8 resultados para Employee Turnover: Implications for Hotel Managers

em Universidad de Alicante


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This paper reports results derived from a mixed methods study where 13 hotel managers were initially interviewed, followed by a quantitative study of 355 additional managers. Data were analysed using partial least squares path modelling. The research question related to the relationship between quality and environmental management and the competitive advantage sought by hotels. The results indicate that quality management and environmental management permit the improvement of competitive advantage in terms of both costs and differentiation. Moreover, hotels implementing quality programmes find fewer obstacles in implementing environmental management.


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El mundo es cada vez más pequeño debido a los avances tecnológicos y a la mayor experiencia de los directivos hoteleros y de los turistas, lo que provoca que la rivalidad entre destinos en el sector turístico sea cada vez mayor. Ante esta situación, este estudio se centra en el sector hotelero español y aplica los grupos estratégicos para determinar de qué forma compiten los hoteles y cómo influyen sus comportamientos estratégicos en su desempeño. Asimismo, se ofrecen acciones para mejorar el desempeño de un hotel en función del grupo estratégico al que pertenezca. La relevancia de este estudio radica en que clarifica la complejidad estratégica a la que están sometidos los directivos de los hoteles y les sirve de guía para la toma de decisiones estratégicas.


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Comunicación presentada en el XVI Simposio Internacional de Turismo y Ocio, ESADE, 23 mayo 2007.


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Este artículo sugiere que el personal de hotel ante un trato (in)justo del hotel hacia los clientes atribuye tal trato a la responsabilidad del hotel y, dependiendo que éste sea justo o injusto, aumentaría o disminuiría sus conductas orientadas al cliente (COBs). Los datos fueron recogidos mediante cuestionarios pasados a 204 empleados de ocho hoteles de lujo en las Islas Canarias (España). Para examinar las hipótesis se utilizaron modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). No así en el caso de percepciones de justicia distributiva, los resultados muestran que cuanta más justicia procedimental e interpersonal hacia los huéspedes perciban los empleados, más se implican en conductas orientadas al cliente (COBs). Los hallazgos sugieren la necesidad de prevenir episodios de maltrato a los huéspedes por parte del hotel, haciendo especial hincapié en aquellos que son visibles para los empleados, para promover así conductas orientadas al cliente (COBs). Hasta donde nosotros sabemos, este es el primer estudio empírico en donde la justicia organizativa (distributiva, procedimental e interpersonal) dirigida hacia los clientes y las conductas orientadas al cliente (COBs) de los empleados son examinadas conjuntamente en un mismo modelo.


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Purpose – This study aims to examine the relationships between a firm's corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and its performance and risk. The authors hypothesize that industry-level effects are highly determinant of the sign and magnitude of these relationships to establish a ranking of industries to identify the position of the most prominent tourism-related industries: hotels and airlines. Based on the cybernetic model of decision making and the heuristics thereof, shareholders base their investment decisions derived from CSR announcements on the idea that the industries behave differently; their fixed costs being a relevant factor. Design/methodology/approach – The authors estimate the industry-specific effects of CSR initiatives on firms' performance and risk using a sample of 583 announcements from the Spanish Stock Market. Findings – The results show that while CSR announcements have a positive effect on performance when the authors do not account for industry-specific factors, once the authors incorporate these factors into the analysis, the authors find that firm performance and risk vary quite substantially as a function of the industry to which the firm belongs. Interestingly, while the hotel industry presents an average behavior (standing at 9th position in returns, 15th in terms of risk, and 8th according to the ratio returns/volatility), the airline industry presents the worst situation of all industries: last in performance and last in risk. Practical implications – The results help managers assess their decisions and allocate CSR resources optimally. Originality/value – This article is the first attempt to empirically test and comprehensively detect the different relationships between CSR and firm performance across industries.


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The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, the paper analyzes the relationship between quality management and environmental management and their effects on hotel performance. Second, the article examines the relationship between these two management systems and organizational design. The paper uses an exploratory, qualitative approach based on interviews with managers and experts in the hotel industry. Based on a content analysis of interviews, the results lead to several propositions. Specifically, quality and environmental management influence hotel performance through mediating variables. Moreover, the implementation of quality management facilitates the implementation of environmental management. Furthermore, the implementation of these two management systems is associated with an increase of formalization and decentralization. The paper contributes to the analysis of quality management, environmental management, organizational design and performance in a joint manner, which has not been attempted before in the hotel industry. In addition, it helps extend the findings about these links in manufacturing and service organizations to the hotel industry.


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The knowledge of the distributional patterns of saproxylic beetles is essential for conservation biology due to the relevance of this fauna in the maintenance of ecological processes and the endangerment of species. The complex community of saproxylic beetles is shaped by different assemblages that are composed of species linked by the microhabitats they use. We evaluate how different the species distribution patterns that are obtained can be, depending on the analyzed assemblage and to what extent these can affect conservation decisions. Beetles were sampled using hollow emergence and window traps in three protected areas of the Iberian Peninsula. Species richness, composition, and diversity turnover were analyzed for each sampling method and showed high variation depending on the analyzed assemblage. Beta diversity was clearly higher among forests for the assemblage captured using window traps. This method collects flying insects from different tree microhabitats and its captures are influenced by the forest structuring. Within forests, the assemblages captured by hollow emergence traps, which collect the fauna linked to tree hollows, showed the largest turnover of species, as they are influenced by the characteristics of each cavity. Moreover, the selection of the forest showing the highest species richness strongly depended on the studied assemblage. This study demonstrates that differences in the studied assemblages (group of species co-occurring in the same habitat) can also lead to significant differences in the identified patterns of species distribution and diversity turnover. This fact will be necessary to take into consideration when making decisions about conservation and management.


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Poco se ha estudiado en qué medida la inseguridad laboral provocada por la actual crisis económica está afectando al comportamiento y rendimiento de los empleados del sector turístico. Este trabajo examina el posible impacto que la inseguridad laboral puede ejercer sobre la ansiedad y la depresión de los empleados de hoteles, y si estos estados de ánimo, a su vez, afectan su comportamiento cívico (OCB) y al rendimiento de sus tareas. Los datos fueron extraídos de 188 empleados de siete hoteles de entre tres y cinco estrellas de la isla de La Palma (Islas Canarias, España). Los resultados respaldan efectos significativos de la inseguridad laboral sobre la ansiedad y la depresión. A su vez, conforme a lo esperado, la depresión afectó negativamente a la conducta del empleado, pero sólo a su comportamiento cívico (OCB) dirigido hacia la organización (OCB-O). Sin embargo, la ansiedad no se relacionó conforme a lo esperado, aumentando el OCB-O del empleado y el rendimiento de sus tareas, lo que pudiera tener como objetivo un intento de protección de su puesto de trabajo. Los hallazgos nos permiten afirmar que la actual situación de crisis está afectando significativamente al empleado de hotel, perjudicando su estado de ánimo y, a través de la depresión, su conducta OCB-O.