4 resultados para ska

em Universidad de Alicante


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The discovery almost three decades ago of non-nuclear, point-like X-ray sources with X-ray luminosities LX ≥ 3 × 1039 erg s−1 revolutionized the physics of black hole accretion. If of stellar origin, such Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) would have to accrete at super-Eddington rates in order to reach the observed high X-ray luminosities. Alternatively, ULXs could host sub-Eddington accreting intermediate-mass black holes, which are the long-time sought missing link between stellar and supermassive black holes and the possible seeds of the supermassive black holes that formed in the early Universe. The nature of ULXs can be better investigated in those cases for which a radio counterpart is detected. Radio observations of ULXs have revealed a wide variety of morphologies and source types, from compact and extended jets to radio nebulae and transient behaviours, providing the best observational evidence for the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole in some of them. The high sensitivity of the SKA will allow us to study the faintest ULX radio counterparts in the Local Universe as well as to detect new sources at much larger distances. It will thus perform a leap step in understanding ULXs, their accretion physics, and their possible role as seed black holes in supermassive black hole and galaxy growth.


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The unprecedented sensitivity and large field of view of SKA will be of paramount importance for pulsar science, and for many related research fields. In particular, beside the obvious discovery of many more pulsars (even those with very low luminosity), and the extremely accurate timing analysis of the current pulsar population, SKA will allow to use pulsars to measure or put strong constraints on gravitational waves, Galactic magnetism, planet masses, general relativity and nuclear physics.


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BALL (Be Active Through Lifelong Learning) is an Erasmus + project of the European Union with the chief objective of analysing the degree of Preparation for Retirement among European citizens. The team working for this project, funded by the EU, is composed by organizations with broad experience at work with the third age from three European countries, Poland, Iceland and Spain, and the results obtained from these three contexts aim to provide a clear picture about the state of the art in preparation for retirement nowadays. The main objective of the project is to develop innovative guidelines and recommendations for use at lifelong learning centres; universities; companies; unions; associations; local and regional authorities who need and wish to prepare and encourage individuals under their auspices to prepare for the third age. The project defines the age group of 50 to 70 (the “baby boomer” generation) as the target group for such early preparations. The project and its outcomes will be used to raise awareness of these important issues and disseminate the results throughout the European Educational Area and the worldwide U3A network.


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La presente tesis, que consta de una parte preliminar y cuatro capítulos, es una investigación didáctica teórica y empírica sobre la enseñanza/aprendizaje del español coloquial conversacional a través del material cinematográfico para alumnos de español lengua extranjera (E/LE). La parte preliminar establece el problema de partida por medio de un diagnóstico inicial de las carencias, necesidades y preferencias del alumnado intermedio de E/LE en Varsovia, así como plantea los objetivos, hipótesis e interrogantes del estudio y la elección de las pautas pedagógicas de investigación. El capítulo I es el marco teórico de la investigación y, tras el análisis de la bibliografía, propone una clasificación de las constantes y estrategias del español coloquial conversacional susceptibles de explotación didáctica en el aula, investiga de qué forma puede el material cinematográfico contribuir a transmitir estos fenómenos y lleva a cabo una revisión histórica de los métodos que han abierto el camino al estudio del registro coloquial y al uso de los medios audiovisuales en el aula. El capítulo II es el marco práctico de la investigación y define las opciones metodológicas planteadas para la propia experimentación en el aula. El capítulo III es la investigación didáctica empírica con tres grupos de aprendientes y el IV se ocupa del análisis de los resultados gracias al cual se determinan las ventajas, inconvenientes y el balance final, lo que permite, a su vez, determinar las conclusiones, validar las hipótesis, comprobar el cumplimiento de los objetivos así como abrir el camino para nuevas investigaciones.