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Introduction. Erectile dysfunction (ED) in diabetes is associated with autonomic neuropathy and endothelial dysfunction. Whereas the nonadrenergic-noncholinergic (NANC)/neurogenic nitric oxide pathway has received great attention in diabetes-associated ED, few studies have addressed sympathetic overactivity. Aim. To test the hypothesis that adenosine-induced inhibition of adrenergic-mediated contractile responses in mouse corpus cavernosum is impaired in the presence of diabetes. Methods. The db/db (obesity and type II diabetes caused by a leptin receptor mutation) mouse strain was used as a model of obesity and type II diabetes, and standard procedures were performed to evaluate functional cavernosal responses. Main Outcome Measures. Increased cavernosal responses to sympathetic stimulation in db/db mice are not associated with impaired prejunctional actions of adenosine. Results. Electrical field stimulation (EFS)-, but not phenylephrine (PE)-, induced contractions are enhanced in cavernosal strips from db/db mice in comparison with those from lean littermates. Direct effects of adenosine, 2-chloro-adenosine, A(1) receptor agonist C-8031 (N6 cyclopentyladenosine), and sodium nitroprusside are similar between the strips from lean and db/db mice, whereas relaxant responses to acetylcholine and NANC stimulation are significantly impaired in the cavernosal strips from db/db mice. 5`-Iodotubercidin (adenosine kinase inhibitor) and dipyridamole (inhibitor of adenosine transport), as well as the A(1) agonist C-8031, significantly and similarly inhibit contractions induced by stimulation of adrenergic nerves in the cavernosal strips from lean and db/db mice. Conclusions. Results from this study suggest that corpora cavernosa from obese and diabetic db/db mice display altered neural-mediated responses that would favor penile detumescence, i.e., increased contractile response to adrenergic nerve stimulation and decreased relaxant responses upon activation of NANC nerves. However, increased cavernosal responses to adrenergic nerve stimulation are not due to impaired negative modulation of sympathetic neurotransmission by adenosine in this diabetic model.
Background and purpose: Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychotomimetic compound from Cannabis sativa that induces anxiolytic- and antipsychotic-like effects in animal models. Effects of CBD may be mediated by the activation of 5-HT(1A) receptors. As 5-HT(1A) receptor activation may induce antidepressant-like effects, the aim of this work was to test the hypothesis that CBD would have antidepressant-like activity in mice as assessed by the forced swimming test. We also investigated if these responses depended on the activation of 5-HT(1A) receptors and on hippocampal expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Experimental approach: Male Swiss mice were given (i.p.) CBD (3, 10, 30, 100 mg.kg(-1)), imipramine (30 mg.kg(-1)) or vehicle and were submitted to the forced swimming test or to an open field arena, 30 min later. An additional group received WAY100635 (0.1 mg.kg(-1), i.p.), a 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist, before CBD (30 mg.kg(-1)) and assessment by the forced swimming test. BDNF protein levels were measured in the hippocampus of another group of mice treated with CBD (30 mg.kg(-1)) and submitted to the forced swimming test. Key results: CBD (30 mg.kg(-1)) treatment reduced immobility time in the forced swimming test, as did the prototype antidepressant imipramine, without changing exploratory behaviour in the open field arena. WAY100635 pretreatment blocked CBD-induced effect in the forced swimming test. CBD (30 mg.kg(-1)) treatment did not change hippocampal BDNF levels. Conclusion and implications: CBD induces antidepressant-like effects comparable to those of imipramine. These effects of CBD were probably mediated by activation of 5-HT(1A) receptors. British Journal of Pharmacology (2010) 159, 122-128; doi:10.1111/j.1476-5381.2009.00521.x; published online 4 December 2009
Successful reproduction requires that changes in plasma follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), oxytocin (OT), estrogen (E-2) and progesterone (P-4) occur together with the display of maternal behaviors. Ovarian steroids and environmental stimuli can affect the dendritic spines in the rat hippocampus. Here, studying Wistar rats, it is described: (a) the sequential and concomitant changes in the hormonal profile of females at postpartum days (PP) 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24, comparing to estrous cycle referential values; (b) the dendritic spine density in the stratum radiatum of CA1 (CA1-SR) Golgi-impregnated neurons in virgin females across the estrous cycle and in multiparous age-matched ones; and (c) the proportion of different types of spines in the CAI-SR of virgin and postpartum females, both in diestrus. Plasma levels of gonadotrophins and ovarian hormones remained low along PP while LH increased and PRL decreased near the end of the lactating period. The lowest dendritic spine density was found in virgin females in estrus when compared to diestrus and proestrus phases or to postpartum females in diestrus (p < 0.03). Other comparisons among groups were not statistically significant (p > 0.4). There were no differences in the proportions of the different spine types in nulliparous and postpartum females (p > 0.2). Results suggest that medium layer CA1-SR spines undergo rapid modifications in Wistar females across the estrous cycle (not quite comparable to Sprague-Dawley data or to hormonal substitutive therapy following ovariectomy), but persistent effects of motherhood on dendritic spine density and morphology were not found in this area. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Although patterns of somatic alterations have been reported for tumor genomes, little is known on how they compare with alterations present in non-tumor genomes. A comparison of the two would be crucial to better characterize the genetic alterations driving tumorigenesis. We sequenced the genomes of a lymphoblastoid (HCC1954BL) and a breast tumor (HCC1954) cell line derived from the same patient and compared the somatic alterations present in both. The lymphoblastoid genome presents a comparable number and similar spectrum of nucleotide substitutions to that found in the tumor genome. However, a significant difference in the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions was observed between both genomes (P = 0.031). Protein-protein interaction analysis revealed that mutations in the tumor genome preferentially affect hub-genes (P = 0.0017) and are co-selected to present synergistic functions (P < 0.0001). KEGG analysis showed that in the tumor genome most mutated genes were organized into signaling pathways related to tumorigenesis. No such organization or synergy was observed in the lymphoblastoid genome. Our results indicate that endogenous mutagens and replication errors can generate the overall number of mutations required to drive tumorigenesis and that it is the combination rather than the frequency of mutations that is crucial to complete tumorigenic transformation.
Objective To investigate whether standardization of the multiplanar view (SMV) when evaluating the uterus using three-dimensional ultrasonography (3D-US) improves intra-and interobserver reliability and agreement with regard to endometrial measurement. Methods Two-dimensional (2D) and 3D-US was used to measure endometrial thickness by two observers in 30 women undergoing assisted reproduction treatment. Endometrial volume was measured with Virtual Organ Computer-aided AnaLysis (VOCAL (TM)) in the longitudinal (A) and coronal (C) planes using an unmodified multiplanar view (UMV) and a standardized multiplanar view (SMV). Measurement reliability was evaluated by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and agreement was examined using Bland-Altman plots with limits of agreement (LoA). The ease of outlining the endometrial-myometrial interface was compared between the A-and C-planes using subjective assessment. Results Endometrial volume measurements using the SMV and A-plane were more reliable (intra-and interobserver ICCs, 0.979 and 0.975, respectively) than were measurements of endometrial thickness using 2D-US (intra-and interobserver ICCs, 0.742 and 0.702, respectively) or 3D-US (intra-and interobserver ICCs, 0.890 and 0.784, respectively). The LoAs were narrower for SMV than for UMV. Reliability and agreement were not much different between the A- and C-planes. However the observers agreed that delineating the endometrial-myometrial interface using the A-plane was easier (first and second observer, 50.0 and 46.7%, respectively) or `comparable` (50 and 53.3%, respectively), but never more difficult than using the C-plane. Conclusions Endometrial volume measurements are more reliable than endometrial thickness measurements and are best performed using SMV and the A-plane. Copyright (C) 2011 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Functional brain imaging techniques such as functional MRI (fMRI) that allow the in vivo investigation of the human brain have been exponentially employed to address the neurophysiological substrates of emotional processing. Despite the growing number of fMRI studies in the field, when taken separately these individual imaging studies demonstrate contrasting findings and variable pictures, and are unable to definitively characterize the neural networks underlying each specific emotional condition. Different imaging packages, as well as the statistical approaches for image processing and analysis, probably have a detrimental role by increasing the heterogeneity of findings. In particular, it is unclear to what extent the observed neurofunctional response of the brain cortex during emotional processing depends on the fMRI package used in the analysis. In this pilot study, we performed a double analysis of an fMRI dataset using emotional faces. The Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) version 2.6 (Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, London, UK) and the XBAM 3.4 (Brain Imaging Analysis Unit, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, UK) programs, which use parametric and non-parametric analysis, respectively, were used to assess our results. Both packages revealed that processing of emotional faces was associated with an increased activation in the brain`s visual areas (occipital, fusiform and lingual gyri), in the cerebellum, in the parietal cortex, in the cingulate cortex (anterior and posterior cingulate), and in the dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. However, blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) response in the temporal regions, insula and putamen was evident in the XBAM analysis but not in the SPM analysis. Overall, SPM and XBAM analyses revealed comparable whole-group brain responses. Further Studies are needed to explore the between-group compatibility of the different imaging packages in other cognitive and emotional processing domains. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: Contact lens electrodes (CLEs) are frequently used to register electroretinograms (ERGs) in small animals such as mice or rats. CLEs are expensive to buy or difficult to be produced individually. In addition, CLE`s have been noticed to elicit inconstant results and they carry potential to injure the cornea. Therefore, a new electrode holder was constructed based on the clinically used DTL-electrode and compared to CLEs. Material and methods: ERGs were recorded with both electrode types in nine healthy Brown-Norway rats under scotopic conditions. For low intensity responses a Naka-Rushton function was fitted and the parameters V(max), k and n were analyzed. The a-wave, b-wave and oscillatory potentials were analyzed for brighter flash intensities (1-60 scot cd s/m(2)). Repeatability was assessed for both electrode types in consecutive measurements. Results: The new electrode holder was faster in setting up than the CLE and showed lower standard deviations. No corneal alterations were observed. Slightly higher amplitudes were recorded in most of the measurements with the new electrode holder (except amplitudes induced by 60 cd s/m(2)). A Bland-Altman test showed good agreement between the DTL holder and the CLE (mean difference 35.2 mu V (Holder-CLE)). Pearson`s correlation coefficient for test-retest-reliability was r = 0.783. Conclusions: The DTL holder was superior in handling and caused far less corneal problems than the CLE and produced comparable or better electrophysiological results. The minimal production costs and the possibility of adapting the DTL holder to bigger eyes, such as for dogs or rabbits, offers with broader application prospects. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To investigate the proliferative behavior of the corneal and limbal epithelia after debridement on the central region of the rabbit cornea. Methods: After scraping a circular epithelial area, 5 mm in diameter, in the center of the cornea, (3)H-thymidine ((3)H-TdR) was injected intravitreally, and the rabbits killed from 1 to 49 days afterward. The cornea, together with the adjacent conjunctiva, was processed for autoradiography. Results: The regenerating epithelium at the center of the cornea exhibited high frequencies of labeled nuclei when compared to controls. The mitotic indexes for the limbus were comparable in experimental and control eyes. The unique basal stratum of the limbal epithelium exhibited quick proliferation and vertical migration in all eyes. Cells that remained labeled for four weeks or more were observed throughout the corneal epithelium, including its basal stratum, and this did not depend on epithelial damage. Conclusion: Corneal epithelium wounds are healed by sliding and proliferation of cells surrounding the epithelial gap without any evidence for the participation of the limbal epithelium. Daughter cells labeled with (3)H-TdR were visualized in all layers of the corneal epithelium up to 7 weeks after the DNA precursor injection. However, at this long interval, the only labeled cells in the limbus were in the suprabasal layers.
Objective To compare the demographic features, presenting manifestations, diagnostic investigations, disease course, and drug therapies of children with juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) followed in Europe and Latin America. Methods Patients were inception cohorts seen between 1980 and 2004 in 27 paediatric rheumatology centres. The following information was collected through the review of patient charts: sex; age at disease onset; date of disease onset and diagnosis; onset type; presenting clinical features; diagnostic investigations; course type; and medications received during disease course. Results Four hundred and ninety patients (65.5% females, mean onset age 7.0 years, mean disease duration 7.7 years) were included. Disease presentation was acute or insidious in 57.1% and 42.9% of the patients, respectively. The course type was monophasic in 41.3% of patients and chronic polycyclic or continuous in 58.6% of patients. The more common presenting manifestations were muscle weakness (84.9%), Gottron`s papules (72.9%), heliotrope rash (62%), and malar rash (56.7%). Overall, the demographic and clinical features of the 2 continental cohorts were comparable. European patients received more frequently high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone, cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide, and azathioprine, while methotrexate and antimalarials medications were used more commonly by Latin American physicians. Conclusion The demographic and clinical characteristics of JDM are similar in European and Latin American patients. We found, however, several differences in the use of medications between European and Latin American paediatric rheumatologists.
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical and hippocampal histological features of patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) in both familial (FMTLE) and sporadic (SMTLE) forms. Methods: Patients with FMTLE (n = 20) and SMTLE (n = 39) who underwent surgical treatment for refractory seizures were studied at the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine at Ribeirao Preto. FMTLE was defined when at least two individuals in a family had clinical diagnosis of MTLE. Hippocampi from all patients were processed for Nissl/HE and Timm`s stainings. Both groups were compared for clinical variables, hippocampal cell densities, and intensity of supragranular mossy fiber staining. Results: There were no significant differences between FMTLE and SMTLE groups in the following: age at the surgery, age of first usual epileptic seizure, history of initial precipitating injury (IPI), age of IPI, latent period, ictal and interictal video-EEG patterns, presence of hippocampal atrophy and signal changes at MRI, and postoperative outcome. In addition, no differences were found in cell densities in hippocampal cornu ammonis subfields (CA1, CA2, CA3, CA4), fascia dentata, polymorphic region, subiculum, prosubiculum, and presubiculum. However, patients with SMTLE had greater intensity of mossy fiber Timm`s staining in the fascia dentata-inner molecular layer (p < 0.05). Discussion: Patients with intractable FMTLE present a clinical profile and most histological findings comparable to patients with SMTLE. Interestingly, mossy fiber sprouting was less pronounced in patients with FMTLE, suggesting that, when compared to SMTLE, patients with FMTLE respond differently to plastic changes plausibly induced by cell loss, neuronal deafferentation, or epileptic seizures.
P>According to the hygiene hypothesis, the increased incidence of allergic and autoimmune diseases in developed countries is mainly explained by the decreased contact between the human population and certain environmental agents as lactobacillus, mycobacteria and helminths. In this study, we evaluated the effect of multiple infections with Strongyloides venezuelensis on the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in Lewis rats. Multiple infections before EAE induction were not able to change the evolution of the disease. No alterations were observed in weight loss, clinical score and inflammation intensity at the central nervous system. The presence of significant levels of parasite-specific IgG1 but not IgG2b suggested a Th2 polarization. However, the percentage and absolute number of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells were not changed, being their levels in the spleen and lymph nodes of infected rats comparable to the ones found in normal animals. These results suggest that a Th2-polarized response without concomitant expansion of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells was not able to modify EAE progression. Even though these results do not threaten the hygiene hypothesis, they suggest that this paradigm might be an oversimplification. They also emphasize the need of a study to compare the immunoregulatory ability associated with different helminth spp.
The Schistosoma mansoni fatty acid binding protein (FABP), SmA, is a vaccine candidate against, S. mansoni and F hepatica. Previously, we demonstrated the importance of a correct fold to achieve protection in immunized animals after cercariae challenge [[10]. C.R.R. Ramos, R.C.R. Figueredo, T.A. Pertinhez, M.M. Vilar, A.L.T.O. Nascimento, M. Tendler, I. Raw, A. Spisni, P.L. Ho, Gene structure and M20T polymorphism of the Schistosoma mansoni Sm14 fatty acid-binding protein: structural, functional and immunoprotection analysis. J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 12745-12751]. Here we show that the reduction of vaccine efficacy over time is due to protein dimerization and subsequent aggregation. We produced the mutants Sm14-M20(C62S) and Sm14M20(C62V) that, as expected, did not dimerize in SDS-PAGE. Molecular dynamics calculations and unfolding experiments highlighted a higher structural stability of these mutants with respect to the wild-type. In addition, we found that the mutated proteins, after thermal denaturation, refolded to their active native molecular architecture as proved by the recovery of the fatty acid binding ability. Sm14-M20(C62V) turned out to be the more stable form over time, providing the basis to determine the first 3D solution structure of a Sm14 protein in its apo-form. Overall, Sm14-M20(C62V) possesses an improved structural stability over time, an essential feature to preserve its immunization capability and, in experimentally immunized animals, it exhibits a protection effect against S. mansoni cercariae infections comparable to the one obtained with the wild-type protein. These facts indicate this protein as a good lead molecule for large-scale production and for developing an effective Sm14 based anti-helminthes vaccine. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
There is evidence that several fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are involved in growth and development of the corpus luteum (CL), but many FGFs have not been investigated in this tissue, including FGF10. The objective of this study was to determine if FGF10 and its receptor (FGFR2B) are expressed in the CL. Bovine CL were collected from an abattoir and classed as corpus hemorrhagica (stage 1), developing (stage 11), developed (stage 111), and regressed (stage IV) CL. Expression of FGF10 and FGFR2B mRNA was measured by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Both genes were expressed in bovine CL, and FGF10 expression did not differ between stages of CL development. FGF10 protein was localized to large and small luteal cells by immunohistochemistry. FGFR2B expression was approximately threefold higher in regressed compared to developing and developed CL (P < 0.05). To determine if FGF10 and FGFR2B expression is regulated during functional luteolysis, cattle were injected with PGF2 alpha and CL collected at 0, 0.5, 2, 4, 12, 24, 48, and 64 hr thereafter (n = 5 CL/time point), and mRNA abundance was measured by real-time RT-PCR. FGF10 mRNA expression did not change during functional luteolysis, whereas FGFR2B mRNA abundance decreased significantly at 2, 4, and 12 hr after PGF2a, and returned to pretreatment levels for the period 24-64 hr post-PGF2 alpha. These data suggest a potential role for FGFR2B signaling during structural luteolysis in bovine CL.
There is evidence that fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are involved in the regulation of growth and regression of the corpus luteum (CL). However, the expression pattern of most FGF receptors (FGFRs) during CL lifespan is still unknown. The objective of the present study was to determine the pattern of expression of `B` and `C` splice variants of FGFRs in the bovine CL. Bovine CL were collected from an abattoir and classed as corpora hemorrhagica (Stage I), developing (Stage II), developed (Stage III) or regressed (Stage IV) CL. Expression of FGFR mRNA was measured by semiquantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and FGFR protein was localised by immunohistochemistry. Expression of mRNA encoding the `B` and `C` spliced forms of FGFR1 and FGFR2 was readily detectable in the bovine CL and was accompanied by protein localisation. FGFR1C and FGFR2C mRNA expression did not vary throughout CL lifespan, whereas FGFR1B was upregulated in the developed (Stage III) CL. FGFR3B, FGFR3C and FGFR4 expression was inconsistent in the bovine CL. The present data indicate that FGFR1 and FGFR2 splice variants are the main receptors for FGF action in the bovine CL.
The aim of this paper was to genetically characterize Toxoplasma gondii isolates from free range chickens in regions of Brazilian territory in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) where T. gondii strains have never been studied. In total, T. gondii isolates from 22 free range chickens were included in this study. Fifty chickens from Eldorado, thirty from Rio Verde and ten from Aquidauana were sampled between January and April 2007. In relation to the genetic diversity of T. gondii isolates from chickens in MS, the magnitude of the diversity in the isolates sampled in this study was comparable to the overall diversity in a composite data set. These 22 isolates in MS revealed 11 genotypes, whereas the 321 isolates ever genotyped in Brazil have revealed 95 genotypes. The values of Simpson`s Diversity Index for the whole population of T. gondii isolates in Brazil, the whole population of T. gondii isolates from chickens in Brazil and the population surveyed in this study were 0.97, 0.95 and 0.90, respectively. Seven of the 11 genotypes revealed from chicken isolates from MS are newly described genotypes and six of them each have a single isolate. In conclusion, the results obtained from isolates in MS corroborate previous studies on T. gondii isolates in Brazil, thus confirming their diversity and atypicality. Nonetheless, the applicability of PCR-RFLP markers for epidemiological inferences remains controversial. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.