28 resultados para Law, John: After method : mess in social science research
This paper argues that the idea of inclusion is linked to the democratic tradition rather than to the republican one. By analyzing the origins and meaning of these two concepts, the author holds that democracy is rather linked to desire and republic to will (and to the expression of desire), and concludes that, since North Atlantic political tradition has not given a key role to desire, democracy, in order to overcome the difficulties it has been encountering in all parts of the world, should take more account of desire and of the social struggles it brings to the fore.
Background: Since the cell therapy benefits for myocardial infarction are mainly related to infarct reduction by regenerating lost myocardium or increasing survival of tissues at risk, we evaluated the effects of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (MNC), implanted after the completion of necrosis, on infarct progression and cardiac remodeling. Methods: After 48 h of induction of myocardial infarction (MI), Lewis-inbred rats were injected with 6 x 10(6) cells (MI + MNC) or saline (MI). After six weeks, scar dimension, ventricular morphology and function were analyzed by echocardiography followed by histomorphology of the infarcted and border zones. Results: After therapy, the relative size of the infarct was smaller in MI + MNC (37 +/- 1% of the left ventricle) than in MI (43 +/- 1%). While the MI group exhibited parallel elongation of the infarcted (31.6 +/- 3.8% increase) and reminiscent ventricular portions (33.5 +/- 3.7%), MNC therapy preserved the initial infarct length. Infarcted walls were thicker (979 +/- 31 mm) in the MNC group than in the untreated group (709 +/- 41 mm), also demonstrating an absence of infarct expansion. In the border zones, MNC led to increased capillary densities and capillary/myocyte ratios. The cardiac systolic function remained depressed in MI, but improved by 19 +/- 5% in MI + MNC which reduced the incidence of pulmonary arterial hypertension (37.5% in MI and 6.25% in MI + MNC). Conclusion: MNC therapy prevented the infarct expansion and thinning related to cardiac remodeling and was associated with an improvement of border zone microcirculation: as a result, MNC therapy reduced typical MI dysfunctional repercussions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To assess, in patients undergoing glossectomy, the influence of the palatal augmentation prosthesis on the speech intelligibility and acoustic spectrographic characteristics of the formants of oral vowels in Brazilian Portuguese, specifically the first 3 formants (F1 [/a,e,u/], F2 [/o,o,u/], and F3 [/a,o/]). Design: Speech evaluation with and without a palatal augmentation prosthesis using blinded randomized listener judgments. Setting: Tertiary referral center. Patients: Thirty-six patients (33 men and 3 women) aged 30 to 80 (mean [SD], 53.9 [10.5]) years underwent glossectomy (14, total glossectomy; 12, total glossectomy and partial mandibulectomy; 6, hemiglossectomy; and 4, subtotal glossectomy) with use of the augmentation prosthesis for at least 3 months before inclusion in the study. Main Outcome Measures: Spontaneous speech intel-ligibility (assessed by expert listeners using a 4-category scale) and spectrographic formants assessment. Results: We found a statistically significant improvement of spontaneous speech intelligibility and the average number of correctly identified syllables with the use of the prosthesis (P < .05). Statistically significant differences occurred for the F1 values of the vowels /a,e,u/; for F2 values, there was a significant difference of the vowels /o,o,u/; and for F3 values, there was a significant difference of the vowels la,61 (P < .001). Conclusions: The palatal augmentation prosthesis improved the intelligibility of spontaneous speech and syllables for patients who underwent glossectomy. It also increased the F2 and F3 values for all vowels and the F I values for the vowels /o,o,u/. This effect brought the values of many vowel formants closer to normal.
Objectives: Injectable corticosteroids have been used in phonosurgery to prevent scarring of the vocal fold because of their effects of wound healing, and to ensure better voice quality. We histologically evaluated the effects of dexamethasone sodium phosphate infiltration on acute vocal fold wound healing in rabbits 3 and 7 days after surgically induced injury by quantification of the inflammatory reaction and collagen deposition. Methods: A standardized surgical incision was made in the vocal folds of 12 rabbits, and 0.1 mL dexamethasone sodium phosphate (4 mg/mL) was injected into the left vocal fold. The right vocal fold was not injected and served as the control. The larynges were collected 3 and 7 days after surgery. For histologic analysis, the vocal folds were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for quantification of the inflammatory response and with picrosirius red for qunatification of collagen depostion. Results: There was no quantitative difference in the inflammatory response between vocal folds injected with the corticosteroid and control vocal folds. However, the rate of collage deposition was significantly lower in the corticosteroid-treated group at 3 and 7 days after injury (p = 0.002). Conclusions: The present results suggest that dexamethasone reduces collagen depostion during acute vocal fold wound healing.
Introduction: Recruitment maneuvers (RMs) seem to be more effective in extrapulmonary acute lung injury (ALI), caused mainly by sepsis, than in pulmonary ALI. Nevertheless, the maintenance of adequate volemic status is particularly challenging in sepsis. Since the interaction between volemic status and RMs is not well established, we investigated the effects of RMs on lung and distal organs in the presence of hypovolemia, normovolemia, and hypervolemia in a model of extrapulmonary lung injury induced by sepsis. Methods: ALI was induced by cecal ligation and puncture surgery in 66 Wistar rats. After 48 h, animals were anesthetized, mechanically ventilated and randomly assigned to 3 volemic status (n = 22/group): 1) hypovolemia induced by blood drainage at mean arterial pressure (MAP)approximate to 70 mmHg; 2) normovolemia (MAP approximate to 100 mmHg), and 3) hypervolemia with colloid administration to achieve a MAP approximate to 130 mmHg. In each group, animals were further randomized to be recruited (CPAP = 40 cm H(2)O for 40 s) or not (NR) (n = 11/group), followed by 1 h of protective mechanical ventilation. Echocardiography, arterial blood gases, static lung elastance (Est, L), histology (light and electron microscopy), lung wet-to-dry (W/D) ratio, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1 beta, caspase-3, type III procollagen (PCIII), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) mRNA expressions in lung tissue, as well as lung and distal organ epithelial cell apoptosis were analyzed. Results: We observed that: 1) hypervolemia increased lung W/D ratio with impairment of oxygenation and Est, L, and was associated with alveolar and endothelial cell damage and increased IL-6, VCAM-1, and ICAM-1 mRNA expressions; and 2) RM reduced alveolar collapse independent of volemic status. In hypervolemic animals, RM improved oxygenation above the levels observed with the use of positive-end expiratory pressure (PEEP), but increased lung injury and led to higher inflammatory and fibrogenetic responses. Conclusions: Volemic status should be taken into account during RMs, since in this sepsis-induced ALI model hypervolemia promoted and potentiated lung injury compared to hypo-and normovolemia.
PRES is a neuroclinical and radiological syndrome that results from treatment with calcineurin inhibitor immunosuppressives. Severe hypertension is commonly present, but some patients may be normotensive. We report herein two children who received liver transplants, as treatment for biliary atresia in the first case and for Alagille`s syndrome in the second one. In the early postoperative, both patients presented hypertension and seizures. In both cases, the image findings suggested the diagnosis of PRES. The CT scan showed alterations in the posterior area of the brain, and brain MRI demonstrated parietal and occipital areas of high signal intensity. Both children were treated by switching the immunosuppressive regimen and controlling arterial blood pressure. They displayed full recuperation without any neurologic sequelae. Probably, the pathophysiology of PRES results from sparse sympathetic innervation of the vertebrobasilar circulation, which is responsible for supplying blood to the posterior areas of the brain. In conclusion, all liver-transplanted children who present with neurological symptoms PRES should be considered in the differential diagnosis, although this is a rare complication. As treatment, we recommend rigorous control of arterial blood pressure and switching the immunosuppressive regimen.
To evaluate the effects of heat acclimation on sweat rate redistribution and thermodynamic parameters, 9 tropical native volunteers were submitted to 11 days of exercise-heat exposures (40 +/- 0 degrees C and 45.1 +/- 0.2% relative humidity). Sudomotor function was evaluated by measuring total and local (forehead, chest, arm, forearm, and thigh) sweat rates, local sweat sodium concentration, and mean skin and rectal temperatures. We also calculated heat production (H), heat storage (S), heat exchange by radiation (R) and by convection (C), evaporated sweat (E(sw)), sweating efficiency (eta(sw)), skin wettedness (w(sk)), and the ratio between the heat storage and the sum of heat production and heat gains by radiation and convection (S/(H+R+C)). The heat acclimation increased the whole-body sweat rate and reduced the mean skin temperature. There were changes in the local sweat rate patterns: on the arm, forearm, and thigh it increased significantly from day 1 to day 11 (all p<0.05) and the sweat rates from the forehead and the chest showed a small nonsignificant increase (p=0.34 and 0.17, respectively). The relative increase of local sweat rates on day 11 was not different among the sites; however, when comparing the limbs (arm, forearm, and thigh) with the trunk (forehead and chest), there was a significant higher increase in the limbs (32 +/- 5%) in comparison to the trunk (11 +/- 2%, p=0.001). After the heat acclimation period we observed higher w(sk) and E(sw) and reduced S/(H+R+C), meaning greater thermoregulatory efficiency. The increase in the limb sweat rate, but not the increase in the trunk sweat rate, correlated with the increased w(sk), E(sw), and reduced S/(H+R+C) (p<0.05 to all). Altogether, it can be concluded that heat acclimation increased the limbs` sweat rates in tropical natives and that this increase led to increased loss of heat through evaporation of sweat and this higher sweat evaporation was related to higher thermoregulatory efficiency. J Physiol Anthropol 29(1): 1-12, 2010 http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jpa2 [DOI: 10.2114/jpa2.29.1]
This study seeks to assess the effect of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) on pulmonary function, respiratory muscle strength, and endurance in morbidly obese patients submitted to bariatric surgery. Thirty patients were randomly assigned to sham muscular training, or to IMT with a threshold device (40% of maximum inspiratory pressure, MIP), for 30 min/day, from the 2nd until 30th postoperative (PO) day. All of them were submitted to a standard respiratory kinesiotherapy and early deambulation protocol. Data on spirometry, maximum static respiratory pressures, and respiratory muscle endurance were collected on the PO days 2, 7, 14, and 30 in a blinded matter. IMT enabled increases in PO MIP and endurance, and an earlier recovery of the spirometry parameters FEV(1), PEF, and FEF(25-75%). Comparing to preoperative values, MIP was increased by 13% at the 30th PO day in the trained group, whereas control group had a reduction of 8%, with higher values for the IMT group (30th PO, IMT-130.6 +/- 22.9 cmH(2)O; controls-112.9 +/- 25.1 cmH(2)O; p < 0.05). Muscular endurance at the 30th PO day was increased in the trained group comparing to preoperative value (61.5 +/- 39.6 s vs 114.9 +/- 55.2 s; p < 0.05), a finding not observed in the control group (81.7 +/- 44.3 vs 95.2 +/- 42.0 s). IMT improves inspiratory muscle strength and endurance and accounts for an earlier recovery of pulmonary airflows in morbidly obese patients submitted to bariatric surgery.
A great number of studies on scorpion venoms associate their effects to the autonomic nervous system, and few data are available about their action on the central nervous system (CNS). The aim of this work was to evaluate some central effects after intraperitoneal injection of Tityus serrulatus or T. bahiensis scorpion venoms. The hippocampal concentration of some neurotransmitters and their metabolites were determined. Electroencephalographic and behavioral observations were performed, and all brains were removed for histopathological analysis of hippocampal areas. Both venoms induced electrographic and behavioral alterations despite T bahiensis venom affects less the electrographic activity than T. serrulatus venom. Neurochemical analysis demonstrated no alteration in the extracellular levels of almost all the neurotransmitters evaluated, at least in the hippocampus, and no neuronal loss in this area was observed. Meanwhile, extracellular concentration of HVA increased up to 10 times in approximately 1/3 of the animals of both groups. Scorpion venoms seem to exert a small but important central effect. More studies in this field are necessary because they may be useful in developing new strategies to reduce the damage caused by scorpion stings. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
In order to verify possible association between immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) and oral manifestations (OMs), we selected AIDS patients who had low CD4 count before the initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and who returned three months later for therapy evaluation. The oral lesions observed three months after the initiation of HAART were evaluated and associated with the type of antiretroviral therapy (ART), CD4 count and HIV-RNA load levels (before and three months after HAART initiation). A total of 105 patients matched the selected criteria. Immune reconstitution (IR) was identified in 35.2%. Among these patients, the mean CD4 cell count rose from 105.97 to 330.29 and the mean viral load dropped from 168.005 (log 5.22) to 21.852 (log 4.33). There was no significant difference in age (P=0.78), sex (P=0.41) or previous history of ART (P=0.55) between IR and non-IR patients. In the IR group, the most common OM was. parotid enlargement (57.14%) (P=0.619), whereas in the non-IR group candidiasis (46.15%) was the most common OM. The results of our study suggest that the parotid gland enlargement found in the studied population might be an IRIS event, as it was found in patients with IR three months after the initiation of HAART.
Background: Preventing ridge collapse with the extraction of maxillary anterior teeth is vital to an esthetic restorative result. Several regenerative techniques are available and are used for socket preservation. The aim of this study is to analyze by clinical parameters the use of acellular dermal matrix (ADM) and anorganic bovine bone matrix (ABM) with synthetic cell-binding peptide P-15 to preserve alveolar bone after tooth extraction. Methods: Eighteen patients in need of extraction of maxillary anterior teeth were selected and randomly assigned to the test group (ADM plus ABM/P-15) or the control group (ADM only). Clinical measurements were recorded initially and at 6 months after ridge-preservation procedures. Results: In the clinical measurements (external vertical palatal measurement [EVPM], external vertical buccal measurement [EVBM], and alveolar horizontal measurement [AHM]) the statistical analysis showed no difference between test and control groups initially and at 6 months. The intragroup analysis, after 6 months, showed a statistically significant reduction in the measurements for both groups. In the comparison between the two groups, the differences in the test group were as follows: EVPM = 0.83 +/- 1.53 mm; EVBM = 1.20 +/- 2.02 mm; and AHM = 2.53 +/- 1.81 mm. The differences in the control group were as follows: EVPM = 0.87 +/- 1.13 mm; EVBM = 1.50 +/- 1.15 mm; and AHM = 3.40 +/- 1.39 mm. The differences in EVPM and EVBM were not statistically significant; however, in horizontal measurement (AHM), there was a statistically significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study show that ADM used as membrane associated with ABM/P-15 can be used to reduce buccal-palatal dimensions compared to ADM alone for preservation of the alveolar ridge after extraction of anterior maxillary teeth. J Periodontol 2011;82:72-79.
The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the issues and actions on the Brazilian cultural heritage and then to discuss contributions as well as relationships that may be established from the principles of Information Science. The first item is concerned with the relationship between heritage and the concept of document, the second relates the documentary processes and the information scientist and finally, an approach of cultural heritage mediation and appropriation is presented.
Evolutionary biologists have long endeavored to document how many species exist on Earth, to understand the processes by which biodiversity waxes and wanes, to document and interpret spatial patterns of biodiversity, and to infer evolutionary relationships. Despite the great potential of this knowledge to improve biodiversity science, conservation, and policy, evolutionary biologists have generally devoted limited attention to these broader implications. Likewise, many workers in biodiversity science have underappreciated the fundamental relevance of evolutionary biology. The aim of this article is to summarize and illustrate some ways in which evolutionary biology is directly relevant We do so in the context of four broad areas: (1) discovering and documenting biodiversity, (2) understanding the causes of diversification, (3) evaluating evolutionary responses to human disturbances, and (4) implications for ecological communities, ecosystems, and humans We also introduce bioGENESIS, a new project within DIVERSITAS launched to explore the potential practical contributions of evolutionary biology In addition to fostering the integration of evolutionary thinking into biodiversity science, bioGENESIS provides practical recommendations to policy makers for incorporating evolutionary perspectives into biodiversity agendas and conservation. We solicit your involvement in developing innovative ways of using evolutionary biology to better comprehend and stem the loss of biodiversity.