9 resultados para Electrochemical characterization

em Universidad de Alicante


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Nitrogen functionalization of a highly microporous activated carbon (BET surface area higher than 3000 m2/g) has been achieved using the following sequence of treatments: (i) chemical oxidation using concentrated nitric acid, (ii) amidation by acyl chloride substitution with NH4NO3 and (iii) amination by Hoffman rearrangement. This reaction pathway yielded amide and amine functional groups, and a total nitrogen content higher than 3 at.%. It is achieved producing only a small decrease (20%) of the starting microporosity, being most of it related to the initial wet oxidation of the activated carbon. Remarkably, nitrogen aromatic rings were also formed as a consequence of secondary cyclation reactions. The controlled step-by-step modification of the surface chemistry allowed to assess the influence of individual nitrogen surface groups in the electrochemical performance in 1 M H2SO4 of the carbon materials. The largest gravimetric capacitance was registered for the pristine activated carbon due to its largest apparent surface area. The nitrogen-containing activated carbons showed the highest surface capacitances. Interestingly, the amidated activated carbon showed the superior capacitance retention due to the presence of functional groups (such as lactams, imides and pyrroles) that enhance electrical conductivity through their electron-donating properties, showing a capacitance of 83 F/g at 50 A/g.


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The voltammetric profile of preferentially shaped platinum nanoparticles has been used to analyze the different sites present on the surface. For the first time, this analysis has been made in NaOH solutions and revisited in sulfuric and perchloric acid media. The comparison with the voltammetric profiles of the model surfaces, that is, single-crystal electrodes, allows assigning the different signals appearing in the voltammograms of the nanoparticle to specific sites on the surface. A good correlation between the shape of the nanoparticle determined by TEM and the voltammetric profile is obtained. For the nanoparticles characterized in alkaline media, the adsorbed species on the surface have been characterized, and three major regions can be identified. Below 0.2 V, the major contribution is due to hydrogen adsorption, whereas above 0.6 V, adsorbed OH is the main species on the surface. Between those values, the signals are due to the competitive adsorption/desorption process of OH/H. New criteria for determining the active area in NaOH solutions has been proposed. In this medium, the total charge density measured between 0.06 and 0.90 V stands for 390 μC cm–2. The areas measured are in perfect agreement with those measured in acid media. Once the nanoparticles have been characterized, the behavior of the nanoparticles toward CO oxidation is analyzed and compared with that observed for single-crystal electrodes.


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Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance was used to monitor the mass changes during the electrochemical characterization of a zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) in 1 M H2SO4 medium. Under electrochemical oxidation conditions, a high anodic current and a net mass increase were recorded, resulting in the increase of the specific capacitance owing to the contribution of the pseudocapacitance, mainly derived from the hydroquinone–quinone redox couple. Under more severe electrochemical conditions, a net mass loss was observed, revealing that electrochemical gasification took place. Surface chemistry, before and after the electrochemical treatments, was analyzed through temperature programmed desorption experiments. Furthermore, in situ Raman spectroscopy was used to further characterize the structural changes produced in ZTC under the electrochemical conditions applied, supporting that high potential values produce the electrochemical oxidation and degradation of the carbon material.


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This study describes the electrochemical characterization of N-doped carbon xerogels in the form of microspheres and of carbon aerogels with varied porosities and surface oxygen complexes. The interfacial capacitance of N-doped carbon xerogels decreased with increased micropore surface area as determined by N2 adsorption at −196 °C. The interfacial capacitance showed a good correlation with the areal NXPS concentration, and the best correlation with the areal concentration of pyrrolic or pyridonic nitrogen functionalities. The gravimetric capacitance decreased with greater xerogel microsphere diameter. The interfacial capacitance of carbon aerogels increased with higher percentage of porosity as determined from particle and true densities. The interfacial capacitance showed a linear relationship with the areal oxygen concentration and with the areal concentrations of CO- and CO2-evolving groups.


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A novel and selective electrochemical functionalization of a highly reactive superporous zeolite templated carbon (ZTC) with two different aminobenzene acids (2-aminobenzoic and 4-aminobenzoic acid) was achieved. The functionalization was done through potentiodynamic treatment in acid media under oxidative conditions, which were optimized to preserve the unique ZTC structure. Interestingly, it was possible to avoid the electrochemical oxidation of the highly reactive ZTC structure by controlling the potential limit of the potentiodynamic experiment in presence of aminobenzene acids. The electrochemical characterization demonstrated the formation of polymer chains along with covalently bonded functionalities to the ZTC surface. The functionalized ZTCs showed several redox processes, producing a capacitance increase in both basic and acid media. The rate performance showed that the capacitance increase is retained at scan rates as high as 100 mV s−1, indicating that there is a fast charge transfer between the polymer chains formed inside the ZTC porosity or the new surface functionalities and the ZTC itself. The success of the proposed approach was also confirmed by using other characterization techniques, which confirmed the presence of different nitrogen groups in the ZTC surface. This promising method could be used to achieve highly selective functionalization of highly porous carbon materials.


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Composites consisting of polyaniline (PANI) coatings inside the microporosity of an activated carbon fibre (ACF) were prepared by electrochemical and chemical methods. Electrochemical characterization of both composites points out that the electrodes with polyaniline show a higher capacitance than the pristine porous carbon electrode. These materials have been used to develop an asymmetric capacitor based on activated carbon (AC) as negative electrode and an ACF–PANI composite as positive electrode in H2SO4 solution as electrolyte. The presence of a thin layer of polyaniline inside the porosity of the activated carbon fibres avoids the oxidation of the carbon material and the oxygen evolution reaction is produced at more positive potentials. This capacitor was tested in a maximum cell voltage of 1.6 V and exhibited high energy densities, calculated for the unpackaged active materials, with values of 20 W h kg−1 and power densities of 2.1 kW kg−1 with excellent cycle lifetime (90% during the first 1000 cycles) and high coulombic efficiency.


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Supercapacitors are energy storage devices that offer a high power density and a low energy density in comparison with batteries. Their limited energy density can be overcome by using asymmetric configuration in mass electrodes, where each electrode works within their maximum available potential window, rendering the maximum voltage output of the system. Such asymmetric capacitors are optimized using the capacitance and the potential stability limits of the electrodes, with the reliability of the design largely depending on the accuracy and the approach taken for the electrochemical characterization. Therefore, the performance could be lower than expected and even the system could break down, if a well thought out procedure is not followed. In this work, a procedure for the development of asymmetric supercapacitors based on activated carbons is detailed. Three activated carbon materials with different textural properties and surface chemistry have been systematically characterized in neutral aqueous electrolyte. The asymmetric configuration of the masses of both electrodes in the supercapacitor has allowed to cover a higher potential window, resulting in an increase of the energy density of the three devices studied when compared with the symmetric systems, and an improved cycle life.


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A novel polymer/TiC nanocomposites “PPA/TiC, poly(PA-co-ANI)/TiC and PANI/TiC” was successfully synthesized by chemical oxidation polymerization at room temperature using p-anisidine and/or aniline monomers and titanium carbide (TiC) in the presence of hydrochloric acid as a dopant with ammonium persulfate as oxidant. These nanocomposites obtained were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). XRD indicated the presence of interactions between polymers and TiC nanoparticle and the TGA revealed that the TiC nanoparticles improve the thermal stability of the polymers. The electrical conductivity of nanocomposites is in the range of 0.079–0.91 S cm−1. The electrochemical behavior of the polymers extracted from the nanocomposites has been analyzed by cyclic voltammetry. Good electrochemical response has been observed for polymer films; the observed redox processes indicate that the polymerisation on TiC nanoparticles produces electroactive polymers. These nanocomposite microspheres can potentially used in commercial applications as fillers for antistatic and anticorrosion coatings.


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A simple method was used to synthesize poly(2-aminophenol), poly(2-aminophenol-co-Aniline) and polyaniline nanocomposites with sodium-montmorillonite (Na-M) using in situ intercalative oxidative polymerization. Morphology and thermal properties of the synthesized nanocomposites were examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and thermogravimetric analysis. The thermal analysis shows an improved thermal stability of the nanocomposites in comparison with the pure poly(2-aminophenol). The intercalation of polymers into the clay layers was confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies, TEM images and FTIR spectroscopy. In addition, the room temperature conductivity values of these nanocomposites varied between 8.21 × 10−5 and 6.76 × 10−4 S cm−1. The electrochemical behavior of the polymers extracted from the nanocomposites, has been analyzed by cyclic voltammetry. Good electrochemical response has been observed for polymer films; the observed redox processes indicate that the polymerization into Na-M produces electroactive polymers.