. These results indicate the need for individualized DMP strategies in patients with HF. Trial registration information www.clincaltrials.gov NCT00505050-REMADHE.