135 resultados para food source


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Like ants and termites some species of stingless bees (Meliponini), which are very important pollinators in the tropics, use pheromone trails to communicate the location of a food source. We present data on the communicative role of mandibular gland secretions of Meliponini that resolve a recent controversy about their importance in the laying of such trails. Volatile constituents of the mandibular glands have been erroneously thought both to elicit aggressive/defensive behaviour and to signal food source location. We studied Trigona spinipes and Scaptotrigona aff. depilis (`postica`), two sympatric species to which this hypothesis was applied. Using extracts of carefully dissected glands instead of crude cephalic extracts we analysed the substances contained in the mandibular glands of worker bees. Major components of the extracts were 2-heptanol (both species), nonanal (T. spinipes), benzaldehyde and 2-tridecanone (S. aff. depilis). The effect of mandibular gland extracts and of individual components thereof on the behaviour of worker bees near their nest and at highly profitable food sources was consistent. Independent of the amount of mandibular gland extract applied, the bees overwhelmingly reacted with defensive behaviour and were never attracted to feeders scented with mandibular gland extract or any of the synthetic chemicals tested. Both bee species are capable of using mandibular gland secretions for intra-and interspecific communication of defence and aggression and share 2-heptanol as a major pheromone compound. While confirming the role of the mandibular glands in nest defence, our experiments provide strong evidence against their role in food source signalling.


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Does the food's sugar concentration affect recruitment behaviour in the stingless bee Nan-notrigona testaceicornis? We recorded intranidal forager behaviour while offering sugar water of constant, increasing, or decreasing concentrations. Running speed was not correlated with sugar concentration but the jostling contacts/sec were. Food profitability also affected the recruiter's thorax vibrations: Pulse duration and duty cycle followed both concentration increases and decreases. Sugar concentration also influenced the number of recruited bees. In comparison to the phylogenetically closely related Scaptotrigona, Nan-notrigona's intranidal recruitment behaviour showed a more elaborate association with food profitability. This is likely to reflect differences in ecology and foraging strategies as Nannotrigona - in contrast to Scaptotrigona - does not lay scent trails to guide recruits to a food source.


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Aceria guerreronis Keifer (Acari: Eriophyidae) is a major pest of coconut fruits (Cocos nucifera L.) in many countries of the Americas, Africa, and parts of Asia. Considerable attention has been given to studies of biological control agents of A. guerreronis. Proctolaelaps bulbosus Moraes, Reis and Gondim Jr. is a predator recently discovered in association with A. guerreronis. Nothing is known about its biology. The aim of this study was to determine suitable food sources for P. bulbosus, among items commonly found on coconut fruits, including A. guerreronis. Food sources evaluated included the mites A. guerreronis, Steneotarsonemus concavuscutum Lofego and Gondim Jr., and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank), the fungus Rhizopus aff. stolonifer (Ehrenb.) Vuill and coconut pollen; the mite Tetranychus urticae Koch was also included in the assessments, for being a commonly used prey for mass production and laboratory rearing of predatory mites. Proctolaelaps bulbosus was able to develop up to adulthood when fed A. guerreronis, R. aff. stolonifer and T. putrescentiae. It had the highest population growth rates when feeding on the former (R (o) = 17.5; r (m) = 0.392). These results indicate that A. guerreronis is the most suitable food for P. bulbosus among the possible food sources found on coconut fruits and that P. bulbosus can survive in the absence of eriophyid using R. aff. stolonifer as a food source.


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The trails formed by many ant species between nest and food source are two-way roads on which outgoing and returning workers meet and touch each other all along. The way to get back home, after grasping a food load, is to take the same route on which they have arrived from the nest. In many species such trails are chemically marked by pheromones providing orientation cues for the ants to find their way. Other species rely on their vision and use landmarks as cues. We have developed a method to stop foraging ants from shuttling on two-way trails. The only way to forage is to take two separate roads, as they cannot go back on their steps after arriving at the food or at the nest. The condition qualifies as a problem because all their orientation cues-chemical, visual or any other - are disrupted, as all of them cannot but lead the ants back to the route on which they arrived. We have found that workers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa can solve the problem. They could not only find the alternative way, but also used the unidirectional traffic system to forage effectively. We suggest that their ability is an evolutionary consequence of the need to deal with environmental irregularities that cannot be negotiated by means of excessively stereotyped behavior, and that it is but an example of a widespread phenomenon. We also suggest that our method can be adapted to other species, invertebrate and vertebrate, in the study of orientation, memory, perception, learning and communication.


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The in vivo bioavailability of Se was investigated in enriched Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms. A bioavailability study was performed using 64 Wistar male rats separated in 8 groups and fed with different diets: without Se, with mushrooms without Se, with enriched mushrooms containing 0.15, 0.30 or 0.45 mg kg(-1) Se and a normal diet containing 0.15 mg kg(-1) of Se using sodium selenate. The experiment was performed in two periods: depletion (14 days) and repletion (21 days), according to the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. After five weeks, the rats were sacrificed under carbon dioxide, and blood was drawn by heart puncture. Blood plasma was separated by centrifugation. The total Se concentration in the plasma of rats fed with enriched mushrooms was higher than in rats fed with a normal diet containing sodium selenate. The plasma protein profiles were obtained using size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and UV detectors. Aliquots of effluents (0.5 mL per minute) were collected throughout in the end of the chomatographic column. However, Se was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS) only in the aliquots where proteins were detected by SEC-UV. The plasma protein pro. le of rats fed with different diets was similar. The highest Se concentration was observed in a peptide presenting 8 kDa. Furthermore, the higher Se concentration in this peptide was obtained for rats fed with a diet using enriched mushrooms (7 mu g L(-1) Se) compared to other diets (2-5 mu g L(-1) Se). These results showed that Se-enriched mushrooms can be considered as an alternative Se food source for humans, due to their high bioavailability.


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One sorghum commercial genotype (MASSA 03) and nine ICRISAT high-lysine genotypes from India were analyzed for storage protein content, distribution profile, and soluble amino acid concentrations. Storage proteins fraction were extracted and separated by SDS-PAGE. Soluble amino acids contents were determined by HPLC. Variations in intensity and appearance and disappearance of protein bands were observed among the sorghum genotypes suggesting genetic variability. Amino acid profile also indicated large variations in the amino acid concentrations. The high lysine and threonine soluble concentrations observed in the seeds of the sorghum genotypes encouraged the use of these genotypes as potential food source due to the better balanced amino acids profile.


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Objective: In patients who have undergone hemodialysis, large amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced and, at higher concentrations, ROS are thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. It has been proposed that selenium (Se) may exert an anti-atherogenic influence by reducing oxidative stress. The richest known food source of selenium is the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa, family Lecythidaceae), found in the Amazon region. We evaluated the effect of Brazil nut supplementation on blood levels of Se and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in patients on hemodialysis. Methods: A total of 81 patients on hemodialysis (52.0 +/- 15.2 y old, average time on dialysis 82.3 +/- 91.4 mo, body mass index 24.9 +/- 4.4 kg/m(2)) from the RenalCor and RenalVida Clinics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were studied. All patients received one nut (around 5 g, averaging 58.1 mu g Se/g) a day for 3 mo. The Se concentrations in the nuts and in plasma and erythrocytes were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry with hydride generation (Hitachi, Z-500). GSH-Px levels were measured using Randox commercial kits. Results: Plasma Se (18.8 +/- 17.4 mu g/L) and erythrocyte (72.4 +/- 37.9 mg/L) levels were below the normal, range before nut supplementation. After supplementation, the plasma level increased to 104.0 +/- 65.0 mu g/L and erythrocytes to 244.1 +/- 119.5 mg/L (P<0.0001). The activity of GSH-Px also increased after supplementation, from 46.6 +/- 14.9 to 55.9 +/- 23.6 U/g of hemoglobin (P<0.0001). Before supplementation, 11% of patients had GSH-Px activity below the normal range (27.5-73.6 U/g of hemoglobin). After supplementation, all patients showed GSH-Px activity within the normal range. Conclusion: The data revealed that the investigated patients presented Se deficiency and that the consumption of only one Brazil nut a day (5 g) during 3 mo was effective to increase the Se concentration and GSH-Px activity in these patients, thus improving their antioxidant status. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Foragers of several species of stingless bees deposit pheromone spots in the vegetation to guide recruited nestmates to a rich food source. Recent studies have shown that Trigona and Scaptotrigona workers secrete these pheromones from their labial glands. An earlier report stated that species within the genus Geotrigona use citral from their mandibular glands for scent marking. Since convincing experimental proof for this conjecture is lacking, we studied the glandular origin of the trail pheromone of Geotrigona mombuca. In field bioassays, newly recruited bees were diverted by artificial scent trails that branched off from the natural scent trail deposited by their nestmates only when they were baited with extracts from the foragers` labial glands. Compounds extracted from the mandibular glands, however, did not release trail following behavior. This demonstrates that the trail pheromone of G. mombuca is produced in the labial glands, as in Trigona and Scaptotrigona. Furthermore, in chemical analyses citral was identified exclusively in the foragers` mandibular glands, which disproves its supposed role as a trail pheromone. The labial glands contained a series of terpene- and wax type esters, with farnesyl butanoate as major constituent. We, therefore, postulate that the trail pheromone of G. mombuca is composed of a blend of esters.


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Aspergillus niveus produced high levels of alpha-amylase and glucoamylase in submerged fermentation using the agricultural residue cassava peel as a carbon source. In static conditions, the amylase production was substantially greater than in the agitated condition. The optimized culture conditions were initially at pH 5.0, 35 degrees C during 48 hours. Amylolytic activity was still improved (50%) with a mixture of cassava peel and soluble starch in the proportion 1:1 (w/w). The crude extract exhibited temperature and pH optima approximately 70 degrees C and 4.5, respectively. Amylase activity was stable for 1 h at 60 degrees C, and at pH values between 3.0 and 7.0. The enzyme hydrolysed preferentially maltose, starch, penetrose, amylose, isomaltose, maltotriose, glycogen and amylopectin, and not hydrolysed cyclodextrin (alpha and beta), trehalose and sucrose. In the first hour of reaction on soluble starch, the hydrolysis products were glucose and maltose, but after two hours of hydrolysis, glucose was the unique product formed, confirming the presence in the crude extract of an alpha-amylase and a glucoamylase.


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Aqueous extract of mate, made from dried leaves of Ilex paraguariensis, St. Hilaire, was shown to be effective during chilled storage for up to 10 days in protecting lipids and vitamin E against oxidation in pre-cooked meat balls made from chicken breast added 0.5% salt and packed in atmospheric air. Extracts made with water, methanol, ethanol or 70% aqueous acetone were evaluated by comparing (1) total phenolic content, (2) radical scavenging capacity, (3) effect on lipid oxidation in a food emulsion model, and in liposomes. Based on the three-step evaluation, aqueous mate extract was preferred for food use. Dried leaves were further compared to dried rosemary leaves in chicken meat balls, and mate (0.05 and 0.10%) found to yield equal or better protection than rosemary at the same concentration against formation of secondary lipid oxidation products.


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Carbon dioxide released from alcoholic fermentation accounts for 33% of the whole CO(2) involved in the use of ethanol as fuel derived from glucose. As Arthrospira platensis can uptake this greenhouse gas, this study evaluates the use of the CO(2) released from alcoholic fermentation for the production of Arthrospira platensis. For this purpose, this cyanobacterium was cultivated in continuous process using urea as nitrogen source, either using CO(2) from alcoholic fermentation, without any treatment, or using pure CO(2) from cylinder. The experiments were carried out at 120 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) in tubular photobioreactor at different dilution rates (0.2 <= D <= 0.8 d(-1)). Using CO(2) from alcoholic fermentation, maximum steady-state cell concentration (2661 +/- 71 mg L(-1)) was achieved at D 0.2 d(-1), whereas higher dilution rate (0.6 d(-1)) was needed to maximize cell productivity (839 mg L(-1) d(-1)). This value was 10% lower than the one obtained with pure CO(2), and there was no significant difference in the biomass protein content. With D 0.8 d(-1), it was possible to obtain 56% +/- 1.5% and 50% +/- 1.2% of protein in the dry biomass, using pure CO(2) and CO(2) from alcoholic fermentation, respectively. These results demonstrate that the use of such cost free CO(2) from alcoholic fermentation as carbon source, associated with low cost nitrogen source, may be a promising way to reduce costs of continuous cultivation of photosynthetic microorganisms, contributing at the same time to mitigate the greenhouse effect. (C) 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 27: 650-656, 2011


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This work is focused on the influence of dilution rate (0.08 <= D <= 0.32 d(1)) on the continuous cultivation and biomass composition of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis using three different concentrations of ammonium chloride (c(No) = 1.0, 5.0 and 10 mol m (3)) as nitrogen source. At c(No) = 1.0 and 5.0 mol m (3) the biomass protein content was an increasing function of D, whereas, when using c(No) = 10 mol m (3), the highest protein content (72.5%) was obtained at D = 0.12 d (1). An overall evaluation of the process showed that biomass protein content increased with the rate of nitrogen supply (D c(No)) up to 72.5% at D c(No) = 1.20 mol m (3) d (1). Biomass lipid content was an increasing function of D only when the nitrogen source was the limiting factor for the growth (D c(No) <= 0.32 mol m (-3) d (1)), which occurred solely with c(No), = 1.0 mol m (3). Under such conditions, A. platensis reduced its nitrogen reserve in the form of proteins, while maintaining almost unvaried its lipid content. The latter was affected only when the concentration of nitrogen was extremely low (c(No) = 1.0 mol m (3)). The most abundant fatty acids were the palmitic (45.8 +/- 5.20%) and the gamma-linolenic (20.1 +/- 2.00%) ones. No significant alteration in the profiles either of saturated or unsaturated fatty acids was observed with c(No) <= 5.0 mol m (3), prevailing those with 16 and 18 carbons. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Since Staphylococcus aureus can cause several types of diseases, the development of antibiotic resistance poses an even greater threat to public health. S. aureus is known to possess the adaptive capability to promptly respond to antibiotics, making it resistant and increasingly difficult to treat; methicillin-resistant strains of S. aureus are a major concern with regard to this species. Previous studies reported the identification of methicillin-resistant S. aureus in food, demonstrating that this can represent a source of S. aureus which may carry the mecA gene. Fifty-seven S. aureus isolates, previously obtained from different types of food, were screened by polymerase chain reaction with specific primers for the mecA gene, which mediates methicillin resistance. Five (9%) isolates showed the presence of mecA gene, demonstrating that food may contain microorganisms possessing resistance genes. This study emphasizes the need to include food as a possible source of S. aureus carrying mecA gene and the need to monitor these products. Moreover, this is the first report of the presence of mecA genes in S. aureus isolated from ready-to-eat food in Brazil and Latin America.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the fluoride intake of 2-6-year-old Brazilian children using a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) which also estimated fluoride intake from dentifrice. Methods: The FFQ was previously validated through application to 78 2-6-year-old Brazilian children and then administered to 379 children residing in an optimally fluoridated community in Brazil (Bauru, State of Sao Paulo). The FFQ was applied to the parents and used to estimate the food intake of the children. The constituents of the diet were divided into solids, water and other beverages. The fluoride content of the diet items was analyzed with the fluoride electrode. The questionnaire also estimated fluoride intake from dentifrice. Results: The average (+/- SD) fluoride intake from solids, water, other beverages and dentifrice was 0.008 +/- 0.005; 0.011 +/- 0.004; 0.009 +/- 0.014 and 0.036 +/- 0.028 mg F/kg body weight/day, respectively, totalizing 0.064 +/- 0.035 mg F/kg body weight/day. The dentifrice and the diet contributed with 56.3% and 43.7% of the daily fluoride intake, respectively. Among the children evaluated, 31.2% are estimated to have risk to develop dental fluorosis (intake > 0.07 mg F/kg body weight/day). Conclusions: The dentifrice was the main source of fluoride intake by the children evaluated. However, the fluoride concentration in food items also significantly contributed to the daily ingestion by 2-6-year-old children. The questionnaire used seems to be a promising alternative to duplicate diet to estimate the fluoride intake at this age range and may have potential to be used in broad epidemiological surveys.


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Background: Mice allergic to ovalbumin (OVA) avoid drinking a solution containing this antigen. This was interpreted as related to IgE-dependent mast cell degranulation and sensory C fiber activation. Methods: We employed pharmacological manipulation to further investigate the mediators involved in immune-induced food aversion. Results: While nonimmunized rats preferred a sweetened OVA solution, immunized rats avoided it. We also employed a paradigm in which rats are conditioned to drink water for two 10-min sessions a day. Tolerant rats presented lower IgE titers, and this manipulation abrogated food aversion. Dexamethasone (1.0 mg/kg) prevented the aversion of OVA-immunized rats to the antigen-containing solution. Combined blockade of H(1) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)(2) receptors by promethazine (3.0 mg/kg) plus methysergide (5.0 mg/kg) was unable to alter food aversion. Blockade of 5-HT(3) receptors by ondansetron (1.0 mg/kg) caused a twofold increase in the ingestion of the sweetened OVA solution by immunized rats, suggesting the involvement of 5-HT(3) receptors in food aversion. Finally, we showed that dexamethasone or promethazine plus methysergide, but not ondansetron, effectively prevented the IgE-dependent mast-cell-degranulation-induced increase in vascular permeability in rats. Conclusion: We suggest that regardless of whether or not they cause edema, IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation and consequent 5-HT(3) signaling are involved in the process that triggers avoidance to the source of the allergen in allergic rats. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel