17 resultados para Goyeneche y Barreda, Jose Sebasti an de, abp., 1784-1872.

em Universidad de Alicante


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El arrecife artificial de Tabarca se dise e instal principalmente con el objetivo de impedir la pesca de arrastre ilegal sobre las praderas de Posidonia oceanica. Adems se dise un arrecife alveolar experimental para estudiar sus efectos sobre la ictiofauna litoral y sus posibilidades como lugar de pesca alternativo a la flota artesanal de Tabarca. La ictiofauna asociada al arrecife artificial de Tabarca se estudi mediante censos visuales durante tres aos consecutivos entre 1990 y 1992, con una frecuencia estacional. Los resultados muestran una estructura de la comunidad condicionada por el diseo y emplazamiento de los mdulos. La dinmica temporal manifiesta una clara diferencia segn consideremos el poblamiento total o slo el residente: el primero refleja una pauta muy fluctuante, poco predecible; el poblamiento residente muestra una tendencia hacia la estructuracin, con un aumento progresivo de especies sedentarias predadoras, y un incremento significativo de la biomasa. Estos resultados refuerzan las interpretaciones que dan un papel condicionante al tamao del arrecife artificial y a su localizacin.


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In this paper we present a method to automatically identify linguistic contexts which contain possible causes of emotions or emotional states from Italian newspaper articles (La Repubblica Corpus). Our methodology is based on the interplay between relevant linguistic patterns and an incremental repository of common sense knowledge on emotional states and emotion eliciting situations. Our approach has been evaluated with respect to manually annotated data. The results obtained so far are satisfying and support the validity of the methodology proposed.


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Nowadays, consumers are faced with a variety of media that convey myriad advertising messages, which struggle amidst a highly competitive environment, with a view to drawing the viewers attention, raising awareness, creating interest and inspiring desire and, ultimately, leading to the purchase of the product/service at stake. For this, advertising professionals deliberately intertwine their selling arguments with emotionally-charged creative concepts. It is the aim of this study to analyse the impact of the main creative appeals and to identify groups of consumers based on their attitudes towards them. We have undertaken a quantitative study, by means of a survey administered to a convenience sample with a list of creative appeals, which had to be classified by the respondents according to their attitudes. Globally speaking, the preferred appeals were humour, music and animation. Nonetheless, it was possible to divide the respondents into three groups. Advertising fans, the rationally-minded and the emotionally-minded. This study presents some limitations, especially as to the sample used. Apart from the reduced number of respondents and lack of more widespread geographic reach, some academic qualifications were underrepresented. The results of this study offer some avenues to be explored by marketing and advertising professionals when it comes to deciding on the best creative approach to select for their advertising campaigns. Besides, this study paves the way to the development of future research on the issue of advertising appeals and its relationship with the psychographic characteristics of consumers.


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Discoveries during the last two years have revealed the existence of a vast region of star formation close to the base of the Scutum Arm, where at least five clusters of red supergiants have been found. In order to understand the nature of this region, we need to determine accurate distances to the clusters. We present here the first results of an ongoing program to derive fundamental parameters (such as age, distance, etc.) to the massive cluster Stephenson 2 studying for the first time its main sequence stars.


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Hardware/Software partitioning (HSP) is a key task for embedded system co-design. The main goal of this task is to decide which components of an application are to be executed in a general purpose processor (software) and which ones, on a specific hardware, taking into account a set of restrictions expressed by metrics. In last years, several approaches have been proposed for solving the HSP problem, directed by metaheuristic algorithms. However, due to diversity of models and metrics used, the choice of the best suited algorithm is an open problem yet. This article presents the results of applying a fuzzy approach to the HSP problem. This approach is more flexible than many others due to the fact that it is possible to accept quite good solutions or to reject other ones which do not seem good. In this work we compare six metaheuristic algorithms: Random Search, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Hill Climbing, Genetic Algorithm and Evolutionary Strategy. The presented model is aimed to simultaneously minimize the hardware area and the execution time. The obtained results show that Restart Hill Climbing is the best performing algorithm in most cases.


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Context. The discovery of several clusters of red supergiants towards l = 2430 has triggered interest in this area of the Galactic plane, where lines of sight are very complex and previous explorations of the stellar content were very preliminary. Aims. We attempt to characterise the stellar population associated with the Hii region RCW 173 (=Sh2-60), located at, as previous studies have suggested that this population could be beyond the Sagittarius arm. Methods. We obtained UBV photometry of a stellar field to the south of the brightest part of RCW 173, as well as spectroscopy of about twenty stars in the area. We combined our new data with archival 2MASS near-infrared photometry and Spitzer/GLIMPSE imaging and photometry, to achieve a more accurate characterisation of the stellar sources and the associated cloud. Results. We find a significant population of early-type stars located at d = 3.0 kpc, in good agreement with the near dynamical distance to the Hii region. This population should be located at the near intersection of the Scutum-Crux arm. A luminous O7II star is likely to be the main source of ionisation. Many stars are concentrated around the bright nebulosity, where GLIMPSE images in the mid infrared show the presence of a bubble of excited material surrounding a cavity that coincides spatially with a number of B0-1V stars. We interpret this as an emerging cluster, perhaps triggered by the nearby O7II star. We also find a number of B-type giants. Some of them are located at approximately the same distance, and may be part of an older population in the same area, characterised by much lower reddening. A few have shorter distance moduli and are likely to be located in the Sagittarius arm. Conclusions. The line of sight in this direction is very complex. Optically visible tracers delineate two spiral arms, but seem to be absent beyond d 3 kpc. Several Hii regions in this area suggest that the Scutum-Crux arm contains thick clouds actively forming stars. All these populations are projected on top of the major stellar complex signposted by the clusters of red supergiants.


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As a result of studies examining factors involved in the learning process, various structural models have been developed to explain the direct and indirect effects that occur between the variables in these models. The objective was to evaluate a structural model of cognitive and motivational variables predicting academic achievement, including general intelligence, academic self-concept, goal orientations, effort and learning strategies. The sample comprised of 341 Spanish students in the first year of compulsory secondary education. Different tests and questionnaires were used to evaluate each variable, and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was applied to contrast the relationships of the initial model. The model proposed had a satisfactory fit, and all the hypothesised relationships were significant. General intelligence was the variable most able to explain academic achievement. Also important was the direct influence of academic self-concept on achievement, goal orientations and effort, as well as the mediating ability of effort and learning strategies between academic goals and final achievement.


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Conscientes de las posibilidades pedaggicas, participativas y de colaboracin cientfica de la Web 2.0, los autores del presente artculo se plantean la deteccin de las necesidades y expectativas hacia la creacin de una plataforma virtual delimitada por un espacio interactivo o red social para la Historia de la Educacin y el Patrimonio Histrico-educativo. Gracias a la evaluacin mediante un cuestionario en el que han participado un grupo de expertos docentes e investigadores de Historia de la Educacin, se han obtenido una serie de conclusiones a tener en cuenta respecto a determinados aspectos (conocimiento y uso, expectativas, componentes, etc.) que orientarn la construccin ad hoc de dicha plataforma. Es relevante el poco conocimiento y uso de las redes sociales tanto genricas como especficas, as como otro tipo de aplicaciones web. Destaca, por otro lado, que la edad de los participantes no ha condicionado la importancia percibida sobre las capacidades de las TIC para el desarrollo en la docencia y la investigacin.


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La primera cuestin que cabe preguntarse ante el ttulo propuesto es si todava es necesario investigar en las ideas previas, ms si se tiene en cuenta el elevado nmero de trabajos realizados y publicados sobre este tema. Obviamente, la respuesta es que s, pues se considera que la bsqueda de solucin a muchos de los actuales retos de la enseanza de la Geografa pasa, entre otras muchas consideraciones como indica Pozo (2006), por cambiar las representaciones que profesores y alumnos tienen sobre el aprendizaje y la enseanza.


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The explosive growth of the traffic in computer systems has made it clear that traditional control techniques are not adequate to provide the system users fast access to network resources and prevent unfair uses. In this paper, we present a reconfigurable digital hardware implementation of a specific neural model for intrusion detection. It uses a specific vector of characterization of the network packages (intrusion vector) which is starting from information obtained during the access intent. This vector will be treated by the system. Our approach is adaptative and to detecting these intrusions by using a complex artificial intelligence method known as multilayer perceptron. The implementation have been developed and tested into a reconfigurable hardware (FPGA) for embedded systems. Finally, the Intrusion detection system was tested in a real-world simulation to gauge its effectiveness and real-time response.


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Interdisciplinary projects in the industry typically require collaboration between professionals from various fields. However, this relationship is not generally addressed in the training offered by university programs, which often ignore this interdisciplinary approach. This paper offers an example of interdisciplinary interaction through joint laboratory activities in the curricula of two very different degree programs, i.e., Multimedia Engineering and Teacher Training in Primary Education. The programs' students formed an interdisciplinary team of multimedia engineers and trainee teachers to develop a Web product for children's cognitive development. The complexity of the task required students to engage in close and strong interdisciplinary cooperation and communication; in turn, they benefited from the synergy offered by collaborative work. The results of this paper, presented from the perspective of the multimedia engineering students, demonstrate a significant increase in their academic performance compared to the control group. This paper shows that university studies can incorporate an interdisciplinary perspective to engineering education without the need to introduce a specific course on the topic, thus avoiding further demands on the curriculum schedule.


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The thermal X-ray spectra of several isolated neutron stars display deviations from a pure blackbody. The accurate physical interpretation of these spectral features bears profound implications for our understanding of the atmospheric composition, magnetic field strength and topology, and equation of state of dense matter. With specific details varying from source to source, common explanations for the features have ranged from atomic transitions in the magnetized atmospheres or condensed surface, to cyclotron lines generated in a hot ionized layer near the surface. Here, we quantitatively evaluate the X-ray spectral distortions induced by inhomogeneous temperature distributions of the neutron star surface. To this aim, we explore several surface temperature distributions, we simulate their corresponding general relativistic X-ray spectra (assuming an isotropic, blackbody emission), and fit the latter with a single blackbody model. We find that, in some cases, the presence of a spurious spectral line is required at a high significance level in order to obtain statistically acceptable fits, with central energy and equivalent width similar to the values typically observed. We also perform a fit to a specific object, RX J0806.44123, finding several surface temperature distributions able to model the observed spectrum. The explored effect is unlikely to work in all sources with detected lines, but in some cases it can indeed be responsible for the appearance of such lines. Our results enforce the idea that surface temperature anisotropy can be an important factor that should be considered and explored also in combination with more sophisticated emission models like atmospheres.


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Las matemticas constituyen un lenguaje universal, ms concretamente son fundamentales para la ciencia y la ingeniera. Ms an, podramos decir que son no slo la base de todo conocimiento, sino tambin de cualquier tipo de desarrollo cientfico y tecnolgico. Especialmente significante resulta que la fsica, la astronoma o la qumica dependen en buena medida de ellas y que son muy tiles en las ciencias econmicas y sociales o en la informtica. De hecho, ciencias como la filosofa o la psicologa se valen de modelos matemticos para la resolucin de sus problemas. Las matemticas forman una ciencia lgica y deductiva, y con tal de poder extraer informacin acerca de ellas es indispensable conocer los objetos que se utilizan y las herramientas necesarias para manejarlos. Ahora bien, casi de forma inconsciente la primera reaccin cuando se habla de matemticas es de recelo ante una materia que para mucha gente parece incomprensible, abstracta y alejada de nuestra vida ms cotidiana. En este sentido, este estudio explora la percepcin que presentan nuestros estudiantes acerca de cmo las matemticas interaccionan con nuestra vida cotidiana y cmo perciben su divulgacin en las aulas o en el propio contexto por el que se mueven diariamente.


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