154 resultados para Histological diagnosis
The aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the thermal effects caused by 810 nm 1.2 W diode laser irradiation of periodontal tissues. Despite all data available concerning the laser application for periodontal treatment, one of the most relevant challenges is to prevent the harmful tissue heating induced by different clinical protocols. Periodontal pockets were induced at molars in 96 rats. Several irradiation powers under CW mode were investigated: 0, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200 mW. The pockets were irradiated using a 300 A mu m frontal illumination fiber. The animals were killed at 4 or 10 days after irradiation. The mandible was surgically removed and histologically processed. The histological sections stained with H/E demonstrated that irradiation parameters up to 1000 mW were thermally safe for the periodontal tissues. The sections stained with Brown & Brenn technique evidenced bacteria in the periodontal tissues. Consequently, the diode laser irradiation as a unique treatment was not capable to eliminate bacteria of the biofilm present in the pockets. According to the methodology used here, it was concluded that the thermal variation promoted by a diode laser can cause damage to periodontal tissues depending on the energy density used. The 1.2 W diode laser irradiation itself does not control the bacteria present in the biofilm of the periodontal pockets without mechanical action. The knowledge of proper high intensity laser parameters and methods of irradiation for periodontal protocols may prevent any undesirable thermal damage to the tissues.
The analysis of histological sections has long been a valuable tool in the pathological studies. The interpretation of tissue conditions, however, relies directly on visual evaluation of tissue slides, which may be difficult to interpret because of poor contrast or poor color differentiation. The Chromatic Contrast Visualization System (CCV) combines an optical microscope with electronically controlled light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in order to generate adjustable intensities of RGB channels for sample illumination. While most image enhancement techniques rely on software post-processing of an image acquired under standard illumination conditions, CCV produces real-time variations in the color composition of the light source itself. The possibility of covering the entire RGB chromatic range, combined with the optical properties of the different tissues, allows for a substantial enhancement in image details. Traditional image acquisition methods do not exploit these visual enhancements which results in poorer visual distinction among tissue structures. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) procedures are of increasing interest in the treatment of several forms of cancer. This study uses histological slides of rat liver samples that were induced to necrosis after being exposed to PDT. Results show that visualization of tissue structures could be improved by changing colors and intensities of the microscope light source. PDT-necrosed tissue samples are better differentiated when illuminated with different color wavelengths, leading to an improved differentiation of cells in the necrosis area. Due to the potential benefits it can bring to interpretation and diagnosis, further research in this field could make CCV an attractive technique for medical applications.
OBJETIVO: Apresentar as características clínicas, tratamento cirúrgico e achado histológico de um caso de lipoidoproteinose. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Criança do sexo masculino, cinco anos de idade, branco, que procurou atendimento odontológico na Universidade. A mãe da criança relatou presença de intensa halitose e dificuldade na alimentação e higienização bucal, decorrentes de crescimento gengival generalizado nos arcos dentários superior e inferior. No exame clínico, verificaram-se comprometimento funcional e estético generalizado (rouquidão, artralgia bilateral no joelho e tornozelo, lesões tumorais nas orelhas, entre outros), além de extensa hiperplasia gengival em ambos os arcos dentários. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico, com remoção do tecido hiperplásico e exodontia de todos os dentes decíduos e de dois permanentes. O exame histopatológico da peça cirúrgica confirmou o diagnóstico de lipoidoproteinose. COMENTÁRIOS: A lipoidoproteinose é uma doença rara caracterizada pela deposição da substância hialina na pele, membranas mucosas e nos órgãos internos. Os sinais que podem surgir após o nascimento, são: rouquidão; lesões pápulo-nodulares na cabeça, pescoço e membros; lesões papulares amareladas nas margens das pálpebras. O curso desta doença é benigno e crônico.
This article addresses diagnostic parameters that should be assessed in the treatment of extraction sockets with dental implant placement by presenting three case reports that emphasize the relevance of the amount of remaining bone walls. Diagnosis was based on the analysis of clinical and radiographic parameters (e.g.: bone defect morphology, remaining bone volume, presence of infections on the receptor site). Case 1 presents a 5-wall defect in the maxillary right central incisor region with severe root resorption, which was treated with immediate implant placement. Cases 2 and 3 present, respectively, two- and three-wall bone defects that did not have indication for immediate implants. These cases were first submitted to a guided bone regeneration (GBR) procedure with bone graft biomaterial and membrane barriers, and the implants were installed in a second surgical procedure. The analysis of the preoperative periodontal condition of the adjacent teeth and bone defect morphology is extremely important because these factors determine the choice between immediate implant or GBR treatment followed by implant installation in a subsequent intervention.
This paper presents a case report of a left mandibular second premolar with three canals and three different apical foramina. A 39-year-old male patient presented to our clinic with pain in the mandibular left second premolar. Initially, pain was caused by cold stimulus and later was spontaneously. The intraoral clinical examination revealed a fractured amalgam restoration with occlusal caries. Percussion and cold (Endo-Frost) tests were positive. The radiographic examination showed the presence of two roots. The probable diagnosis was an acute pulpitis. After access cavity, it was observed remaining roof of the pulp chamber and mild bleeding in the tooth lingual area, indicating the possible presence of a third canal. The endodontic treatment was completed in a single session using Root ZX apex locator and K3 NiTi rotary system with surgical diameter corresponding to a .02/45 file in the three canals and irrigation with 1% sodium hypochlorite. The canals were obtured with gutta-percha cones and Sealer 26 using the lateral condensation technique. After 1 year of follow-up, the tooth was asymptomatic and periapical repair was observed radiographically. Internal alterations should be considered during the endodontic treatment of mandibular second premolars. The correct diagnosis of these alterations by the analysis of preoperative radiographs can help the location of two or more canals, thereby avoiding root therapy failure.
OBJETIVO: avaliar características clínicas, patológicas e moleculares de carcinomas mamários em mulheres muito jovens em comparação a tumores de mulheres na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: foram selecionados 106 casos de câncer de mama de mulheres jovens e 130 casos de mulheres pós-menopausa. Foram analisados dados clínicos (idade ao diagnóstico, estadiamento, ocorrência de metástases, tempo de sobrevida global e livre de doença), anátomo-patológicos (tamanho do tumor, tipo e grau histológico do tumor primário) e marcadores moleculares (receptores de estrógeno e progesterona, HER2, p53, p63, citoqueratinas 5 e 14 e EGFR) com uso da imunoistoquímica empregando microarranjo de tecido. Foi analisada a relação entre as características clínico-patológicas, imunoistoquímicas e de sobrevidas global e livre de doença. RESULTADOS: as pacientes muito jovens apresentaram maior frequência de nuliparidade (p=0,03), maior diâmetro dos tumores (p<0,000), estadiamento clínico mais avançado (p=0,01), maior número de linfonodos positivos (p=0,001) e tumores pouco diferenciados (p=0,004). A maioria das pacientes jovens recebeu tratamento com quimioterapia (90,8%) e radioterapia (85,2%) e em menor proporção com tamoxifeno (31,5%), comparado às mulheres na pós-menopausa. Observamos baixa positividade para o receptor de estrógeno (49,1%; p=0,01) e alta positividade para a proteína HER2 (28,7%; p=0,03) nas mulheres jovens. O fenótipo triplo-negativo foi observado em 29,6% no grupo jovem e em 20% nas mulheres na pós-menopausa. Os tumores de fenótipo basal foram mais frequentes nas mulheres jovens (50%). As metástases sistêmicas ocorreram em 55,3% dos casos nas jovens e em 39,2% nas idosas. As sobrevidas global e livre de doença em cinco anos foram, respectivamente, 63 e 39% para as mulheres jovens e 75 e 67% para o grupo de mulheres na pós-menopausa. CONCLUSÕES: carcinomas mamários de mulheres muito jovens têm características clínicas, patológicas e moleculares mais agressivas quando comparadas às mulheres acima de 50 anos.
PURPOSE: To report an uncommon case of osteochondroma affecting the mandibular condyle of a young patient and to illustrate the important contributions of different imaging resources to the diagnosis and treatment planning of this lesion. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 24-year-old female patient with the chief complaint of an increasing facial asymmetry and pain in the left pre-auricular region, revealing a reduced mouth opening, mandibular deviation and posterior cross-bite over a period of 18 months. Panoramic radiography revealed an enlargement of the left condyle, whereas computed tomography (CT) sections and three-dimensional CT showed a well-defined bone growth arising from condylar neck. The scintigraphy exam showed an abnormal osteogenic activity in the left temporomandibular joint. The condyle was surgically removed and after 18 months follow-up the panoramic radiography and CT scans showed no signs of recurrence. CONCLUSION: Although osteochondroma is a benign bone tumor that rarely arises in cranial and maxillofacial region, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of slow-growing masses of the temporomandibular area and the use of different imaging exams significantly contribute to the correct diagnosis and treatment planning of this pathological condition.
OBJECTIVES: Causes may be found in most cases of acute pancreatitis, however no etiology is found by clinical, biological and imaging investigations in 30% of these cases. Our objective was to evaluate results from endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) for diagnosis of gallbladder microlithiasis in patients with unexplained (idiopathic) acute pancreatitis. METHODS: Thirty-six consecutive non-alcoholic patients with diagnoses of acute pancreatitis were studied over a five-year period. None of them showed signs of gallstones on transabdominal ultrasound or tomography. We performed EUS within one week of diagnosing acute pancreatitis. Diagnosis of gallbladder microlithiasis on EUS was based upon findings of hyperechoic signals of 0.5-3.0 mm, with or without acoustic shadowing. All patients (36 cases) underwent cholecystectomy, in accordance with indication from the attending physician or based upon EUS diagnosis. RESULTS: Twenty-seven patients (75%) had microlithiasis confirmed by histology and nine did not (25%). EUS findings were positive in twenty-five. Two patients had acute cholecystitis diagnosed at EUS that was confirmed by surgical and histological findings. In two patients, EUS showed cholesterolosis and pathological analysis disclosed stones not detected by EUS. EUS diagnosed microlithiasis in four cases not confirmed by surgical treatment. In our study, sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values to identify gallbladder microlithiasis (with 95% confidence interval) were 92.6% (74.2-98.7%), 55.6% (22.7-84.7%), 86.2% (67.4-95.5%) and 71.4% (30.3-94.9%), respectively. Overall EUS accuracy was 83.2%. CONCLUSIONS: EUS is a very reliable procedure to diagnose gallbladder microlithiasis and should be used for the management of patients with unexplained acute pancreatitis. This procedure should be part of advanced endoscopic evaluation.
PURPOSE: To quantify the amount of bone formation in the calvarial region of Wistar rats after craniotomy using bone wax as a haemostatic agent. METHODS: Surgery to produce bilateral, symmetric, full-thickness cranial defects (area: 18 mm²) was performed in eight animals. The right side of the cranium remained open and the edges of the left side osseous defect was covered with bone wax. Calvaria were imaged immediately after surgery and 12 weeks postoperatively by computerized tomography. The areas of the bone defects were measured in three-dimensional images using Magics 13.0 (Materialise-Belgic, software CAD). RESULTS: The average amount of bone formation on the left and right side respectively was 4.85 mm² and 8.16 mm². Statistically significant differences between the amount of bone formation on the left and right sides were seen. CONCLUSIONS: Bone wax significantly diminishes the rate of bone formation in calvarial defects in a rat model.
Lepidocharax, new genus, and Lepidocharax diamantina and L. burnsi new species from eastern Brazil are described herein. Lepidocharax is considered a monophyletic genus of the Stevardiinae and can be distinguished from the other members of this subfamily except Planaltina, Pseudocorynopoma, and Xenurobrycon by having the dorsal-fin origin vertically aligned with the anal-fin origin, vs. dorsal fin origin anterior or posterior to anal-fin origin. Additionally the new genus can be distinguished from those three genera by not having the scales extending over the ventral caudal-fin lobe modified to form the dorsal border of the pheromone pouch organ or to represent a pouch scale in sexually mature males. In this paper, we describe these two recently discovered species and the ultrastructure of their spermatozoa.
This study investigated the disclosure of HIV-positive serostatus to sexual partners by heterosexual and bisexual men, selected in centers for HIV/AIDS care. In 250 interviews, we investigated disclosure of serostatus to partners, correlating disclosure to characteristics of relationships. The focus group further explored barriers to maintenance/establishment of partnerships and their association with disclosure and condom use. Fear of rejection led to isolation and distress, thus hindering disclosure to current and new partners. Disclosure requires trust and was more frequent to steady partners, to partners who were HIV-positive themselves, to female partners, and by heterosexuals, occurring less frequently with commercial sex workers. Most interviewees reported consistent condom use. Unprotected sex was more frequent with seropositive partners. Suggestions to enhance comprehensive care for HIV-positive men included stigma management, group activities, and human rights-based approaches involving professional education in care for sexual health, disclosure, and care of "persons living with HIV".
A new species of sand-dwelling catfish genus Pygidianops, P. amphioxus, is described from the Negro and lower Amazon basins. The new species differs from its three congeners in the elongate eel-like body, the short barbels, and the small caudal fin, continuous with the body, among other traits of internal anatomy. The absence of anal fin further distinguishes P. amphioxus from all other Pygidianops species except P. magoi and the presence of eyes from all except P. cuao. The new Pygidianops seems to be the sister species to P. magoi, the two species sharing a unique mesethmoid with a dorsally-bent tip lacking cornua, and a produced articular process in the palatine for the articulation with the neurocranium. Pygidianops amphioxus is a permanent and highly-specialized inhabitant of psammic environments. Additional characters are proposed as synapomorphies of Pygidianops, including a hypertrophied symphyseal joint and associated ligament in the lower jaw; an elongate, laterally-directed, process on the dorsal surface of the premaxilla; and a rotated lower jaw, where the surface normally facing laterally in other glanapterygines is instead directed ventrally. These and other characters are incorporated into a revised phylogenetic diagnosis of Pygidianops.
Chronic hepatitis C is often a progressive, fibrotic disease that can lead to cirrhosis and other complications. The recommended therapy is a combination of interferon and ribavirin. Besides its antiviral action, interferon is considered to have antifibrotic activity. We examined the outcome of hepatic fibrosis and inflammation in chronic hepatitis C patients who were non-responders to interferon. We made a case series, retrospective study, based on revision of medical records and reassessment of liver biopsies. For inclusion, patients should have been treated with interferon alone or combined with ribavirin, with no virological response (non responders and relapsers) and had a liver biopsy before and after treatment. Histological evaluation included: i-outcome of fibrosis and necroinflammation; ii-annual fibrosis progression rate evaluation, before and after treatment. Seventy-five patients were included. Fifty-seven patients (76%) did not show progression of fibrosis after treatment, compared to six (8%) before treatment (p < 0.001). The mean annual fibrosis progression rate was significantly reduced after treatment (p = 0.036). Inflammatory activity improved in 19 patients (25.3%). The results support the hypothesis of an antifibrotic effect of interferon-based therapy, in non-responder patients. There was evidence of anti-inflammatory effects of treatment in some patients.