11 resultados para Philosophical logic
em Universidad de Alicante
This paper outlines the approach adopted by the PLSI research group at University of Alicante in the PASCAL-2006 second Recognising Textual Entailment challenge. Our system is composed of several components. On the one hand, the first component performs the derivation of the logic forms of the text/hypothesis pairs and, on the other hand, the second component provides us with a similarity score given by the semantic relations between the derived logic forms. In order to obtain this score we apply several measures of similitude and relatedness based on the structure and content of WordNet.
This paper describes a CL-SR system that employs two different techniques: the first one is based on NLP rules that consist on applying logic forms to the topic processing while the second one basically consists on applying the IR-n statistical search engine to the spoken document collection. The application of logic forms to the topics allows to increase the weight of topic terms according to a set of syntactic rules. Thus, the weights of the topic terms are used by IR-n system in the information retrieval process.
Hardware/Software partitioning (HSP) is a key task for embedded system co-design. The main goal of this task is to decide which components of an application are to be executed in a general purpose processor (software) and which ones, on a specific hardware, taking into account a set of restrictions expressed by metrics. In last years, several approaches have been proposed for solving the HSP problem, directed by metaheuristic algorithms. However, due to diversity of models and metrics used, the choice of the best suited algorithm is an open problem yet. This article presents the results of applying a fuzzy approach to the HSP problem. This approach is more flexible than many others due to the fact that it is possible to accept quite good solutions or to reject other ones which do not seem good. In this work we compare six metaheuristic algorithms: Random Search, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Hill Climbing, Genetic Algorithm and Evolutionary Strategy. The presented model is aimed to simultaneously minimize the hardware area and the execution time. The obtained results show that Restart Hill Climbing is the best performing algorithm in most cases.
Cette étude qui relève du domaine de la traduction philosophique (lato sensu) a pour objet deux versions de la Logique de Dumarsais ([1769]1797) éditées en Espagne (1800). Nous montrons que ces deux Lógicas, oeuvres de deux traducteurs différents, qui eurent chacun des fins également différentes, comme le prouvent le contexte bibliographique et les métatextes respectifs, manifestent la présence d’une terminologie espagnole divergente pour les termes clé de la théorie de la connaissance que l’auteur français exposa dans les pages initiales de sa Logique. La première de ces traductions, qui attribue à la logique un rôle d’introduction aux sciences, choisit des termes systématiquement calqués sur ceux de Dumarsais tandis que J. M. Alea (1781-1826) argumente l’emploi d’une terminologie spécifique, non concordante avec celle du texte source. Ces infidélités terminologiques (et in fine idéologiques) de J. M. Alea peuvent s’expliquer par le désir de ce traducteur de mettre à jour une théorie de la connaissance qu’il voudra rendre conforme à celle de Condillac.
This article is the English version of “Traducción y terminología. A propósito de dos versiones al español de la Logique (Madrid, 1800) de Dumarsais” by Brigitte Lépinette. It was not published on the print version of MonTI for reasons of space. The online version of MonTI does not suffer from these limitations, and this is our way of promoting plurilingualism.
In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for the rigorous design of distillation columns that integrates a process simulator in a generalized disjunctive programming formulation. The optimal distillation column, or column sequence, is obtained by selecting, for each column section, among a set of column sections with different number of theoretical trays. The selection of thermodynamic models, properties estimation etc., are all in the simulation environment. All the numerical issues related to the convergence of distillation columns (or column sections) are also maintained in the simulation environment. The model is formulated as a Generalized Disjunctive Programming (GDP) problem and solved using the logic based outer approximation algorithm without MINLP reformulation. Some examples involving from a single column to thermally coupled sequence or extractive distillation shows the performance of the new algorithm.
In t-norm based systems many-valued logic, valuations of propositions form a non-countable set: interval [0,1]. In addition, we are given a set E of truth values p, subject to certain conditions, the valuation v is v=V(p), V reciprocal application of E on [0,1]. The general propositional algebra of t-norm based many-valued logic is then constructed from seven axioms. It contains classical logic (not many-valued) as a special case. It is first applied to the case where E=[0,1] and V is the identity. The result is a t-norm based many-valued logic in which contradiction can have a nonzero degree of truth but cannot be true; for this reason, this logic is called quasi-paraconsistent.
Paraconsistent logic admits that the contradiction can be true. Let p be the truth values and P be a proposition. In paraconsistent logic the truth values of contradiction is . This equation has no real roots but admits complex roots . This is the result which leads to develop a multivalued logic to complex truth values. The sum of truth values being isomorphic to the vector of the plane, it is natural to relate the function V to the metric of the vector space R2. We will adopt as valuations the norms of vectors. The main objective of this paper is to establish a theory of truth-value evaluation for paraconsistent logics with the goal of using in analyzing ideological, mythical, religious and mystic belief systems.
We address the optimization of discrete-continuous dynamic optimization problems using a disjunctive multistage modeling framework, with implicit discontinuities, which increases the problem complexity since the number of continuous phases and discrete events is not known a-priori. After setting a fixed alternative sequence of modes, we convert the infinite-dimensional continuous mixed-logic dynamic (MLDO) problem into a finite dimensional discretized GDP problem by orthogonal collocation on finite elements. We use the Logic-based Outer Approximation algorithm to fully exploit the structure of the GDP representation of the problem. This modelling framework is illustrated with an optimization problem with implicit discontinuities (diver problem).
We present an extension of the logic outer-approximation algorithm for dealing with disjunctive discrete-continuous optimal control problems whose dynamic behavior is modeled in terms of differential-algebraic equations. Although the proposed algorithm can be applied to a wide variety of discrete-continuous optimal control problems, we are mainly interested in problems where disjunctions are also present. Disjunctions are included to take into account only certain parts of the underlying model which become relevant under some processing conditions. By doing so the numerical robustness of the optimization algorithm improves since those parts of the model that are not active are discarded leading to a reduced size problem and avoiding potential model singularities. We test the proposed algorithm using three examples of different complex dynamic behavior. In all the case studies the number of iterations and the computational effort required to obtain the optimal solutions is modest and the solutions are relatively easy to find.
AIM: To define the financial and management conditions required to introduce a femtosecond laser system for cataract surgery in a clinic using a fuzzy logic approach. METHODS: In the simulation performed in the current study, the costs associated to the acquisition and use of a commercially available femtosecond laser platform for cataract surgery (VICTUS, TECHNOLAS Perfect Vision GmbH, Bausch & Lomb, Munich, Germany) during a period of 5y were considered. A sensitivity analysis was performed considering such costs and the countable amortization of the system during this 5y period. Furthermore, a fuzzy logic analysis was used to obtain an estimation of the money income associated to each femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (G). RESULTS: According to the sensitivity analysis, the femtosecond laser system under evaluation can be profitable if 1400 cataract surgeries are performed per year and if each surgery can be invoiced more than $500. In contrast, the fuzzy logic analysis confirmed that the patient had to pay more per surgery, between $661.8 and $667.4 per surgery, without considering the cost of the intraocular lens (IOL). CONCLUSION: A profitability of femtosecond laser systems for cataract surgery can be obtained after a detailed financial analysis, especially in those centers with large volumes of patients. The cost of the surgery for patients should be adapted to the real flow of patients with the ability of paying a reasonable range of cost.