23 resultados para Avirulence Determinants
Heart disease (HD) can stress the alveolar blood-gas barrier, resulting in parenchymal inflammation and remodeling. Patients with HD may therefore display any of the symptoms commonly attributed to primary pulmonary disease, although tissue documentation of corresponding changes through surgical lung biopsy (SLB) is rarely done. Intent on exploring the basis of HD-related alveolar-capillary barrier dysfunction, a retrospective analysis of SLB histopathology was conducted in patients with clinically diagnosed HD, diffuse pulmonary infiltrates, and no evidence of primary pulmonary disease. Patients eligible for the study had a clinical diagnosis of heart disease, acute or chronic, and presented with diffuse infiltrates on chest X-ray. All qualified subjects (N = 23) who underwent diagnostic SLB between January 1982 and December 2005 were subsequently examined. Specific biopsy parameters investigated included demonstrable edema, siderophage influx, hemorrhage, venous and lymphatic ectasia, vascular sclerosis, capillary congestion, and fibroblast proliferation. Based on observed alveolar-capillary barrier (ACB) alterations, three main morphologic groups emerged: one group (6 patients) with alveolar edema; a second group (11 patients) characterized by pulmonary congestion; and a final group (6 patients) showing microscopic foci of acute ACB lung injury. Alveolar-capillary stress due to acute high-pressure or volume overload often manifests as diffuse pulmonary infiltrates with variable but generally predictable histopathology. In patients with biopsy-proven alveolar edema, pulmonary congestion, or acute microscopic lung injury, the clinician must be alert for the possibility of primary heart disease, particularly if the patient is elderly or when a history of myocardial, valvular, or coronary vascular disease exists.
Aims: To evaluate the risk and predictors of death in a large population of patients with stable coronary disease treated with percutaneous intervention. Methods and results: The study population comprised 1,276 patients with chronic angina or silent ischaemia who underwent elective coronary angioplasty. Baseline and in-hospital mortality data were prospectively collected for all patients during the index hospitalisation. Post-discharge outcome was assessed at out-patient clinic, by review of the patients` records, or direct phone contact. Deaths were classified as cardiac and non-cardiac. Age, peripheral arterial disease, congestive heart failure with NYHA class Ill, triple-vessel disease, and procedural success (i.e. angiographic success for all lesions in the absence of pen-procedural infarction) remained as multivariate independent predictors of death. For the entire population 4-year cumulative all-cause and cardiac mortality were respectively 5.4% and 4.1%. Four-year mortality for patients without any multivariate predictor was 2.4%, while for patients with two or more predictors the death rate was 16.3% after four years. Conclusions: Patients with stable coronary disease undergoing percutaneous treatment have an overall low mortality rate after four years. Nevertheless, stable patients comprise a heterogeneous population in terms of risk profile, ranging from patients at very low risk of late death to individuals with a poor long-term prognosis.
The influence of composite organic content on polymerization stress development remains unclear. It was hypothesized that stress was directly related to differences in degree of conversion, volumetric shrinkage, elastic modulus, and maximum rate of polymerization encountered in composites containing different BisGMA (bisphenylglycidyl dimethacrylate) concentrations and TEGDMA ( triethylene glycol dimethacrylate) and/or BisEMA ( ethoxylated bisphenol-A dimethacrylate) as co-monomers. Stress was determined in a tensilometer. Volumetric shrinkage was measured with a mercury dilatometer. Elastic modulus was obtained by flexural test. We used fragments of flexural specimens to determine degree of conversion by FT-Raman spectroscopy. Reaction rate was determined by differential scanning calorimetry. Composites with lower BisGMA content and those containing TEGDMA showed higher stress, conversion, shrinkage, and elastic modulus. Polymerization rate did not vary significantly, except for the lower value of the 66% TEGDMA composite. We used linear regressions to evaluate the association between polymerization stress and conversion (R-2 = 0.905), shrinkage ( R-2 = 0.825), and modulus ( R-2 = 0.623).
Objectives: To assess the role of the individual determinants on the inequalities of dental services utilization among low-income children living in the working area of Brazilian`s federal Primary Health Care program, which is called Family Health Program (FHP), in a big city in Southern Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional population-based study was performed. The sample included 350 children, ages 0 to 14 years, whose parents answered a questionnaire about their socioeconomic conditions, perceived needs, oral hygiene habits, and access to dental services. The data analysis was performed according to a conceptual framework based on Andersen`s behavioral model of health services use. Multivariate models of logistic regression analysis instructed the hypothesis on covariates for never having had a dental visit. Results: Thirty one percent of the surveyed children had never had a dental visit. In the bivariate analysis, higher proportion of children who had never had a dental visit was found among the very young, those with inadequate oral hygiene habits, those without perceived need of dental care, and those whose family homes were under absent ownership. The mechanisms of social support showed to be important enabling factors: children attending schools/kindergartens and being regularly monitored by the FHP teams had higher odds of having gone to the dentist, even after adjusting for socioeconomic, demographic, and need variables. Conclusions: The conceptual framework has confirmed the presence of social and psychosocial inequalities on the utilization pattern of dental services for low-income children. The individual determinants seem to be important predictors of access.
The benefits of breastfeeding for the children`s health have been highlighted in many studies. The innovative aspect of the present study lies in its use of a multilevel model, a technique that has rarely been applied to studies on breastfeeding. The data reported were collected from a larger study, the Family Budget Survey-Pesquisa de Orcamentos Familiares, carried out between 2002 and 2003 in Brazil that involved a sample of 48 470 households. A representative national sample of 1477 infants aged 0-6 months was used. The statistical analysis was performed using a multilevel model, with two levels grouped by region. In Brazil, breastfeeding prevalence was 58%. The factors that bore a negative influence on breastfeeding were over four residents living in the same household [odds ratio (OR) = 0.68, 90% confidence interval (CI) = 0.51-0.89] and mothers aged 30 years or more (OR = 0.68, 90% CI = 0.53-0.89). The factors that positively influenced breastfeeding were the following: higher socio-economic levels (OR = 1.37, 90% CI = 1.01-1.88), families with over two infants under 5 years (OR = 1.25, 90% CI = 1.00-1.58) and being a resident in rural areas (OR = 1.25, 90% CI = 1.00-1.58). Although majority of the mothers was aware of the value of maternal milk and breastfed their babies, the prevalence of breastfeeding remains lower than the rate advised by the World Health Organization, and the number of residents living in the same household along with mothers aged 30 years or older were both factors associated with early cessation of infant breastfeeding before 6 months.
There is worldwide recognition that the burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and obesity-related health problems is rapidly increasing in low- and middle-income countries. Environmental determinants of obesity are likely to differ between countries, particularly in those undergoing rapid socioeconomic and nutrition transitions such as Brazil. This study aims to describe some built environment and local food environment variables and to explore their association with the overweight rate and diet and physical activity area-level aggregated indicators of adults living in the city of Sao Paulo, the largest city in Brazil. This formative study includes an ecological analysis of environmental factors associated with overweight across 31 submunicipalities of the city of Sao Paulo using statistical and spatial analyses. Average prevalence of overweight was 41.69% (95% confidence interval 38.74, 44.64), ranging from 27.14% to 60.75% across the submunicipalities. There was a wide geographical variation of both individual diet and physical activity, and indicators of food and built environments, favoring wealthier areas. After controlling for area socioeconomic status, there was a positive correlation between regular fruits and vegetables (FV) intake and density of FV specialized food markets (r = 0.497; p < 0.001), but no relationship between fast-food restaurant density and overweight prevalence was found. A negative association between overweight prevalence and density of parks and public sport facilities was seen (r = -0.527; p < 0.05). Understanding the relationship between local neighborhood environments and increasing rates of poor diet, physical activity, and obesity is essential in countries undergoing rapid economic and urban development, such as Brazil, in order to provide insights for policies to reduce increasing rates of NCDs and food access and health inequalities.
Patients with chronic pancreatitis may have abnormal gastrointestinal transit, but the factors underlying these abnormalities are poorly understood. Gastrointestinal transit was assessed, in 40 male outpatients with alcohol-related chronic pancreatitis and 18 controls, by scintigraphy after a liquid meal labeled with (99m)technetium-phytate. Blood and urinary glucose, fecal fat excretion, nutritional status, and cardiovascular autonomic function were determined in all patients. The influence of diabetes mellitus, malabsorption, malnutrition, and autonomic neuropathy on abnormal gastrointestinal transit was assessed by univariate analysis and Bayesian multiple regression analysis. Accelerated gastrointestinal transit was found in 11 patients who showed abnormally rapid arrival of the meal marker to the cecum. Univariate and Bayesian analysis showed that diabetes mellitus and autonomic neuropathy had significant influences on rapid transit, which was not associated with either malabsorption or malnutrition. In conclusion, rapid gastrointestinal transit in patients with alcohol-related chronic pancreatitis is related to diabetes mellitus and autonomic neuropathy.
We present a study on whether and to what extent subcellular localization may compete favorably with photosensitization efficiency with respect to the overall efficiency of photoinduced cell death. We have compared the efficiency with which two cationic photosensitizers, namely methylene blue (MB) and crystal violet (CV), induce the photoinduced death of human cervical adenocarcinoma (HeLa) cells. Whereas MB is well known to generate singlet oxygen and related triplet excited species with high quantum yields in a variety of biological and chemical environments (i.e., acting as a typical type II photosensitizer), the highly mitochondria-specific CV produces triplet species and singlet oxygen with low yields, acting mostly via the classical type I mechanism (e.g., via free radicals). The findings described here indicate that the presumably more phototoxic type II photosensitizer (MB) does not lead to higher degrees of cell death compared to the type I (CV) photosensitizer. In fact, CV kills cells with the same efficiency as MB, generating at least 10 times fewer photoinduced reactive species. Therefore, subcellular localization is indeed more important than photochemical reactivity in terms of overall cell killing, with mitochondrial localization representing a highly desirable property for the development of more specific/efficient photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.