555 resultados para durability analysis


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Tropical countries, such as Brazil and Colombia, have the possibility of using agricultural lands for growing biomass to produce bio-fuels such as biodiesel and ethanol. This study applies an energy analysis to the production process of anhydrous ethanol obtained from the hydrolysis of starch and cellulosic and hemicellulosic material present in the banana fruit and its residual biomass. Four different production routes were analyzed: acid hydrolysis of amylaceous material (banana pulp and banana fruit) and enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic material (flower stalk and banana skin). The analysis considered banana plant cultivation, feedstock transport, hydrolysis, fermentation, distillation, dehydration, residue treatment and utility plant. The best indexes were obtained for amylaceous material for which mass performance varied from 346.5 L/t to 388.7 L/t, Net Energy Value (NEV) ranged from 9.86 MJ/L to 9.94 MJ/L and the energy ratio was 1.9 MJ/MJ. For lignocellulosic materials, the figures were less favorable: mass performance varied from 86.1 to 123.5 L/t, NEV from 5.24 10 8.79 MJ/L and energy ratio from 1.3 to 1.6 MJ/MJ. The analysis showed, however, that both processes can be considered energetically feasible. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In an energy perspective of cost-reduction and configuration-optimization, it becomes necessary to develop and use advanced tools for the analysis, design and improvement of energy conversion systems. In the aeronautical industry, such trend is fundamental since this industry has evolved to design extremely complex aircrafts, with highly integrated systems, requiring more information in order to evaluate the whole system. The aim of this paper is to present an exergy-based analysis as to evaluate the global performance of a typical turbofan engine and its components. The study presents values for exergy efficiency over the whole flight cycle, critical equipment and flight phases considering exergy destruction and estimating internal and exhaust flow costs. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An alternative for ethanol production, is the use of vegetable waste, such as excess of banana production, that are evaluated in 2,400,000 t/year, which includes: residual banana fruit and lignocellulosic material. This paper analyzes the energetic and exergetic behavior to carry the process developed at laboratory scale to a plant processing of banana for the ethanol production, involving: growing and transport of the vegetable material, hydrolysis of banana fruit, sugar fermentation, ethanol distillation and utility plant. Finally, energy and exergy indicators are obtained. The results show a positive energy balance when banana fruit is used for ethanol production, but some process modification must be done looking for improving the exergetic efficiency in ethanol production.


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This investigative work is concerned with the flow around a circular cylinder submitted to forced transverse oscillations. The goal is to investigate how the transition to turbulence is initiated in the wake for cases with different Reynolds numbers (Re) and displacement amplitudes (A). For each Re the motion frequency is kept constant, close to the Strouhal number of the flow around a fixed cylinder at the same Re. Stability analysis of two-dimensional periodic flows around a forced-oscillating cylinder is carried out with respect to three-dimensional infinitesimal perturbations. The procedure consists of performing a Floquet type analysis of time-periodic base flows, computed using the spectral/hp element method. With the results of the Floquet calculations, considerations regarding the stability of the system are drawn, and the form of the instability at its onset is obtained. The critical Reynolds number is observed to change with the amplitude of oscillation. With respect to instabilities, unstable modes with the same symmetry as mode A of a fixed cylinder are observed; however, they present different wavelengths. Also, the instabilities observed for the oscillating cylinder are distinctively stronger in the braid shear layers. Other unstable modes similar to mode B are found. Quasi-periodic modes are observed in the 2S wake, and subharmonic mode occurrences are reported in P + S wakes. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The most-used refrigeration system is the vapor-compression system. In this cycle, the compressor is the most complex and expensive component, especially the reciprocating semihermetic type, which is often used in food product conservation. This component is very sensitive to variations in its operating conditions. If these conditions reach unacceptable levels, failures are practically inevitable. Therefore, maintenance actions should be taken in order to maintain good performance of such compressors and to avoid undesirable stops of the system. To achieve such a goal, one has to evaluate the reliability of the system and/or the components. In this case, reliability means the probability that some equipment cannot perform their requested functions for an established time period, under defined operating conditions. One of the tools used to improve component reliability is the failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). This paper proposes that the methodology of FMEA be used as a tool to evaluate the main failures found in semihermetic reciprocating compressors used in refrigeration systems. Based on the results, some suggestions for maintenance are addressed.


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Many works have shown the potential of the Brazilian sugarcane industry as an electricity supplier. However, few studies have studied how this potential could be achieved without jeopardizing the production of sugar and ethanol. Also, the impact of modifications in the cogeneration plant on the costs of production of sugar and ethanol has not been evaluated. This paper presents an approach to the problem of exergy optimization of cogeneration systems in sugarcane mills. A general model to the sugar and ethanol production processes is developed based on data supplied by a real plant, and an exergy analysis is performed. A discussion is made about the variables that most affect the performance of the processes. Then, a procedure is presented to evaluate modifications in the cogeneration system and in the process, and their impact on the production costs of sugar, ethanol and electricity. Furthermore, a discussion on the renewability of processes is made based on an exergy index of renewability. As a general conclusion, besides adding a new revenue to the mill, the generation of excess electricity improves the exergo-environmental performance of the mill as a whole. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Void fraction sensors are important instruments not only for monitoring two-phase flow, but for furnishing an important parameter for obtaining flow map pattern and two-phase flow heat transfer coefficient as well. This work presents the experimental results obtained with the analysis of two axially spaced multiple-electrode impedance sensors tested in an upward air-water two-phase flow in a vertical tube for void fraction measurements. An electronic circuit was developed for signal generation and post-treatment of each sensor signal. By phase shifting the electrodes supplying the signal, it was possible to establish a rotating electric field sweeping across the test section. The fundamental principle of using a multiple-electrode configuration is based on reducing signal sensitivity to the non-uniform cross-section void fraction distribution problem. Static calibration curves were obtained for both sensors, and dynamic signal analyses for bubbly, slug, and turbulent churn flows were carried out. Flow parameters such as Taylor bubble velocity and length were obtained by using cross-correlation techniques. As an application of the void fraction tested, vertical flow pattern identification could be established by using the probability density function technique for void fractions ranging from 0% to nearly 70%.


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A two-dimensional numeric simulator is developed to predict the nonlinear, convective-reactive, oxygen mass exchange in a cross-flow hollow fiber blood oxygenator. The numeric simulator also calculates the carbon dioxide mass exchange, as hemoglobin affinity to oxygen is affected by the local pH value, which depends mostly on the local carbon dioxide content in blood. Blood pH calculation inside the oxygenator is made by the simultaneous solution of an equation that takes into account the blood buffering capacity and the classical Henderson-Hasselbach equation. The modeling of the mass transfer conductance in the blood comprises a global factor, which is a function of the Reynolds number, and a local factor, which takes into account the amount of oxygen reacted to hemoglobin. The simulator is calibrated against experimental data for an in-line fiber bundle. The results are: (i) the calibration process allows the precise determination of the mass transfer conductance for both oxygen and carbon dioxide; (ii) very alkaline pH values occur in the blood path at the gas inlet side of the fiber bundle; (iii) the parametric analysis of the effect of the blood base excess (BE) shows that V(CO2) is similar in the case of blood metabolic alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, or normal BE, for a similar blood inlet P(CO2), although the condition of metabolic alkalosis is the worst case, as the pH in the vicinity of the gas inlet is the most alkaline; (iv) the parametric analysis of the effect of the gas flow to blood flow ratio (Q(G)/Q(B)) shows that V(CO2) variation with the gas flow is almost linear up to Q(G)/Q(B) = 2.0. V(O2) is not affected by the gas flow as it was observed that by increasing the gas flow up to eight times, the V(O2) grows only 1%. The mass exchange of carbon dioxide uses the full length of the hollow-fiber only if Q(G)/Q(B) > 2.0, as it was observed that only in this condition does the local variation of pH and blood P(CO2) comprise the whole fiber bundle.


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A finite element analysis and a parametric optimization of single-axis acoustic levitators are presented. The finite element method is used to simulate a levitator consisting of a Langevin ultrasonic transducer with a plane radiating surface and a plane reflector. The transducer electrical impedance, the transducer face displacement, and the acoustic radiation potential that acts on small spheres are determined by the finite element method. The numerical electrical impedance is compared with that acquired experimentally by an impedance analyzer, and the predicted displacement is compared with that obtained by a fiber-optic vibration sensor. The numerical acoustic radiation potential is verified experimentally by placing small spheres in the levitator. The same procedure is used to optimize a levitator consisting of a curved reflector and a concave-faced transducer. The numerical results show that the acoustic radiation force in the new levitator is enhanced 604 times compared with the levitator consisting of a plane transducer and a plane reflector. The optimized levitator is able to levitate 3, 2.5-mm diameter steel spheres with a power consumption of only 0.9 W.


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The purpose of this article is to study the application of the holographic interferometry techniques in the structural analysis of submarine environment. These techniques are widely used today, with applications in many areas. Nevertheless, its application in submarine environments presents some challenges. The application of two techniques, electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) and digital holography, comparison of advantages and disadvantages of each of them is presented. A brief study is done on the influence of water properties and the optical effects due to suspended particles as well as possible solutions to minimize these problems. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The combined-cycle gas and steam turbine power plant presents three main pieces of equipment: gas turbines, steam turbines and heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). In case of HRSG failure the steam cycle is shut down, reducing the power plant output. Considering that the technology for design, construction and operation of high capacity HRSGs is quite recent its availability should be carefully evaluated in order to foresee the performance of the power plant. This study presents a method for reliability and availability evaluation of HRSGs installed in combined-cycle power plant. The method`s first step consists in the elaboration of the steam generator functional tree and development of failure mode and effects analysis. The next step involves a reliability and availability analysis based on the time to failure and time to repair data recorded during the steam generator operation. The third step, aiming at availability improvement, recommends the fault-tree analysis development to identify components the failure (or combination of failures) of which can cause the HRSG shutdown. Those components maintenance policy can be improved through the use of reliability centered maintenance (RCM) concepts. The method is applied on the analysis of two HRSGs installed in a 500 MW combined-cycle power plant. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this paper was to study the main effects of the turning in the superficial integrity of the duplex stainless steel ASTM A890-6A. The tests were conducted on a turning centre with carbide tools and the main entrances variables were: tool material class, feed rate, cutting depth, cutting speed and cutting fluid utilisation. The answers were analysed: microstructural analysis by optical microscopy and x-ray diffraction, cutting forces measurements by a piezoelectric dynamometer, surface roughness, residual stress by x-ray diffraction technique and the microhardness measurements. The results do not show any changes in the microstructural of the material, even when the greater cutting parameters were used. The smaller feed rate (0.1 mm/v), smaller cutting speed (110 m/min) and the greater cutting depth (0.5 mm) provided the smaller values for the tensile residual stress, the smaller surface roughness and the greater microhardness.


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Aluminum white dross is a valuable material principally due to its high metallic aluminum content. The aim of this work is to develop a method for quantitative analysis of aluminum white dross with high accuracy. Initially, the material was separated into four granulometric fractions by means of screening. Two samples of each fraction were obtained, which were analyzed by means of X-ray fluorescence and energy dispersive spectroscopy in order to determine the elements present in the samples. The crystalline phases aluminum, corundum, spinel, defect spinel, diaoyudaoite, aluminum nitride, silicon and quartz low were identified by X-ray diffraction. The quantitative phase analysis was performed by fitting the X-ray diffraction profile with the Rietveld method using the GSAS software. The following quantitative results were found: 77.8% aluminum, 7.3% corundum, 2.6% spinel, 7.6% defect spinel, 1.8% diaoyudaoite, 2.9% aluminum nitride, and values not significant of quartz and silicon.


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Urban rainfall-runoff residuals contain metals such as Cr, Zn, Cu, As, Pb and Cd and are thus reasonable candidates for treatment using Portland cement-based solidification-stabilization (S/S). This research is a study of S/S of urban storm water runoff solid residuals in Portland cement with quicklime and sodium bentonite additives. The solidified residuals were analyzed after 28 days of hydration time using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and solid-state Si-29 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results indicate that the main cement hydration products are ettringite, calcium hydroxide and hydrated calcium silicates. Zinc hydroxide and lead and zinc silicates are also present due to the reactions of the waste compounds with the cement and its hydration products. Si-29 NMR analysis shows that the coarse fraction of the waste apparently does not interfere with cement hydration, but the fine fraction retards silica polymerization.


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The premature failure of a large agglomeration machine used for the annual production of 360,000 m(3) of eucalypt fiber panels was investigated to identify the nucleation and growth mechanisms of cracking in PH stainless steel belts (126 m x 2.9 m x 3.0 mm). These belts are used to compress a cushion composed of eucalyptus fibers and glue, being the pressure transmitted from the pistons by the action of numerous case-hardening steel rolls. Examination of the belt working interfaces (belt/rolls and belt/eucalypt fibers) indicated that the main cracking was nucleated on the belt/roll interface and that there is a clear relationship between the crack nucleation and the presence of superficial irregularities, which were observed on the belt/roll working surface. Used rolls showed the presence of perimetric wear marks and 2 mu m silicon-rich encrusted particles (identified as silicon carbide). Lubricant residues contained the presence of helicoidal wires, which were originated by the release of the stainless steel cleaning brush bristles, and 15 mu m diameter metallic particles, which were generated by material detachment of the belt. The presence of foreign particles on the tribological interface contributed to an increase of the shear stresses at the surfaces and, consequently, the number of the contact fatigue crack nucleation sites in the belt/roll tribo-interface. The cracking was originated on the belt/roll interface of the stainless steel belt by a mixed rolling/slip contact fatigue mechanism, which promoted spalling and further nucleation and growth of conventional fatigue cracks. Finally, the system lubrication efficiency and the cleaning procedure should be optimised in order to increase the life expectancy of the belt. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.