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An efficient expert system for the power transformer condition assessment is presented in this paper. Through the application of Duval`s triangle and the method of the gas ratios a first assessment of the transformer condition is obtained in the form of a dissolved gas analysis (DGA) diagnosis according IEC 60599. As a second step, a knowledge mining procedure is performed, by conducting surveys whose results are fed into a first Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System (T2-FLS), in order to initially evaluate the condition of the equipment taking only the results of dissolved gas analysis into account. The output of this first T2-FLS is used as the input of a second T2-FLS, which additionally weighs up the condition of the paper-oil system. The output of this last T2-FLS is given in terms of words easily understandable by the maintenance personnel. The proposed assessing methodology has been validated for several cases of transformers in service. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An improvement to the quality bidimensional Delaunay mesh generation algorithm, which combines the mesh refinement algorithms strategy of Ruppert and Shewchuk is proposed in this research. The developed technique uses diametral lenses criterion, introduced by L. P. Chew, with the purpose of eliminating the extremely obtuse triangles in the boundary mesh. This method splits the boundary segment and obtains an initial prerefinement, and thus reducing the number of necessary iterations to generate a high quality sequential triangulation. Moreover, it decreases the intensity of the communication and synchronization between subdomains in parallel mesh refinement.
Following the approach developed for rods in Part 1 of this paper (Pimenta et al. in Comput. Mech. 42:715-732, 2008), this work presents a fully conserving algorithm for the integration of the equations of motion in nonlinear shell dynamics. We begin with a re-parameterization of the rotation field in terms of the so-called Rodrigues rotation vector, allowing for an extremely simple update of the rotational variables within the scheme. The weak form is constructed via non-orthogonal projection, the time-collocation of which ensures exact conservation of momentum and total energy in the absence of external forces. Appealing is the fact that general hyperelastic materials (and not only materials with quadratic potentials) are permitted in a totally consistent way. Spatial discretization is performed using the finite element method and the robust performance of the scheme is demonstrated by means of numerical examples.
Thin hard coatings on components and tools are used increasingly due to the rapid development in deposition techniques, tribological performance and application skills. The residual stresses in a coated surface are crucial for its tribological performance. Compressive residual stresses in PVD deposited TiN and DLC coatings were measured to be in the range of 0.03-4 GPa on steel substrate and 0.1-1.3 GPa on silicon. MoS(2) coatings had tensional stresses in the range of 0.8-1.3 on steel and 0.16 GPa compressive stresses on silicon. The fracture pattern of coatings deposited on steel substrate were analysed both in bend testing and scratch testing. A micro-scale finite element method (FEM) modelling and stress simulation of a 2 mu m TiN-coated steel surface was carried out and showed a reduction of the generated tensile buckling stresses in front of the sliding tip when compressive residual stresses of 1 GPa were included in the model. However, this reduction is not similarly observed in the scratch groove behind the tip, possibly due to sliding contact-induced stress relaxation. Scratch and bending tests allowed calculation of the fracture toughness of the three coated surfaces, based on both empirical crack pattern observations and FEM stress calculation, which resulted in highest values for TiN coating followed by MoS(2) and DLC coatings, being K(C) = 4-11, about 2, and 1-2 MPa M(1/2), respectively. Higher compressive residual stresses in the coating and higher elastic modulus of the coating correlated to increased fracture toughness of the coated surface. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Using the previously described method for appearance function determination, described in Part I of this article, the breakage characterization of the main Carajas ore types was carried out. Based on such characteristics, the ball mill circuit performance was evaluated through simulations. The model described in the first part was used. The results were assessed by comparing ball mill products and cyclone overflow size distribution, as well as simulated recirculating loads. The simulations indicated the potential for processing such ore types at the Carajas grinding circuit, which until now was unknown.
Ni-doped SnO(2) nanoparticles, promising for gas-sensing applications, have been synthesized by a polymer precursor method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) data analyses indicate the exclusive formation of nanosized particles with rutile-type phase (tetragonal SnO(2)) for Ni contents below 10 mol%. The mean crystallite size shows a progressive reduction with the Ni content. Room-temperature Raman spectra of Ni-doped SnO(2) nanoparticles show the presence of Raman active modes and modes activated by size effects. From the evolution of the A(1g) mode with the Ni content, a solubility limit at similar to 2 mol% was estimated. Below that content, Raman results are consistent with the occurrence of solid solution (ss) and surface segregation (seg.) of Ni ions. Above similar to 2 mol% Ni, the redshift of A(1g) mode suggests that the surface segregation of Ni ions takes place. Disorder-activated bands were determined and their integrated intensity evolution with the Ni content suggest that the solid-solution regime favors the increase of disorder; meanwhile, that disorder becomes weaker as the Ni content is increased. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In this work, we experimentally showed that the spontaneous segregation of MgO as surface excess in MgO doped SnO(2) nanoparticles plays an important role in the system`s energetics and stability. Using Xray fluorescence in specially treated samples, we quantitatively determined the fraction of MgO forming surface excess when doping SnO(2) with several different concentrations and established a relationship between this amount and the surface energy of the nanoparticles using the Gibbs approach. We concluded that the amount of Mg ions on the surface was directly related to the nanoparticles total free energy, in a sense that the dopant will always spontaneously distribute itself to minimize it if enough diffusion is provided. Because we were dealing with nanosized particles, the effect of MgO on the surface was particularly important and has a direct effect on the equilibrium particle size (nanoparticle stability), such that the lower the surface energy is, the smaller the particle sizes are, evidencing and quantifying the thermodynamic basis of using additives to control SnO(2) nanoparticles stability. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The goal of this work is to investigate the reduction of chromium from a quaternary slag by carbon dissolved in liquid steel. Laboratory scale experiments were conducted to study the reduction of chromium oxides in the slag by carbon dissolved in the melt. These experiments were made under different conditions of slag basicity and amount of added carbon. Thermodynamic calculations based on Double Sublattice model were applied using the commercial software Thermo-Calc, with the IRSID database. The results obtained showed good correlation with practical and calculated results, making it possible to predict equilibrium conditions of the system and to determine the activities of chromium oxides in the slag.
Ni-doped SnO(2) nanoparticles prepared by a polymer precursor method have been characterized structurally and magnetically. Ni doping (up to 10 mol%) does not significantly affect the crystalline structure of SnO(2), but stabilizes smaller particles as the Ni content is increased. A notable solid solution regime up to similar to 3 mol% of Ni, and a Ni surface enrichment for the higher Ni contents are found. The room temperature ferromagnetism with saturation magnetization (MS) similar to 1.2 x 10(-3) emu g(-1) and coercive field (H(C)) similar to 40 Oe is determined for the undoped sample, which is associated with the exchange coupling of the spins of electrons trapped in oxygen vacancies, mainly located on the surface of the particles. This ferromagnetism is enhanced as the Ni content increases up to similar to 3 mol%, where the Ni ions are distributed in a solid solution. Above this Ni content, the ferromagnetism rapidly decays and a paramagnetic behavior is observed. This finding is assigned to the increasing segregation of Ni ions (likely formed by interstitials Ni ions and nearby substitutional sites) on the particle surface, which modifies the magnetic behavior by reducing the available oxygen vacancies and/or the free electrons and favoring paramagnetic behavior.
A polymer precursor method has been used to synthesize Ni-doped SnO(2) nanoparticles. X-ray diffraction (XRD) data analyses indicate the exclusive formation of nanosized particles with rutile-type phase (tetragonal SnO(2)) for Ni contents below 10 mol%. In this concentration range, the particle sizes decrease with increasing Ni content and a bulk solid solution limit was determined at similar to 1 mol%. Ni surface enrichment is present at concentrations higher than the solution limit. Only above 10 mol% Ni. the formation of a second NiO-related phase has been determined. Magnetization measurements suggest the occurrence of ferromagnetism for samples in the solid solution regime (below similar to 1 mol%). This ferromagnetism is associated with the exchange interaction between electron spins trapped on oxygen vacancies, and is enhanced as the amount of Ni(2+) substituting at Sn(4+) sites increases. Above the solid solution limit, ferromagnetism is destroyed by the Ni surface enrichment and the system behaves as a paramagnet. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The influence of Sri in Fe(2)O(3) thin films is addressed. The presence of the tin ions decreases the Fe(2)O(3) particle sizes and surface roughness decreasing of the films` surface is observed as a consequence. X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy measurements together with literature results support this phenomenon to be related to the segregation of the additive onto the surface and consequently surface energy decrease, which constitutes the driving force for the microstructure modification, similarly to results previously obtained for powders with same compositions. The effect of the anions introduced in the system as counter-ions of the precursors is also discussed.
The effects of temperature on the fast fracture behavior of aluminum nitride with 5 wt% Y(2)O(3) ceramic were investigated. Four-point flexural strength and fracture toughness were measured in air at several temperatures (30-1,300 A degrees C). The flexural strength gradually decreased with the increase of temperature up to 1,000 A degrees C due to the change in the fracture mode from transgranular to intergranular, and then became almost constant up to 1,300 A degrees C. Two main flaw types as fracture origin were identified: small surface flaw and large pores. The volume fraction of the large pores was only 0.01%; however, they limited the strength on about 50% of the specimens. The fracture toughness decreased slightly up to 800 A degrees C controlled by the elastic modulus change, and then decreased significantly at 1,000 A degrees C due to the decrease in the grain-boundary toughness. Above 1,000 A degrees C, the fracture toughness increased significantly, and at 1,300 A degrees C, its value was close to that measured at room temperature.
There are many industrial advantages of using mechanical multi-oxides mixtures to obtain ceramic parts by electrophoretic deposition (EPD). This is mainly because one could avoid complex chemical synthesis routes to achieve a desirable composition. However, EPD of these suspensions is not an easy task as well since many different surfaces are present, leading to unexpected suspension behavior. The particles surface potentials and interactions can, however, be predicted by an extension of the DLVO theory. Using this theory, one can control the suspension properties and particles distribution. The objective of this work was to apply the colloidal chemistry theories to promote the formation of a heterocoagulation between ZrO(2) and Y(2)O(3) particles in ethanol suspension to achieve a suitable condition for EPD. After identifying a condition where those particles had opposite surface charges and adequate relative sizes, heterocoagulation was observed at operational pH 7.5, generating an organized agglomerate with ZrO(2) particles surrounding Y(2)O(3), with a net zeta potential of -16.6 mV. Since the agglomerates were stable, EPD could be carried out and homogeneous deposits were obtained. The deposited bodies were sintered at 1600 A degrees C for 4 h and partially stabilized ZrO(2) could be obtained without traces of Y(2)O(3) second phases.
The paper presents the results of a complementary study including magnetic hysteresis loops B(H), magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN) and magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) signals measurements for plastically deformed Fe-2%Si samples. The investigated samples had been plastically deformed with plastic strain level (epsilon(p)) up to 8%. The properties of B(H) loops are quantified using the coercivity H(C) and maximum differential permeability mu(rmax) as parameters. The MBN and MAE voltage signals were analysed by means of rms-like voltage (Ub and Ua, respectively) envelopes, plotted as a function of applied field strength. Integrals of the Ub and Ua voltages over half of a period of magnetization were then calculated. It has been found that He and integrals of Ub increase, while mu(rmax) decreases monotonically with increasing epsilon(p). The MAE (Ua) peak voltage at first decreases, then peaks at epsilon(p) approximate to 1.5% and finally decreases again. The integral of the Ua voltage at first increases for low epsilon(p) and then decreases for epsilon(p) > 1.5%. All those various dependence types suggest the possibility of detection of various stages of microstructure change. The above-mentioned results are discussed qualitatively in the paper. Some modelling of the discussed dependency is also presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Before one models the effect of plastic deformation on magnetoacoustic emission (MAE), one must first treat non-180 degrees domain wall motion. In this paper, we take the Alessandro-Beatrice-Bertotti-Montorsi (ABBM) model and modify it to treat non-180 degrees wall motion. We then insert a modified stress-dependent Jiles-Atherton model, which treats plastic deformation, into the modified ABBM model to treat MAE and magnetic Barkhausen noise (HBN). In fitting the dependence of these quantities on plastic deformation, we apply a model for when deformation gets into the stage where dislocation tangles are formed, noting two chief effects, one due to increased density of emission centers owing to increased dislocation density, and the other due to a more gentle increase in the residual stress in the vicinity of the dislocation tangles as deformation is increased.