4 resultados para Lens based practice, photography

em Universidad de Alicante


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The Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) aims to combine a form methodological process of professional experience in health with the most current information on the clinical situation. The professional novice can make better decisions despite lacking sufficient years in clinical practice. We then train the student in correct habits within the methodological process by which you can strengthen both their knowledge and their attitude and ability, allowing secure customs, where all of your work is based on PBE.


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Degree in nursing from the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) maintains the continuity of learning with an integrated learning methodology (theory, simulated practice and clinical practice). The objective of this methodology is to achieve consistency between the knowledge, abilities and skills acquired in the classroom, laboratory and clinic to ensure skills related. Reference Nurse is a key figure in this process, you receive accredited training on Educational Methods, assessment of competence, and Evidence-Based Practice that plays the role of evaluating in conjunction with the subjects. It does not perceive economic remuneration. The main objective of this study is to determine the level of satisfaction of clinical nurses on the Nurses Training Program Reference in UJI (Castellon- Spain). A cross sectional study was performed and conducted on 150 nurses. 112 questionnaires were completed, collected and analysed at the end of training. The survey consists of 12 items measured with the Likert scale with 5 levels of response and two open questions regarding the positive and negative aspects of the course and to add in this formation. The training is always performed by the same faculty and it's used four sessions of 2012. We perform a quantitative analysis of the variables under study using measures of central tendency. The completion rate of the survey is 95.53% (n=107). Anonymity rate of 54,14% The overall satisfaction level of training was 3.65 (SD = 0.89) on 5 points. 54.2% (n = 58) of the reference nurses made a contribution in the open questions described in the overall results. The overall satisfaction level can be considered acceptable. It is considered necessary to elaborate a specific survey to detect areas of improvement of nurse training program reference and future recruitment strategies. The main objective of the present work is the selection and integration of different methodologies among those applicable within the framework of the European Higher Education Area to combine teaching methods with high implication from both lecturers and students.


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Introducción: La Práctica Basada en la Evidencia se considera actualmente un eje fundamental a la hora de actuar en el entorno clínico. Además, se ha de tener en cuenta que la integración de la PBE en la forma habitual de trabajo requiere un esfuerzo, es decir, un aprendizaje previo para poder, en primer lugar, saber acceder a las pruebas; en segundo lugar, saber interpretar dichas pruebas; y a groso modo, en último lugar, si consideramos necesario, integrar dicha evidencia en nuestro entorno. Objetivo: Describir la progresión de la integración de la PBE de forma transversal en el Programa Formativo del Grado de Enfermería de la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón de la Plana. Metodología: Para poder realizar dicha integración transversal, se cuenta con el desarrollo previo de unas competencias que vienen dadas de forma general en la Orden CIN 2134/2008 y el Libro Blanco de Enfermería y que son adaptadas y recreadas para la idoneidad del entorno académico en la universidad anteriormente citada. De esta forma, el plan de integración que se propone, es un plan secuencial escalonado, el cual, se añade dificultad a medida que van avanzando los cursos del Grado en Enfermería; finalizando el mismo con el Trabajo de Final de Grado. Además, se realiza una revisión integradora de la literatura científica. Los artículos fueron seleccionados en Medline/pubmed, Cochrane y EEP Datebase. El límite temporal fue de 10 años. Los idiomas empleados, inglés y español; Los descriptores de búsqueda empleados fueron: Nursing, evidence-based practice, evidence-based nursing, Research competencies y education. Resultados: Tras el muestreo inicial y la realización de las búsquedas, se obtuvieron un total de 329 artículos, de los cuales pertenecían 97 de Pubmed/medline, 6 de Cochrane plus y 226 de EEP Dapbase, siendo presentados al comité de expertos y procesado su interés científico. Conclusiones: El departamento de enfermería crea el programa de Integración de la PBE en el Programa Formativo del Grado en Enfermería de la Universidad Jaume I, el cual, trabaja de forma transversal durante los cuatro años académicos, que permiten adquirir la capacitación de enfermero generalista, los conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes que permitirá mediante el ejercicio académico, los estudiantes de enfermería, sean competentes en el uso de la PBE pudiendo integrarla de forma progresiva en sus trabajos académicos, dando lugar finalmente a llevarla a cabo en su trabajo final de grado y convirtiéndose así en una realidad futura dentro de su desarrollo como profesionales de la enfermería tras su graduación, integrándose en cualquiera de sus vertientes.


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Corneal and anterior segment imaging techniques have become a crucial tool in the clinical practice of ophthalmology, with a great variety of applications, such as corneal curvature and pachymetric analysis, detection of ectatic corneal conditions, anatomical study of the anterior segment prior to phakic intraocular lens implantation, or densitometric analysis of the crystalline lens. From the Placido-based systems that allow only a characterization of the geometry of the anterior corneal surface to the Scheimpflug photography-based systems that provide a characterization of the cornea, anterior chamber, and crystalline lens, there is a great variety of devices with the capability of analyzing different anatomical parameters with very high precision. To date, Scheimpflug photography-based systems are the devices providing the more complete analysis of the anterior segment in a non-invasive way. More developments are required in anterior segment imaging technologies in order to improve the analysis of the crystalline lens structure as well as the ocular structures behind the iris in a non-invasive way when the pupil is not dilated.