22 resultados para 5-DOF haptic interaction


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The various stages of the interaction between the detergent Triton X-100 (TTX-100) and membranes of whole red blood cells (RBC) were investigated in a broad range of detergent concentrations. The interaction was monitored by RBC hemolysis-assessed by release of intracellular hemoglobin (Hb) and inorganic phosphate- and by analysis of EPR spectra of a fatty acid spin probe intercalated in whole RBC suspensions, as well as pellets and supernatants obtained upon centrifugation of detergent-treated cells. Hemolysis finished at ca. 0.9 mM TTX-100. Spectral analysis and calculation of order parameters (S) indicated that a complex sequence of events takes place, and allowed the characterization of various structures formed in the different stages of detergent-membrane interaction. Upon reaching the end of cell lysis, essentially no pellet was detected, the remaining EPR signal being found almost entirely in the supernatants. Calculated order parameters revealed that whole RBC suspensions, pellets, and supernatants possessed a similar degree of molecular packing, which decreased to a small extent up to 2.5 mM detergent. Between 3.2 and 10 mM TTX-100, a steep decrease in S was observed for both whole RBC suspensions and supernatants. Above 10 mM detergent, S decreased in a less pronounced manner and the EPR spectra approached that of pure TTX-100 micelles. The data were interpreted in terms of the following events: at the lower detergent concentrations, an increase in membrane permeability occurs: the end of hemolysis coincides with the lack of pellet upon centrifugation. Up to 2.5 mM TTX-100 the supernatants consist of a (very likely) heterogeneous population of membrane fragments with molecular packing similar to that of whole cells. As the detergent concentration increases, mixed micelles are formed containing lipid and/or protein, approaching the packing found in pure TTX-100 micelles. This analysis is in agreement with the models proposed by Lasch (Biochim. Biophys Acta 1241 (1995) 269-292) and by Le Maire and coworkers (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1508 (2000) 86-111). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The analysis of the IR carbonyl band of the alpha-methylsulfonyl-alpha-diethoxyphosphoryl p-substituted acetophenones p-Y-Ph-C(O)CH(SO(2)Me)[P(O)(OEt)(2)] (Y = OMe 1, H 2, F 3, Cl 4, Br 5 and NO(2) 6) supported by HF/6-31G(d,p) ab initio calculations of the alpha-methylsulfonyl-alpha-diethoxyphosphoryl acetophenone 2, indicated the existence of a single stable cl conformer in gas phase and in solvents of increasing polarity, along with the presence of second less stable conformation in gas phase. The cl conformer present the (SO(2)Me) group and the [P(O)(OEt(2))] groups in a syn-clinal (gauche) geometry and is stabilised through of the 0(`60)... P(%), 01NO(owl Crco), ONO)... C(,C*.), 060)... S(`S`02.,) and 0(`S-02) q o) electronic interactions 08along with H(8S*o2M,). 0(660). HU(5C_H2)lP0Erl- 0(8so2m), H(6 +Ph)- - - (co) and H(8o+`-Ph). 0( `Po) intramolecular hydrogen bonds. The almost co nstant negative carbonyl frequency shifts (Av) for the title compounds 1-6 with respect to the parent acetophenones 7-14 corroborates the prevalence of the electronic interactions over the -l(y inductive effect of the ot-substituents for the title compounds and gives strong support for the existence of the crossed 0`(`C-O)... S`(1S+02m,) and 0(""S-02) C(`C+O) (charge transfer and electrostatic); 08-) (co P(`i o) and 01`M-OFt)l C(` o), (electrostatic) interactions. 0 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The (1)H NMR spectra of N-methoxy-N-methyl-2-[(4`-substituted)phenylsulfinyl]-propanamides [Y-Ph-S(O)CH(Me)C(O)N(OMe)Me; Y = OMe 1, Me 2, H 3. Cl 4, NO(2) 5] along with the X-ray diffraction analysis of the nitro-derivative (5). have shown the existence of two pairs of diastereomers (racemic mixture) [C(R)S(S)/C(S)S(R) (diast(1)) and C(R)S(R)/C(S)S(S) (diast(2))] in the ratio of ca. 7:3. respectively. The v(CO) IR analysis of the title compounds supported by HF and B3LYP/6-31G** calculations of 3 and of the parent N-methoxy-N-methyl-propanamide (6) by HF, have shown that diast(1) exists in an equilibrium between the two more polar and more stable quasi-cis (q-c(1) and q-c(2)) conformers and the gauche(g) conformer. The population of the g conformer in the equilibrium increases with the increase in the solvent polarity, which is attributed to a larger solvation effect on the carbonyl and sulfinyl groups. Diast(2) of compound 3 occurs in the gas phase as an equilibrium between the most stable quasi-gauche (q-g) conformer and the quasi-cis (q-c) conformer, both presenting very similar dipole moments. The former is stabilized by electrostatic and charge transfer interactions, which results in a less solvated spatial arrangement. Moreover, all conformers of both diastereomers are stabilized by several intramolecular hydrogen bonds. X-ray single crystal analysis performed for diast(1) and for diast(2) of 5 indicates that both stereoisomers assume, in the solid state, the anti-clinal (gauche) conformation. For the crystal packing, diast(1) of 5 is made up of three molecules joined through two centro-symmetric H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present work, results of the interaction between methanol and oxidized platinum surfaces as studied via transients of open-circuit potentials are presented. The surface oxidation before the exposure to interaction with 0.5 M methanol was performed at different polarization times at 1.4 V vs reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE). In spite of the small changes in the initial oxide content, the increase of the pre-polarization time induces a considerable increase of the time needed for the oxide consumption during its interaction with methanol. The influence of the identity of the chemisorbing anion on the transients was also investigated in the following media: 0.1 M HClO4, 0.5 M H2SO4, and 0.5 M H2SO4 + 0.1 mM Cl-. It was observed that the transient time increases with the energy of anion chemisorption and, more importantly, without a change in the shape of the transient, meaning that free platinum sites are available at the topmost layer all over the transient and not only in the potential region of small oxide `coverage`. The impact of the pre-polarization time and the effect of anion chemisorption on the transients are rationalized in terms of the presence of surface and subsurface oxygen driven by place exchange.


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The performance of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) operating on a simulated hydrocarbon reformate is described. The anode feed stream consisted of 80% H(2),similar to 20% N(2), and 8 ppm hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S). Cell performance losses are calculated by evaluating cell potential reduction due to H(2)S contamination through lifetime tests. It is found that potential, or power, loss under this condition is a result of platinum surface contamination with elemental sulfur. Electrochemical mass spectroscopy (EMS) and electrochemical techniques are employed, in order to show that elemental sulfur is adsorbed onto platinum, and that sulfur dioxide is one of the oxidation products. Moreover, it is demonstrated that a possible approach for mitigating H(2)S poisoning on the PEMFC anode catalyst is to inject low levels of air into the H(2)S-contaminated anode feeding stream. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The interaction of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with the ionic surfactants sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS, anionic), cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC, cationic) and N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate (HPS, zwitterionic) was studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of spin label covalently bound to the single free thiol group of the protein. EPR spectra simulation allows to monitor the protein dynamics at the labeling site and to estimate the changes in standard Gibbs free energy, enthalpy and entropy for transferring the nitroxide side chain from the more motionally restricted to the less restricted component. Whereas SDS and CTAC showed similar increases in the dynamics of the protein backbone for all measured concentrations. HPS presented a smaller effect at concentrations above 1.5 mM. At 10 mM of surfactants and 0.15 mM BSA, the standard Gibbs free energy change was consistent with protein backbone conformations more expanded and exposed to the solvent as compared to the native protein, but with a less pronounced effect for HPS. In the presence of the surfactants, the enthalpy change, related to the energy required to dissociate the nitroxide side chain from the protein, was greater, suggesting a lower water activity. The nitroxide side chain also detected a higher viscosity environment in the vicinity of the paramagnetic probe induced by the addition of the surfactants. The results suggest that the surfactant-BSA interaction, at higher surfactant concentration, is affected by the affinities of the surfactant to its own micelles and micelle-like aggregates. Complementary DLS data suggests that the temperature induced changes monitored by the nitroxide probe reflects local changes in the vicinity of the single thiol group of Cys-34 BSA residue. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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EPR spectra of 5- and 16-doxyl stearic acid nitroxide probes (5-DSA and 16-DSA, respectively) bound to bovine serum albumin (BSA) revealed that in the presence of ionic surfactants, at least, two label populations coexist in equilibrium. The rotational correlation times (tau) indicated that component I displays a more restricted mobility state, associated to the spin labels bound to the protein; the less immobilized component 2 is due to label localization in the surfactant aggregates. For both probes, the increase of surfactant concentration leads to higher motional levels of component 1 followed by a simultaneous decrease of this fraction of nitroxides and its conversion into component 2. For 10 mM cethyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC), the nitroxides are 100% bound to the protein, whereas at 10mM N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate (HPS) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) the fractions of bound nitroxides are reduced to 18% and 86%, respectively. No significant polarity changes were observed in the whole surfactant concentration range for component 1. Moreover, at higher surfactant concentration, component 2 exhibited a similar polarity as in the pure surfactant micelles. For 16-DSA the surfactant effect is different: at 10mM of HPS and CTAC the fractions of bound nitroxides are 76% and 49%, respectively, while at 10 mM SDS they are present exclusively in a micellar environment, consistent with 100% of component 2. Overall, both SDS and HPS are able to effectively displace the nitroxide probes from the protein binding sites. while CTAC seems to affect the nitroxide binding to a significantly smaller extent. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.