43 resultados para Guattari, Felix
ZrO(2)-10, 12 and 14 mol% Sc(2)O(3) nanopowders were prepared by using a nitrate-lysine gel-combustion synthesis. These materials were studied by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction (SXPD) and Raman spectroscopy after calcination at different temperatures from 650 to 1200 degrees C, which led to samples with different average crystallite sizes, up to about 100 nm. The results from SXPD and Raman analyses indicate that, depending on Sc(2)O(3) content, the metastable t ''-form of the tetragonal phase or the cubic phase are fully retained at room temperature in nanocrystalline powders, provided an average crystallite sizes lower than similar to 30 nm. By contrast, powders with larger average crystallite sizes exhibit the stable rhombohedral, beta and gamma, phases and do not retain or very partially retain the metastable t '' and cubic ones.
The melting temperature and the crystallization temperature of Bi nanoclusters confined in a sodium borate glass were experimentally determined as functions of the cluster radius. The results indicate that, on cooling, liquid Bi nanodroplets exhibit a strong undercooling effect for a wide range of radii. The difference between the melting temperature and the freezing temperature decreases for decreasing radius and vanishes for Bi nanoparticles with a critical radius R = 1.9 nm. The magnitude of the variation in density across the melting and freezing transitions for Bi nanoparticles with R = 2 nm is 40% smaller than for bulk Bi. These experimental results support a basic core-shell model for the structure of Bi nanocrystals consisting of a central crystalline volume surrounded by a structurally disordered shell. The volume fraction of the crystalline core decreases for decreasing nanoparticle radius and vanishes for R = 1.9 nm. Thus, on cooling, the liquid nanodroplets with R < 1.9 nm preserve, across the liquid-to-solid transformation, their homogeneous and disordered structure without crystalline core.
The crystal structure and the local atomic order of a series of nanocrystalline ZrO(2)-CaO solid solutions with varying CaO content were studied by synchrotron radiation X-ray powder diffraction and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. These samples were synthesized by a pH-controlled nitrate-glycine gel-combustion process. For CaO contents up to 8 mol%, the t' form of the tetragonal phase (c/a > 1) was identified, whereas for 10 and 12 mol% CaO, the t '' form (c/a=1; oxygen anions displaced from their ideal positions in the cubic phase) was detected. Finally, the cubic phase was observed for solid solutions with CaO content of 14 mol% CaO or higher. The t'/t '' and t ''/cubic compositional boundaries were determined to be at 9 (1) and 13 (1) mol% CaO, respectively. The EXAFS study demonstrated that this transition is related to a tetragonal-to-cubic symmetry change of the first oxygen coordination shell around the Zr atoms.
Crystal structure of compositionally homogeneous, nanocrystalline ZrO2-CeO2 solutions was investigated by X-ray powder diffraction as a function of temperature for compositions between 50 and 65 mol % CeO2 center dot ZrO2-50 and 60 mol % CeO2 solid solutions, which exhibit the t'-form of the tetragonal phase at room temperature, transform into the cubic phase in two steps: t'-to-t '' followed by t ''-to-cubic. But the ZrO2-65 mol % CeO2, which exhibits the t ''-form, transforms directly to the cubic phase. The results suggest that t'-to-t '' transition is of first order, but t ''-to-cubic seems to be of second order. (C) 2008 International Centre for Diffraction Data.
The transition between tetragonal and cubic phases in nanostructured ZrO2-Sc2O3 solid solutions by high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction using synchrotron radiation is presented. ZrO2-8 and 11 mol% Sc2O3 nanopowders that exhibit the t'- and t ''-forms of the tetragonal phase, respectively, were synthesized by a stoichiometric nitrate-lysine gel-combustion route. The average crystallite size treated at 900 degrees C was about 25 nm for both compositions. Our results showed that t'-t '' and t ''-cubic transitions take place for the 8 and 11 mol% Sc2O3 samples, respectively. (C) 2008 International Centre for Diffraction Data.
We experimentally study the Aharonov-Bohm-conductance oscillations under external gate voltage in a semiconductor quantum ring with a radius of 80 nm. We find that, in the linear regime, the resistance-oscillation plot in the voltage-magnetic-field plane corresponds to the quantum ring energy spectra. The chessboard pattern assembled by resistance diamonds, while loading the ring, is attributed to a short electron lifetime in the open configuration, which agrees with calculations within the single-particle model. Remarkably, the application of a small dc current allows observing strong deviations in the oscillation plot from this pattern accompanied by a magnetic-field symmetry break. We relate such behavior to the higher-order-conductance coefficients determined by electron-electron interactions in the nonlinear regime.
This work proposes an association between musical analysis techniques developed during the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries, presented by authors like Felix Salzer and Joseph Straus, and the musical theory concepts presented by Olivier Messiaen, for the analysis of Prelude n(o) 1, La Colombe. The analysis contributes to broaden the theory concepts presented by the composer. In the Conclusion we trace lines of an authorial sonority by Olivier Messiaen.
Background Falls are one of the greatest concerns among the elderly A number of studies have described peak torque as one of the best fall-related predictor. No studies have comprehensively focused on the rate of torque development of the lower limb muscles among elderly fallers. Then, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between muscle peak torque and rate of torque development of the lower limb joints in elderly with and without fall history It was also aimed to determine whether these parameters of muscle performance (i e, peak torque and rate of torque development) are related to the number of falls. Methods: Thirty-one women volunteered to participate in the study and were assigned in one of the groups according to the number of falls over the 12 months that preceded the present Then, participants with no fall history (Cl; n = 13; 67.6[7.5] years-old), one fall (GII; n = 8, 66 0[4 91 years-old) and two or more falls (GIII, n = 10; 67.8[8.8] years-old) performed a number of lower limb maximal isometric voluntary contractions from which peak torque and rate of torque development were quantified Findings. Primary outcomes indicated no peak torque differences between experimental groups in any lower limb joint. The rate of torque development of the knee flexor muscles observed in the non-fallers (Cl) was greater than that observed in the fallers (P < 0.05) and had a significant relationship with the number of falls (P < 0 05) Interpretation. The greater knee flexor muscles` rate of torque development found in the non-fallers in comparison to the fallers indicated that the ability of the elderly to rapidly reorganise the arrangement of the lower limb may play a significant role in allowing the elderly to recover balance after a trip. Thus, training stimulus aimed to improve the rate of torque development may be more beneficial to prevent falls among the elderly than other training stimulus, which are not specifically designed to improve the ability to rapidly produce large amounts of torque (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd
This study analyzed inter-individual variability of the temporal structure applied in basketball throwing. Ten experienced male athletes in basketball throwing were filmed and a number of kinematic movement parameters analyzed. A biomechanical model provided the relative timing of the shoulder, elbow and wrist joint movements. Inter-individual variability was analyzed using sequencing and relative timing of tem phases of the throw. To compare the variability of the movement phases between subjects a discriminant analysis and an ANOVA were applied. The Tukey test was applied to determine where differences occurred. The significance level was p = 0.05. Inter-individual variability was explained by three concomitant factors: (a) a precision control strategy, (b) a velocity control strategy and (c) intrinsic characteristics of the subjects. Therefore, despite the fact that some actions are common to the basketball throwing pattern each performed demonstrated particular and individual characteristics.
Interactions between the oscillations of piezoceramic transducer and the mechanism of as excitation-the generator of the electric current of limited power-supply-are analyzed in this paper In practical situations, the dynamics of the forcing function on a vibrating system cannot be considered as given a priori, and it must be taken as a consequence of the dynamics of the whole system. In other words, the forcing source has limited power as that provided by a dc motor for an example, and thus its own dynamics is influenced by that of the vibrating system being forced. This increases the number of degrees of freedom of the problem, and it is called a nonideal problem. In this work, we present certain phenomena as Sommerfeld effect, jump, saturation, and stability, through the influences of the parameters of the governing equations motion. [DOI: 10.1115/1.3007909]
The paper presents a number of numerical simulations of the transverse vibrations of two (or one) imbalanced rotors forced by an electric motor with limited power supply, during the passage through of the two resonance zones (increasing and decreasing input voltages). The predominant presence of the Sommerfeld effect. when the rotational velocity of the motor is captured, in the second resonance frequency is demonstrated. We have shown that the hysteretic jump phenomenon exists in a rotor system with two (or one) disks, and with this, we have shown that a torque is influenced by the dynamical behavior of die rotor [DOI: 10.1115/1.3007979]
Mature pregnant crossbred ewes (n = 90) were used in a randomized complete block design experiment and were assigned to 1 of 3 winter-feeding systems differing in primary feed source: haylage (HL), limit-fed corn (CN), or limit-fed dried distillers grains (DDGS). Effects of these winter-feeding strategies on postweaning progeny performance were determined. Lamb progeny (n = 96) were weaned at 61 +/- 4 d of age and fed a common high-concentrate diet. Lambs were assigned to feedlot pen (n = 18) based on dam mid-gestation pen. Growth rate, DMI, and ADG were determined for the first 40 d of the finishing period. At 96 +/- 4 d of age, 1 wether lamb was randomly selected from each pen (n = 18) for a glucose tolerance test. The experiment was terminated, and lambs were slaughtered individually when they were determined to have achieved 0.6-cm 12th-rib fat thickness. After a 24-h chill, carcass data were collected and a 2.54-cm chop was removed from each lamb from the LM posterior to the 12th rib for ether extract analysis. Additional carcass measurements of bone, muscle, and fat from the shoulder, rack, loin, and leg were collected on 35 carcasses. At weaning, lamb BW was not different among treatments, whereas final BW tended to be greater (P = 0.09) for lambs from ewes fed DDGS and CN during gestation than from those fed HL. Overall lamb growth rate from birth to slaughter was not different among treatments. Lambs from ewes fed DDGS vs. CN or HL tended to have a greater initial insulin response (P = 0.09). Dressing percent was less (P = 0.04) in lambs from ewes fed DDGS, but no difference (P = 0.16) was detected in HCW among treatments. As expected, 12th rib fat thickness was similar among treatments, whereas LM area was largest to smallest (P = 0.05) in lambs from ewes fed CN, HL, and DDGS, respectively. Proportion of internal fat tended to be greatest to smallest (P = 0.06) in lambs from ewes fed DDGS, CN, and HL, respectively. Calculated boneless trimmed retail cuts percentage was less (P = 0.04) in lambs from ewes fed DDGS than CN or HL. Loin muscle weight as a percentage of wholesale cut tended (P = 0.10) to be greater in lambs from ewes fed CN and HL than DDGS, whereas other muscle, bone, and fat weights and proportions were similar (P > 0.24) among treatments. Prepartum diet during mid to late gestation of ewes altered postnatal fat and muscle deposition and may be associated with alterations in insulin sensitivity of progeny.
In the present study, clinical and epidemiological aspects of 529 intoxication cases of organophosphate or carbamate pesticides in the northwest of the state of Parana, Brazil, over a twelve-year period (1994-2005), are presented. One hundred-five of 257 patients (40.8%) who attempted suicide were admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICUs), with an average hospital stay of two days (range 1-40 days). Men corresponded to 56.4% of the cases of suicide attempts and sixteen individuals died. One hundred-forty patients intoxicated due to occupational exposure were all young adults and nine of them were admitted to ICU, with average hospital stays of eight days (range 1-16 days). Of these cases, two patients died. One hundred twenty-four patients intoxicated due to accidental exposure were mainly children and had a hospital average stay of four days. Twenty patients were admitted to the ICU, and one of them died. Overall complications included respiratory failure, convulsions, and aspiration pneumonia. Deliberate ingestion of organophosphates and carbamates Was much more toxic than occupational and accidental exposure. Men aged 15-39 years were the most likely to attempt suicide with these agents and had more prolonged ICU with significant complications and mortality
This study analyzes the relationship between extracellular purines and pain perception in humans. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of purines and their metabolites were compared between patients displaying acute and/or chronic pain syndromes and control subjects. The CSF levels of IMP, inosine, guanosine and uric acid were significantly increased in the chronic pain group and correlated with pain severity (P<0.05). Patients displaying both chronic and acute pain presented similar changes in the CSF purines concentration (P<0.05). However, in the acute pain group, only CSF inosine and uric acid levels were significantly increased (P<0.05). These findings suggest that purines, in special inosine, guanosine and uric acid, are associated with the spinal mechanisms underlying nociception. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Leishmune (R) vaccine has been used in endemic areas to prevent canine visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil, but cytokine production induced by vaccination has rarely been investigated in dogs. This study aimed to evaluate the immune response of dogs vaccinated with Leishmune FML vaccine (Fort Dodge) against total antigen of Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi (TAg) and FML. Twenty healthy dogs from Aracatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil, an endemic leishmaniasis area, received three consecutive subcutaneous injection of Leishmune vaccine at 21-day intervals. PBMC were isolated before and 10 days after completing vaccination and lymphoproliferative response and antibody production against FML or total promastigote antigen were tested. Cytokines IFN-gamma, IL-4 and TNF-alpha were measured in culture supernatant and CD4+/CD25+ and CD8+/CD25+ T cell presence was determined. Analysis of the data indicated that the vaccine conferred humoral responses (100%) against both antigens and cellular immunity to FML (85%) and total antigen (80%), the supernatant of cultured cells stimulated with TAg and FML showed an increase in IFN-gamma (P < 0.05), and the vaccine reduced CD4+/CD25+ T cell presence compared to that observed before vaccination. These responses may constitute part of the immune mechanism induced by Leishmune. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.