25 resultados para HSP40 Heat-Shock Proteins


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Fire is an important factor in several ecosystems, affecting plant population biology. Campos grasslands are under constant influence of disturbance, mostly grazing and fire. However, few studies evaluated the effect of fire on plant population biology of grassland species. Therefore, we aim to analyze the effect of fire on the population biology of four species, from different functional groups and regeneration strategies: Chaptalia runcinata (forb, resprouter, absence of belowground organ), Vernonia flexuosa (forb, resprouter, presence of rhizophore), Eupatorium ligulaefolium (shrub, resprouter, presence of xylopodium) and Heterothalamus psiadioides (shrub, obligate seeder). Seven plots were established in different sites in southern Brazil: frequently burned (FB) and excluded from fire since 6 years (E). All plots were subjected to controlled burns during summer. Before experiments, populations were sampled. Further observations were carried out after 90 and after 360 days of fire experiments. In addition, we counted the number of seedlings and resprouters recruited after fire. Heat shock experiments were conducted with two species (H. psiadioides and V. flexuosa), as well as the study of the bud bank of the following species: E. ligulaefolium and V. flexuosa. The obligate seeder species had all individuals killed by fire and established only after 1 year. Resprouters, however, showed new stems immediately after fire. E. ligulaefolium and V. flexuosa showed only vegetative regeneration from belowground organs and more individuals in excluded sites 1 year after the fire. The bud bank of E. ligulaefolium tended to be larger in excluded sites, whilst V. flexuosa showed an opposite result. High temperatures did not enhance nor kill seeds from both studied species. Vegetative regeneration was the most important strategy for all studied species, except for H. psiadioides, the obligate seeder species. Fire thus, plays an important role on population structure and demography, being also important for plant recruitment.


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Ogias D, de Andrade Sa ER, Kasai A, Moisan M, Alvares EP, Gama P. Fasting differentially regulates plasma corticosterone-binding globulin, glucocorticoid receptor, and cell cycle in the gastric mucosa of pups and adult rats. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 298: G117-G125, 2010. First published October 15, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00245.2009.-The nutritional status influences gastric growth, and interestingly, whereas cell proliferation is stimulated by fasting in suckling rats, it is inhibited in adult animals. Corticosterone takes part in the mechanisms that govern development, and its effects are regulated in particular by corticosterone-binding globulin (CBG) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR). To investigate whether corticosterone activity responds to fasting and how possible changes might control gastric epithelial cell cycle, we evaluated different parameters during the progression of fasting in 18- and 40-day-old rats. Food restriction induced higher corticosterone plasma concentration at both ages, but only in pups did CBG binding increase after short-and long-term treatments. Fasting also increased gastric GR at transcriptional and protein levels, but the effect was more pronounced in 40-day-old animals. Moreover, in pups, GR was observed in the cytoplasm, whereas, in adults, it accumulated in the nucleus after the onset of fasting. Heat shock protein (HSP) 70 and HSP 90 were differentially regulated and might contribute to the stability of GR and to the high cytoplasmic levels in pups and elevated shuttling in adult rats. As for gastric epithelial cell cycle, whereas cyclin D1 and p21 increased during fasting in pups, in adults, cyclin E slowly decreased, concomitant with higher p27. In summary, we demonstrated that corticosterone function is differentially regulated by fasting in 18-and 40-day-old rats, and such variation might attenuate any possible suppressive effects during postnatal development. We suggest that this mechanism could ultimately increase cell proliferation and allow regular gastric growth during adverse nutritional conditions.


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The cold shock response in bacteria involves the expression of low-molecular weight cold shock proteins (CSPs) containing a nucleic acid-binding cold shock domain (CSD), which are known to destabilize secondary structures on mRNAs, facilitating translation at low temperatures. Caulobacter crescentus cspA and cspB are induced upon cold shock, while cspC and cspD are induced during stationary phase. In this work, we determined a new coding sequence for the cspC gene, revealing that it encodes a protein containing two CSDs. The phenotypes of C. crescentus csp mutants were analyzed, and we found that cspC is important for cells to maintain viability during extended periods in stationary phase. Also, cspC and cspCD strains presented altered morphology, with frequent non-viable filamentous cells, and cspCD also showed a pronounced cell death at late stationary phase. In contrast, the cspAB mutant presented increased viability in this phase, which is accompanied by an altered expression of both cspC and cspD, but the triple cspABD mutant loses this characteristic. Taken together, our results suggest that there is a hierarchy of importance among the csp genes regarding stationary phase viability, which is probably achieved by a fine tune balance of the levels of these proteins.


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The cellular and molecular characteristics of a cell line (BME26) derived from embryos of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus were studied. The cells contained glycogen inclusions, numerous mitochondria, and vesicles with heterogeneous electron densities dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Vesicles contained lipids and sequestered palladium meso-porphyrin (Pd-mP) and rhodamine-hemoglobin, suggesting their involvement in the autophagic and endocytic pathways. The cells phagocytosed yeast and expressed genes encoding the antimicrobial peptides (microplusin and defensin). A cDNA library was made and 898 unique mRNA sequences were obtained. Among them, 556 sequences were not significantly similar to any sequence found in public databases. Annotation using Gene Ontology revealed transcripts related to several different functional classes. We identified transcripts involved in immune response such as ferritin, serine proteases, protease inhibitors,. antimicrobial peptides, heat shock protein, glutathione S-transferase, peroxidase, and NADPH oxidase. BME26 cells transfected with a plasmid carrying a red fluorescent protein reporter gene (DsRed2) transiently expressed DsRed2 for up to 5 weeks. We conclude that BME26 can be used to experimentally analyze diverse biological processes that occur in R. (B.) microplus such as the innate immune response to tick-borne pathogens. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The cold shock protein (CSP) family includes small polypeptides that are induced upon temperature downshift and stationary phase. The genome of the alphaproteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus encodes four CSPs, with two being induced by cold shock and two at the onset of stationary phase. In order to identify the environmental signals and cell factors that are involved in cspD expression at stationary phase, we have analyzed cspD transcription during growth under several nutrient conditions. The results showed that expression of cspD was affected by the medium composition and was inversely proportional to the growth rate. The maximum levels of expression were decreased in a spoT mutant, indicating that ppGpp may be involved in the signalization for carbon starvation induction of cspD. A Tn5 mutant library was screened for mutants with reduced cspD expression, and 10 clones that showed at least a 50% reduction in expression were identified. Among these, a strain with a transposon insertion into a response regulator of a two-component system showed no induction of cspD at stationary phase. This protein (SpdR) was able to acquire a phosphate group from its cognate histidine kinase, and gel mobility shift assay and DNase I footprinting experiments showed that it binds to an inverted repeat sequence of the cspD regulatory region. A mutated SpdR with a substitution of the conserved aspartyl residue that is the probable phosphorylation site is unable to bind to the cspD regulatory region and to complement the spdR mutant phenotype.


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Ischemia and reperfusion injury (IR) is an antigen independent inflammatory process that causes tissue damage. After IR, kidneys up-regulate leukocyte adhesion molecules and toll-like receptors (TLRs). Moreover, injured kidneys can also secrete factors (i.e. heat shock protein) which bind to TLRs and trigger intracellular events culminating with the increase in the gene expression of inflammatory cytokines. FTY720 is an immunomodulatory compound and protects at least in part kidneys submitted to IR. The mechanisms associated with FTY720`s beneficial effects on kidneys after IR remain elusive. We investigated whether FTY720 administration in mice submitted to kidney IR is associated with modulation of TLR2 and TLR4 expression. C57BL/6 mice submitted to 30 min of renal pedicles clamp were evaluated for serum parameters (creatinine, urea and nitric oxide), kidney histology, spleen and kidney infiltrating cells expression of TLR2 and TLR4, resident kidney cells expression of TLR2 and TLR4 and IL-6 protein expression in kidney. FTY720-treated mice presented decrease in serum creatinine, urea and nitric oxide, diminished expression of TLR2 and TLR4 both in spleen and kidney infiltrating cells, and reduced kidney IL-6 protein expression in comparison with IR non-treated mice. However, acute tubular necrosis was present both in IR non-treated and IR + FTY720-treated groups. Also, FTY720 did not prevent TLR2 and TLR4 expression in kidney resident cells. In conclusion, FTY720 can promote kidney function recovery after IR by reducing the inflammatory process. Further studies are needed in order to establish whether TLR2 and TLR4 down regulation should be therapeutically addressed as protective targets of renal function and structure after IR. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Xylella fastidiosa is the etiologic agent of a wide range of plant diseases, including citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC), a major threat to citrus industry. The genomes of several strains of this phytopathogen were completely sequenced, enabling large-scale functional studies. DNA microarrays representing 2,608 (91.6%) coding sequences (CDS) of X. fastidiosa CVC strain 9a5c were used to investigate transcript levels during growth with different iron availabilities. When treated with the iron chelator 2,2`-dipyridyl, 193 CDS were considered up-regulated and 216 were considered down-regulated. Upon incubation with 100 mu M ferric pyrophosphate, 218 and 256 CDS were considered up- and down-regulated, respectively. Differential expression for a subset of 44 CDS was further evaluated by reverse transcription-quantitative PCR. Several CDS involved with regulatory functions, pathogenicity, and cell structure were modulated under both conditions assayed, suggesting that major changes in cell architecture and metabolism occur when X. fastidiosa cells are exposed to extreme variations in iron concentration. Interestingly, the modulated CDS include those related to colicin V-like bacteriocin synthesis and secretion and to functions of pili/fimbriae. We also investigated the contribution of the ferric uptake regulator Fur to the iron stimulon of X. fastidiosa. The promoter regions of the strain 9a5c genome were screened for putative Fur boxes, and candidates were analyzed by electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Taken together, our data support the hypothesis that Fur is not solely responsible for the modulation of the iron stimulon of X fastidiosa, and they present novel evidence for iron regulation of pathogenicity determinants.


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Global gene expression analysis was carried out with Blastocladiella emersonii cells subjected to oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) using cDNA microarrays. In experiments of gradual hypoxia (gradual decrease in dissolved oxygen) and direct hypoxia (direct decrease in dissolved oxygen), about 650 differentially expressed genes were observed. A total of 534 genes were affected directly or indirectly by oxygen availability, as they showed recovery to normal expression levels or a tendency to recover when cells were reoxygenated. In addition to modulating many genes with no putative assigned function, B. emersonii cells respond to hypoxia by readjusting the expression levels of genes responsible for energy production and consumption. At least transcriptionally, this fungus seems to favor anaerobic metabolism through the upregulation of genes encoding glycolytic enzymes and lactate dehydrogenase and the downregulation of most genes coding for tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle enzymes. Furthermore, genes involved in energy-costly processes, like protein synthesis, amino acid biosynthesis, protein folding, and transport, had their expression profiles predominantly down-regulated during oxygen deprivation, indicating an energy-saving effort. Data also revealed similarities between the transcriptional profiles of cells under hypoxia and under iron(II) deprivation, suggesting that Fe(2+) ion could have a role in oxygen sensing and/or response to hypoxia in B. emersonii. Additionally, treatment of fungal cells prior to hypoxia with the antibiotic geldanamycin, which negatively affects the stability of mammalian hypoxia transcription factor HIF-1 alpha, caused a significant decrease in the levels of certain upregulated hypoxic genes.


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Unveiling the mechanisms of energy relaxation in biomolecules is key to our understanding of protein stability, allostery, intramolecular signaling, and long-lasting quantum coherence phenomena at ambient temperatures. Yet, the relationship between the pathways of energy transfer and the functional role of the residues involved remains largely unknown. Here, we develop a simulation method of mapping out residues that are highly efficient in relaxing an initially localized excess vibrational energy and perform site-directed mutagenesis functional assays to assess the relevance of these residues to protein function. We use the ligand binding domains of thyroid hormone receptor (TR) subtypes as a test case and find that conserved arginines, which are critical to TR transactivation function, are the most effective heat diffusers across the protein structure. These results suggest a hitherto unsuspected connection between a residue`s ability to mediate intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution and its functional relevance.


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This study aimed to optimize the rheological properties of probiotic yoghurts supplemented with skimmed milk powder (SMP) whey protein concentrate (WPC) and sodium caseinate (Na-Cn) by using an experimental design type simplex-centroid for mixture modeling It Included seven batches/trials three were supplemented with each type of the dairy protein used three corresponding to the binary mixtures and one to the ternary one in order to increase protein concentration in 1 g 100 g(-1) of final product A control experiment was prepared without supplementing the milk base Processed milk bases were fermented at 42 C until pH 4 5 by using a starter culture blend that consisted of Streptococcus thermophilus Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp bulgaricus and Bifidobacterium (Humans subsp lactis The kinetics of acidification was followed during the fermentation period as well the physico-chemical analyses enumeration of viable bacteria and theological characteristics of the yoghurts Models were adjusted to the results (kinetic responses counts of viable bacteria and theological parameters) through three regression models (linear quadratic and cubic special) applied to mixtures The results showed that the addition of milk proteins affected slightly acidification profile and counts of S thermophilus and B animal`s subsp lactis but it was significant for L delbrueckii subsp bulgaricus Partially-replacing SMP (45 g/100 g) with WPC or Na-Cn simultaneously enhanced the theological properties of probiotic yoghurts taking into account the kinetics of acidification and enumeration of viable bacteria (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved