6 resultados para Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
em Universidad de Alicante
Comunicación presentada en el VIII Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Económica, Sesión A1: El nivel de vida en la España contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela, 13-16 septiembre 2005.
On the basis of biographical in-depth interviews with female journalists, we researched the issue of work-family relationship with regard to maternity. Work-family integration is a relevant study ambit from both a gender policy. The paper focuses on the daily press industry in eastern Spain. Results suggest both structural factors (e.g. working conditions, resources, age) and normative ones (e.g. stereotypes, organizational model, the meaning of motherhood) affect the decision to have children. Maternity is the result of a strategy of action on integration. These observations raise the debate about health, equality and productivity in the media industries.
The article exposes the meaning of profession for the journalists and how it affects the work-family reconciliation. The paper focuses on the daily press industry in eastern Spain. The information is collected by 38 biographical in-depth interviews with female journalists. The results show two approaches to define the profession: the personnel and the group one. The first approach shows the personal accomplishment. The second one shows the stereotype of journalist. Both approaches demand dedication. In addition, they are linked to other structural factors of the job (ex-. schedules) that define different labor personal situations (also according to professional and vital trajectories of the journalists). That way, the meaning of profession affects the decision making about the reconciliation.
From a gender perspective, protection and advertising political actions about work-family should promote sharing responsibilities between sexes. Next to political action and specific measures, the project of equal opportunities needs a long-term strategy based on the education on equality. This article proposes the methodologic exposition of a study based on these premises. It facilitates and explains the protocol used for the analysis of the audio-visual advertising campaigns on conciliation emitted by the Woman’s Institute. The evaluation of the actions is focused on the effectiveness from the point of view of mass media. It provides some data that illustrates the proposed study. Finally, it considers the difficulties of the available sources of information.
Este artículo desarrolla las dos conferencias siguientes: «La destrucción permanente de la ciudad como artefacto». Seminario «Mutacións urbanas», Consorcio de Santiago, Santiago de Compostela, 29-09-2006. «La destrucción permanente de la ciudad como artefacto». Seminario «Foro Crítica», Col×legi Territorial d'Arquitectes, Alacant, 29-01-2009. En él se intenta arrojar alguna luz sobre la mezcla de incomodidad, de alarma, de enojo, de rabia y de pena que nos provoca la destrucción permanente de la ciudad donde vivimos, de cualesquiera de las ciudades en que vivimos o que visitamos o que estudiamos; una destrucción continua que contemplamos día tras día, y que se ha convertido, como un valor universal, en un hecho inmediato al que cualquiera de nosotros se encuentra abocado, de una u otra forma, en un grado mayor o menor, en cualquier ciudad del mundo occidental o desarrollado -y seguramente, aunque de forma diferente, también del otro, del que llaman no desarrollado.