9 resultados para oily water treatment,

em Universidad de Alicante


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Boron-doped diamond electrodes have emerged as anodic material due to their high physical, chemical and electrochemical stability. These characteristics make it particularly interesting for electrochemical wastewater treatments and especially due to its high overpotential for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction. Diamond electrodes present the maximum efficiency in pollutant removal in water, just limited by diffusion-controlled electrochemical kinetics. Results are presented for the elimination of benzoic acid and for the electrochemical treatment of synthetic tannery wastewater. The results indicate that diamond electrodes exhibit the best performance for the removal of total phenols, COD, TOC, and colour.


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The adsorption and electroadsorption of arsenic from a natural water has been studied in a filter-press electrochemical cell using a commercial granular activated carbon as adsorbent and Pt/Ti and graphite as electrodes. A significant reduction of the arsenic concentration is achieved when current is imposed between the electrodes, especially when the activated carbon was located in the vicinity of the anode. This enhancement can be explained in terms of the presence of electrostatic interactions between the polarized carbon surface and the arsenic ions, and changes in the distribution of most stable species of arsenic in solution due to As(III) to As(V) oxidation. In summary, electrochemical adsorption on a filter-press cell can be used for enhancement the arsenic remediation with activated carbon in the treatment of a real groundwater.


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This study evaluates the application of denim fiber scraps as a precursor for the synthesis of adsorbents for water treatment via pyrolysis and their application in water defluoridation. The best pyrolysis conditions for the synthesis of this novel adsorbent have been identified and a metal doping route with different salts of Al3 +, La3 + and Fe3 + was proposed to improve its fluoride adsorption behavior. Different spectroscopic and microscopic techniques (i.e., FTIR, XPS, XRF, SEM) were used to characterize the precursor and adsorbents, and to analyze the surface interactions involved in the fluoride removal mechanism. Experimental results showed that these adsorbents were effective for fluoride adsorption showing uptakes up to 4.25 mg/g. The Si-O–metal–F interactions appear to be highly relevant for the fluoride removal. This study highlights the potential of denim textile waste as a raw material for the production of added-value products, thus minimizing their associated disposal cost. It also shows the performance of denim textile waste as a precursor of adsorbents for addressing relevant environmental concerns such as fluoride pollution.


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New bone chars for fluoride adsorption from drinking water have been synthetized via metallic doping using aluminum and iron salts. A detailed statistical analysis of the metal doping process using the signal-to-noise ratios from Taguchi's experimental designs and its impact on the fluoride adsorption properties of modified bone chars have been performed. The best conditions, including the proper metallic salt, for metal doping were identified to improve the fluoride uptakes of modified bone chars. Results showed that the fluoride adsorption properties of bone chars can be enhanced up to 600% using aluminum sulfate for the surface modification. This aluminum-based adsorbent showed an adsorption capacity of 31 mg/g, which outperformed the fluoride uptakes reported for several adsorbents. Surface interactions involved in the defluoridation process were established using FTIR, DRX and XPS analysis. Defluoridation using the metal-doped bone chars occurred via an ion exchange process between fluoride ions and the hydroxyl groups on the adsorbent surface, whereas the Al(OH)xFy, FexFy, and CaF2 interactions could play also an important role in the removal process. These metal-doped adsorbents anticipate a promising behavior in water treatment, especially in developing countries where the efficiency – cost tradeoff is crucial for implementing new defluoridation technologies.


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The pyrolysis of a sludge produced in the waste water treatment plant of an oil refinery was studied in a pilot plant reactor provided with a system for condensation of semivolatile matter. The study comprises experiments at 350, 400, 470 and 530 °C in nitrogen atmosphere. Analysis of all the products obtained (gases, liquids and chars) are presented, with a thermogravimetric study of the char produced and analysis of main components of the liquid. In the temperature range studied, the composition of the gas fraction does not appreciably vary. In the liquids, the light hidrocarbon yield increases with increasing temperature, whereas the aromatic compounds diminish. The decomposition of the solid fraction has been analysed, finding a material that reacts rapidly with oxygen regardless of the conditions it is formed.


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Desalinated brackish groundwater is becoming a new source of water supply to comply with growing water demands, especially in (semi-) arid countries. Recent publications show that some chemical compounds may persist in an unaltered form after the desalination processes and that there is an associated risk of mixing waters with different salinity for irrigation. At the university of Alicante campus (Spain), a mix of desalinated brackish groundwater and water from the existing aquifer is currently applied for landscape irrigation. The presence of 209 emerging compounds, surfactants, priority substances according to the 2008/105/EC Directive, 11 heavy metals and microbiological organisms in blended water and aquifer samples was investigated. Thirty-five compounds were detected (pesticides, pharmaceuticals and surfactants) among them two priority substances α-endosulfan and Ni were found above the permitted maximum concentration. Blended water used for landscape irrigation during the summer period is supersaturated with respect to carbonates, which may ultimately lead to mineral precipitation in the soil-aquifer media and changes in hydraulic parameters.


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The effect of the electrochemical treatment (potentiostatic treatment in a filter-press electrochemical cell) on the adsorption capacity of an activated carbon cloth (ACC) was analyzed in relation with the removal of 8-quinolinecarboxylic acid pollutant from water. The adsorption capacity of an ACC is quantitatively improved in the presence of an electric field (electroadsorption process) reaching values of 96% in comparison to 55% in absence of applied potential. In addition, the cathodic treatment results in higher removal efficiencies than the anodic treatment. The enhanced adsorption capacity has been proved to be irreversible, since the removed compound remains adsorbed after switching the applied potential. The kinetics of the adsorption processes is also improved by the presence of an applied potential.


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El siglo XIX se caracteriza por numerosos cambios tanto a nivel social como estructural de la población: se produce un acelerado desarrollo urbano sin planificación y carente de servicios que da lugar a una mala calidad de vida y numerosas epidemias. Estos cambios tienen como resultado un nuevo movimiento, el Higienismo, que pretende mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población. En España, todas las reformas higiénicas se desarrollaron mediante los planes de Ensanche. Uno de los puntos clave de este pensamiento es el abastecimiento de agua potable como medio para evitar enfermedades. La ciudad de Valencia es un claro ejemplo de la importancia de este movimiento y cómo el abastecimiento de agua es un elemento clave en la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas.


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An integrated analysis of naproxen adsorption on bone char in batch and packed-bed column conditions has been performed. Kinetic, thermodynamic and breakthrough parameters have been calculated using adsorption models and artificial neural networks. Results show that naproxen removal using bone char in batch conditions is a feasible and effective process, which could involve electrostatic and non-electrostatic interactions depending mainly on pH conditions. However, the application of packed-bed column for naproxen adsorption on bone char is not effective for the treatment of diluted solutions due to the low degree of adsorbent utilization (below 4%) at tested operating conditions. The proposed mechanism for naproxen removal using bone char could include a complexation process via phosphate and naproxen, hydrogen bonding and the possibility of hydrophobic interactions via π–π electron. This study highlights the relevance of performing an integrated analysis of adsorbent effectiveness in batch and dynamic conditions to establish the best process configuration for the removal of emerging water pollutants such as pharmaceuticals.