11 resultados para migratory

em Universidad de Alicante


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Understanding the ecology of migratory birds during the non-breeding season is necessary for ensuring their conservation. Using satellite telemetry data we describe winter ranging behaviour and movements of pallid harriers Circus macrourus that bred in Kazakhstan. We developed an ecological niche model for the species in Africa, to identify the most suitable wintering areas for pallid harriers and the importance of habitat in determining the location of those areas. We also assessed how well represented suitable areas are in the network of protected areas. Individual harriers showed relatively high fidelity to wintering areas but with potential for interannual changes. The ecological niche model highlighted the importance of open habitats with natural vegetation. Most suitable areas for the species were located in eastern Africa. Suitable areas had a patchy distribution but were relatively well included in the network of protected areas. The preferential use of habitats with natural vegetation by wintering pallid harriers and the patchiness of the most suitable areas highlight the harrier's vulnerability to land-use changes and the associated loss of natural vegetation in Africa. Conservation of harriers could be enhanced by preserving natural grasslands within protected areas and improving habitat management in the human-influenced portions of the species’ core wintering areas.


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En el presente trabajo se recopilan veinte años de observaciones realizadas por los servicios de vigilancia de la Reserva Marina y Reserva Natural de las Islas Columbretes, así como aquellas notificadas por embarcaciones de recreo y pesca, desde la creación de la reserva en 1990. Las observaciones fueron realizadas durante todo el año en el interior de la Reserva Marina e inmediaciones. Por avistamiento se ha anotado la especie, el tamaño de grupo, hora y situación aproximada. Para cada especie se ha analizado la presencia a lo largo de los meses del año, la distancia a las islas y el tamaño de los grupos. Se han obtenido datos de un total de 366 observaciones y 4928 individuos. La especie más frecuente ha sido el delfín mular Tursiops truncatus con el 71 % de las observaciones totales, seguida por el rorcual común Balaenoptera physalus (20 %), delfín listado Stenella coeruleoalba (5 %), delfín común Delphinus delphis (1.4 %), y con porcentajes inferiores al 1%: calderón común Globicephala melas, calderón gris Grampus griseus, cachalote Physeter catodon y orca Orcinus orca. La presencia constante de delfín mular en la Reserva Marina durante estos 20 años es una evidencia de que la protección de estas aguas ha contribuido a la conservación de esta especie en la zona. Por otra parte, las observaciones de rorcual común al este de la Reserva Marina indican la existencia de una zona de paso de los individuos en su migración latitudinal.


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En este trabajo se analizan los cambios en el patrón de las migraciones interiores españolas a lo largo del período 1960-1989. De forma preliminar y de acuerdo con las teorías explicativas de los flujos migratorios, se contrasta econométricamente la consistencia de estos cambios con la existencia de sistemas regionales económicamente desequilibrados versus sistemas regionales con diferencias compensadoras. Como resultado, se encuentra que a pesar de la reciente intensificación de las migraciones interiores y a diferencia de lo sucedido en otras etapas y bajo otras circunstancias, ahora no se debería confiar en que los movimientos migratorios puedan contribuir al acercamiento a la media nacional de las regiones con tasas de desempleo más elevadas. Esta vía podría haberse agotado en la medida en que el peso de las barreras procedentes de los mercados de trabajo y de los mercados inmobiliarios es creciente y, paradójicamente, ha generado flujos inte-rregionales equilibrados y no polarizados. Si, además, la posibilidad de que la emigración cumpla un papel dinamizador del ajuste económico se ve afectada por el componente de desempleo de los trabajadores que se desplazan, entonces las políticas públicas no deberían centrarse en la incentivación de los flujos de forma indiscriminada sino, más bien, en los aspectos microeconómicos referentes a la disponibilidad de información, la orientación y la capacitación de los potenciales trabajadores emigrantes.


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En el trabajo se aborda el estudio del espectacular crecimiento de la movilidad interior en la década de los noventa en España describiendo los principales rasgos de los flujos y las tasas migratorias. Además, se establecen las diferencias entre el actual patrón migratorio y el de los años sesenta. A partir del conjunto de las variables migratorias provinciales y utilizando la técnica de análisis cluster se establece una tipología migratoria de las provincias españolas. Con dicha clasificación se comprueba, además, la existencia de una clara correspondencia entre la conducta migratoria y la dinámica de las principales variables socioeconómicas provinciales.


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En este trabajo se investiga sobre las razones que inducen a los migrantes a realizar migraciones múltiples. Tras el análisis descriptivo de las características de estos inmigrantes, se especifica un logit binomial y un probit multinomial en los que la probabilidad de volver a emigrar depende de las características personales y de las cadenas migratorias de orígenes y destinos. La información utilizada procede de los microdatos de la Estadística de Variaciones Residenciales. Los resultados indican que las migraciones repetidas de españoles y extranjeros responden a motivos diferentes. El análisis sugiere que las reemigraciones de los extranjeros obedecerían a los resultados de sus experiencias laborales, mientras que en las de los españoles parecen hallarse otros motivos adicionales.


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La Argelia francesa (1830-1962) constituyó un poderoso polo de atracción para los habitantes de las islas Baleares y del sudeste peninsular. En este artículo se analizan las relaciones migratorias y comerciales entre el archipiélago balear y su por entonces próspero vecino del sur. Además, también se estudian los diferentes exilios que vincularon las dos riberas del Mediterráneo. Para realizar este artículo se han combinado tanto fuentes primarias como la bibliografía existente.


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The aim of this study was to explore the experience of service providers in Spain regarding their daily professional encounters with battered immigrant women and their perception of this group’s help-seeking process and the eventual abandonment of the same. Twenty-nine in-depth interviews and four focus group discussions were conducted with a total of 43 professionals involved in providing support to battered immigrant women. We interviewed social workers, psychologists, intercultural mediators, judges, lawyers, and public health professionals from Spain. Through qualitative content analysis, four categories emerged: (a) frustration with the victim’s decision to abandon the help-seeking process, (b) ambivalent positions regarding differences between immigrant and Spanish women, (c) difficulties in the migratory process that may hinder the help-seeking process, and (d) criticisms regarding the inefficiency of existing resources. The four categories were cross-cut by an overarching theme: helping immigrant women not to abandon the help-seeking process as a chronicle of anticipated failure. The main reasons that emerged for abandoning the help-seeking process involved structural factors such as economic dependence, loss of social support after leaving their country of origin, and limited knowledge about available resources. The professionals perceived their encounters with battered immigrant women to be frustrating and unproductive because they felt that they had few resources to back them up. They felt that despite the existence of public policies targeting intimate partner violence (IPV) and immigration in Spain, the resources dedicated to tackling gender-based violence were insufficient to meet battered immigrant women’s needs. Professionals should be trained both in the problem of IPV and in providing support to the immigrant population.


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Koninckinids are a suitable group to shed light on the biotic crisis suffered by brachiopod fauna in the Early Jurassic. Koninckinid fauna recorded in the late Pliensbachian–early Toarcian from the easternmost Subbetic basin is analyzed and identified as a precursor signal for one of the most conspicuous mass extinction events of the Phylum Brachiopoda, a multi-phased interval with episodes of changing environmental conditions, whose onset can be detected from the Elisa–Mirabile subzones up to the early Toarcian extinction boundary in the lowermost Serpentinum Zone (T-OAE). The koninckinid fauna had a previously well-established migration pattern from the intra-Tethyan to the NW-European basins but a first phase with a progressive warming episode in the Pliensbachian–Toarcian transition triggered a koninckinid fauna exodus from the eastern/central Tethys toward the westernmost Mediterranean margins. A second stage shows an adaptive response to more adverse conditions in the westernmost Tethyan margins and finally, an escape and extinction phase is detected in the Atlantic areas from the mid-Polymorphum Zone onwards up to their global extinction in the lowermost Serpentinum Zone. This migration pattern is independent of the paleogeographic bioprovinciality and is unrelated to a facies-controlled pattern. The anoxic/suboxic environmental conditions should only be considered as a minor factor of partial control since well-oxygenated habitats are noted in the intra-Tethyan basins and this factor is noticeable only in the second westward migratory stage (with dwarf taxa and oligotypical assemblages). The analysis of cold-seep proxies in the Subbetic deposits suggests a radiation that is independent of methane releases in the Subbetic basin.


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Background: This study aimed to analyse how immigrant workers in Spain experienced changes in their working and employment conditions brought about Spain's economic recession and the impact of these changes on their living conditions and health status. Method: We conducted a grounded theory study. Data were obtained through six focus group discussions with immigrant workers (n = 44) from Colombia, Ecuador and Morocco, and two individual interviews with key informants from Romania living in Spain, selected by theoretical sample. Results: Three categories related to the crisis emerged – previous labour experiences, employment consequences and individual consequences – that show how immigrant workers in Spain (i) understand the change in employment and working conditions conditioned by their experiences in the period prior to the crisis, and (ii) experienced the deterioration in their quality of life and health as consequences of the worsening of employment and working conditions during times of economic recession. Conclusion: The negative impact of the financial crisis on immigrant workers may increase their social vulnerability, potentially leading to the failure of their migratory project and a return to their home countries. Policy makers should take measures to minimize the negative impact of economic crisis on the occupational health of migrant workers in order to strengthen social protection and promote health and well-being.


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Una concepción inclusiva de la cultura debe necesariamente resaltar su carácter diverso y cambiante. Partiendo de este enfoque, que permite abordar la cuestión migratoria teniendo en cuenta el factor étnico, junto a otros elementos esenciales que vertebran su multidimensionalidad, perfilaremos la mediación intercultural desde la perspectiva de su aplicabilidad en situaciones sociales de multiculturalidad significativa, planteamiento que permite promover la igualdad y el respeto a la diferencia, junto a la interacción positiva entre las partes, poniendo el acento sobre lo que se tiene en común. A tal fin, analizaremos los principales modelos aplicables en mediación intercultural, trazando un perfil del papel del mediador y las características del proceso.


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Fish traps are widely used in Norwegian fjords, especially those designed for monitoring salmonid populations in the marine environment, although many other marine fish species are also captured. The composition and spatio-temporal variations of fish species captured by fish traps were monitored in five different coastal locations throughout the Romsdalsfjord region, Western Norway, from May to August during the three consecutive years (2011–2013). Twenty-three fish species were captured by traps in coastal waters, both resident and migratory fishes. The most common fish and with greater catchability were saithe (Pollachis virens) and sea trout (Salmo trutta), followed by cod (Gadus morhua), pollack (P. pollachius), herring (Clupea harengus) and mackerels (Trachurus trachurus and Scomber scombrus). However, the captured assemblage presented great spatial and seasonal variations, in terms of mean daily catch, probably associated with hydrographical conditions and migrational patterns. Information obtained in this study will help us to better understand the compositions and dynamic of coastal fish populations inhabiting Norwegian coastal waters. In addition, traps are highly recommended as a management tool for fish research (e.g. fish-tagging experiments, mark and recapture) and conservation purposes (coastal use and fisheries studies).