25 resultados para Rendell, Ruth
A citologia anal vem sendo usada para rastreamento do carcinoma anal e suas lesões precursoras nas populações de risco. Quando o raspado do canal anal mostra alterações citológicas está indicada o exame com colposcópio e ácido acético para identificar e realizar biópsia para confirmar o achado. Poucos estudos mostram o seguimento dos doentes tratados de condilomas acuminados perianais. Temos usado os métodos em associação e encontrado lesões subclínicas em metade dos doentes, cujo exame proctológico não revelava doença HPV induzida. Essas lesões são tratadas com tópicos. Entretanto, algumas citologias estavam alteradas e a colposcopia anal não revelou doença HPV induzida. O objetivo deste estudo foi observar o comportamento dessas lesões no seguimento semestral, durante 12 meses, e avaliar se a periodicidade da reavaliação foi suficiente para evitar o aparecimento das lesões de alto grau ou superior. Encontramos 58 (21%) entre 273 doentes nessas condições. As reavaliações de 22 deles após um ano mostraram que as colposcopias permaneceram normais em 17 (74%), sendo que em cinco (22%) a citologia voltou aos padrões normais e 12 (52%) persistiram com alterações. Os outros seis (26%) desenvolveram lesões clínicas ou subclínicas provocadas pelo HPV. As contagens de linfócitos T CD4 dos doentes HIV-positivos foram inferiores nos doentes cujas lesões progrediram. Os resultados permitiram concluir que as alterações podem progredir ou regredir neste grupo distinto de doentes, sendo relacionada à imunidade, e que o intervalo de seis meses é suficiente para cada reavaliação.
Foi estudado o comportamento eletroquímico a 37°C do aço inoxidável ISO 5832-9, em meios de NaCl 0,9 %, de Ringer Lactato e meio mínimo de Eagle (MEM), por voltametria linear e análises da superfície por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e por espectroscopia por dispersão de energia (EDS). Foram feitos ensaios mecânicos e testes de toxicidade. O aço ISO 5832-9 se encontra passivado no potencial de corrosão e não apresenta corrosão por pite nos três meios estudados em toda faixa de potencial investigada, desde o potencial de corrosão até 50 mV acima do potencial de transpassivação. Em meio de MEM, no entanto, as análises por MEV e EDS mostraram que o referido aço, nesse valor mais elevado de potencial, apresentou um comportamento diferente, com perda das inclusões de óxido de manganês. Os potenciais de corrosão, Ecorr (potencial de circuito aberto estacionário) bem como os valores de densidade de corrente de passivação, variaram na seguinte ordem: Ecorr, RL < Ecorr, NaCl < Ecorr, MEM. e jMEM << jRL ≅ jNaCl. No ensaio de citotoxicidade, o aço foi caracterizado como não-tóxico.
A ação da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo na luta contra o tabagismo teve início em 1975, quando a instituição participou da III Conferência Mundial de Fumo e Saúde, realizada em New York (EUA). Depois de três décadas de trabalho ininterrupto, ela recebeu, em 2008, da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo, o selo prata de certificação de ambiente livre do tabaco. Nesse espaço de tempo, ao lado de um trabalho educativo, realizado corpo a corpo com docentes, funcionários e alunos, foram realizadas pesquisas, treinamentos e desenvolvido toda uma programação orientada pelo Ministério da Saúde / Instituto Nacional do Câncer. Foram também produzidas inúmeras monografias de mestrado, teses de doutorado e de livre docência, tendo como tema o tabagismo do ponto de vista educativo, social, médico e sanitário. Este artigo pretendeu fazer o relato dessa trajetória
Complicated patterns showing various spatial scales have been obtained in the past by coupling Turing systems in such a way that the scales of the independent systems resonate. This produces superimposed patterns with different length scales. Here we propose a model consisting of two identical reaction-diffusion systems coupled together in such a way that one of them produces a simple Turing pattern of spots or stripes, and the other traveling wave fronts that eventually become stationary. The basic idea is to assume that one of the systems becomes fixed after some time and serves as a source of morphogens for the other system. This mechanism produces patterns very similar to the pigmentation patterns observed in different species of stingrays and other fishes. The biological mechanisms that support the realization of this model are discussed.
BACKGROUND: Guidelines for red blood cell (RBC) transfusions exist; however, transfusion practices vary among centers. This study aimed to analyze transfusion practices and the impact of patients and institutional characteristics on the indications of RBC transfusions in preterm infants. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: RBC transfusion practices were investigated in a multicenter prospective cohort of preterm infants with a birth weight of less than 1500 g born at eight public university neonatal intensive care units of the Brazilian Network on Neonatal Research. Variables associated with any RBC transfusions were analyzed by logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Of 952 very-low-birth-weight infants, 532 (55.9%) received at least one RBC transfusion. The percentages of transfused neonates were 48.9, 54.5, 56.0, 61.2, 56.3, 47.8, 75.4, and 44.7%, respectively, for Centers 1 through 8. The number of transfusions during the first 28 days of life was higher in Center 4 and 7 than in other centers. After 28 days, the number of transfusions decreased, except for Center 7. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed higher likelihood of transfusion in infants with late onset sepsis (odds ratio [OR], 2.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.8-4.4), intraventricular hemorrhage (OR, 9.4; 95% CI, 3.3-26.8), intubation at birth (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.0-2.8), need for umbilical catheter (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3-4.4), days on mechanical ventilation (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.2), oxygen therapy (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.1), parenteral nutrition (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.1), and birth center (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The need of RBC transfusions in very-low-birth-weight preterm infants was associated with clinical conditions and birth center. The distribution of the number of transfusions during hospital stay may be used as a measure of neonatal care quality.
PEGylation is a successful strategy for improving the biochemical and biopharmaceutical properties of proteins and peptides through the covalent attachment of polyethylene glycol chains. In this work, purified recombinant uricase from Candida sp. (UC-r) was modified by PEGylation with metoxypolyethilenoglycol-p-nitrophenyl-carbonate (mPEG-pNP) and metoxypolyethyleneglycol-4,6-dichloro-s-triazine (mPEG-CN). The UC-r-mPEG-pNP and UC-r-mPEG-CN conjugates retained 87% and 75% enzyme activity respectively. The K(M) values obtained 2.7 x 10(-5) M (mPEG-pNP) or 3.0 x 10(-5) M (mPEG-CN) lot the conjugates as compared to 5.4 x 10(-5) M for the native UC-r, suggesting enhancement in the substrate affinity of the enzyme attached. The effects of pH and temperature on PEGylated UC-r indicated that the conjugates were more active at close physiological pH and were stable up to 70 degrees C. Spectroscopic study performed by circular dichroism at 20 degrees C and 50 degrees C did not show any relevant difference in protein structure between native and PEGylated UC-r. In rabbit and Balb/c mice, the native UC-r elicited an intense immune response being highly immunogenic. On the other hand, the PEGylated UC-r when injected chronically in mice did not induce any detectable antibody response. This indicates sufficient reduction of the immunogenicity this enzyme by mPEG-pNP or mPEG-CN conjugation, making it suitable for a possible therapeutical use. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Chicken eggs were inoculated with suspensions of ambient air particles (<= 10 mu m, PM(10)) from Sao Paulo city in 3, 0.3 or 0.03 mu g doses on one of the four early days of embryo development. On the eleventh day of development alterations were observed on embryos inoculated with PM(10) 3 mu g on the third day. Particles analysis showed high content of metals. Hence, embryos were also inoculated with PM(10) (3 mu g) combined with metal chelating EDTA. PM(10) (3 mu g) embryos presented underdevelopment (stage 29.44 +/- 11.4) compared to vehicle and positive controls (stage 36.44 +/- 0.51 Saline and stage 31.20 +/- 9.7 Cyclophosphamide, p <= 0.05); higher (47%) mortality rate (23% Saline and 42% Cyclophosphamide) and low (68%) viability (100% Saline and 70% Cyclophosphamide, p = 0.04). Effects were attenuated when embryos received PM(10) + EDTA (stage 33.63 +/- 0.94, 18.9% mortality rate and 82% viability). PM(10) from Sao Paulo city is embryotoxic and metal may be implicated in the toxic mechanism. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
With a 41-society sample of 9990 managers and professionals, we used hierarchical linear modeling to investigate the impact of both macro-level and micro-level predictors on subordinate influence ethics. While we found that both macro-level and micro-level predictors contributed to the model definition, we also found global agreement for a subordinate influence ethics hierarchy. Thus our findings provide evidence that developing a global model of subordinate ethics is possible, and should be based upon multiple criteria and multilevel variables. Journal of International Business Studies (2009) 40, 1022-1045. doi:10.1057/jibs.2008.109
Background-Information about physicians` adherence to cholesterol management guidelines remains scant. The present survey updates our knowledge of lipid management worldwide. Methods and Results-Lipid levels were determined at enrollment in dyslipidemic adult patients on stable lipid-lowering therapy in 9 countries. The primary end point was the success rate, defined as the proportion of patients achieving appropriate low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) goals for their given risk. The mean age of the 9955 evaluable patients was 62 +/- 12 years; 54% were male. Coronary disease and diabetes mellitus had been diagnosed in 30% and 31%, respectively, and 14% were current smokers. Current treatment consisted of a statin in 75%. The proportion of patients achieving LDL-C goals according to relevant national guidelines ranged from 47% to 84% across countries. In low-, moderate-, and high-risk groups, mean LDL-C was 119, 109, and 91 mg/dL and mean high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was 62, 49, and 50 mg/dL, respectively. The success rate for LDL-C goal achievement was 86% in low-, 74% in moderate-, and 67% in high-risk patients (73% overall). However, among coronary heart disease patients with >= 2 risk factors, only 30% attained the optional LDL-C goal of < 70 mg/dL. In the entire cohort, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was < 40 mg/dL in 19%, 40 to 60 mg/dL in 55%, and > 60 mg/dL in 26% of patients. Conclusions-Although there is room for improvement, particularly in very-high-risk patients, these results indicate that lipid-lowering therapy is being applied much more successfully than it was a decade ago. (Circulation. 2009; 120: 28-34.)
We compared the effects of exercise training on neurovascular control and functional capacity in men and women with chronic heart failure (HF). Forty consecutive HF outpatients from the Heart Institute, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil were divided into the following four groups matched by age: men exercise-trained (n = 12), men untrained (n = 10), women exercise-trained (n = 9), women untrained (n = 9). Maximal exercise capacity was determined from a maximal progressive exercise test on a cycle ergometer. Forearm blood flow was measured by venous occlusion plethysmography. Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) was recorded directly using the technique of microneurography. There were no differences between groups in any baseline parameters. Exercise training produced a similar reduction in resting MSNA (P = 0.000002) and forearm vascular resistance (P = 0.0003), in men and women with HF. Peak VO(2) was similarly increased in men and women with HF (P = 0.0003) and VE/VCO(2) slope was significantly decreased in men and women with HF (P = 0.0007). There were no significant changes in left-ventricular ejection fraction in men and women with HF. The benefits of exercise training on neurovascular control and functional capacity in patients with HF are independent of gender.
Neural phase signaling has gained attention as a putative coding mechanism through which the brain binds the activity of neurons across distributed brain areas to generate thoughts, percepts, and behaviors. Neural phase signaling has been shown to play a role in various cognitive processes, and it has been suggested that altered phase signaling may play a role in mediating the cognitive deficits observed across neuropsychiatric illness. Here, we investigated neural phase signaling in two mouse models of cognitive dysfunction: mice with genetically induced hyperdopaminergia [dopamine transporter knock-out (DAT-KO) mice] and mice with genetically induced NMDA receptor hypofunction [NMDA receptor subunit-1 knockdown (NR1-KD) mice]. Cognitive function in these mice was assessed using a radial-arm maze task, and local field potentials were recorded from dorsal hippocampus and prefrontal cortex as DAT-KO mice, NR1-KD mice, and their littermate controls engaged in behavioral exploration. Our results demonstrate that both DAT-KO and NR1-KD mice display deficits in spatial cognitive performance. Moreover, we show that persistent hyperdopaminergia alters interstructural phase signaling, whereas NMDA receptor hypofunction alters interstructural and intrastructural phase signaling. These results demonstrate that dopamine and NMDA receptor dependent glutamate signaling play a critical role in coordinating neural phase signaling, and encourage further studies to investigate the role that deficits in phase signaling play in mediating cognitive dysfunction.
Lineage-survival oncogenes are activated by somatic DNA alterations in cancers arising from the cell lineages in which these genes play a role in normal development(1,2). Here we show that a peak of genomic amplification on chromosome 3q26.33 found in squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the lung and esophagus contains the transcription factor gene SOX2, which is mutated in hereditary human esophageal malformations(3), is necessary for normal esophageal squamous development(4), promotes differentiation and proliferation of basal tracheal cells(5) and cooperates in induction of pluripotent stem cells(6-8). SOX2 expression is required for proliferation and anchorage-independent growth of lung and esophageal cell lines, as shown by RNA interference experiments. Furthermore, ectopic expression of SOX2 here cooperated with FOXE1 or FGFR2 to transform immortalized tracheobronchial epithelial cells. SOX2-driven tumors show expression of markers of both squamous differentiation and pluripotency. These characteristics identify SOX2 as a lineage-survival oncogene in lung and esophageal SCC.
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of oral azithromycin in patients with posterior blepharitis. Methods: Twenty-six eyes of 13 patients with posterior blepharitis diagnosed by a qualified ophthalmologist were enrolled in this study. Patients were instructed to use oral azithromycin 500 mg per day for 3 days in 3 cycles with 7-day intervals. Subjective clinical outcomes were graded and scored 1 day before and 30 days after the end of the treatment (53 days after initiating the treatment) based on severity scores of: (1) eyelid debris; (2) eyelid telangiectasia; (3) swelling of the eyelid margin; (4) redness of the eyelid margin; and (5) ocular mucus secretion. For the assessment of global efficacy, patients were asked by the investigator to rate the subjective symptoms (eyelid itching, ocular itching, eyelid hyperemia, ocular hyperemia, ocular mucus secretion, photophobia, foreign body sensation, and dry eye sensation) on a scale of 0 (no symptoms) to 5 (severe symptoms). Break-up time, Schirmer I test, corneal fluorescein staining score, and rose bengal staining score were also performed in all patients. Results: All clinical outcomes scoring showed statistically significant improvement after oral azithromycin, except for eyelid swelling. Average subjective symptom grading improved statistically after treatment with oral azithromycin, except for eyelid hyperemia, photophobia, and foreign body sensation. Average tear film break-up time values showed statistically significant improvement after the treatment with oral azithromycin. No statistically significant improvement was observed on average values of Schirmer I test, corneal fluorescein staining score, and rose bengal staining score. Conclusions: The combination of multiple clinical parameters shown in this study supports the clinical efficacy of pulsed oral azithromycin therapy for the management of posterior blepharitis.
Purpose: To analyze the influence of thermal partial punctal occlusion on the ocular surface of dry eye related to Sjogren syndrome. Material and Methods: Thirty-seven eyes of 19 patients (3 male and 16 female; 49.11 +/- 14.33 years old) with keratoconjunctivitis sicca were enrolled in this study. Superior and inferior partial occlusion were performed in both eyes under topical anesthesia using thermal cautery with a sterile tip to obtain lacrimal punctum smaller than 0.5 mm. Schirmer I, break-up-time, diameter of lacrimal puncta, corneal fluorescein, and rose Bengal staining scores were analyzed before and after 24 weeks and after 24 months of the procedure. All measurements were performed under controlled climate. Results: The average lacrimal punctum diameter before the procedure was 0.65 +/- 0.134 mm. All lacrimal puncta were successfully reduced to less than 0.5 mm after 4 weeks of the procedure. The average Schirmer I test values improved statistically after 24 weeks and maintained stable after 24 months. Average break-up-time, rose Bengal, and fluorescein staining score values improved statistically after 24 weeks and improved even more after 24 months. Average Schirmer I test, break-up-time, rose Bengal, and fluorescein staining scores showed significant improvement (p < 0.0001) after 24 months of partial thermal punctal occlusion. Conclusion: Our study showed that reducing the punctum diameter to 0.5 mm can improve vital staining scores, break-up-time, and Schirmer I test in dry eye related to Sjogren syndrome.
PURPOSE: To investigate the combined effects of ethanol and mitomycin C (MMC) application on the corneal stroma of rabbits that underwent photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). METHODS: Twenty-four rabbits (24 eyes) underwent PRK to correct -9.00 diopters of myopia. Twelve eyes had ethanol application before removing the epithelium and 12 eyes had the epithelium manually removed without ethanol, Eyes in both groups had topical MMC 0.02% application for 12 seconds immediately after excimer laser ablation. Twelve rabbits were sacrificed at two time points-4 hours and 4 weeks after surgery-and immunohistochemistry was performed with TUNEL assay, alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA), and DAPI. RESULTS: More TUNEL-positive cells were observed in the ethanol-treated group compared to the mechanical debridement group at 4 hours after surgery (P<.01). No significant difference in alpha-SMA-positive cells was detected, between the two groups at 4 weeks after sugery. However, decreased keratocyte density in the anterior stroma was more pronounced in the ethanol-treated group compared to the mechanical debridement (P<.02). CONCLUSIONS: Ethanol application for epithelial removal during PRK seems to produce a synergistic effect with MMC, resulting in fewer keratocytes in the anterior stroma of rabbit corneas treated with MMC and ethanol than in corneas treated with MMC alone after PRK.