459 resultados para Preoperative evaluation


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Eletrorretinograma (ERG) é o meio diagnóstico objetivo e não-invasivo para avaliar a função retiniana e detectar precocemente, em várias espécies, lesões nas suas camadas mais externas. As indicações mais comuns para ERG em cães são: avaliação pré-cirúrgica de pacientes com catarata, caracterização de distúrbios que causam cegueira, além de servir como importante modelo para o estudo da distrofia retiniana que acomete o homem. Vários são os fatores que podem alterar o ERG tais como: eletrorretinógrafo, fonte de estimulação luminosa, tipo do eletrodo, tempo de adaptação ao escuro, tamanho pupilar, opacidade de meios e protocolo de sedação ou anestesia; além da espécie, raça e idade. Objetivou-se com este estudo padronizar o ERG para cães submetidos à sedação, seguindo o protocolo da International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV), utilizando Ganzfeld e eletrodos Burian Allen. Foram realizados 233 eletrorretinogramas em cães, 147 fêmeas e 86 machos, com idades entre um e 14 anos. Dos 233 cães examinados, 100 apresentavam catarata em diferentes estágios de maturação, 72 eram diabéticos e apresentavam catarata madura ou hipermadura, 26 apresentaram eletrorretinograma compatível com degeneração retiniana progressiva, três apresentaram eletrorretinograma compatível com síndrome da degeneração retiniana adquirida subitamente e 32 não apresentaram lesão retiniana capaz de atenuar as respostas do ERG, sendo considerados normais quanto à função retiniana. A sedação foi capaz de produzir boa imobilização do paciente sem rotacionar o bulbo ocular, permitindo adequada estimulação retiniana bilateralmente, com auxílio do Ganzfeld. O sistema eletrodiagnóstico Veris registrou com sucesso e simultaneamente de ambos os olhos, as cinco respostas preconizadas pela ISCEV. Como o ERG de campo total tornou-se exame fundamental na rotina oftalmológica, sua padronização é indispensável quando se objetiva comparar resultados de laboratórios distintos. A confiabilidade e reprodutibilidade deste protocolo foi demonstrada com a obtenção de registros de ótima qualidade utilizando protocolo padrão da ISCEV, eletrorretinógrafo Veris, Ganzfeld e eletrodos Burian Allen nos cães submetidos à sedação.


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Preoperative progressive pneumoperitoneum (PPP) is a safe and effective procedure in the treatment of large incisional hernia (size > 10 cm in width or length) with loss of domain (LIHLD). There is no consensus in the literature on the amount of gas that must be insufflated in a PPP program or even how long it should be maintained. We describe a technique for calculating the hernia sac volume (HSV) and abdominal cavity volume (ACV) based on abdominal computerized tomography (ACT) scanning that eliminates the need for subjective criteria for inclusion in a PPP program and shows the amount of gas that must be insufflated into the abdominal cavity in the PPP program. Our technique is indicated for all patients with large or recurrent incisional hernias evaluated by a senior surgeon with suspected LIHLD. We reviewed our experience from 2001 to 2008 of 23 consecutive hernia surgical procedures of LIHLD undergoing preoperative evaluation with CT scanning and PPP. An ACT was required in all patients with suspected LIHLD in order to determine HSV and ACV. The PPP was performed only if the volume ratio HSV/ACV (VR = HSV/ACV) was a parts per thousand yen25% (VR a parts per thousand yen 25%). We have performed this procedure on 23 patients, with a mean age of 55.6 years (range 31-83). There were 16 women and 7 men with an average age of 55.6 years (range 31-83), and a mean BMI of 38.5 kg/m(2) (range 23-55.2). Almost all patients (21 of 23 patients-91.30%) were overweight; 43.5% (10 patients) were severely obese (obese class III). The mean calculated volumes for ACV and HSV were 9,410 ml (range 6,060-19,230 ml) and 4,500 ml (range 1,850-6,600 ml), respectively. The PPP is performed by permanent catheter placed in a minor surgical procedure. The total amount of CO(2) insufflated ranged from 2,000 to 7,000 ml (mean 4,000 ml). Patients required a mean of 10 PPP sessions (range 4-18) to achieve the desired volume of gas (that is the same volume that was calculated for the hernia sac). Since PPP sessions were performed once a day, 4-18 days were needed for preoperative preparation with PPP. The mean VR was 36% (ranged from 26 to 73%). We conclude that ACT provides objective data for volume calculation of both hernia sac and abdominal cavity and also for estimation of the volume of gas that should be insufflated into the abdominal cavity in PPP.


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Chagas` disease (CD) is highly prevalent in South America. Brazilian surgeons and gastroenterologists gained valuable experience in the treatment of CD esophagopathy (chagasic achalasia) due to the high number of cases treated. The authors reviewed the lessons learned with the treatment of achalasia by different centers experienced in the treatment of Chagas` disease. Preoperative evaluation, endoscopic treatment (forceful dilatation and botulinum toxin injection), Heller`s myotomy, esophagectomy, conservative techniques other than myotomy, and reoperations are discussed in the light of personal experiences and review of International and Brazilian literature. Aspects not frequently adopted by North American and European surgeons are emphasized. The review shows that nonadvanced achalasia is frequently treated by Heller`s myotomy. Endoscopic treatment is reserved to limited cases. Treatment for end-stage achalasia is not unanimous. Esophagectomy was a popular treatment in advanced disease; however, the morbidity/mortality associated to the procedure made some authors seek different alternatives, such as Heller`s myotomy and cardioplasties. Minimally invasive approach to esophageal resection may change this concept, although few centers perform the procedure routinely.


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Introduction: A resorbable collagen matrix with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein (rhBMP-2) was compared with traditional iliac crest bone graft for the closure of alveolar defects during secondary dental eruption. Methods: Sixteen patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate, aged 8 to 12 years, were selected and randomly assigned to group 1 (rhBMP-2) or group 2 (iliac crest bone graft). Computed tomography was performed to assess both groups preoperatively and at months 6 and 12 postoperatively. Bone height and defect volume were calculated through Osirix Dicom Viewer (Pixmeo, Apple Inc.). Overall morbidity was recorded. Results: Preoperative and follow-up examinations revealed progressive alveolar bone union in all patients. For group 1, final completion of the defect with a 65.0% mean bone height was detected 12 months postoperatively. For group 2, final completion of the defect with an 83.8% mean bone height was detected 6 months postoperatively. Dental eruption routinely occurred in both groups. Clinical complications included significant swelling in three group 1 patients (37.5%) and significant donor-site pain in seven group 2 patients (87.5%). Conclusions: For this select group of patients with immature skeleton, rhBMP-2 therapy resulted in satisfactory bone healing and reduced morbidity compared with traditional iliac crest bone grafting.


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Background: Contact endoscopy (CE) was initially described as a method used in the analysis of uterine and vocal folds histology. The first nasal cavity CE studies achieved promising results regarding its use for the differentiation between benign and malignant lesions, considering that biopsy might cause some complications, especially bleeding. This study described and compared the findings of CE on inverted papilloma and nasosinusal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and tested the effectiveness of this exam as a noninvasive method for in vivo differentiation between these tumors. Methods: The patients included in this study were divided into group A, patients diagnosed with inverted papilloma, and group B, patients diagnosed with SCC. CE results were compared among themselves. CE images were presented to examiners not experienced with the method. Results: Twenty-two patients were examined, 13 in group A and 9 in group B. The main relevant differences in CE findings between those two groups were corkscrew vessels, presence of mitoses, keratinization and nuclear pleomorphism in carcinoma, and vacuolated cells in papilloma. The examiners were capable of defining the diagnosis of these nasal tumors only based on CE images. Conclusion: CE may be a useful noninvasive exam to be used in the in vivo diagnosis of inverted papilloma and nasosinusal SCC, which may enable better preoperative planning. (Am J Rhinol Allergy 24, 210-214, 2010; doi: 10.2500/ajra.2010.24.3467)


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A neoadjuvant multimodality approach with chemoradiation therapy (CRT) is the preferred treatment strategy for most distal rectal cancers. Significant downstaging and complete pathologic response may develop after this strategy, and there is still controversy regarding the management of these patients. In this setting, a nonoperative approach has been suggested in select patients with complete clinical response after thorough clinical, endoscopic, and radiologic assessment. However, the assessment of these patients is not straightforward and remains complex. Available data regarding this approach are limited to a single institution`s experience from retrospective analyses. Standardization of the assessment of tumor response and the development of radiological/molecular tools may clarify the role of no immediate surgery in patients with complete clinical response after neoadjuvant CRT. Advances in radiation and medical oncology could potentially lead to significant improvements in complete tumor regression rates, leading to an increase in importance of a minimally invasive approach in patients with rectal cancer. Semin Radiat Oncol 21:234-239 (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective. The purpose of this series was to determine the frequency of abductor mechanism avulsion by sonography after total hip arthroplasty with the Hardinge approach (J Bone Joint Surg Br 1982; 64:17-19) and its relationship to the presence of insufficiency of this musculature in the postoperative period. Methods. Thirty-four consecutive patients were prospectively accessed in the postoperative period of hip arthroplasty by the Trendelenburg test, hip sonography, and abductor muscle electromyography. In patients who were found to have clinical insufficiency of the abductor musculature, we also measured the femoral offset in the preoperative and postoperative radiographs. Hip sonography was performed by an experienced musculoskeletal radiologist blinded to the other tests, and the tendons of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus were visualized on longitudinal and transverse sections with a 7- to 10-MHz linear transducer. Results. Eight patients presented clinical insufficiency of the abductor musculature as detected by the Trendelenburg test. Four of these 8 patients with abductor insufficiency presented tendinous avulsion detected by sonography. One of the 4 patients with abductor insufficiency and normal sonographic findings had a decrease in the femoral offset caused by the arthroplasty itself. Two patients presented electromyographic changes of the abductor musculature, with no tendinous avulsion detected by sonography and no abductor insufficiency. Conclusions. We concluded that in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty by the Hardinge approach in whom insufficiency of the abductor musculature develops, sonography is an interesting method of investigation because it identified the cause of this problem in most of our patients.


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In the present study, we evaluated the preoperative demographic, clinical, and neuropsychological variables that could predict postoperative seizure outcome in a group of pediatric epileptic patients. We studied 40 consecutive pediatric patients, ages ranging from 6 to 16 years, that underwent resective surgery for the treatment of medically intractable epilepsy at the Clinical Hospital of RibeirA o pound Preto School of Medicine. We performed ictal electroencephalography (EEG), interictal EEG, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and a preoperative neuropsychological assessment in the presurgical workup. The following factors were correlated with seizure outcome: (1) duration of epilepsy, (2) surgery localization, (3) localized Neuropsychological (NPS) Evaluation, (4) ictal EEG, (5) interictal EEG, and (6) MRI. Mental retardation, NPS tests, and the other demographic variables failed to correlate with seizure reduction. The identification of predictor variables of epilepsy surgery outcome could improve the epileptic prognosis and guarantee the children`s full potential development.


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PURPOSE: This study evaluated the quality of DNA obtained from stored human saliva and its applicability to human identification. METHODS: The saliva samples of 20 subjects, collected in the form of saliva in natura and from mouth swabs and stored at -20ºC, were analyzed. After 7 days, the DNA was extracted from the 40 saliva samples and subjected to PCR and electrophoresis. After 180 days, the technique was repeated with the 20 swab samples. RESULTS: The first-stage results indicated that DNA was successfully extracted in 97.5% of reactions, 95% of saliva in natura and 100% of swab saliva samples, with no statistically significant difference between the forms of saliva. In the second phase, the result was positive for all 20 analyzed samples (100%). Subsequently, in order to analyze the quality of the DNA obtained from human saliva, the SIX3-2 gene was tested on the 20 mouth swab samples, and the PCR products were digested using the MbO1 restriction enzyme to evaluate polymorphisms in the ADRA-2 gene, with positive results for most samples. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the quantity and quality of DNA from saliva and the techniques employed are adequate for forensic analysis of DNA.


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Despite the advances in bonding materials, many clinicians today still prefer to place bands on molar teeth. Molar bonding procedures need improvement to be widely accepted clinically. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength when an additional adhesive layer was applied on the occlusal tooth/tube interface to provide reinforcement to molar tubes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty third molars were selected and allocated to the 3 groups: group 1 received a conventional direct bond followed by the application of an additional layer of adhesive on the occlusal tooth/tube interface, group 2 received a conventional direct bond, and group 3 received a conventional direct bond and an additional cure time of 10 s. The specimens were debonded in a universal testing machine. The results were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). RESULTS: Group 1 had a significantly higher (p<0.05) shear bond strength compared to groups 2 and 3. No difference was detected between groups 2 and 3 (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The present in vitro findings indicate that the application of an additional layer of adhesive on the tooth/tube interface increased the shear bond strength of the bonded molar tubes.


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This study evaluated the superficial microhardness of enamel in teeth at different posteruptive ages (before eruption in the oral cavity, 2-3 years after eruption, 4-10 years after eruption and more than 10 years after eruption). The study sample was composed of 134 specimens of human enamel. One fragment of each tooth was obtained from the flattest central portion of the crown to produce specimens with 3 x 3 mm. The enamel blocks were minimally flattened out and polished in order to obtain a flat surface parallel to the base, which is fundamental for microhardness testing. Microhardness was measured with a microhardness tester and a Knoop diamond indenter, under a static load of 25 g applied for 5 seconds. Comparison between the superficial microhardness obtained for the different groups was performed by analysis of Student's t test. The results demonstrated that superficial microhardness values have a tendency to increase over the years, with statistically significant difference only between unerupted enamel and that with more than 10 years after eruption. According to the present conditions and methodology, it was concluded that there were differences between the superficial micro-hardness of specimens at different eruptive ages, revealing an increasing mineralization. However, this difference was significant only between unerupted specimens and those with more than 10 years after eruption.


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This study aimed to assess the response of apical and periapical tissues of dogs' teeth after root canal filling with different materials. Forty roots from dogs' premolars were prepared biomechanically and assigned to 4 groups filled with: Group I: commercial calcium hydroxide and polyethylene glycol-based paste (Calen®) thickened with zinc oxide; Group II: paste composed of iodoform, Rifocort® and camphorated paramonochlorophenol; Group III: zinc oxide-eugenol cement; Group IV: sterile saline. After 30 days, the samples were subjected to histological processing. The histopathological findings revealed that in Groups I and IV the apical and periapical regions exhibited normal appearance, with large number of fibers and cells and no resorption of mineralized tissues. In Group II, mild inflammatory infiltrate and mild edema were observed, with discrete fibrogenesis and bone resorption. Group III showed altered periapical region and thickened periodontal ligament with presence of inflammatory cells and edema. It may be concluded that the Calen paste thickened with zinc oxide yielded the best tissue response, being the most indicated material for root canal filling of primary teeth with pulp vitality.


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The aim of this study was to quantify radiographically the periapical bone resorption in dogs' teeth contaminated with bacterial endotoxin (LPS), associated or not with calcium hydroxide. After pulp tissue removal, 60 premolars were randomly assigned to 4 groups and were either filled with LPS (group 1), filled with LPS plus calcium hydroxide (group 2) or filled with saline (group 3) for a period of 30 days. In group 4, periapical lesion formation was induced with no canal treatment. Standardized radiographs were taken at the beginning of the treatment and after 30 days and the Image J Program was used for measurement of periapical lesion size. Periapical lesions were observed in groups 1 (average of 8.44 mm2) and 4 (average of 3.02 mm2). The lamina dura was intact and there were no areas of periapical bone resorption in groups 2 and 3. It may be concluded that calcium hydroxide was effective in inactivating LPS, as demonstrated by the absence of apical periodontitis in the roots that were filled with bacterial endotoxin plus calcium hydroxide.


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This study evaluated histopathologically different methods of experimental induction of periapical periodontitis. The radiographic and microbiological evaluations have been performed in a previous investigation. Fifty-seven root canals from dogs' teeth were assigned to 4 groups. In GI (n=14) and GII (n=14), the root canals were exposed to oral environment for 180 days; in GIII (n=14) and GIV (n=15) the root canals were exposed for 7 days and then the access cavities were restored and remained sealed for 53 days. The root apices of GI and GIII were perforated, whilst those of GII and GIV remained intact. After induction of periapical periodontitis, the dogs were euthanized. Serial sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Data of the histopathological evaluation were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests at 5% significance level. The inflammatory periapical reaction and resorption of mineralized tissues were less intense in GII than in the other groups (p<0.05). There was no histopathological difference among the experimentally induced periapical lesions in the teeth with coronal sealing. On the other hand, when coronal sealing was not performed, greater intensity of induced periapical periodontitis was observed in the teeth with apical perforation.


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The aim of this investigation was to monitor metronidazole concentrations in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) collected from periodontal pockets of dogs after treatment with an experimental 15% metronidazole gel. Five dogs had periodontitis induced by cotton ligatures placed subgingivally and maintained for a 30-day period. After the induction period, only pockets with 4 mm or deeper received the gel. Each pocket was filled up to the gingival margin by means of a syringe with a blunt-end needle. GCF was collected in paper strips and quantified in an electronic device before and after 15 minutes, 1 h, 6 h, 24 h and 48 h of gel administration. The GCF samples were assayed for metronidazole content by means of a high performance liquid chromatography method. Concentrations of metronidazole in the GCF of the 5 dogs (mean ± SD, in µg/mL) were 0 ± 0 before gel application and 47,185.75 ± 24,874.35 after 15 minutes, 26,457.34 ± 25,516.91 after 1 h, 24.18 ± 23.11 after 6 h, 3.78 ± 3.45 after 24 h and 3.34 ± 5.54 after 48 h. A single administration of the 15% metronidazole gel released the drug in the GCF of dogs in levels several-fold higher than the minimum inhibitory concentration for some periodontopathogens grown in subgingival biofilms for up to one hour, but metronidazole could be detected in the GCF at least 48 hours after the gel application.