29 resultados para 250100 Physical Chemistry (incl. Structural)


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Hierarchical assemblies of CaMoO4 (CM) nano-octahedrons were obtained by microwave-assisted hydrothemial synthesis at 120 degrees C for different times. These structures were structurally, morphologically and optically characterized by X-ray diffraction, micro-Raman spectroscopy, field-emission gun scanning electron microscopy, ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy and photoluminescence measurements. First-principle calculations have been carried out to understand the structural and electronic order-disorder effects as a function of the particle/region size. Supercells of different dimensions were constructed to simulate the geometric distortions along both they and z planes of the scheelite structure. Based on these experimental results and with the help of detailed structural simulations, we were able to model the nature of the order-disorder in this important class of materials and discuss the consequent implications on its physical properties, in particular, the photoluminescence properties of CM nanocrystals.


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We describe here a procedure to bridge the gap in the field of calixarene physicochemistry between solid-state atomic-resolution structural information and the liquid-state low-resolution thermodynamics and spectroscopic data. We use MD simulations to study the kinetics and energetics involved in the complexation of lower rim calix[4]arene derivatives (L), containing bidentate ester (1) and ketone (2) pendant groups, with acetonitrile molecule (MeCN) and Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions (M2+) in acetonitrile solution. On one hand, we found that the prior inclusion of MeCN into the calix to form a L(MeCN) adduct has only a weak effect in preorganizing the hydrophilic cavity toward metal ion binding. On the other hand, the strong ion-hydrophilic cavity interaction produces a wide open calix which enhances the binding of one MeCN molecule (allosteric effect) to stabilize the whole (M2+)1(MeCN) bifunctional complex. We reach two major conclusions: (i) the MD results for the (M2+)1(MeCN) binding are in close agreement with the ""endo"", fully encapsulated, metal complex found by X-ray diffraction and in vacuo MD calculations, and (ii) the MD structure for the more flexible 2 ligand, however, differs from the also endo solid-state molecule. In fact, it shows strong solvation effects at the calixarene lower bore by competing MeCN molecules that share the metal coordination sphere with the four C=O oxygens of an ""exo"" (M2+)2(MeCN) complex.


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Thyroid hormone receptors (TR) are hormone-dependent transcription regulators that play a major role in human health, development, and metabolic functions. The thyroid hormone resistance syndrome, diabetes, obesity, and some types of cancer are just a few examples of important diseases that are related to TR malfunctioning, particularly impaired hormone binding. Ligand binding to and dissociation from the receptor ultimately control gene transcription and, thus, detailed knowledge of binding and release mechanisms are fundamental for the comprehension of the receptor`s biological function and development of pharmaceuticals. In this work, we present the first computational study of ligand entry into the ligand binding domain (LBD) of a nuclear receptor. We report molecular dynamics simulations of ligand binding to TRs using a generalization of the steered molecular dynamics technique designed to perform single-molecule pulling simulations along arbitrarily nonlinear driving pathways. We show that only gentle protein movements and conformational adaptations are required for ligand entry into the LBDs and that the magnitude of the forces applied to assist ligand binding are of the order of the forces involved in ligand dissociation. Our simulations suggest an alternative view for the mechanisms ligand binding and dissociation of ligands from nuclear receptors in which ligands can simply diffuse through the protein surface to reach proper positioning within the binding pocket. The proposed picture indicates that the large-amplitude protein motions suggested by the apo- and holo-RXR alpha crystallographic structures are not required, reconciling conformational changes of LBDs required for ligand entry with other nuclear receptors apo-structures that resemble the ligand-bound LBDs.


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Glasses having the composition (100 - x)As2P2S8-xGa(2)S(3) with x ranging from 0 to 50% were investigated to determine the compositional effect on properties and local structure. The glass transition temperature (T-g) and the stability parameter against crystallization (T-x - T-g) increased with the addition of Ga2S3. The structure of these glasses was probed by Raman scattering, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance. On the basis of the observed vibrations and the strength of the P-31-P-31 homonuclear magnetic dipolar coupling, two scenarios can be proposed for the structural evolution induced by the addition of Ga2S3. For x <= 20% we may have the formation of GaS4E- groups (E = nonbonding electron), and for x >= 30% we have depolymerization of the As2P2S8 units and the formation of a network of GaPS4 units with each PS4/2 unit (Q(4)) species carrying a single positive formal charge.


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The crystal structure and the vibrational spectrum of a potential drug for Chagas`s disease treatment, the (E)-isomer of phenylethenylbenzofuroxan 1 (5(6)(E)-[(2-phenylethenyl)]benzo[1,2-c]1,2,5-oxadiazole N-oxide), are reported. In order to provide insights into structural relationships, quantum mechanical calculations were employed starting from crystal structure. These results have given theoretical support to state interesting structural features, such as the effect of some intermolecular contacts on the molecule conformation and the electronic delocalization decreasing through atoms of the benzofuroxan moiety. Furthermore, the MOGUL comparative analysis in the Cambridge Structural Database provided additional evidences on these structural behaviors of compound 1. Intermolecular contacts interfere on the intramolecular geometry, as, for instance, on the phenyl group orientation, which is twisted by 12.32(6)A degrees from the ethenylbenzofuroxan plane. The experimental Raman spectrum of compound 1 presents unexpected frequency shift and also anomalous Raman activities. At last, the molecule skeleton deformation and the characteristic vibrational modes were correlated by matching the experimental Raman spectrum to the calculated one.


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Selectivity plays a crucial role in the design of enzyme inhibitors as novel antiparasitic agents, particularly in cases where the target enzyme is also present in the human host. Purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Schistosoma mansoni (SmPNP) is an attractive target for the discovery of potential antischistosomal agents. In the present work, kinetic studies were carried out in order to determine the inhibitory potency, mode of action and enzyme selectivity of a series of inhibitors of SmPNP. In addition, crystallographic studies provided important structural insights for rational inhibitor design, revealing consistent structural differences in the binding mode of the inhibitors in the active sites of the SmPNP and human PNP (HsPNP) structures. The molecular information gathered in this work should be useful for future medicinal chemistry efforts in the design of new inhibitors of SmPNP having increased affinity and selectivity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glycosyl hydrolases are enzymes capable of breaking the glycosidic linkage of polysaccharides and have considerable industrial and biotechnological applications. Driven by the later applications, it is frequently desirable that glycosyl hydrolases display stability and activity under extreme environment conditions, such as high temperatures and extreme pHs. Here, we present X-ray structure of the hyperthermophilic laminarinase from Rhodothermus marinus (RmLamR) determined at 1.95 angstrom resolution and molecular dynamics simulation studies aimed to comprehend the molecular basis, for the thermal stability of this class of enzymes. As most thermostable proteins, RmLamR contains a relatively large number of salt bridges, which are not randomly distributed on the structure. On the contrary, they form clusters interconnecting beta-sheets of the catalytic domain. Not all salt bridges, however, are beneficial for the protein thermostability: the existence of charge-charge interactions permeating the hydrophobic core of the enzymes actually contributes to destabilize the structure by facilitating water penetration into hydrophobic cavities, as can be seen in the case of mesophilic enzymes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the mobility of the side-chains is perturbed differently in each class of enzymes. The side-chains of loop residues surrounding the catalytic cleft in the mesophilic laminarinase gain mobility and obstruct the active site at high temperature. By contrast, thermophilic laminarinases preserve their active site flexibility, and the active-site cleft remains accessible for recognition of polysaccharide substrates even at high temperatures. The present results provide structural insights into the role played by salt-bridges and active site flexibility on protein thermal stability and may be relevant for other classes of proteins, particularly glycosyl hydrolases.


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The ionic liquids (ILs) 1-ethoxyethyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, [EtO-(CH(2))(2)MMI][Tf(2)N], and N-(ethoxyethyl)-N-methylmorpholinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, [EtO(CH(2))(2)MMor][Tf(2)N] were synthesized, and relevant properties, such as thermal stability, density, viscosity, electrochemical behavior, ionic conductivity, and self-diffusion coefficients for both ionic species, were measured and compared with those of their alkyl counterparts, 1-n-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, [BMMI][Tf(2)N], and N-n-butyl-N-methylpiperidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide,[BMP][Tf(2)N] and N-n-butyl-N-methylmorpholinium bis(trilfuoromethanesulfonyl)imide [BMMor][Tf(2)N][. This comparison was done to evaluate the effects caused by the presence of the ether bond in either the side chain or in the organic cation ring. The salt, LiTf(2)N, was added to the systems to estimate IL behavior with regard to lithium cation transport. Pure [EtO(CH(2))(2)MMI][Tf(2)N] and their LiTf(2)N solutions showed low viscosity and the highest conductivity among the ILs studied. The H(R) (AC conductivity/NMR calculated conductivity ratio) values showed that, after addition of LiTf(2)N, ILs containing the ether bond seemed to have a greater number of charged species. Structural reasons could explain these high observed HR values for [EtO(CH(2))(2)MMor][Tf(2)N].


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Transport coefficients have been measured as a function of the concentration of sulfur dioxide, SO(2), dissolved in 1-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)-imide, [BMMI][Tf(2)N], as well as in its lithium salt solution, Li[Tf(2)N]. The SO(2) reduces viscosity and density and increases conductivity and diffusion coefficients in both the neat [BMMI] [Tf(2)N] and the [BMMI][Tf(2)N]-Li[Tf(2)N] solution. The conductivity enhancement is not assigned to a simple viscosity effect; the weakening of ionic interactions upon SO(2) addition also plays a role. Microscopic details of the SO(2) effect were unraveled using Raman spectroscopy and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The Raman spectra suggest that the Li(+)-[Tf(2)N] interaction is barely affected by SO(2), and the SO(2)-[Tf(2)N] interaction is weaker than previously observed in an investigation of an ionic liquid containing the bromide anion. Transport coefficients calculated by MD simulations show the same trend as the experimental data with respect to SO(2) content. The MD simulations provide structural information on SO(2) molecules around [Tf(2)N], in particular the interaction of the sulfur atom of SO(2) with oxygen and fluorine atoms of the anion. The SO(2)-[BMMI] interaction is also important because the [BMMI] cations with above-average mobility have a larger number of nearest-neighbor SO(2) molecules.


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We report on the size, shape, structure, and interactions of lysozyme in the ternary system lysozyme/DMSO/water at low protein concentrations. Three structural regimes have been identified, which we term the ""folded"" (0 < phi(DMSO) < 0.7), ""unfolded"" (0.7 <= phi(DMSO) < 0.9), and ""partially collapsed"" (0.9 <= phi(DMSO) < 1.0) regime. Lysozyme resides in a folded conformation with an average radius of gyration of 1.3 +/- 0.1 nm for phi(DMSO) < 0.7 and unfolds (average R(g) of 2.4 +/- 0.1 nm) above phi(DMSO) > 0.7. This drastic change in the protein`s size coincides with a loss of the characteristic tertiary structure. It is preceded by a compaction of the local environment of the tryptophan residues and accompanied by a large increase in the protein`s overall flexibility. In terms of secondary structure, there is a gradual loss of alpha-helix and concomitant increase of beta-sheet structural elements toward phi(DMSO) = 0.7, while an increase in phi(DMSO) at even higher DMSO volume fractions reduces the presence of both a-helix and beta-sheet secondary structural elements. Protein-protein interactions remain overall repulsive for all values of phi(DMSO) An attempt is made to relate these structural changes to the three most important physical mechanisms that underlie them: the DMSO/water microstructure is strongly dependent on the DMSO volume fraction, DMSO acts as a strong H-bond acceptor, and DMSO is a bad solvent for the protein backbone and a number of relatively polar side groups, but a good solvent for relatively apolar side groups, such as tryptophan.


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Heterogeneous dynamics within a time range of nanoseconds was investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of 1 -butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([bmim]Cl). After identifying groups of fast and slow ions, it was shown that the separation between the location of the center of mass and the center of charge of cations, d(CMCC), is a signature of such difference in ionic mobility. The distance d(CMCC) can be used as a signature because it relaxes in the time window of the dynamical heterogeneity. The relationship between the parameter dcmcc and conformations of the side alkyl chain in [bmim] is discussed. Since the relatively slow relaxation of dcmcc is a consequence of coexisting polar and nonpolar domains in the bulk, the MD simulations reveal a subtle interplay between structural and dynamical heterogeneity in ionic liquids.


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The viscosity of ionic liquids based on quaternary ammonium cations is reduced when one of the alkyl chains is replaced by an alkoxy chain (Zhou et al. Chem. Eur. J. 2005, 11, 752.). A microscopic picture of the role played by the ether function in decreasing the viscosity of quaternary ammonium ionic liquids is provided here by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. A model for the ionic liquid N-ethyl-N,N-dimethyl-N-(2-methoxyethyl)ammonium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, MOENM(2)E TFSI, is compared to the tetraalky-lammonium counterpart. The alkoxy derivative has lower viscosity, higher ionic diffusion coefficients, and higher conductivity than the tetraalkyl system at the same density and temperature. A clear signature of the ether function on the liquid structure is observed in cation-cation correlations, but not in anion-anion or anion-cation correlations. In both the alkyl and the alkoxy ionic liquids, there is aggregation of long chains of neighboring cations within micelle-like structures. The MD simulations indicate that the less effective assembly between the more flexible alkoxy chains, in comparison to alkyl chains, is the structural reason for higher ionic mobility in MOENM(2)E TFSI.


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We have investigated the polyoxides HOOH, HOOOH, HOOOOH, and HOOO employing the CCSD(T) methodology, and the correlation consistent basis sets. For all molecules, we have computed fundamental vibrational frequencies, structural parameters, rotational constants, and rotation-vibration corrections. For HOOOH, we have obtained a good agreement between our results and microwave and infrared spectra measurements, although for the symmetric OO stretch some important differences were found. Heats of formation were computed using atomization energies, and our recommendation is as follows: Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOOH) = -21.50 kcal/mol and Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOOOH) = -10.61 kcal/mol. In the case of HOOO, to estimate the heat of formation, we have constructed three isodesmic reactions to cancel high order correlation effects. The results obtained confirmed that the latter effects are very important for HOOO. The new Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOO) obtained is 5.5 kcal/mol. We have also calculated the zero-point energies of DO and DOOO to correct the experimental lower limit determined for the Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOO). The Delta(Delta ZPE) decreases the binding energy of HOOO by 0.56 kcal/mol. Employing the latter value, the new experimental lower limit for Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOO) is 3.07 kcal/mol, just 2.4 kcal/mol lower than our determination. We expect that the fundamental vibrational frequencies and rotational constants determined for HOOOOH and DOOOOD contribute to its identification in the gas phase. The vibrational spectrum of HOOOOH shows some overlapping with that of HOOOH thus indicating that one may encounter some difficulties in its characterization. We discuss the consequences of the thermochemical properties determined in this work, and suggest that the amount of HOOO present in the atmosphere is smaller than that proposed recently in this journal (J. Phys. Chem A 2007, 111, 4727).


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The effect of adding SO(2) on the structure and dynamics of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide (BMIBr) was investigated by low-frequency Raman spectroscopy and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The MD simulations indicate that the long-range structure of neat BMIBr is disrupted resulting in a liquid with relatively low viscosity and high conductivity, but strong correlation of ionic motion persists in the BMIBr-SO(2) mixture due to ionic pairing. Raman spectra within the 5 < omega < 200 cm(-1) range at low temperature reveal the short-time dynamics, which is consistent with the vibrational density of states calculated by MD simulations. Several time correlation functions calculated by MD simulations give further insights on the structural relaxation of BMIBr-SO(2).