161 resultados para finite integral transform technique
Upper premolars restored with endodontic posts present a high incidence of vertical root fracture (VRF). Two hypotheses were tested: (1) the smaller mesiodistal diameter favors stress concentration in the root and (2) the lack of an effective bonding between root and post increases the risk of VRF. Using finite element analysis, maximum principal stress was analyzed in 3-dimensional intact upper second premolar models. From the intact models, new models were built including endodontic posts of different elastic modulus (E = 37 or E = 200 GPa) with circular or oval cross-section, either bonded or nonbonded to circular or oval cross-section root canals. The first hypothesis was partially confirmed because the conditions involving nonbonded, low-modulus posts showed lower tensile stress for oval canals compared to circular canals. Tensile stress peaks for the nonbonded models were approximately three times higher than for the bonded or intact models, therefore confirming the second hypothesis. (J Endod 2009;35:117-120)
Stress distributions in torsion and wire-loop shear tests were compared using three-dimensional (3-D) linear-elastic finite element method, in an attempt to predict the ideal conditions for testing adhesive strength of dental resin composites to dentin. The torsion test presented lower variability in stress concentration at the adhesive interface with changes in the proportion adhesive thickness/resin composite diameter, as well as lower variability with changes in the resin composite elastic modulus. Moreover, the torsion test eliminated variability from changes in loading distance, and reduced the cohesive fracture tendency in the dentin. The torsion test seems to be more appropriate than wire-loop shear test for testing the resin composite-tooth interface strength. (c) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2009
The foramen of Vesalius (FV) is located in the greater wing of the sphenoid bone between the foramen ovale (FO) and the foramen rotundum in an intracranial view. The FO allows the passage of the mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve, which is the target of the trigeminal radiofrequency rhizotomy. We analyzed its location, morphology, morphometry and interrelation among other foramina. 400 macerated adult human skulls were examined. A digital microscope (Dino-Lite plus(A (R))) was used to capture images from the FV. A digital caliper was used to perform the measurements of the distance between the FV and other foramina (FO, foramen spinosum and the carotid canal) in an extracranial view of the skull base. In the 400 analyzed skulls, the FV was identified in 135 skulls (33.75%) and absent on both sides in 265 skulls (66.25%). The FV was observed present bilaterally in 15.5% of the skulls. The incidence of unilateral foramen was 18.25% of the skulls of which 7.75% on right side and 10.5% on left side. The diameter of the FV was measured and we found an average value of 0.65 mm, on right side 0.63 mm and on the left side 0.67 mm. We verified that positive correlations were statistically significant among the three analyzed distances. This study intends to offer specific anatomical data with morphological patterns (macroscopic and mesoscopic) to increase the understanding of the FV features as frequency, incidence and important distances among adjacent foramina.
Composite resins can be used to improve the esthetics of the smile at a low cost and with relatively high clinical performance, The aim of this article was to describe an approach to restore and enhance the esthetic appearance of the anterior dentition through vital tooth whitening and the direct layering of composite resin during predictable esthetic procedures, (Quintessence lot 2011;42205-211)
Objective. The aim was to compare the percentage and depth of sealer penetration into dentinal tubules during obturation using Sealer 26, GuttaFlow, or Sealapex in root canals filled with the lateral compaction technique. Study design. Thirty root canals filled with the lateral compaction technique using GuttaFlow (n = 10), Sealapex (n = 10), or Sealer 26 (n = 10) were analyzed using confocal microscopy. The teeth were sectioned at 3 and 5 mm from the apex, and statistical analyses was performed using analysis of variance-Tukey test (P < .05). Results. Sealapex showed the deepest sealer penetration at both levels evaluated (P < .05). No statistically significance was found between Sealer 26 and GuttaFlow at the 3 mm and 5 mm levels. No statistical significance was found in the percentage of penetration around the root canal wall among the 3 sealers evaluated at both levels. Conclusions. Although Sealapex displayed deeper penetration into the dentinal tubules there was no difference in the percentage of adaptation to the root canal walls among the 3 sealers evaluated. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: 450-457)
To analyse the gutta-percha filled area of C-shaped molar teeth root filled with the modified MicroSeal technique with reference to the radiographic features and the C-shaped canal configuration. Twenty-three mandibular second molar teeth with C-shaped roots were classified according to their radiographic features as: type I - merging, type II - symmetrical and type III - asymmetrical. The canals were root filled using a modified technique of the MicroSeal system. Horizontal sections at intervals of 600 mu m were made 1 mm from the apex to the subpulpal floor level. The percentage of gutta-percha area from the apical, middle and coronal levels of the radiographic types was analysed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Complementary analysis of the C-shaped canal configurations (C1, C2 and C3) determined from cross-sections from the apical third was performed in a similar way. No significant differences were found between the radiographic types in terms of the percentage of gutta-percha area at any level (P > 0.05): apical third, type I: 77.04%, II: 70.48% and III: 77.13%, middle third, type I: 95.72%, II: 93.17%, III: 91.13% and coronal level, type I: 98.30%, II: 98.25%, III: 97.14%. Overall, the percentage of the filling material was lower in the apical third (P < 0.05). No significant differences were found between the C-shaped canal configurations apically; C1: 72.64%, C2: 79.62%, C3: 73.51% (P > 0.05). The percentage of area filled with gutta-percha was similar in the three radiographic types and canal configuration categories of C-shaped molars. These results show the difficulty of achieving predictable filling of the root canal system when this anatomical variation exists. In general, the apical third was less completely filled.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the amount of dentifrice applied to the toothbrush by school children using a liquid dentifrice (drop technique), when compared to toothpaste. Materials and Methods: A total of 178 school children (4-8 years old) from two cities in Brazil (Bauru and Bariri) participated in the present two-part crossover study. Children from Bauru received training regarding tooth-brushing techniques and use of dentifrice before data collection. In each phase, the amount of toothpaste or liquid dentifrice applied by the children to the toothbrush was measured, using a portable analytical balance (+/- 0.01 g). Data were tested by analysis of covariance (Ancova) and linear regression (p < 0.05). Results: The mean (+/- standard deviation) amounts of toothpaste and liquid dentifrice applied to the toothbrushes for children from Bauru were 0.41 +/- 0.20 g and 0.15 +/- 0.06 g, respectively. For children from Bariri, the amounts applied were and 0.48 +/- 0.24 g and 0.14 +/- 0.05 g, respectively. The amount of toothpaste applied was significantly larger than the amount of liquid dentifrice for both cities. Children from Bariri applied a significantly larger amount of toothpaste, when compared to those from Bauru. However, for the liquid dentifrice, there was no statistically significant difference between the cities. A significant correlation between the amount of toothpaste applied and the age of the children was verified, but the same was not found for the liquid dentifrice. Conclusion: The use of the drop technique reduced and standardised the amount of dentifrice applied to the toothbrush, which could reduce the risk of dental fluorosis for young children.
Objective. This study evaluated the reliability of tooth-crown radiographic references to aid in orthodontic mini-implant insertion and showed an insertion technique based on these references. Study design. The sample consisted of 213 interradicular septa evaluated in 53 bitewing radiographs. The proximal contour of adjacent tooth crowns was used to define septum width and its midpoint was linked to the interdental contact point to determine septum midline (SML). The distances from SML to mesial and distal teeth were measured and compared to evaluate SML centralization degree in 2 different septum heights. Results. The mesial and distal distances were not statistically different in the midpoint of the septum height, but they were different at the apical septum height. Conclusions. The tooth-crown radiographic references determine a high centralization degree of the SML on which an insertion site could be defined. The greater SML centralization degree was observed at the coronal septum area. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;110:e8-e16)
Background: Understanding how clinical variables affect stress distribution facilitates optimal prosthesis design and fabrication and may lead to a decrease in mechanical failures as well as improve implant longevity. Purpose: In this study, the many clinical variations present in implant-supported prosthesis were analyzed by 3-D finite element method. Materials and Method: A geometrical model representing the anterior segment of a human mandible treated with 5 implants supporting a framework was created to perform the tests. The variables introduced in the computer model were cantilever length, elastic modulus of cancellous bone, abutment length, implant length, and framework alloy (AgPd or CoCr). The computer was programmed with physical properties of the materials as derived from the literature, and a 100N vertical load was used to simulate the occlusal force. Images with the fringes of stress were obtained and the maximum stress at each site was plotted in graphs for comparison. Results: Stresses clustered at the elements closest to the loading point. Stress increase was found to be proportional to the increase in cantilever length and inversely proportional to the increase in the elastic modulus of cancellous bone. Increasing the abutment length resulted in a decrease of stress on implants and framework. Stress decrease could not be demonstrated with implants longer than 13 mm. A stiffer framework may allow better stress distribution. Conclusion: The relative physical properties of the many materials involved in an implant-supported prosthesis system affect the way stresses are distributed.
Purpose This 24-month randomized paired tooth clinical study evaluated the performance of All Bond 3 used in the simplified (2-step) and full (3-step) versions Methods 33 patients, with at least two similar sized non-carious cervical lesions participated in this study A total of 66 restorations were placed, half using the 2-step All Bond 3 (AB3-2) and the other half using 3-step All Bond 3 (AB3-3) The restorations were placed incrementally using the composite resin Aelite The restorations were evaluated at baseline and after 6, 12 and 24 months following the modified USPHS criteria Statistical differences between the adhesive were tested using with McNemar`s test and clinical performance over time for each material with the Fisher`s exact test (alpha= 0 05) Results After 24 months, six AB3-2 and four AB3-3 were rated as bravo for marginal discoloration but did not differ from each other significantly (P> 0 05) The retention rates at 24 months of AB3-2 and AB3-3 were 90 9% and 97 0%, respectively (P> 0 05) (Am J Dent 2010,23 231-236)
Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the stress on the cortical bone around single body dental implants supporting mandibular complete fixed denture with rigid (Neopronto System-Neodent) or semirigid splinting system (Barra Distal System-Neodent). Methods and Materials: Stress levels on several system components were analyzed through finite element analysis. Focusing on stress concentration at cortical bone around single body dental implants supporting mandibular complete fixed dentures with rigid ( Neopronto System-Neodent) or semirigid splinting system ( Barra Distal System-Neodent), after axial and oblique occlusal loading simulation, applied in the last cantilever element. Results: The results showed that semirigid implant splinting generated lower von Mises stress in the cortical bone under axial loading. Rigid implant splinting generated higher von Mises stress in the cortical bone under oblique loading. Conclusion: It was concluded that the use of a semirigid system for rehabilitation of edentulous mandibles by means of immediate implant-supported fixed complete denture is recommended, because it reduces stress concentration in the cortical bone. As a consequence, bone level is better preserved, and implant survival is improved. Nevertheless, for both situations the cortical bone integrity was protected, because the maximum stress level findings were lower than those pointed in the literature as being harmful. The maximum stress limit for cortical bone (167 MPa) represents the threshold between plastic and elastic state for a given material. Because any force is applied to an object, and there is no deformation, we can conclude that the elastic threshold was not surpassed, keeping its structural integrity. If the force is higher than the plastic threshold, the object will suffer permanent deformation. In cortical bone, this represents the beginning of bone resorption and/or remodeling processes, which, according to our simulated loading, would not occur. ( Implant Dent 2010; 19:39-49)