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Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with a high white blood cell (WBC) count at presentation has been associated with an increased early mortality rate, usually secondary to leukostasis. However, the value of the WBC count at which there is a high risk of early death (ED) and the efficiency of supportive treatments remain unclear. In this report, a series of 187 consecutive adult patients with AML in our institution was reviewed. The outcome of 40 patients with WBC above 50 x 10(9) L(-1) (hyperleukocytosis) was compared to 147 patients with a leukocyte count lower than 50 x 10(9) L(-1). The group with hyperleukocytosis showed a significantly shorter OS (P < 0.0001) and a higher rate of ED (P = 0.0008). Even when the data from ED patients were removed from analysis, we still detected a shorter OS in patients with hyperleukocytosis (P = 0.0049), which suggests that high WBC number influences long-term survival, and not only ED. We also observed higher lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) and serum creatinine levels in the group of patients with hyperleukocytosis (P = 0.0003 and 0.0406, respectively). Besides considering all the patients with ED, we could observe higher levels of lactic dehydrogenase, a serum creatinine and nitrogen urea (P = 0.0056, P = 0.0008 and P < 0.0001, respectively). Pulmonary involvement was more frequent in patients with ED (P = 0.0277). In conclusion, hyperleukocytosis confers a poorer prognosis in patients with AML.
Oral squamous Cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common head and neck cancer. Only in Brazil, the estimate is for 14,160 new cases in 2009. HPV is associated with increasing risk of oral cancer, but its role in carcinogenesis is still controversial. BUBR1, all important protein in the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), has been associated with some virus-encoded proteins and cancer. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the expression of BUBR1 in non-malignant oral lesions and OSCC with and without metastasis associated with HPV infection. We performed immunohistochemistry for BUBR1 in 70 OSCC biopsies divided into three groups (in situ tumors, invasive tumors without metastasis and invasive tumors with metastasis) with their respective lymph nodes from samples with metastasis and in 16 non-malignant oral lesions. PCR was performed in order to detect HPV DNA. Significantly higher BUBR1 expression associated with shorter survival (p=0.0479) was observed in malignant lesions. There was also it significant correlation (r=1.000) with BUBR1 expression in lesions with metastasis and their lymph nodes. Ninety percent of OSCC and 100% of benign lesions were HPV positive. HPV16 and HVP18 were present in 13 and 24% of HPV-positive OSCC samples, respectively. HPV was more prevalent (76%) in samples with a high BUBR1 expression and the absence of viral DNA had no influence oil BUBR1 expression. These findings suggest that HPV could be associated with overexpression of BUBR1 in OSCC. but not in benign oral lesions.
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) plays an important role in cancer. A functional single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the 5`-untranslated region of the EGF gene (+61 A>G) may influence its expression and contribute to cancer predisposition and aggressiveness. Aiming to investigate the role of EGF +61 A>G in the susceptibility to glioma and its prognosis, we performed a case-control study with 165 patients and 200 healthy controls from Brazil. Comparisons of genotype distributions and allele frequencies did not reveal any significant differences between the groups. The mean overall survival was 9.2 months for A/A, 8.2 months for A/G, and 7.7 months for GIG. When survival curves were plotted we found that the +61G allele is associated with poor overall survival (p=0.023) but not with disease-free survival (p=0.527). Our data suggest that, although there is no association between the EGF +61 A>G genotype and glioma susceptibility, this SNP is associated with shorter overall survival of glioma patients in the Brazilian population. Nevertheless, future studies utilizing a larger series are essential for a definitive conclusion. (Int J Biol Markers 2009; 24: 277-81)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To compare the results of preoperative Nd:YAG laser anterior capsulotomy versus two-stage continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (CCC) in phacoemulsification of eyes with white intumescent cataracts and liquefied cortex. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-three eyes with white intumescent cataract were consecutively randomized for phacoemulsification with preoperative Nd:YAG laser anterior capsulotomy (group 1, n = 11) or two-stage CCC (group 2, n = 12) procedures. Intraoperative findings and postoperative outcomes were compared using the nonparametric tests. RESULTS: Postoperative Visual acuity, mean surgical time, mean effective phacoemulsification time, and frequency of complications were not significantly different between the two groups (P > .05). Two cases in each group were converted to the extracapsular technique. Excluding these four patients, surgical time was shorter In group 1 (P = .017). CONCLUSION: Preoperative Nd:YAG laser anterior capsulotomy is a safe technique in decompressing the capsular bag before phacoemulsification of white intumescent cataracts with liquefied cortex.
Background: Cigarette smoke exposure is considered an important negative prognostic factor for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) patients. However, there is no clear mechanistic evidence implicating cigarette smoke exposure in the poor clinical evolution of the disease or in the maintenance of the inflammatory state characterizing CRS. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of cigarette smoke exposure on respiratory cilia differentiation. Methods: Monse nasal septal epithelium cultures grown at an air-liquid interface were used as a model of respiratory epithelium. After 5 days of cell growth, cultures were exposed to air on the apical surface. Additionally, cigarette smoke condensate (CSC; the particulate phase of tobacco smoke) or cigarette smoke extract (CSE; the volatile phase) Were diluted in the basolateral compartment in different concentrations. After 15 days of continuous exposure, scanning electron microscopy and immunofluorescence for type IV tubulin were used to determine presence and maturation of cilia. Transepithelial resistance was also recorded to evaluate confluence and physiological barrier integrity. Results: CSC and CSE impair ciliogenesis in a dose-dependent manner with notable effects in concentrations higher than 30 mu g/mL, yielding >70% nonciliation and shorter cilia compared With control. No statistical difference on transepithelial resistance was evident. Conclusion: CSC and CSE exposure negatively impacts ciliogenesis of respiratory cells at concentrations not effecting transepithelial resistance. The impairment on ciliogenesis reduce the mucociliary clearance apparatuts after injury and/or infection and may explain the poor response to therapy for CRS patients exposed to tobacco smoke.
Ticks deposit saliva at the site of their attachment to a host in order to inhibit haemostasis, inflammation and innate and adaptive immune responses. The anti-haemostatic properties of tick saliva have been described by many studies, but few show that tick infestations or its anti-haemostatic components exert systemic effects in vivo. In the present study, we extended these observations and show that, compared with normal skin, bovine hosts that are genetically susceptible to tick infestations present an increase in the clotting time of blood collected from the immediate vicinity of haemorrhagic feeding pools in skin infested with different developmental stages of Rhipicepahlus microplus; conversely, we determined that clotting time of tick-infested skin from genetically resistant bovines was shorter than that of normal skin. Coagulation and inflammation have many components in common and we determined that in resistant bovines, eosinophils and basophils, which are known to contain tissue factor, are recruited in greater numbers to the inflammatory site of tick bites than in susceptible hosts. Finally, we correlated the observed differences in clotting times with the expression profiles of transcripts for putative anti-haemostatic proteins in different developmental stages of R. microplus fed on genetically susceptible and resistant hosts: we determined that transcripts coding for proteins similar to these molecules are overrepresented in salivary glands from nymphs and males fed on susceptible bovines. Our data indicate that ticks are able to modulate their host`s local haemostatic reactions. In the resistant phenotype, larger amounts of inflammatory cells are recruited and expression of anti-coagulant molecules is decreased tick salivary glands, features that can hamper the tick`s blood meal. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Nowadays, the great saphenous vein is the vascular conduit that is most frequently employed in coronary and peripheral revascularization surgery. It is known that saphenous vein bypass grafts have shorter patency than arterial ones, partly because the wall of the normal saphenous vein has different structural and functional characteristics. The features of this vein can be affected by the large distention pressures it is submitted to during its preparation and insertion into the arterial system. Indeed, a vein graft is subjected to considerable changes in hemodynamic forces upon implantation into the arterial circulation, since it is transplanted from a non-pulsatile, low-pressure, low-flow environment with minimal shear stress to a high-pressure system with pulsatile flow, where it undergoes cyclic strain and elevated shear. These changes can be responsible for functional and morphological alterations in the vessel wall, culminating in intima hyperproliferation and atherosclerotic degeneration, which contribute to early graft thrombosis. This review has followed a predetermined strategy for updating information on the human saphenous vein (HSV). Besides presenting the aspects relative to the basic pharmacology, this text also includes surgical aspects concerning HSV harvesting, the possible effects of the major groups of cardiovascular drugs on the HSV, and finally the interference of major cardiovascular diseases in the vascular reactivity of the HSV.
Some cases of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) express markers found in natural-killer (NK) cells, such as CD56 and CD16. Out of 84 T-cell ALL cases diagnosed at our Institution, CD56 and/or CD16 was detected in 24 (28.5%), which we designated T/NK-ALL group. Clinical features, laboratory characteristics, survival and expression of cytotoxic molecules were compared in T/NK-ALL and T-ALL patients. Significant differences were observed regarding age (24.9 vs. 16.4 years in T/NK-ALL and T-ALL, respectively, P = 0.006) and platelet counts (177 x 10(9)/l vs. 75 x 10(9)/l in T/NK-ALL and T-ALL, respectively, P = 0.03). Immunophenotypic analysis demonstrated that CD34, CD45RA and CD33 were more expressed in T/NK-ALL patients, whereas CD8 and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase were more expressed in T-ALL patients (P < 0.05). The mean overall survival (863 vs. 1869 d, P = 0.02) and disease-free survival (855 vs. 2095 d, P = 0.002) were shorter in patients expressing CD56/CD16. However, multivariate analysis identified CD56/CD16 as an independent prognostic factor only for DFS. Cytotoxic molecules were highly expressed in T/NK-ALL compared to T-ALL. Perforin, granzyme B and TIA-1 were detected in 12/17, 4/17 and 7/24 T/NK-ALL patients and in 1/20, 0/20 and 1/20 T-ALL respectively (P < 0.001, P = 0.036 and P = 0.054). Therefore, the presence of CD56/CD16 was associated with distinct clinical features and expression of cytotoxic molecules in the blasts.
To assess whether levetiracetam elimination is influenced by enzyme inducing antiepileptic drugs (EIAEDs), serum levetiracetam levels were determined at frequent intervals after a single oral 1000 mg dose in 15 subjects co-medicated with EIAEDs and 15 matched controls. The EIAED group showed a higher levetiracetam oral clearance (p = 0.01) and a shorter half-life (p = 0.02) than controls. Although the magnitude of interaction is relatively modest, it could have clinical significance for some patients. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Chagas` disease and idiopathic achalasia patients have similar impairment of distal esophageal motility. In Chagas` disease, the contractions occurring in the distal esophageal body are similar after wet or dry swallows. Our aim in this investigation was to evaluate the effect of wet swallows and dry swallows on proximal esophageal contractions of patients with Chagas` disease and with idiopathic achalasia. We studied 49 patients with Chagas` disease, 25 patients with idiopathic achalasia, and 33 normal volunteers. We recorded by the manometric method with continuous water perfusion the pharyngeal contractions 1 cm above the upper esophageal sphincter and the proximal esophageal contractions 5 cm from the pharyngeal recording point. Each subject performed in duplicate swallows of 3-mL and 6-mL boluses of water and dry swallows. We measured the time between the onset of pharyngeal contractions and the onset of proximal esophageal contractions (pharyngeal-esophageal time [ PET]), and the amplitude, duration, and area under the curve (AUC) of proximal esophageal contractions. Patients with Chagas` disease and with achalasia had longer PET, lower esophageal proximal contraction amplitude, and lower AUC than controls (P <= 0.02). In Chagas` disease, wet swallows caused shorter PET, higher amplitude, and higher AUC than dry swallows (P <= 0.03). There was no difference between swallows of 3- or 6-mL boluses. There was no difference between patients with Chagas` disease and with idiopathic achalasia. We conclude that patients with Chagas` disease and with idiopathic achalasia have a delay in the proximal esophageal response and lower amplitude of the proximal esophageal contractions.
Characterization of Equine Adipose Tissue-Derived Progenitor Cells Before and After Cryopreservation
In horses, stem cell therapies are a promising tool to the treatment of many injuries, which are common consequences of athletic endeavor, resulting in high morbidity and often compromising the performance. In spite of many advantages, the isolation of stem cells similar to human, from equine adipose tissue, occurred only recently. The aim of this study was to isolate equine adipose tissue-derived progenitor cells (eAT-PC), to characterize their proliferative potential, and to study their differentiation capacity before and after cryopreservation. The cells, isolated from horse adipose tissue, presented similar fibroblast-like cell morphology in vitro. Their proliferation rate was evaluated during 63 days (23 passages) before and after cryopreservation. After the induction of osteogenic differentiation, von Kossa staining and positive immunostaining studies revealed the formation of calcified extracellular matrix confirming the osteogenic potential of these cells. Adipogenic differentiation was induced using two protocols: routine and other one developed by us, while our protocol requires a shorter time (Oil Red O staining revealed significant accumulation of lipid droplets after 7 days). Chondrogenic differentiation was observed after 21 days of induced pellet culture, as evidenced by histological (toluidine blue) and immunohistochemistry studies. Our data demonstrate that eAT-PC can be easily isolated and successfully expanded in vitro while presenting significant proliferating rate. These cells can be maintained undifferentiated in vitro and can efficiently undergo differentiation at least into mesodermal derivates. These eAT-PC properties were preserved even after cryopreservation. Our findings classify eAT-PC as a promising type of progenitor cells that can be applied in different cell therapies in equines.
Large, long-lived species experience more lifetime cell divisions and hence a greater risk of spontaneous tumor formation than smaller, short-lived species. Large, long-lived species are thus expected to evolve more elaborate tumor suppressor systems. In previous work, we showed that telomerase activity coevolves with body mass, but not lifespan, in rodents: telomerase activity is repressed in the somatic tissues of large rodent species but remains active in small ones. Without telomerase activity, the telomeres of replicating cells become progressively shorter until, at some critical length, cells stop dividing. Our findings therefore suggested that repression of telomerase activity mitigates the increased risk of cancer in larger-bodied species but not necessarily longer-lived ones. These findings imply that other tumor suppressor mechanisms must mitigate increased cancer risk in long-lived species. Here, we examined the proliferation of fibroblasts from 15 rodent species with diverse body sizes and lifespans. We show that, consistent with repressed telomerase activity, fibroblasts from large rodents undergo replicative senescence accompanied by telomere shortening and overexpression of p16(Ink4a) and p21(Cip1/Waf1) cycline-dependent kinase inhibitors. Interestingly, small rodents with different lifespans show a striking difference: cells from small shorter-lived species display continuous rapid proliferation, whereas cells from small long-lived species display continuous slow proliferation. We hypothesize that cells of small long-lived rodents, lacking replicative senescence, have evolved alternative tumor-suppressor mechanisms that prevent inappropriate cell division in vivo and slow cell growth in vitro. Thus, large-bodied species and small but long-lived species have evolved distinct tumor suppressor mechanisms.
Recently, superior cervical ganglionectomy has been performed to investigate a variety of scientific topics from regulation of intraocular pressure to suppression of lingual tumour growth. Despite these recent advances in our understanding of the functional mechanisms underlying superior cervical ganglion (SCG) growth and development after surgical ablation, there still exists a need for information concerning the quantitative nature of the relationships between the removed SCG and its remaining contralateral ganglion and between the remaining SCG and its modified innervation territory. To this end, using design-based stereological methods, we have investigated the structural changes induced by unilateral ganglionectomy in sheep at three distinct timepoints (2, 7 and 12 weeks) after surgery. The effects of time, and lateral (left-right) differences, were examined by two-way analyses of variance and paired t-tests. Following removal of the left SCG, the main findings were: (i) the remaining right SCG was bigger at shorter survival times, i.e. 74% at 2 weeks, 55% at 7 weeks and no increase by 12 weeks, (ii) by 7 weeks after surgery, the right SCG contained fewer neurons (no decrease at 2 weeks, 6% fewer by 7 weeks and 17% fewer by 12 weeks) and (iii) by 7 weeks, right SCG neurons were also larger and the magnitude of this increase grew substantially with time (no rise at 2 weeks, 77% by 7 weeks and 215% by 12 weeks). Interaction effects between time and ganglionectomy-induced changes were significant for SCG volume and mean perikaryal volume. These findings show that unilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy has profound effects on the contralateral ganglion. For future investigations, it would be interesting to examine the interaction between SCGs and their innervation targets after ganglionectomy. Is the ganglionectomy-induced imbalance between the sizes of innervation territories the milieu in which morphoquantitative changes, particularly changes in perikaryal volume and neuron number, occur? Mechanistically, how would those changes arise? Are there any grounds for believing in a ganglionectomy-triggered SCG cross-innervation and neuroplasticity? (C) 2011 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Although Amblyomma brasiliense Arag (a) over tildeo 1908 has been reported as one of the most aggressive ticks to humans in Brazil, information about the biology of this tick species is virtually inexistent. This work reports data on the life cycle of A. brasiliense fed on rabbits and pigs and maintained in an incubator at 20 degrees C, 90% RH and 12 h of light for off-host development. Tick yield of adult females fed on pigs and rabbits was 81.2% and 58.3%, respectively. Females fed on pigs had mean engorgement weight of 862.3 mg and egg mass of 208 mg, while females fed on rabbits had mean engorgement weight of 606.1 mg and egg mass of 160 mg; these values did not differ statistically between host species. Feeding period of female ticks fed on pigs (10 days) was significantly shorter than that on rabbits (17 days). Mean preoviposition period was slightly longer (35.9 days) for ticks fed on pigs than on rabbits (30 days). The minimum incubation period of eggs of ticks from both host species was similar and over 100 days. Egg production efficiency was low for females fed on both hosts (less than 30% and 20% for ticks from pigs and rabbits, respectively). More than 55% of larvae and 79% of nymphs fed on rabbits, set free inside the feeding chambers, engorged successfully. These ticks attained an engorgement weight of 1.3 and 18.2 mg, respectively, and fed for approximately 5 days. The minimum pre-molt period was 30 days for engorged larvae and over 44 days for nymphs. Molting success was low, less than 50% in the case of larvae and less than 20% for nymphs. Further studies are required to better determine the off-host requirements of this tick species.
Eleven species of Amazon parrots (genus Amazona) are known to occur in Brazil, and nest poaching and illegal traffic pose serious conservation threats to these species. When the illegal owners realize these animals are incompatible with their expectations and lifestyle, or when the police arrests traders and owners, these trafficked animals are often considered unfit for release and sent to local zoos and captive breeders. A retrospective survey of animal and necropsy records from 1986 to 2007 was used to evaluate the impacts of animal traffic on the population composition and mortality patterns of Amazon parrots at the Quinzinho de Barros Municipal Zoological Park, Sorocaba, Brazil. Data were obtained for 374 Amazon parrots of ten Brazilian species, and there was evidence that the studied population could be split into two major groups: a majority belonging to the Amazona aestiva species and a minority belonging to the remaining species. In comparison, the animals of the first group were more frequently admitted from traffic-related origins (98 vs. 75%), had a shorter lifespan (median 301 days vs. 848 days) and a higher mortality within the first year postadmission (54 vs. 37%), were less likely to receive expensive treatments, and were more frequently housed off-exhibit. On an average, parrots were found to have a short postadmission lifespan (median 356 days), with 92.5% of the birds dying within their first five years in captivity. The paper discusses the difficult dilemmas these incoming traffic-related animals pose to zoo management and official anti-traffic policies. Zoo Biol 29:600-614, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.