36 resultados para Armillary spheres.
Dynamic experiments in a nonadiabatic packed bed were carried out to evaluate the response to disturbances in wall temperature and inlet airflow rate and temperature. A two-dimensional, pseudo-homogeneous, axially dispersed plug-flow model was numerically solved and used to interpret the results. The model parameters were fitted in distinct stages: effective radial thermal conductivity (K (r)) and wall heat transfer coefficient (h (w)) were estimated from steady-state data and the characteristic packed bed time constant (tau) from transient data. A new correlation for the K (r) in packed beds of cylindrical particles was proposed. It was experimentally proved that temperature measurements using radially inserted thermocouples and a ring-shaped sensor were not distorted by heat conduction across the thermocouple or by the thermal inertia effect of the temperature sensors.
This paper present the possible alternative options for the remove of trace elements from drinking water supplies in the trace. Arsenic and chromium are two of the most toxic pollutants, introduced into natural waters from a variety of sources and causing various adverse effects on living bodies. The performance of three filter bed methods was evaluated in the laboratory. Experiments were conducted to investigate the sorption of arsenic and chromium on carbon steel and removal of trace elements from drinking water with a household filtration process. The affinity of the arsenic and chromium species for Fe / Fe3C (iron / iron carbide) sites is the key factor controlling the removal of the elements. The method is based on the use of powdered block carbon, powder carbon steel and ceramic spheres in the ion-sorption columns as a cleaning process. The modified powdered block carbon is a satisfactory and economical sorbent for trace elements (arsenite and chromate) dissolved in water due to its low unit cost of about $23 and compatibility with the traditional household filtration system.
Particle-image velocimetry (PIV) was used to visualize the flow within an optically transparent pediatric ventricular assist device (PVAD) under development in our laboratory The device studied is a diaphragm type pulsatile pump with an ejection volume of 30 ml per beating cycle intended for temporary cardiac assistance as a bridge to transplantation or recovery in children. Of particular interest was the identification of flow patterns, including regions of stagnation and/or strong turbulence that often promote thrombus formation and hemolysis, which can degrade the usefulness of such devices. For this purpose, phase-locked PIV measurements were performed in planes parallel to the diaphram that drives the flow in the device. The test fluid was seeded with 10 Am polystyrene spheres, and the motion of these particles was used to determine the instantaneous flow velocity distribution in the illumination plane. These measurements revealed that flow velocities up to 1.0 m/s can occur within the PVAD. Phase-averaged velocity fields revealed the fixed vortices that drive the bulk flow within the device, though significant cycle-to-cycle variability was also quite apparent in the instantaneous velocity distributions, most notably during the filling phase. This cycle-to-cycle variability can generate strong turbulence that may contribute to greater hemolysis. Stagnation regions have also been observed between the input and output branches of the prototype, which can increase the likelihood of thrombus formation. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4001252]
Objective. To investigate the modes of water supply and the perception concerning the problems caused by this water among residents of a neighborhood without public supply of water, settled in an area previously used as a garbage dump in the city of Manaus, Brazil. Methods. One hundred and sixty-two semi-structured household interviews were conducted. In addition, a focal group with teachers from a local public school and a meeting with residents were held. The instruments employed focused on the perception and modes of water use and on the process of exposure to chemical contaminants through water. Results. Untreated well water was used by most families. This water was considered to be ""good"" by 64.8% of the individuals interviewed. Most residents (88.3%) declared knowledge about the garbage dump. Of these, 77.6% stated that the garbage dump caused health and environmental problems. However, qualitative analysis of the responses revealed that the residents were not aware of contamination by chemical elements or of the consequences of such contamination. The activities carried out with teachers revealed that they were partially aware of the problem, but did not design interventions to address the issue. In a meeting with neighborhood residents, the presence of social activism concerning the problem was identified, but it did not extend beyond the neighborhood or reach governmental spheres. Conclusions. The study identified a situation of critical exposure that tends to be maintained as a result of misperceptions and lack of social mobilization. The dissemination of research results to teachers and residents was useful to empower subjects.
Photophysical properties of porphyrins in aqueous solutions are strongly affected by aggregation. One possible solution to this problem is to encapsulate the porphyrin into polymeric spheres, to provide an environment where the photosensitizer can be administered in its monomeric form in such treatments as photodynamic therapy. Here we report the microencapsulation of the meso-tetrakis(4-sulphonatophenyl) porphyrin (TPPS4) photosensitizer by the ultrasonic spray-drying technique. The encapsulated TPPS4 was morphologically characterized by scanning electron microscopy, and its photophysical properties were studied and compared with those of a physical blend of dextrin and TPPS4. We Successfully encapsulated TPPS4 into dextrin microspheres, and the encapsulated photosensitizer displays higher luminescence intensity than that of the prepared physical blends.
Radiation dose calculations in nuclear medicine depend on quantification of activity via planar and/or tomographic imaging methods. However, both methods have inherent limitations, and the accuracy of activity estimates varies with object size, background levels, and other variables. The goal of this study was to evaluate the limitations of quantitative imaging with planar and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) approaches, with a focus on activity quantification for use in calculating absorbed dose estimates for normal organs and tumors. To do this we studied a series of phantoms of varying complexity of geometry, with three radionuclides whose decay schemes varied from simple to complex. Four aqueous concentrations of (99m)Tc, (131)I, and (111)In (74, 185, 370, and 740 kBq mL(-1)) were placed in spheres of four different sizes in a water-filled phantom, with three different levels of activity in the surrounding water. Planar and SPECT images of the phantoms were obtained on a modern SPECT/computed tomography (CT) system. These radionuclides and concentration/background studies were repeated using a cardiac phantom and a modified torso phantom with liver and ""tumor"" regions containing the radionuclide concentrations and with the same varying background levels. Planar quantification was performed using the geometric mean approach, with attenuation correction (AC), and with and without scatter corrections (SC and NSC). SPECT images were reconstructed using attenuation maps (AM) for AC; scatter windows were used to perform SC during image reconstruction. For spherical sources with corrected data, good accuracy was observed (generally within +/- 10% of known values) for the largest sphere (11.5 mL) and for both planar and SPECT methods with (99m)Tc and (131)I, but were poorest and deviated from known values for smaller objects, most notably for (111)In. SPECT quantification was affected by the partial volume effect in smaller objects and generally showed larger errors than the planar results in these cases for all radionuclides. For the cardiac phantom, results were the most accurate of all of the experiments for all radionuclides. Background subtraction was an important factor influencing these results. The contribution of scattered photons was important in quantification with (131)I; if scatter was not accounted for, activity tended to be overestimated using planar quantification methods. For the torso phantom experiments, results show a clear underestimation of activity when compared to previous experiment with spherical sources for all radionuclides. Despite some variations that were observed as the level of background increased, the SPECT results were more consistent across different activity concentrations. Planar or SPECT quantification on state-of-the-art gamma cameras with appropriate quantitative processing can provide accuracies of better than 10% for large objects and modest target-to-background concentrations; however when smaller objects are used, in the presence of higher background, and for nuclides with more complex decay schemes, SPECT quantification methods generally produce better results. Health Phys. 99(5):688-701; 2010
In this Letter, we determine the kappa-distribution function for a gas in the presence of an external field of force described by a potential U(r). In the case of a dilute gas, we show that the kappa-power law distribution including the potential energy factor term can rigorously be deduced in the framework of kinetic theory with basis on the Vlasov equation. Such a result is significant as a preliminary to the discussion on the role of long range interactions in the Kaniadakis thermostatistics and the underlying kinetic theory. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We construct and compare in this work a variety of simple models for strange stars, namely, hypothetical self-bound objects made of a cold stable version of the quark-gluon plasma. Exact, quasi-exact and numerical models are examined to find the most economical description for these objects. A simple and successful parametrization of them is given in terms of the central density, and the differences among the models are explicitly shown and discussed. In particular, we present a model starting with a Gaussian ansatz for the density profile that provides a very accurate and almost complete analytical integration of the problem, modulo a small difference for one of the metric potentials.
Let X be a compact Hausdorff space, phi: X -> S(n) a continuous map into the n-sphere S(n) that induces a nonzero homomorphism phi*: H(n)(S(n); Z(p)) -> H(n)(X; Z(p)), Y a k-dimensional CW-complex and f: X -> a continuous map. Let G a finite group which acts freely on S`. Suppose that H subset of G is a normal cyclic subgroup of a prime order. In this paper, we define and we estimate the cohomological dimension of the set A(phi)(f, H, G) of (H, G)-coincidence points of f relative to phi.
We study the effect of the soft confinement by fluid lipid bilayers on the spatial organisation of DNA molecules in a DNA-zwitterionic lipid hydrated lamellar complex. The confinement is increased by dehydrating the complex in a controlled way, which leads to a decrease of the water channel thickness separating the periodically stacked bilayers. Using grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering on an oriented thin film, we probe in situ as dehydration proceeds the structure of the DNA-lipid complex. A structural phase transition is evidenced, where an apparently disordered phase of DNA rods embedded within the one-dimensionally ordered lipid lamellar phase observed at high hydration is replaced by a 2D hexagonal structure of DNA molecules intercalated between the lipid bilayers. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010
The past decade has seen significant increases in combustion-generated ambient particles, which contain a nanosized fraction (less than 100 nm), and even greater increases have occurred in engineered nanoparticles (NPs) propelled by the booming nanotechnology industry. Although inhalation of these particulates has become a public health concern, human health effects and mechanisms of action for NPs are not well understood. Focusing on the human airway smooth muscle cell, here we show that the cellular mechanical function is altered by particulate exposure in a manner that is dependent upon particle material, size and dose. We used Alamar Blue assay to measure cell viability and optical magnetic twisting cytometry to measure cell stiffness and agonist-induced contractility. The eight particle species fell into four categories, based on their respective effect on cell viability and on mechanical function. Cell viability was impaired and cell contractility was decreased by (i) zinc oxide (40-100 nm and less than 44 mu m) and copper(II) oxide (less than 50 nm); cell contractility was decreased by (ii) fluorescent polystyrene spheres (40 nm), increased by (iii) welding fumes and unchanged by (iv) diesel exhaust particles, titanium dioxide (25 nm) and copper(II) oxide (less than 5 mu m), although in none of these cases was cell viability impaired. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide up to 500 mu M did not alter viability or cell mechanics, suggesting that the particle effects are unlikely to be mediated by particle-generated reactive oxygen species. Our results highlight the susceptibility of cellular mechanical function to particulate exposures and suggest that direct exposure of the airway smooth muscle cells to particulates may initiate or aggravate respiratory diseases.
Nanostructural beta-nickel hydroxide (beta-Ni(OH)(2)) plates were prepared using the microwave hydrothermal (MH) method at a low temperature and short reaction times. An ammonia solution was employed as the coordinating agent, which reacts with [Ni(H(2)O)(6)](2+) to control the growth of beta-Ni(OH)(2) nuclei. A trigonal beta-Ni(OH)(2) single phase was observed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses, and the crystal cell was constructed with structural parameters and atomic coordinates obtained from Rietveld refinement. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) images revealed that the samples consisted of hexagonal-shaped nanoplates with a different particle size distribution. Broad absorption bands assigned as transitions of Ni(2+) in oxygen octahedral sites were revealed by UV-vis spectra. Photoluminescence (PL) properties observed with a maximum peak centered in the blue-green region were attributed to different defects, which were produced during the nucleation process. We present a growth process scheme of the beta-Ni(OH)(2) nanoplates. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Adequate initial configurations for molecular dynamics simulations consist of arrangements of molecules distributed in space in such a way to approximately represent the system`s overall structure. In order that the simulations are not disrupted by large van der Waals repulsive interactions, atoms from different molecules Must keep safe pairwise distances. Obtaining Such a molecular arrangement can be considered it packing problem: Each type molecule must satisfy spatial constraints related to the geometry of the system, and the distance between atoms of different molecules Must be greater than some specified tolerance. We have developed a code able to pack millions of atoms. grouped in arbitrarily complex molecules, inside a variety of three-dimensional regions. The regions may be intersections of spheres, ellipses, cylinders, planes, or boxes. The user must provide only the structure of one molecule of each type and the geometrical constraints that each type of molecule must satisfy. Building complex mixtures, interfaces, solvating biomolecules in water, other solvents, or mixtures of solvents, is straight forward. In addition. different atoms belonging to the same molecule may also be restricted to different spatial regions, in Such a way that more ordered molecular arrangements call be built, as micelles. lipid double-layers, etc. The packing time for state-of-the-art molecular dynamics systems varies front a few seconds to a few Minutes in a personal Computer. The input files are simple and Currently compatible with PDB, Tinker, Molden, or Moldy coordinate files. The package is distributed as free software and call be downloaded front http://www.ime.unicamp.br/similar to martinez/packmol/. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals. Inc. J Comput Chem 30: 2157-2164, 2009
Given a fixed set of identical or different-sized circular items, the problem we deal with consists on finding the smallest object within which the items can be packed. Circular, triangular, squared, rectangular and also strip objects are considered. Moreover, 2D and 3D problems are treated. Twice-differentiable models for all these problems are presented. A strategy to reduce the complexity of evaluating the models is employed and, as a consequence, instances with a large number of items can be considered. Numerical experiments show the flexibility and reliability of the new unified approach. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The energy of a unit vector field X on a closed Riemannian manifold M is defined as the energy of the section into T(1) M determined by X. For odd-dimensional spheres, the energy functional has an infimum for each dimension 2k + 1 which is not attained by any non-singular vector field for k > 1. For k = 1, Hopf vector fields are the unique minima. In this paper we show that for any closed Riemannian manifold, the energy of a frame defined on the manifold, possibly except on a finite subset, admits a lower bound in terms of the total scalar curvature of the manifold. In particular, for odd-dimensional spheres this lower bound is attained by a family of frames defined on the sphere minus one point and consisting of vector fields parallel along geodesics.