10 resultados para folkloristics - fieldwork - Aunus - Suojoenkylä

em Universidad de Alicante


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La evolución del turismo residencial ha provocado cambios fundamentales en las regiones mediterráneas. Los estudiosos de este proceso han fijado su atención en los aspectos relacionados con la cultura material y la estructura social. Por eso, son mayoría las investigaciones que hacen hincapié en el análisis de las dinámicas urbanísticas, los perfiles socioeconómicos de los turistas y los protagonistas de los distintos tipos de movilidad residencial, los impactos ecológicos o los cambios en las estructuras demográficas. Reconociendo la necesidad y la importancia de estos trabajos, aquí se propone recuperar el valor central de la cultura no material como factor explicativo. A partir de la teoría política del discurso de E. Laclau, se identifican y analizan las características de las principales posiciones ideológicas que actualmente compiten por conseguir una posición de hegemonía en el sistema turístico-residencial que se articula en las sociedades mediterráneas. El trabajo de campo realizado a través de la a licación de 37 entrevistas en profundidad y 6 grupos de discusión permite reconocer qué actores sociales se asocian a las posiciones más enconadas y cuál es la lógica de actuación de cada una.


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Array measurements have become a valuable tool for site response characterization in a non-invasive way. The array design, i.e. size, geometry and number of stations, has a great influence in the quality of the obtained results. From the previous parameters, the number of available stations uses to be the main limitation for the field experiments, because of the economical and logistical constraints that it involves. Sometimes, from the initially planned array layout, carefully designed before the fieldwork campaign, one or more stations do not work properly, modifying the prearranged geometry. Whereas other times, there is not possible to set up the desired array layout, because of the lack of stations. Therefore, for a planned array layout, the number of operative stations and their arrangement in the array become a crucial point in the acquisition stage and subsequently in the dispersion curve estimation. In this paper we carry out an experimental work to analyze which is the minimum number of stations that would provide reliable dispersion curves for three prearranged array configurations (triangular, circular with central station and polygonal geometries). For the optimization study, we analyze together the theoretical array responses and the experimental dispersion curves obtained through the f-k method. In the case of the f-k method, we compare the dispersion curves obtained for the original or prearranged arrays with the ones obtained for the modified arrays, i.e. the dispersion curves obtained when a certain number of stations n is removed, each time, from the original layout of X geophones. The comparison is evaluated by means of a misfit function, which helps us to determine how constrained are the studied geometries by stations removing and which station or combination of stations affect more to the array capability when they are not available. All this information might be crucial to improve future array designs, determining when it is possible to optimize the number of arranged stations without losing the reliability of the obtained results.


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Los trabajos arqueológicos realizados en El Tolmo de Minateda (Hellín, Albacete) han permitido sacar a la luz los vestigios de una civitas visigoda creada a finales del siglo VI o inicios del VII. El material numismático recuperado en los niveles de uso y abandono de esta civitas está formado fundamentalmente por numerario de cobre de adscripción romana bajoimperial, y por tremises de oro de baja ley emitidos por el Estado visigodo. La contextualización estratigráfica y espacial de estas monedas ha permitido plantear diversas cuestiones referidas a la presencia y uso del numerario en época visigoda.


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En el presente artículo revisamos el trabajo etnográfico que un misionero franciscano del siglo XVI, fray Jerónimo de Alcalá, realizó por medio de la traducción. Su principal obra, la Relación de Michoacán, constituye uno de los más valiosos manuscritos coloniales de toda América. Para su elaboración recopiló, tradujo y fijó en el papel la tradición oral purépecha, rescatando del olvido el testimonio histórico y antropológico de la riqueza cultural michoacana. El rigor científico de su trabajo de campo, que acometió humildemente como “fiel intérprete” y con mera intención misional, ha hecho de su obra una fuente documental imprescindible.


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The complete characterization of rock masses implies the acquisition of information of both, the materials which compose the rock mass and the discontinuities which divide the outcrop. Recent advances in the use of remote sensing techniques – such as Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) – allow the accurate and dense acquisition of 3D information that can be used for the characterization of discontinuities. This work presents a novel methodology which allows the calculation of the normal spacing of persistent and non-persistent discontinuity sets using 3D point cloud datasets considering the three dimensional relationships between clusters. This approach requires that the 3D dataset has been previously classified. This implies that discontinuity sets are previously extracted, every single point is labeled with its corresponding discontinuity set and every exposed planar surface is analytically calculated. Then, for each discontinuity set the method calculates the normal spacing between an exposed plane and its nearest one considering 3D space relationship. This link between planes is obtained calculating for every point its nearest point member of the same discontinuity set, which provides its nearest plane. This allows calculating the normal spacing for every plane. Finally, the normal spacing is calculated as the mean value of all the normal spacings for each discontinuity set. The methodology is validated through three cases of study using synthetic data and 3D laser scanning datasets. The first case illustrates the fundamentals and the performance of the proposed methodology. The second and the third cases of study correspond to two rock slopes for which datasets were acquired using a 3D laser scanner. The second case study has shown that results obtained from the traditional and the proposed approaches are reasonably similar. Nevertheless, a discrepancy between both approaches has been found when the exposed planes members of a discontinuity set were hard to identify and when the planes pairing was difficult to establish during the fieldwork campaign. The third case study also has evidenced that when the number of identified exposed planes is high, the calculated normal spacing using the proposed approach is minor than those using the traditional approach.


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Rock mass classification systems are widely used tools for assessing the stability of rock slopes. Their calculation requires the prior quantification of several parameters during conventional fieldwork campaigns, such as the orientation of the discontinuity sets, the main properties of the existing discontinuities and the geo-mechanical characterization of the intact rock mass, which can be time-consuming and an often risky task. Conversely, the use of relatively new remote sensing data for modelling the rock mass surface by means of 3D point clouds is changing the current investigation strategies in different rock slope engineering applications. In this paper, the main practical issues affecting the application of Slope Mass Rating (SMR) for the characterization of rock slopes from 3D point clouds are reviewed, using three case studies from an end-user point of view. To this end, the SMR adjustment factors, which were calculated from different sources of information and processes, using the different softwares, are compared with those calculated using conventional fieldwork data. In the presented analysis, special attention is paid to the differences between the SMR indexes derived from the 3D point cloud and conventional field work approaches, the main factors that determine the quality of the data and some recognized practical issues. Finally, the reliability of Slope Mass Rating for the characterization of rocky slopes is highlighted.


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El incremento de la desigualdad social en España durante los últimos años, ha sido acompañado por un aumento en los niveles de segregación escolar en las zonas urbanas vulnerables. La presente investigación se desarrolla en los institutos de educación secundaria de la Zona Norte de la ciudad de Alicante; zona de alta concentración de población inmigrada y gitana. Su objetivo es revelar la composición escolar por origen y etnia del alumnado de estos centros frente a las carencias de los datos oficiales, analizando, a la vez, algunas de sus expectativas de futuro. Los hallazgos del trabajo de campo demuestran que las estadísticas oficiales están lejos de reflejar la realidad segregada de algunos centros educativos, situación que genera un efecto negativo sobre las expectativas del alumnado en cuestión además de impedir diseñar e implementar políticas sociales y educativas que aminoren tal segregación y por tanto, la desigualdad de oportunidades.


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The Santas Justa and Rufina Gothic church (fourteenth century) has suffered several physical, mechanical, chemical, and biochemical types of pathologies along its history: rock alveolization, efflorescence, biological activity, and capillary ascent of groundwater. However, during the last two decades, a new phenomenon has seriously affected the church: ground subsidence caused by aquifer overexploitation. Subsidence is a process that affects the whole Vega Baja of the Segura River basin and consists of gradual sinking in the ground surface caused by soil consolidation due to a pore pressure decrease. This phenomenon has been studied by differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry techniques, which illustrate settlements up to 100 mm for the 1993–2009 period for the whole Orihuela city. Although no differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry information is available for the church due to the loss of interferometric coherence, the spatial analysis of nearby deformation combined with fieldwork has advanced the current understanding on the mechanisms that affect the Santas Justa and Rufina church. These results show the potential interest and the limitations of using this remote sensing technique as a complementary tool for the forensic analysis of building structures.


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En aquest estudi es fa un repàs a la història de la folklorísica valenciana a través de quatre períodes. Entre 1873 i 1912, la recol·lecció folklòrica està encara molt lligada a la creació literària. Entre 1912 i 1939, s’hi poden trobar els primers intents d’institucionalització i l’emancipació del folklore com a disciplina. Durant el franquisme, de 1939 a 1975, es truncarien molts esforços previs, encara que apareixerien figures individuals rellevants i interessants campanyes per al folklore musical. Finalment, des de 1975 a l’actualitat s’observa un gran salt qualitatiu i quantitatiu pel que fa a la recol·lecció i la recerca folklòrica.


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Ten species of Copestylum (Diptera: Syrphidae) were reared from fruits and flowers in Costa Rica, Ecuador and Trinidad. Seven were new and in this paper, we describe them, their development sites and the third stage larva and/or the puparium of all ten species. One new synonym is proposed, Copestylum pinkusi (Curran) [= Copestylum cinctiventre (Curran)]. Similarities and differences between these new and other Copestylum species, suggest they separate into two groups, referred to as the Vagum and Cinctiventre species groups. Features characterising these groups for both adult and early stages are assessed. Each species was also distinguished using adult and early stage characters. Within the Vagum group, adults were more disparate morphologically than the larval stage; this was reversed in the Cinctiventre group. Adult colour patterns are probably cryptic in function and for disguise. Vagum species have disruptive marks, while the Cinctiventre species have reflective colours. Biologically, the groups are almost distinguished by larval development sites. Vagum species use predominantly fruits and have a larval stage that is relatively generalised in form and habit. Cinctiventre species are confined to developing in flowers and the larva is more specialised. A key to both adult and early stages of all ten species is provided.