5 resultados para Sexualization of your girls

em Universidad de Alicante


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Background: HPV vaccine coverage is far from ideal in Valencia, Spain, and this could be partially related to the low knowledge about the disease and the vaccine, therefore we assessed these, as well as the attitude towards vaccination in adolescent girls, and tried to identify independently associated factors that could potentially be modified by an intervention in order to increase vaccine coverage. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in a random selection of schools of the Spanish region of Valencia. We asked mothers of 1278 girls, who should have been vaccinated in the 2011 campaign, for informed consent. Those that accepted their daughters’ participation, a questionnaire regarding the Knowledge of HPV infection and vaccine was passed to the girls in the school. Results: 833 mothers (65.1%) accepted participation. All their daughters’ responded the questionnaire. Of those, 89.9% had heard about HPV and they associated it to cervical cancer. Only 14% related it to other problems like genital warts. The knowledge score of the girls who had heard about HPV was 6.1/10. Knowledge was unrelated to the number of contacts with the health system (Pediatrician or nurse), and positively correlated with the discussions with classmates about the vaccine. Adolescents Spanish in origin or with an older sister vaccinated, had higher punctuation. 67% of the girls thought that the vaccine prevented cancer, and 22.6% felt that although prevented cancer the vaccine had important safety problems. 6.4% of the girls rejected the vaccine for safety problems or for not considering themselves at risk of infection. 71.5% of the girls had received at least one vaccine dose. Vaccinated girls scored higher knowledge (p = 0.05). Conclusion: Knowledge about HPV infection and vaccine was fair in adolescents of Valencia, and is independent to the number of contacts with the health system, it is however correlated to the conversations about the vaccine with their peers and the vaccination status. An action to improve HPV knowledge through health providers might increase vaccine coverage in the adolescents.


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Dentro de la estructura de género que impone la construcción social del cuerpo femenino, el sentimiento de inadecuación del propio cuerpo parece caracterizar la configuración de las identidades corporales femeninas en la adolescencia, motivando que la relación que establecen muchas chicas jóvenes con la actividad físico-deportiva sea compleja y a menudo problemática. Siguiendo un enfoque feminista post-estructuralista, este trabajo se centra en tres conflictos: 1) La actividad física para perder peso, instrumentalizada dentro de los discursos para alcanzar el ideal de belleza o luchar contra la obesidad; 2) El límite socialmente construido para las chicas deportistas entre lo que se considera un tono muscular atractivo y un cuerpo excesivamente musculoso; 3) Los procesos de sexualización y ansiedad física social debido a la exposición del cuerpo a una mirada masculina no deseada en diferentes contextos de práctica físico-deportiva.


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Examining a team’s performance from a physical point of view their momentum might indicate unexpected turning points in defeat or success. Physicists describe this value as to require some effort to be started, but also that it is relatively easy to keep it going once a sufficient level is reached (Reed and Hughes, 2006). Unlike football, rugby, handball and many more sports, a regular volleyball match is not limited by time but by points that need to be gathered. Every minute more than one point is won by either one team or the other. That means a series of successive points enlarges the gap between the teams making it more and more difficult to catch up with the leading one. This concept of gathering momentum, or the reverse in a performance, can give the coaches, athletes and sports scientists further insights into winning and losing performances. Momentum investigations also contain dependencies between performances or questions if future performances are reliant upon past streaks. Squash and volleyball share the characteristic of being played up to a certain amount of points. Squash was examined according to the momentum of players by Hughes et al. (2006). The initial aim was to expand normative profiles of elite squash players using momentum graphs of winners and errors to explore ‘turning points’ in a performance. Dynamic systems theory has enabled the definition of perturbations in sports exhibiting rhythms (Hughes et al., 2000; McGarry et al., 2002; Murray et al., 2008), and how players and teams cause these disruptions of rhythm can inform on the way they play, these techniques also contribute to profiling methods. Together with the analysis of one’s own performance it is essential to have an understanding of your oppositions’ tactical strengths and weaknesses. By modelling the oppositions’ performance it is possible to predict certain outcomes and patterns, and therefore intervene or change tactics before the critical incident occurs. The modelling of competitive sport is an informative analytic technique as it directs the attention of the modeller to the critical aspects of data that delineate successful performance (McGarry & Franks, 1996). Using tactical performance profiles to pull out and visualise these critical aspects of performance, players can build justified and sophisticated tactical plans. The area is discussed and reviewed, critically appraising the research completed in this element of Performance Analysis.


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The Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) aims to combine a form methodological process of professional experience in health with the most current information on the clinical situation. The professional novice can make better decisions despite lacking sufficient years in clinical practice. We then train the student in correct habits within the methodological process by which you can strengthen both their knowledge and their attitude and ability, allowing secure customs, where all of your work is based on PBE.


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Introducción: La Comunidad Valenciana inició en octubre del 2008 el programa de vacunación contra el virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en niñas de 14 años. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar los conocimientos sobre la infección por VPH y su vacuna en madres de adolescentes e identificar los factores asociados a la predisposición de vacunar a sus hijas. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional transversal mediante cuestionario dirigido a madres de alumnas nacidas en 1995 matriculadas en centros de secundaria de la provincia de Valencia durante 2010-2011. Muestra aleatoria estratificada por conglomerados (n = 1.279). Análisis estadístico: porcentajes, intervalos de confianza, OR, contrastes chi al cuadrado y regresión logística multivariante. Resultados: Ochocientos treinta y tres cuestionarios completados (65,1%). El 76,6% de las madres habían vacunado a sus hijas contra el VPH. El 93,8% conocía la vacuna, sobre todo a través de la televisión (71,5%). El 78,5% recibió consejo favorable de un profesional sanitario, lo que mejoró la vacunación de sus hijas (OR: 2,4). Los conocimientos globales sobre la infección por VPH y la vacuna fueron bajos. La confianza de las madres en las vacunas como método preventivo mejora la vacunación contra VPH (OR: 3,8). El miedo a los efectos adversos (45,6%) fue el primer motivo de rechazo. Conclusiones: No parece que los medios de comunicación influyan en la decisión de vacunar. Sería conveniente minimizar la percepción de riesgo ante esta vacuna. El consejo del profesional sanitario actúa a favor de la vacunación si este interviene activamente en sentido positivo. Existe una brecha entre nivel de conocimientos y toma de decisión para vacunar.