7 resultados para emodialisi, eco-dialisi, rigenerazione fluido di dialisi

em WestminsterResearch - UK


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Over the last few decades, China has seen a steep rise in diverse eco city and low carbon city policies. Recently, attention has begun to focus on the perceived shortcomings in the practical delivery of related initiatives, with several publications suggesting a gap between ambitious policy goals and the emerging realities of the newly built environment. To probe this further, in this article we examine – based on the policy network approach – how the gap between high-level national policies and local practice implementation can be explained in the current Chinese context. We develop a four-pronged typology of eco city projects based on differential involvement of key (policy) actor groups, followed by a mapping of what are salient policy network relations among these actors in each type. Our analysis suggests that, within the overall framework of national policy, a core axis in the network relations is that between local government and land developers. In some cases, central government agencies– often with buy-in from international architecture, engineering and consulting firms – seek to influence local government planning through various incentives aimed at rendering sustainability a serious consideration. However, this is mostly done in a top-down manner, which overemphasizes a rational, technocratic planning mode while underemphasizing interrelationships among actors. This makes the emergence of a substantial implementation gap in eco city practice an almost predictable outcome. Consequently, we argue that special attention be paid in particular to the close interdependency between the interests of local government actors and those of land and real estate developers. Factoring in this aspect of the policy network is essential if eco city implementation is to gain proper traction on the ground.


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A growing body of critical literature seeks to identify conceptual and practical problems accompanying the realisation of mainstream ‘eco-city’ initiatives around the world. However, little attention has been paid to the status of the ‘city’ itself within the broader discourse. If eco-cities are to be more than experimental ‘technological showcases’, and aim to transform urban life more generally, the question of what types of ‘cityness’ will ensue is of considerable importance. To effect a more significant sustainability transition, eco-city plans and policies may need somehow to encompass a more nuanced conceptualisation of cities as complex, unpredictable, and emergent spaces. The incompatibility of such a conceptualisation with liberal-modernist modes of planning means that radically innovative new approaches to eco-city development may need to be found. This thesis considers whether the eco-city, theorised as a multiple process of real-world experimentation, may shed some light on how ‘cityness’ might better be planned for in future. To do so, it conceptualises cityness through the lens of ‘publicness’. It makes an original contribution to knowledge by developing a new theoretical model of publicness as an ‘assemblage’ of space and behaviour, with an ‘emergent’ and ‘civic’ modality. It thereby extends recent debates over the idea of ‘urban assemblage’, and makes innovative links between theories of planning and of the public. This model informs the analysis of original empirical research, investigating the conceptualisation of the public in an international sample of official eco-city documents, and exploring the publicness of two implemented initiatives, in Portland, Oregon (US) and newly built Sejong City (South Korea). The research finds that publicness tends to be poorly articulated in mainstream eco-city plans and policies, with potentially negative implications for sustainability in the ‘urban age’. However, it also argues that state institution-led planning – even when experimental ‘governance’ approaches are adopted – may inevitably be limited in its ability to encompass the emergent public life of the city. The thesis concludes by considering the prospects for overcoming or more productively acknowledging these limits in future.


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Obiettivo dello studio è l’esame delle relazioni esistenti tra il numero di accessi alle stazioni della metropolitana e le caratteristiche di uso del suolo di ciascuna area di influenza. A questo scopo è stata implementata un’analisi di regressione lineare multipla, utilizzando come variabile indipendente il numero di viaggiatori in ingresso alle stazioni e come variabili dipendenti le caratteristiche socio-economiche e di uso del suolo delle aree urbane che circondano le stazioni. L’utilizzo di tecniche GIS ha permesso la costruzione del database e la visualizzazione su mappe tematiche dei risultati. In sintesi dallo studio emerge che il flusso di passeggeri è influenzato in misura prevalente dall’indice di connessione nelle aree centrali, dalla densità di addetti nelle aree periferiche e dalla densità residenziale e dal mix funzionale nelle aree di stazione suburbane. I risultati di questo studio possono contribuire al processo decisionale ed alla definizione di strategie di Transit Oriented Development al fine di incrementare l’utilizzo della rete su ferro o viceversa possono essere utilizzati per la valutazione di pratiche di uso del suolo.


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Le riflessioni che seguono intendono offrire un contributo al dibattito sulle nuove forme di abitare intese principalmente come attitudini relazionali che, nel loro prendere forma, producono spazi dando voce quella vocazione comunitaria sempre più diffusa nella nostra società contemporanea. L’occasione di seguire da vicino il processo di trasformazione di un Gruppo di Acquisto Solidale (Gas), costituito per iniziativa di alcuni cittadini ferraresi, in un gruppo di aspiranti cohousers, seguendone le fasi di apprendimento collettivo, di dialogo con le istituzioni locali e con i diversi attori che progressivamente entrano in gioco, si inserisce in una più vasta ricerca, da tempo portata avanti da chi scrive, sulla natura delle politiche pubbliche per la città e per il territorio, con particolare riguardo a contesti relativamente marginali di cui la regione del Delta del Po può essere considerata una concreta espressione.