77 resultados para Nd(III)


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The Borborema Province has three major subprovinces. The northern subprovince lies north of the Patos shear zone and is comprised of Paleoproterozoic cratonic basement with Archean nuclei, plus overlying Neoproterozoic supracrustal rocks and Brasiliano plutonic rocks. The central subprovince occurs between the Patos and Pernambuco shear zones and is mainly comprised of the Zona Transversal. The southern subprovince occurs between the Pernamabuco shear zone and the Sao Francisco craton and is comprised of a tectonic collage of various blocks, terranes, or domains ranging in age from Archean to Neoproterozoic. This report focuses on the Zona Transversal, especially on Brasiliano rocks for which we have the most new information. Paleoproterozoic gneisses with ages of 2.0-2.2 Ga occur discontinuously throughout the Zona Transversal. The Cariris Velhos suite consists of metavolcanic, metasedimentary, and metaplutonic rocks yielding U-Pb zircon ages of 995-960 Ma. This suite is mainly confined to a 100 km wide belt that extends for more than 700 km within the Alto Pajeu terrane. Sm-Nd model ages in metaigneous rocks cluster about 1.3-1.6 Ga, indicating that older crust was involved in genesis of their magmas. Brasiliano supracrustal rocks dominate the Pianco-Alto Brigida terrane, and they probably also constitute significant parts of the Alto Pajeu and Rio Capibaribe terranes. They are only slightly older than early stages of Brasiliano plutonism, with detrital zircon ages at least as young as 620 Ma; most T(DM) ages range from 1.2 to 1.6 Ga. Brasiliano plutons range from ca. 640 to 540 Ma, and their T(DM) ages range from 1.2 to 2.5 Ga. Previous workers have shown significant correlations among U-Pb ages, Sm-Nd model ages, petrology, and geochemistry, and we are able to reinforce and extend these correlations. Stage I plutons formed 640 -610 Ma and have T(DM) ages less than 1.5 Ga. Stage 11 (610-590 Ma) contains few plutons, but coincides with the peak of compressional deformation, metamorphism, and formation of migmatites. Stage III plutons (590 to ca. 575 Ma) have older T(DM) ages (ca. 1.8-2.0 Ga), as do Stage IV plutons (575 to ca. 550 Ma; T(DM) from 1.9 to 2.4 Ga). Stage III plutons formed during the transition from compressional to transcurrent deformation, while Stage IV plutons are mainly post-tectonic. Stage V plutons (550-530 Ma) are commonly undeformed (except along younger shear zones) and have A-type geochemistry. The five stages have distinct geochemical properties, which suggest that the tectonic settings evolved from early, arc-related magma-genesis (Stage I) to within-plate magma-genesis (Stage V), with perhaps some intermediate phases of extensional environments. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis and characterization of lanthanide(III) citrates with stoichiometries 1:1 and 2:3; [LnL center dot xH(2)O] and [Ln(2)(LH)(3)center dot 2H(2)O], Ln=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm and Eu are reported. L stands for (C6O7H5)(3-) and LH for (C6O7H6)(2-). Infrared absorption spectra of both series evidence coordination of carboxylate groups through symmetric bridges or chelation. X-ray powder patterns show the amorphous character of [LnL center dot xH(2)O]. The compounds [Ln(2)LH(3)center dot 2H(2)O] are crystalline and isomorphous. Emission spectra of Eu compounds suggest C-2v symmetry for the coordination polyhedron of [LnL center dot xH(2)O] and C-4v for [Ln(2)(LH)(3)center dot 2H(2)O]. Thermal analyses (TG-DTG-DTA) were carried out for both series. The thermal analysis patterns of the two series are quite different and both fit in a 4-step model of thermal decomposition, with lanthanide oxides as final products.


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Angle Class III malocclusion has been a challenge for researchers concerning diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. It has a prevalence of 5% in the Brazilian population, and may have a genetic or environmental etiology. This malocclusion can be classified as dentoalveolar, skeletal or functional, which will determine the prognosis. Considering these topics, the aim of this study was to describe and discuss a clinical case with functional Class III malocclusion treated by a two-stage approach (interceptive and corrective), with a long-term follow-up. In this case, the patient was treated with a chincup and an Eschler arch, used simultaneously during 14 months, followed by corrective orthodontics. It should be noticed that, in this case, initial diagnosis at the centric relation allowed visualizing the anterior teeth in an edge-to-edge relationship, thereby favoring the prognosis. After completion of the treatment, the patient was followed for a 10-year period, and stability was observed. The clinical treatment results showed that it is possible to achieve favorable outcomes with early management in functional Class III malocclusion patients.


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This article reports the case of a 19-year-old young man with Class III malocclusion and posterior crossbite with concerns about temporomandibular disorder (TMD), esthetics and functional problems. Surgical-orthodontic treatment was carried out by decompensation of the mandibular incisors and segmentation of the maxilla in 4 pieces, which allowed expansion and advancement. Remission of the signs and symptoms occurred after surgical-orthodontic intervention. The maxillary dental arch presented normal transverse dimension. Satisfactory static and functional occlusion and esthetic results were achieved and remained stable. Three years after the surgical-orthodontic treatment, no TMD sign or symptom was observed and the occlusal results had not changed. When vertical or horizontal movements of the maxilla in the presence of moderate maxillary constriction are necessary, segmental LeFort I osteotomy can be an important part of treatment planning.


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Class III skeletal malocclusion may present several etiologies, among which maxillary deficiency is the most frequent. Bone discrepancy may have an unfavorable impact on esthetics, which is frequently aggravated by the presence of accentuated facial asymmetries. This type of malocclusion is usually treated with association of Orthodontics and orthognathic surgery for correction of occlusion and facial esthetics. This report presents the treatment of a patient aged 15 years and 1 month with Class III skeletal malocclusion, having narrow maxilla, posterior open bite on the left side, anterior crossbite and unilateral posterior crossbite, accentuated negative dentoalveolar discrepancy in the maxillary arch, and maxillary and mandibular midline shift. Clinical examination also revealed maxillary hypoplasia, increased lower one third of the face, concave bone and facial profiles and facial asymmetry with mandibular deviation to the left side. The treatment was performed in three phases: presurgical orthodontic preparation, orthognathic surgery and orthodontic finishing. In reviewing the patient's final records, the major goals set at the beginning of treatment were successfully achieved, providing the patient with adequate masticatory function and pleasant facial esthetics.


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser irradiation on intracanal dentin surface by SEM analysis and its interference in the apical seal of filled canals. After endodontic treatment procedures, 34 maxillary human incisors were randomly assigned to 2 groups. In the negative control group (n=17), no additional treatment was performed and teeth were filled with vertically condensed gutta-percha; in the laser-treated group (n=17), the root canals were irradiated with Nd:YAG laser (1.5 W, 100 mJ, 15 Hz) before filling as described for the control group. Two specimens of each group were prepared for SEM analysis to evaluate the presence and extent of morphological changes and removal of debris; the other specimens were immersed in 0.5% methylene blue dye (pH 7.2) for 24 h for evaluation of the linear dye leakage at the apical third. SEM analysis of the laser-treated group showed dentin fusion and resolidification without smear layer or debris. The Student’s t-test showed that the laser-treated group had significantly less leakage in apical third than the control group. Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that the morphological changes on the apical intraradicular dentin surface caused by Nd:YAG laser resulted in less linear dye apical leakage.


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In this work we have studied cyclooctene epoxidation with PhIO, using a new iron porphyrin, 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)porphyrinato iron(III), supported on silica matrices via eletrostatic interaction and / or covalent bonds as catalyst. These catalysts were obtained and immobilized on the solid supports propyltrimethylammonium silica (SiN+); propyltrimethylammonium and propylimidazole silica [SiN+(IPG)] and chloropropylsilica (CPS) via elestrostatic interactions and covalent binding. Characterization of the supported catalysts by UV-Vis spectroscopy and EPR (Electron paramagnetic resonance) indicated the presence of a mixture of FeII and FeIII species in all of the three obtained catalysts. In the case of (Z)-cyclooctene epoxidation by PhIO the yields observed for cis-epoxycyclooctane were satisfactory for the reactions catalyzed by the three materials (ranging from 68% to 85%). Such results indicate that immobilization of metalloporphyrins onto solid supports via groups localized on the ortho positions of their mesophenyl rings can lead to efficient catalysts for epoxidation reactions. The catalyst 1-CPS is less active than 1-SiN and 1-SiN(IPG), this argues in favour of the immobilization of this metalloporphyrin onto solids via electrostatic interactions, which is easier to achieve and results in more active oxidation catalysts. Interestingly, the activity of the supported catalysts remained the same even after three successive recyclings; therefore, they are stable under the oxidizing conditions.


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A metal-free protocol was developed to synthesize indanes by ring contraction of 1, 2-dihydronaphthalenes promoted by PhI(OH)OTs (HTIB or Koser's reagent). This oxidative rearrangement can be performed in several solvents (MeOH, CH3CN, 2 , 2, 2-trifluoroethanol (TFE), 1 , 1, 1, 3, 3, 3-hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP), and a 1:4 mixture of TFE:CH2Cl2) under mild conditions. The ring contraction diastereoselectively gives functionalized trans-1, 3-disubstituted indanes, which are difficult to obtain in synthetic organic chemistry


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Oitenta e quatro espécies são registradas para o Estado do Maranhão: Prioninae (uma), Disteniinae (uma), Cerambycinae (49) e Lamiinae (33). O número total de espécies assinaladas para o Estado eleva-se a 367. Nove novas espécies são descritas em Cerambycinae: Chlorida inexpectata sp. nov. (Bothriospilini); Jupoata germana sp. nov. (Cerambycini); Eburodacrys separatus sp. nov. e Eburodacrys cincora sp. nov. (Eburiini); Ectenessa affinis sp. nov. (Ectenessini); Minibidion bicolor sp. nov. (Ibidionini, Tropidiina); Compsibidion maculatum sp. nov. e Compsibidion ytu sp. nov. (Ibidionini,Ibidionina); Ideratus beatus sp. nov. (Ideratini). Três espécies são descritas em Lamiinae: Aerenea gibba sp. nov. (Compsosomatini); Mimasyngenes barbozai sp. nov. (Desmiphorini); Cacostola exilis sp. nov. (Onciderini). Uma variação no colorido de Adesmus paradiana Galileo & Martins, 2004 é observada. Corrigenda de Piruana pulchra Martins et al., 2009 para Piruauna pulchra (Desmiphorini).


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Oxyommata Zajciw, 1970 e O. collaris (Audinet-Serville, 1833) são redescritos e comentados. Um novo gênero proveniente da divisão de Xenocrasis Bates, 1873 é descrito e três espécies alocadas nele: X. fulvicollis(Lacordaire, 1868); X. pubipennis (Fisher, 1952); e X. vestitipennis Zajciw, 1963. É apresentada chave para as espécies do novo gênero.


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Novas espécies da Guiana Francesa são descritas e figuradas: Trestonia bilineta sp. nov. (Onciderini); Ischnolea odettae sp. nov. (Desmiphorini); Oreodera mageia sp. nov. (Acanthoderini) e Icupima ampliata sp. nov. (Hemilophini). Faz-se um novo registro de Plocaederus fragosoi (Cerambycini) para a Guiana Francesa.


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São discriminados em chave os gêneros semelhantes a Anoreina Bates, 1861, Trichoanoreina Julio & Monné, 2005 e Pyrianoreina gen. nov. Espécies novas descritas: Pyrianoreina piranga sp. nov. do Equador; P. hovorei sp. nov. da Bolívia; do Brasil Anoreina piara sp. nov. (Pará) e A. pinimaiuba sp. nov. (Amazonas); A. ayri sp. nov. do Equador.


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Background: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder that affects the motoneurons of the spinal anterior horn, resulting in hypotonia and muscle weakness. The disease is caused by deletion or mutation in the telomeric copy of SMN gene (SMN1) and clinical severity is in part determined by the copy number of the centromeric copy of the SMN gene (SMN2). The SMN2 mRNA lacks exon 7, resulting in a production of lower amounts of the full-length SMN protein. Knowledge of the molecular mechanism of diseases has led to the discovery of drugs capable of increasing SMN protein level through activation of SMN2 gene. One of these drugs is the valproic acid (VPA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor. Methods: Twenty-two patients with type II and III SMA, aged between 2 and 18 years, were treated with VPA and were evaluated five times during a one-year period using the Manual Muscle Test (Medical Research Council scale-MRC), the Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale (HFMS), and the Barthel Index. Results: After 12 months of therapy, the patients did not gain muscle strength. The group of children with SMA type II presented a significant gain in HFMS scores during the treatment. This improvement was not observed in the group of type III patients. The analysis of the HFMS scores during the treatment period in the groups of patients younger and older than 6 years of age did not show any significant result. There was an improvement of the daily activities at the end of the VPA treatment period. Conclusion: Treatment of SMA patients with VPA may be a potential alternative to alleviate the progression of the disease.


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Objective: Our goal was to compare the in vivo biocompatibility of dental root surfaces submitted to four different treatments after tooth avulsion followed by implantation into rat subcutaneous tissue. Background Data: Dental root surface preparation prior to replanting teeth remains a challenge for endodontists. Root surface changes made by Nd:YAG irradiation could be an alternative preparation. Methods: Forty-eight freshly extracted human dental roots were randomly divided into four treatment groups prior to implantation into rat subcutaneous tissue: G1, dry root, left in the environment up to 3 h; G2, the same treatment as G1, followed by a soaking treatment in a 2.4% sodium fluoride solution (pH 5.5); G3, root soaked in physiologic saline after avulsion for 72 h; G4, the same treatment as G1, followed by Nd:YAG laser irradiation (2.0 W, 20 Hz, 100 mJ, and 124.34 J/cm(2)). The animals were sacrificed 1, 7, and 45 d later. Histological and scanning electron microscopy analyses were done. Results: All dental roots were involved and in intimate contact with connective tissue capsules of variable thicknesses. Differences were observed in the degree of inflammation and in connective tissue maturation. In G3 the inflammatory infiltrate was maintained for 45 d, whereas the Nd:YAG laser irradiation (G4) led to milder responses. The overall aspects of the root surfaces were similar, except by the irradiated roots, where fusion and resolidification of the root surface covering the dentinal tubules were observed. Conclusion: Nd:YAG laser irradiation improves the biocompatibility of dental root and thus could be an alternative treatment of dental root prior to replantation.


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Objective: To verify the effects of laser energy on intracanal dentin surfaces, by analyzing the morphologic changes and removal of debris in the apical third of 30 extracted human teeth, prepared and irradiated with the Nd:YAG laser and diode laser. Background Data: Lasers have been widely used in endodontics. The morphologic changes in dentin walls caused by Nd: YAG and diode laser irradiation could improve apical seals and cleanliness. Materials and Methods: The protocol used for Nd: YAG laser irradiation was 1.5 W, 100 mJ, and 15 Hz, in pulsed mode, and for diode laser was 2.5 W in continuous mode. Each specimen was irradiated four times at a speed of 2 mm/sec with a 20-sec interval between applications. Five calibrated examiners scored the morphologic changes and debris removal on a 4-point scale. Results: In analyzing the scores, there were no statistically significant differences between the two types of laser for either parameter, according to Kruskal-Wallis testing at p = 0.05. The SEM images showed fusion and resolidification of the dentin surface, with partial removal of debris on the specimens irradiated with the Nd: YAG laser and the diode laser, compared with controls. Conclusion: Both lasers promote morphologic changes and debris removal. These alterations of the dentin surface appeared to be more evident in the Nd: YAG laser group, but the diode laser group showed more uniform changes.