9 resultados para Teachers’ continuous training

em Universidad de Alicante


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Aquest article parteix de la hipòtesi inicial que les eines TIC presenten un gran potencial per millorar els processos d'ensenyament i aprenentatge de la llengua i la literatura, però que aquesta potencialitat (COLL: 2008) només es pot fer efectiva quan es fonamenta en una sòlida formació del professorat i quan l'ús de les TIC s'integra en metodologies actives que atorguen el protagonisme a l'estudiant i que se centren en l'acompanyament al llarg del procés, com els treballs per projectes o les seqüències didàctiques (SD) (CAMPS: 1994). Per desenvolupar aquest plantejament, primerament argumentaré la necessitat d'una formació dels docents que ha d'incloure tant la integració de les eines i dels recursos tecnològics que tenim al nostre abast, com els coneixements sobre els continguts que volem ensenyar i els coneixements pedagògics sobre com s'ensenya i com s'aprèn. I, tot seguit, em centraré en les característiques de les SD i en les possibilitats que obren per integrar els avenços que la recerca en didàctica de la llengua i de la literatura ha posat de manifest, i defensaré que són el millor marc per a un ús significatiu de les tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació.


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The aim of a university education is the intellectual development of citizens, and the training of professionals for their subsequent entry into the workforce. However, this entry into the workforce, following the theoretical education usually provided by the university, implies that students have to manage this difficult transition by themselves. Society, in a continual process of transformation, requires of universities that they adjust, adapting the education they offer to comply with the demands of society and the workplace. Socio-emotional skills would seem to have influence predicting professional performance. These skills also influence job-finding and employability. Consequently, providing teachers with an education in socioemotional competences is becoming a necessary task within universities, and the majority of teaching staff consider these skills to be fundamental to the personal and socio-emotional development of students. The objective of our proposed work is to establish the characteristic profile of competences of a sample of teachers in training, and compare it with the competences profile of graduate students belonging to the fields of law sciences, social sciences, humanities, science and technology, and health. Starting from results, implications will be derived for the development of generic competences of socio-emotional type in the framework of the European Frame of Higher Education.


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This research study examines the development of the ability of pre-service teachers to notice signs of students’ understanding of the derivative concept. It analyses preservice teachers’ interpretations of written solutions to problems involving the derivative concept before and after participating in a teacher training module. The results indicate that the development of this skill is linked to pre-service teachers’ progressive understanding of the mathematical elements that students use to solve problems. We have used these results to make some suggestions for teacher training programmes.


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The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which teachers use inclusive practices to respond to students’ special needs in their classrooms and to determine whether grade level taught, training, and availability of resources and support affect the implementation of these practices. A research survey was designed for this purpose with the participation of a representative sample of 336 general education teachers (68 kindergarten, 133 elementary, and 135 secondary education teachers) in the province of Alicante, Spain. Findings reflected a moderate use of inclusive practices, with teachers more frequently implementing general adaptations rather than substantial ones. Statistically significant differences in use of inclusive practices were found as a function of the grade level taught, training received, and availability of material resources. Results are discussed in terms of their implication for teacher education reform and training programs.


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Comunicación presentada en CIDUI 2010, Congreso Internacional Docencia Universitaria e Innovación, Barcelona, 30 junio-2 julio 2010.


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Among the factors that affect the convergence towards the European Higher Education Area, university teaching staff's motivation is fundamental, and consequently, it is crucial to empirically know what this motivation depends on. In this context, one of the most relevant changes in the teacher-student relationship is assessment. In fact, the transition from a static assessment -focused on only one temporal point (final exam)- to a dynamic assessment, will require changes in thought and action, both on the part of teachers and students. In this line, the objective of this paper is to analyze the determinants of teaching staff's predisposition to the continuous assessment method. Specifically, we consider the following explanatory dimensions: teaching method used (which measures their degree of involvement with the ongoing adaptation process), type of subject (core, compulsory and optional), and teacher's personal characteristics (professional status and gender). The empirical application carried out at the University of Alicante uses Logit Models with Random Coefficients to capture heterogeneity, and shows that "cooperative learning" is a clear-cut determinant of "continuous assessment" as well as "continuous assessment plus final examination". Also, a conspicuous result, which in turn becomes a thought-provoking finding, is that professional status is highly relevant as a teacher's engagement is closely related to prospects of stability. Consequently, the most relevant implications from the results revolve around the way academic institutions can propose and implement inducement for their teaching staff.


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Among the factors that affect the convergence towards the European Higher Education Area, university teaching staff's motivation is fundamental, and consequently, it is crucial to empirically know what this motivation depends on. In this context, one of the most relevant changes in the teacher-student relationship is assessment. In fact, the transition from a static assessment -focused on only one temporal point (final exam)- to a dynamic assessment, will require changes in thought and action, both on the part of teachers and students. In this line, the objective of this paper is to analyze the determinants of teaching staff's predisposition to the continuous assessment method. Specifically, we consider the following explanatory dimensions: teaching method used (which measures their degree of involvement with the ongoing adaptation process), type of subject (core, compulsory and optional), and teacher's personal characteristics (professional status and gender). The empirical application carried out at the University of Alicante uses Logit Models with Random Coefficients to capture heterogeneity, and shows that "cooperative learning" is a clear-cut determinant of "continuous assessment" as well as "continuous assessment plus final examination". Also, a conspicuous result, which in turn becomes a thought-provoking finding, is that professional status is highly relevant as a teacher's engagement is closely related to prospects of stability. Consequently, the most relevant implications from the results revolve around the way academic institutions can propose and implement inducement for their teaching staff.


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This study focuses on how prospective teachers learn about students’ mathematical thinking when (i) anticipating secondary students’ answers reflecting different characteristics of understanding and (ii) propose new activities in relation to the classification of quadrilaterals. The data were collected from forty-eight prospective secondary school teachers enrolled in an initial training programme. The results indicate three changes in how the prospective teachers anticipate secondary students’ answers in relation to the role given to a perceptual or relational perspective of the classification of quadrilaterals. These changes are described considering how prospective teachers grasp the students’ understanding of the inclusive relation among quadrilaterals as a conceptual advance. We argue that prospective teachers’ learning was promoted after participating in a structured environment where they had the opportunity to discuss how to recognize the features of student’s understanding.