6 resultados para Italian wit and humor.
em Universidad de Alicante
En el grupo de investigación GRIALE hemos desarrollado un método teórico que aplicamos a los enunciados irónicos con humor en diferentes géneros textuales, a partir de la violación de principios conversacionales. Además, tendremos en cuenta para el análisis la TeorÃa General del Humor Verbal propuesta por Attardo. Asà pues, estudiamos la ironÃa y el humor en ejemplos de conversaciones extraÃdos de corpus de muestras reales del español peninsular (COVJA y Corpus de conversaciones coloquiales). En este trabajo, nos centramos en la aplicación de dichas teorÃas a los enunciados irónicos humorÃsticos que se producen en la conversación y estudiaremos los efectos que desarrollan; y comprobaremos que ironÃa y humor conviven en un mismo intercambio conversacional con un fin comunicativo.
I propose a method to study interactional ironic humorous utterances in Spanish. In GRIALE research group consider this method can be applied to humorous ironic utterances in different textual genres, from the violation of conversational principles. Futhermore, we present the General Theory of Verbal Humor proposed by Attardo that it will be taken in our analysis. Therefore, I study irony and humor in examples of conversations from Peninsular Spanish real sample corpuses (COVJA, Corpus de conversaciones coloquiales [Corpus of Colloquial Conversations] and CREA, Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual [Reference Corpus of Present-Day Spanish]). In this article, I will focus on the application of this theory to humorous ironic statements which arise in conversation and examine the effects caused by them, which will additionally verify if irony and humor coexist in the same conversational exchange with a communicative aim and conversational strategies.
En este artÃculo estudiamos la integración de los jesuitas desterrados de los territorios de Carlos III, concretamente de los que pertenecÃan a las Provincias de Castilla y México, a lo largo de su destierro en Bolonia. Observamos, en una primera parte, su dÃa a dÃa, desde que llegaron hasta su instalación definitiva y los iniciales enfrentamientos con sus hermanos: los jesuitas italianos, para analizar después, la huella devocional y personal que nos han legado y que hemos rastreado en alguno de los archivos parroquiales de esta ciudad.
A partir de la articulación de tres ejes o focos de interés: el uso del humor por parte de los adolescentes, las cuestiones de género y las cuestiones que se plantean en torno a una investigación en didáctica de la lengua, este artÃculo profundiza en la forma y funcionamiento del humor como estrategia para abordar la construcción del espacio intersubjetivo. Esta triple focalización favorece la reflexión en torno a la diferencia de recursos verbales, no verbales y paraverbales que movilizan los interlocutores de cada género a la vez que aporta materiales de discusión novedosos sobre la relación entre el uso del humor y el rol institucional que ocupan los interlocutores, principalmente teniendo en cuenta la imbricación del concepto de posturas enunciativas.
The aim of this paper is to study the practice of translation involving Spanish, Italian, Catalan and Portuguese. In particular we conduct a survey on professional translators and describe their practice according to different points of view: studies, ages, experience years, linguistic combinations and translation types. The results may not be representative of all translation practitioners but can be used not only for curricular issues but also to counsel translator trainees regarding career or vocational issues.
This communication develops the process of interventions of the Renaissance fortress of a new plant built in 1554–57 in Santa Pola. It is one of the earliest examples built with reference to military architecture theoretical treaties (XV–XVI) and best preserved. The study runs its own story from its initial military use, through the use of civil equipment until the final cultural and Museum Center. First, the project of Italian origin is examined and its use as barracks for troops for a duration of three centuries (1557–1850), pointing out the architectural constants of war machinery in a defense position and its origin as a rainwater collector and cistern: a perfect square with two bastions in which a plan of the uprising is preserved (1778). Secondly, we study the changes in the mentioned architecture throughout a century and a half (1850–1990) after its change of ownership (from the state to the municipality), and as a result of the new use as a city hall and public endowment: a market and health and leisure centre, which meant the demolition of defensive elements and the opening up to the outside of the inner parade ground. And thirdly, the new transfer of the municipal offices brings in the beginning of a project of transformations (1990–2015) that retrieves the demolished elements at the same time as it assigns the entire fort for a cultural centre: exhibition, research and history museum, promoting the identity between the citizens and the building which stands in the foundations of their city. The conclusions take us through an interesting route that goes from the approach of defensive tactics, its use as administrative headquarters to the current cultural policy of preservation. In addition, all the known plans of the fort are recovered (of military, civil and cultural use), some unpublished, as well as the project of the North wing that has guided the last operation and which has been set as a pattern of reference.