19 resultados para Voloshinov, Valentín
em Universidad de Alicante
Comunicación y póster presentados en las VIII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria "Nuevas titulaciones y cambio universitario", Alicante, 8-9 Julio 2010.
Póster y resumen de la comunicación presentada en el VI Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (CIDUI), Barcelona, 30 junio-2 julio 2010.
Póster y resumen de la comunicación presentada en el VI Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (CIDUI), Barcelona, 30 junio-2 julio 2010.
Dada la gran popularidad que están alcanzando los recubrimientos gonioaparentes en la industria, ha comenzado a ser de especial importancia su caracterización en términos de color. La reflectancia espectral de estos recubrimientos cambia de forma compleja con las condiciones geométricas de iluminación y observación, y, en consecuencia, su color no se puede describir en términos sencillos. En este trabajo se midió la Función de Distribución Bidireccional de Reflectancia espectral (spectral Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function, sBRDF) para dos recubrimientos gonioaparentes diferentes. El número de geometrías de medida utilizado permitió entender mejor las características a tener en cuenta para una mejor comprensión del cambio de color de estos recubrimientos.
En la búsqueda de la modelización y cuantificación óptimas de la correlación instrumental y visual de materiales goniocromáticos (pinturas y plásticos, principalmente) en los procesos de control de calidad típicos del sector automovilístico, se presenta aquí una comparación de las prestaciones de diversos tipos actuales de instrumentos de medida del color y cabinas de iluminación. Los multi-gonioespectrofotómetros analizados fueron: Datacolor FX10®, X-Rite MA98® y BYK-mac®, y, las cabinas de iluminación direccional: gonio-vision-box® y byko-spectra effect®. Las propiedades ópticas, básicamente fotométricas y colorimétricas, evaluadas fueron: geometrías de medida, fuente de luz, distancia de observación y dirección visual a la muestra. Los resultados aportados mostraron que actualmente dicha correlación instrumental y visual no es óptima debido a desajustes en las cabinas.
The methodology “b-learning” is a new teaching scenario and it requires the creation, adaptation and application of new learning tools searching the assimilation of new collaborative competences. In this context, it is well known the knowledge spirals, the situational leadership and the informal learning. The knowledge spirals is a basic concept of the knowledge procedure and they are based on that the knowledge increases when a cycle of 4 phases is repeated successively.1) The knowledge is created (for instance, to have an idea); 2) The knowledge is decoded into a format to be easily transmitted; 3) The knowledge is modified to be easily comprehensive and it is used; 4) New knowledge is created. This new knowledge improves the previous one (step 1). Each cycle shows a step of a spiral staircase: by going up the staircase, more knowledge is created. On the other hand, the situational leadership is based on that each person has a maturity degree to develop a specific task and this maturity increases with the experience. Therefore, the teacher (leader) has to adapt the teaching style to the student (subordinate) requirements and in this way, the professional and personal development of the student will increase quickly by improving the results and satisfaction. This educational strategy, finally combined with the informal learning, and in particular the zone of proximal development, and using a learning content management system own in our University, gets a successful and well-evaluated learning activity in Master subjects focused on the collaborative activity of preparation and oral exhibition of short and specific topics affine to these subjects. Therefore, the teacher has a relevant and consultant role of the selected topic and his function is to guide and supervise the work, incorporating many times the previous works done in other courses, as a research tutor or more experienced student. Then, in this work, we show the academic results, grade of interactivity developed in these collaborative tasks, statistics and the satisfaction grade shown by our post-graduate students.
Applied colorimetry is an important module in the program of the elective subject "Colour Science: industrial applications”. This course is taught in the Optics and Optometry Degree and it has been used as a testing for the application of new teaching and assessment techniques consistent with the new European Higher Education Area. In particular, the main objective was to reduce the attendance to lessons and encourage the individual and collective work of students. The reason for this approach is based on the idea that students are able to work at their own learning pace. Within this dynamic work, we propose online lab practice based on Excel templates that our research group has developed ad-hoc for different aspects of colorimetry, such as conversion to different colour spaces, calculation of perceptual descriptors (hue, saturation, lightness), calculation of colour differences, colour matching dyes, etc. The practice presented in this paper is focused on the learning of colour differences. The session is based on a specific Excel template to compute the colour differences and to plot different graphs with these colour differences defined at different colour spaces: CIE ΔE, CIE ΔE94 and the CIELAB colour space. This template is implemented on a website what works by addressing the student work at a proper and organized way. The aim was to unify all the student work from a website, therefore the student is able to learn in an autonomous and sequential way and in his own pace. To achieve this purpose, all the tools, links and documents are collected for each different proposed activity to achieve guided specific objectives. In the context of educational innovation, this type of website is normally called WebQuest. The design of a WebQuest is established according to the criteria of usability and simplicity. There are great advantages of using WebQuests versus the toolbox “Campus Virtual” available in the University of Alicante. The Campus Virtual is an unfriendly environment for this specific purpose as the activities are organized in different sectors depending on whether the activity is a discussion, an activity, a self-assessment or the download of materials. With this separation, it is more difficult that the student follows an organized sequence. However, our WebQuest provides a more intuitive graphical environment, and besides, all the tasks and resources needed to complete them are grouped and organized according to a linear sequence. In this way, the student guided learning is optimized. Furthermore, with this simplification, the student focuses on learning and not to waste resources. Finally, this tool has a wide set of potential applications: online courses of colorimetry applied for postgraduate students, Open Course Ware, etc.
Recently, many efforts have been made in the academic world to adapt the new degrees to the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA). New technologies have been the most important factor to carry out this adaptation. In particular, the tools 2.0 have been spreading quickly, not just the Web 2.0, but even in all the educational levels. Nevertheless, it is now necessary to evaluate whether all these efforts and all the changes, carried out in order to obtain improved academic performance among students, have provided good results. Therefore, the aim of this paper is focused on studying the impact of the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in a subject belonging to a Master from the University of Alicante in the academic year (2010-2011). In special, it is an elective course called "Advanced Visual Ergonomics" from the Master of Clinical Optometry and Vision. The methodology used to teach this course differs from the traditional one in many respects. For example, one of the resources used for the development of this course is a blog developed specifically to coordinate a series of virtual works, whose purpose is that the student goes into specific aspects of the current topic. Next, the student participates in an active role by writing a personal assessment on the blog. However, in the course planning, there is an attendance to lessons, where the teacher presents certain issues in a more traditional way, that is, with a lecture supported with audiovisual materials, such as materials generated in powerpoint. To evaluate the quality of the results achieved with this methodology, in this work the personal assessment of the students, who have completed this course during this academic year, are collected. In particular, we want to know their opinion about the used resources, as well as the followed methodology. The tool used to collect this information was a questionnaire. This questionnaire evaluates different aspects of the course: a general opinion, quality of the received information, satisfaction about the followed methodology and the student´s critical awareness. The design of this questionnaire is very important to get conclusive information about the methodology followed in the course. The questionnaire has to have an adequate number of questions; whether it has many questions, it might be boring for the student who would pay no enough attention. The questions should be well-written, with a clear structure and message, to avoid confusion and an ambiguity. The questions should be objectives, without any suggestion for a desired answer. In addition, the questionnaire should be interesting to encourage the student´ s interest. In conclusion, this questionnaire developed for this subject provided good information to evaluate whether the methodology was a useful tool to teach "Advanced Visual Ergonomics". Furthermore, the student´s opinion collected by this questionnaire might be very helpful to improve this didactic resource.
Comunicación presentada en las X Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria, Alicante, 16-17 junio 2012.
New color-measuring instruments known as multiangle spectrophotometers have been recently created to measure and characterize the goniochromism of special-effect pigments in many materials with a particular visual appearance (metallic, interference, pearlescent, sparkle, or glitter). These devices measure the gonioapparent color from the spectral relative reflectance factor and the L*a*b* values of the sample with different illumination and observation angles. These angles usually coincide with requirements marked in American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and Deutsches Institut Für Normung standards relating to the gonioapparent color, but the results of comparisons between these instruments are still inconclusive. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to compare several multiangle spectrophotometers at a reproducibility level according to ASTM E2214-08 guidelines. In particular, we compared two X-Rite multi-gonio spectrophotometers (MA98 and MA68II), a Datacolor multi-gonio spectrophotometer (FX10), and a BYK multi-gonio spectrophotometer (BYK-mac). These instruments share only five common measurement geometries: 45° × −30° (as 15°), 45° × −20° (as 25°), 45° × 0° (as 45°), 45° × 30° (as 75°), 45° × 65° (as 110°). Specific statistical studies were used for the reproducibility comparison, including a Hotelling test and a statistical intercomparison test to determine the confidence interval of the partial color differences ΔL*, Δa*, Δb*, and the total color difference ΔE*ab. This was conducted using a database collection of 88 metallic and pearlescent samples that were measured 20 times without the replacement of all the instruments. The final findings show that in most measurement geometries, the reproducibility differences between pairs of instruments are statistically significant, although in general, there is a better reproducibility level at certain common geometries for newer instruments (MA98 and BYK-mac). This means that these differences are due to systematic or bias errors (angle tolerances for each geometry, photometric scales, white standards, etc.), but not exclusively to random errors. However, neither of the statistical tests used is valid to discriminate and quantify the detected bias errors in this comparison between instruments.
Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the reliability of corneal thickness measurements derived from SOCT Copernicus HR (Fourier domain OCT). Methods: Thirty healthy eyes of 30 subjects were evaluated. One eye of each patient was chosen randomly. Images were obtained of the central (up to 2.0 mm from the corneal apex) and paracentral (2.0 to 4.0 mm) cornea. We assessed corneal thickness (central and paracentral) and epithelium thickness. The intra-observer repeatability data were analysed using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) for a range of 95 per cent within-subject standard deviation (SW) and the within-subject coefficient of variation (CW). The level of agreement by Bland–Altman analysis was also represented for the study of the reproducibility between observers and agreement between methods of measurement (automatic versus manual). Results: The mean value of the central corneal thickness (CCT) was 542.4 ± 30.1 μm (SD). There was a high intra-observer agreement, finding the best result in the central sector with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.99, 95 per cent CI (0.989 to 0.997) and the worst, in the minimum corneal thickness, with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.672, 95 per cent CI (0.417 to 0.829). Reproducibility between observers was very high. The best result was found in the central sector thickness obtained both manually and automatically with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.990 in both cases and the worst result in the maximum corneal thickness with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.827. The agreement between measurement methods was also very high with intra-class correlation coefficient greater than 0.91. On the other hand the repeatability and reproducibility for epithelial measurements was poor. Conclusion: Pachymetric mapping with SOCT Copernicus HR was found to be highly repeatable and reproducible. We found that the device lacks an appropriate ergonomic design as proper focusing of the laser beam onto the cornea for anterior segment scanning required that patients were positioned slightly farther away from the machine head-rest than in the setup for retinal imaging.
Actualmente la medida y gestión de la calidad de color de materiales gonio-aparentes es compleja, pero altamente demandada desde varios sectores industriales, como en automoción. En particular, en los últimos años, ha habido una gran demanda de titulados con una buena formación en Tecnología de Color. Por tal motivo, para satisfacer las competencias demandas por la industria, desde el Grupo de Visión y Color de la Universidad de Alicante, se está trabajando en la articulación de un programa de postgrado que oferte a estudiantes, titulados y no titulados, de una amplia y completa formación en Tecnología de Color. Por tanto, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es la elaboración del diseño curricular y materiales docentes para el programa de postgrado propuesto. En una primera fase, el trabajo se centra en la elaboración de la guía docente de cada una de las asignaturas. La segunda fase se centra en la gestión de los materiales docentes mediante la plataforma Moodle que permitirá el seguimiento por parte del alumno a distancia (b-learning). De esta forma, mediante este programa de postgrado se pretende aportar mayores vías de empleabilidad laboral a unos postgraduados en un sector industrial de gran importancia socio-económica a nivel mundial.
En el marco del proyecto de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria 2012-13 de la Universidad de Alicante se creó una red de trabajo formada por los profesores encargados de la docencia del cuarto curso de Grado en Óptica y Optometría. La experiencia adquirida durante la implementación de los tres primeros cursos de dicho Grado ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de que exista un trabajo previo de desarrollo de contenidos y de organización temporal. El objetivo principal de esta red ha sido la coordinación entre los profesores de las diferentes asignaturas para evitar repeticiones y asegurar la consecución de las competencias previstas, así como una buena distribución de la carga docente y de las pruebas de evaluación. Para ello, se debatieron las propuestas de las diferentes asignaturas y se estableció un cronograma global del curso ubicando todas las actividades docentes que contribuyen con un peso determinado a la calificación final. Con este cronograma se pudo visualizar la carga de trabajo del alumno semanalmente, así como debatir las dificultades a las que se enfrenta para superar las diversas pruebas de evaluación continua en una determinada asignatura y cómo éstas afectan al rendimiento del resto de asignaturas.
El Máster en Optometría Clínica y Visión comenzó a impartirse en la Universidad de Alicante en el curso 2010-2011. Durante estos tres años los alumnos que han accedido a él, han sido, en su mayoría, Diplomados en Óptica y Optometría. Actualmente se está impartiendo el Grado de Óptica y Optometría, por lo que a partir del curso 2013-2014 los alumnos que accedan al Máster serán mayoritariamente graduados. Teniendo en cuenta que en el Grado de Óptica y Optometría se han añadido asignaturas (respecto a la Diplomatura), que incluyen temas coincidentes con asignaturas del Máster, es necesario modificar y reorientar algunas de las guías docentes de las asignaturas del Máster. En este sentido el objetivo principal de esta red ha sido la coordinación entre los profesores de las diferentes asignaturas para actualizar y/o reorientar las guías docentes de las asignaturas del Máster en Optometría Clínica y Visión, evitando solapamientos con las asignaturas de 4º curso del Grado de Óptica y Optometría.
Actualmente la medida y gestión de la calidad de color de materiales gonio-aparentes es compleja, pero altamente demandada desde varios sectores industriales, como automoción, cosmética, etc. Desde la Universidad de Alicante, para el curso 2013-14, se va a organizar el primer postgrado (título de Máster) en Tecnología del Color para el Sector Automoción, con un diseño de contenidos que cubre la colorimetría CIE y la percepción visual, instrumentación y software de gestión del color, fundamentos de pinturas y plásticos, y, formulación de pigmentos, con una pretensión clara de cubrir las competencias demandadas por el sector a nivel mundial. El plan de estudios, con 60 ECTS, está diseñado para impartirse en solamente dos semestres: de septiembre a febrero para las actividades teóricas y prácticas semi-presenciales, y, desde marzo a junio las estancias en empresas e instituciones colaboradoras, tanto nacionales como internacionales, para realizar prácticas en empresa (máximo 300 horas), y con ello elaborar, exponer y defender el trabajo fin de máster. De esta forma, al finalizar la primera promoción de este máster propio de alta especialización profesional, esperamos aportar mayores vías de empleabilidad laboral a unos postgraduados en un sector industrial de gran importancia socioeconómica a nivel mundial.