2 resultados para peach palm
em Universidad de Alicante
The elemental analysis of Spanish palm dates by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is reported for the first time. To complete the information about the mineral composition of the samples, C, H, and N are determined by elemental analysis. Dates from Israel, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Iran have also been analyzed. The elemental composition have been used in multivariate statistical analysis to discriminate the dates according to its geographical origin. A total of 23 elements (As, Ba, C, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, H, In, K, Li, Mg, Mn, N, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, V, and Zn) at concentrations from major to ultra-trace levels have been determined in 13 date samples (flesh and seeds). A careful inspection of the results indicate that Spanish samples show higher concentrations of Cd, Co, Cr, and Ni than the remaining ones. Multivariate statistical analysis of the obtained results, both in flesh and seed, indicate that the proposed approach can be successfully applied to discriminate the Spanish date samples from the rest of the samples tested.
En aquest Treball Fi de Grau (TFG) farem una anàlisi comparativa de James and the Giant Peach i les seues traduccions al català i al castellà. Pararem especial atenció al fet que es tracta d’un exemple de literatura juvenil, a l’hora d’analitzar els elements típics d’aquest gènere, com ara noms propis, elements culturals, expressions pragmàtiques, etc. El nostre objectiu principal serà extraure unes conclusions ben fonamentades sobre les tendències pel que fa a la traducció de literatura juvenil.