115 resultados para Feed rate
The "surubim do Paraíba" (Steindachneridion parahybae) is a freshwater catfish endemic to the Paraíba do Sul River basin, Brazil. This species has been seriously threatened by environmental disturbances in the last several decades. Wild Steindachneridion parahybae males and females were collected in 2003 and taken to the hatchery of a power plant of the Companhia Energética de São Paulo (CESP). Steindachneridion parahybae broodstocks were artificially induced to reproduce in December 2003 using a combination of carp pituitary extract (CPE) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Oocytes and milt were stripped; the fertilized eggs were transferred to 60-liter conical incubators and hatched larvae distributed in nine horizontal trays. Exogenous feed was started just after yolk sac absorption. A high rate of cannibalism and photophobia were observed during the larval period, resulting in a 26% survival rate from larvae to fingerlings.
INTRODUÇÃO: Excesso de alimentação no início da vida pode modificar persistentemente consumo e peso corporal. Adoção de exercício físico é uma estratégia útil para evitar excessivo ganho de peso. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o crescimento corporal e a eficiência alimentar em ratos provenientes de ninhada reduzida no aleitamento. MÉTODOS: Ao terceiro dia de vida, ninhadas foram formadas com quatro (GN4) ou 10 animais (GN10), (n = 25). Ao desmame, ratos machos Wistar permaneceram em gaiolas individuais, e, aos 60 (± 2) dias foram subdivididos em sedentários (SED) e exercitados (NAT), formando quatro grupos: GN4SED, GN10SED, GN4-NAT e GN10NAT. Avaliou-se o peso, ganho de peso e taxa específica de ganho de peso, gordura epididimal, índices de massa corporal e Lee, consumo e eficiência alimentar, glicemia e lactemia. RESULTADOS: Aos 21 dias, o GN4 apresentava peso corporal 52% acima do GN10 (P = 0,001). Contudo, aos 30 e 60 dias os pesos não diferiram. Ao final do período, GN10NAT demonstrou menor peso (356,82 ± 23,04) que GN10SED (409,28 ± 17,30). Mas GN4NAT possuía maior peso (417,85 ± 37,91) que GN4SED (413,69 ± 57,45) e GN10NAT. O GN4 exibiu elevada taxa de ganho de peso na lactação, mas, redução da mesma pós-desmame. Independente do tamanho da ninhada, a taxa de ganho de peso reduz com o aumento da idade. Ao final do período, glicemia, gordura epididimal total e relativa, e os índices de Lee e IMC não diferiram entre os grupos. Os valores de lactato antes e após o exercício condizem com esforço de intensidade moderada. Na periadolescência, GN4 apresentou menor ingestão de alimentos, mas sem diferenças na vida adulta. CONCLUSÃO: A redução da ninhada no aleitamento não alterou o peso corporal ou ingestão alimentar persistentemente. Entretanto, o protocolo de natação foi eficaz em reduzir o ganho de peso em animais controles, mas não naqueles de ninhada reduzida.
We study how the crossover exponent, phi, between the directed percolation (DP) and compact directed percolation (CDP) behaves as a function of the diffusion rate in a model that generalizes the contact process. Our conclusions are based in results pointed by perturbative series expansions and numerical simulations, and are consistent with a value phi = 2 for finite diffusion rates and phi = 1 in the limit of infinite diffusion rate.
The growth parameters and the mortality rates of the Scomber japonicus peruanus (Chub mackerel) were studied based on monthly data of frequency of fork length classes obtained from commercial landings off the Peruvian coast from 1996 to 1998. The asymptotic body length and growth rate values obtained by the ELEFAN I (Electronic Length Frequency Analysis) ranged from 40.20 cm to 42.20 cm and from 0.38 to 0.39, respectively. The oscillation amplitude was 0.60; the Winter point values varied from 0.50 to 0.60 and the performance index from 2.79 to 2.84. The total mortality rate of the Chub mackerel obtained by the linearized catch curve oscillated between 1.68 and 3.35. The rate of fishing mortality varied from 1.16 to 2.78 and the exploitation rate from 0.68 to 0.84. The annual rate of natural mortality estimated by the Pauly's method ranged from 0.52 to 0.53. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the longevity of the Chub mackerel was slightly over seven years.
Parity rate, gonotrophic cycle length, and density of a Culex quinquefasciatus female population was estimated at the Parque Ecológico do Tietê (PET), São Paulo, Brazil. Adult Cx. quinquefasciatus females were collected from vegetation along the edges of a polluted drainage canal with the use of a battery-powered backpack aspirator from September to November 2005 and from February to April 2006. We examined 255 Cx. quinquefasciatus ovaries to establish the parity rate of 0.22 and determined the gonotrophic cycle length under laboratory conditions to be 3 and 4 days. From these data, we calculated the Cx. quinquefasciatus survival rate to be 0.60 and 0.68 per day. Density of the Cx. quinquefasciatus female (5.71 females per m2) was estimated based on a population size of 28,810 individuals divided by the sampled area of 5,040 m2. Results of all experiments indicate medium survivorship and high density of the Cx. quinquefasciatus female population. This species is epidemiologically relevant in the PET area and should be a target of the vector control program of São Paulo municipality
This study aimed to compare maximal fat oxidation rate parameters between moderate-and low-performance runners. Eighteen runners performed an incremental treadmill test to estimate individual maximal fat oxidation rate (Fat(max)) based on gases measures and a 10,000-m run on a track. The subjects were then divided into a low and moderate performance group using two different criteria: 10,000-m time and VO(2)max values. When groups were divided using 10,000-m time, there was no significant difference in Fat(max) (0.41 +/- 0.16 and 0.27 +/- 0.12 g.min(-1), p = 0.07) or in the exercise intensity that elicited Fat(max) (59.9 +/- 16.5 and 68.7 +/- 10.3 % (V) over dotO(2max), p = 0.23) between the moderate and low performance groups, respectively (p > 0.05). When groups were divided using VO(2max) values, Fat(max) was significantly lower in the low VO(2max) group than in the high VO(2max) group (0.29 +/- 0.10 and 0.47 +/- 0.17 g.min(-1), respectively, p < 0.05) but the intensity that elicited Fat(max) did not differ between groups (64.4 +/- 14.9 and 61.6 +/- 15.4 % VO(2max)). Fat(max) or % VO(2max) that elicited Fat(max) was not associated with 10,000 m time. The only variable associated with 10,000-m running performance was % VO(2max) used during the run (p < 0.01). In conclusion, the criteria used for the division of groups according to training status might influence the identification of differences in Fat(max) or in the intensity that elicits Fat(max).
Ticks use bloodmeals as a Source of nutrients and energy to molt and survive until the next meal and to oviposit, in the case of females. However, only the larvae of some tick species are known to feed upon bats females are obligatorily autogenous, and nymphal stages are believed to not feed. We investigated the presence of blood ill a natural population of nymphal Antricola delacruzi ticks collected from bat guano; their ability to feed upon laboratory hosts: and the microscopic structure of both salivary glands and gut. DNA amplification of gut contents of freshly collected material was positive for a mammal in 4 of 11 first instar nymphs, but we were unsuccesful in the amplification of host bloodmeal DNA from late instar nymphs. All early nymphal stages (n = 10) fed oil rabbits. and host DNA was detected and sequenced from gut contents. However, all the large nymphs (n = 10) rejected feeding, and host DNA remained undetected in these ticks. All stages of A. delacruzi have salivary glands similar in morphology to the ixodid agranular Type I salivary gland acini and to granular Type II or Type B acini. All stages of A. delacruzi had a similar gut structure. consisting of digestive cells in the basal portion that contained hematin granules. Neither regenerative nor secretory cell traces were observed in the sections Of gut.
The present study evaluated the infection of opossums (Didelphis aurita) by Rickettsia rickettsii and their role as amplifier hosts for horizontal transmission of R. rickettsii to Amblyomma cajennense ticks. Three groups of opossums were evaluated: on day 0, group 1 (G1) was inoculated intraperitoneally with R. rickettsii; group 2 (G2) was infested by R. rickettsii-infected ticks; and group 3 (G3) was the uninfected control group. Opossum rectal temperature was measured daily. Blood samples were collected every 2 to 4 days during 30 days, and used to (1) inoculate guinea pigs intraperitoneally; (2) extract DNA followed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the rickettsial gene gltA; (3) study hematology; (4) detect R. rickettsii-reactive antibodies by indirect direct immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Blood was also collected every 10 days from days 30 to 180, to be tested by serology. Opossums were infested by uninfected A. cajennense larvae and nymphs from days 3 to 15. Engorged ticks were collected and allowed to molt in an incubator. Thereafter, the subsequent flat ticks were allowed to feed on uninfected rabbits, which were tested for seroconversion by IFA. Samples of flat ticks were also tested by real-time PCR. All G1 and G2 opossums became infected by R. rickettsii, as demonstrated by real-time PCR or/and guinea pig inoculation, but they showed no clinical abnormality. Rickettsemia was first detected at days 2 to 8, lasting intermittently till days 1 to 30. Approximately 18% and 5% of the flat ticks previously fed on G1 and G2 opossums, respectively, became infected by R. rickettsii, but only the rabbits infested with G1-derived ticks seroconverted. The study demonstrated that R. rickettsii was capable of infecting opossums without causing illness and developing rickettsemia capable of causing infection in guinea pigs and ticks, although the infection rate in ticks was low.
Objective: In this study we evaluated the ablation rate of superficial and deep dentin irradiated with different Er:YAG laser energy levels, and observed the micromorphological aspects of the lased substrates with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Background Data: Little is known about the effect of Er: YAG laser irradiation on different dentin depths. Materials and Methods: Sixty molar crowns were bisected, providing 120 specimens, which were randomly assigned into two groups ( superficial or deep dentin), and later into five subgroups (160, 200, 260, 300, or 360 mJ). Initial masses of the specimens were obtained. After laser irradiation, the final masses were obtained and mass losses were calculated followed by the preparation of specimens for SEM examination. Mass-loss values were subjected to two-way ANOVA and Fisher's least significant difference multiple-comparison tests (p < 0.05). Results: There was no difference between superficial and deep dentin. A significant and gradual increase in the mass-loss values was reached when energies were raised, regardless of the dentin depth. The energy level of 360 mJ showed the highest values and was statistically significantly different from the other energy levels. The SEM images showed that deep dentin was more selectively ablated, especially intertubular dentin, promoting tubule protrusion. At 360 mJ the micromorphological features were similar for both dentin depths. Conclusion: The ablation rate did not depend on the depth of the dentin, and an energy level lower than 360 mJ is recommended to ablate both superficial and deep dentin effectively without causing tissue damage.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of Er:YAG laser energy for composite resin removal and the influence of pulse repetition rate on the thermal alterations occurring during laser ablation. Materials and Methods: Composite resin filling was placed in cavities (1.0 mm deep) prepared in bovine teeth and the specimens were randomly assigned to five groups according to the technique used for composite filling removal. In group I (controls), the restorations were removed using a high-speed diamond bur. In the other groups, the composite fillings were removed using an Er: YAG laser with different pulse repetition rates: group 2-2 Hz; group 3-4 Hz; group 4-6 Hz; and group 5-10 Hz. The time required for complete removal of the restorative material and the temperature changes were recorded. Results: Temperature rise during composite resin removal with the Er: YAG laser occurred in the substrate underneath the restoration and was directly proportional to the increase in pulse repetition rate. None of the groups had a temperature increase during composite filling removal of more than 5.6 degrees C, which is considered the critical point above which irreversible thermal damage to the pulp may result. Regarding the time for composite filling removal, all the laser-ablated groups (except for group 5 [10 Hz]) required more time than the control group for complete elimination of the material from the cavity walls. Conclusion: Under the tested conditions, Er: YAG laser irradiation was efficient for composite resin ablation and did not cause a temperature increase above the limit considered safe for the pulp. Among the tested pulse repetition rates, 6 Hz produced minimal temperature change compared to the control group (high-speed bur), and allowed composite filling removal within a time period that is acceptable for clinical conditions.
Aims. We calculate the theoretical event rate of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) from the collapse of massive first-generation (Population III; Pop III) stars. The Pop III GRBs could be super-energetic with the isotropic energy up to E(iso) greater than or similar to 10(55-57) erg, providing a unique probe of the high-redshift Universe. Methods. We consider both the so-called Pop III.1 stars (primordial) and Pop III.2 stars (primordial but affected by radiation from other stars). We employ a semi-analytical approach that considers inhomogeneous hydrogen reionization and chemical evolution of the intergalactic medium. Results. We show that Pop III.2 GRBs occur more than 100 times more frequently than Pop III.1 GRBs, and thus should be suitable targets for future GRB missions. Interestingly, our optimistic model predicts an event rate that is already constrained by the current radio transient searches. We expect similar to 10-10(4) radio afterglows above similar to 0.3 mJy on the sky with similar to 1 year variability and mostly without GRBs (orphans), which are detectable by ALMA, EVLA, LOFAR, and SKA, while we expect to observe maximum of N < 20 GRBs per year integrated over at z > 6 for Pop III.2 and N < 0.08 per year integrated over at z > 10 for Pop III.1 with EXIST, and N < 0.2 for Pop III.2 GRBs per year integrated over at z > 6 with Swift.
Background: Gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) is considered to play a role in the regulation of homeostasis because it regulates important processes, such as cell proliferation and cell differentiation. A reduced or lost GJIC capacity has been observed in solid tumors and studies have demonstrated that GJIC restoration in tumor cells contribute to reversion of the transformed phenotype. This observation supports the idea that restoration of the functional channel is essential in this process. However, in the last years, reports have proposed that just the increase in the expression of specific connexins can contribute to reversion of the malign phenotype in some tumor cells. In the present work, we studied the effects of exogenous Connexin 43 (Cx43) expression on the proliferative behavior and phenotype of rat hepatocarcinoma cells. Results: The exogenous Cx43 did not increase GJIC capacity of transfected cells, but it was critical to decrease the cell proliferation rate as well as reorganization of the actin filaments and cell flattening. We also observed more adhesion capacity to substrate after Cx43 transfection. Conclusion: Cx43 expression leads to a decrease of the growth of the rat hepatocellular carcinoma cells and it contributes to the reversion of the transformed phenotype. These effects were independent of the GJIC and were probably associated with the phosphorylation pattern changes and redistribution of the Cx43 protein.
We report a comprehensive study of weak-localization and electron-electron interaction effects in a GaAs/InGaAs two-dimensional electron system with nearby InAs quantum dots, using measurements of the electrical conductivity with and without magnetic field. Although both the effects introduce temperature dependent corrections to the zero magnetic field conductivity at low temperatures, the magnetic field dependence of conductivity is dominated by the weak-localization correction. We observed that the electron dephasing scattering rate tau(-1)(phi), obtained from the magnetoconductivity data, is enhanced by introducing quantum dots in the structure, as expected, and obeys a linear dependence on the temperature and elastic mean free path, which is against the Fermi-liquid model. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.2996034]
The results on the measurement of electrical conductivity and magnetoconductivity of a GaAs double quantum well between 0.5 and 1.1 K are reported. The zero magnetic-field conductivity is well described from the point of view of contributions made by both the weak localization and electron-electron interaction. At low field and low temperature, the magnetoconductivity is dominated by the weak localization effect only. Using the weak localization method, we have determined the electron dephasing times tau(phi) and tunneling times tau(t). Concerning tunneling, we concluded that tau(t) presents a minimum around the balance point; concerning dephasing, we observed an anomalous dependence on temperature and conductivity (or elastic mean free path) of tau(phi). This anomalous behavior cannot be explained in terms of the prevailing concepts for the electron-electron interaction in high-mobility two-dimensional electron systems.
The Zr-Au set for monitoring the thermal and epithermal neutron fluence rate and the epithermal spectrum parameter a is not always practicable for routine application of INAA in well-thermalized facilities. An alternative set consisting of Cr, Au and Mo provides values for the thermal neutron fluence rate, f and alpha that are not significantly different from those found via the Zr-Au method and the Cd-covered Zr-method. The IRMM standard SMELS-II was analyzed using the (Au-Cr-Mo) monitor and a good agreement was obtained. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.