17 resultados para Dukes of Medina Sidonia

em Universidad de Alicante


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Virtual and remote laboratories(VRLs) are e-learning resources which enhance the accessibility of experimental setups providing a distance teaching framework which meets the student's hands-on learning needs. In addition, online collaborative communication represents a practical and a constructivist method to transmit the knowledge and experience from the teacher to students, overcoming physical distance and isolation. Thus, the integration of learning environments in the form of VRLs inside collaborative learning spaces is strongly desired. Considering these facts, the authors of this document present an original approach which enables user to share practical experiences while they work collaboratively through the Internet. This practical experimentation is based on VRLs, which have been integrated inside a synchronous collaborative e-learning framework. This article describes the main features of this system and its successful application for science and engineering subjects.


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There we analyce the first touristic nucleus arouse in the Spanish Mediterranean coast between World War II and the Petroleum Crisis (1945-75). Special attention is payed to the characteristics of these new villages: the relation of their urban frame with nature -original or artificial- and the lack of industry. We make a distintion of three types: cluster nucleus (La Manga and El Saler), tridimentional urbanism (Playa de San Juan y Urbanova) and extreme typologies (Campoamor and Benidorm). With them the cities for vacations are discovered, mainly for second home purpouse (vacation home/holiday home). The panorama after the current crisis is a lineal chain of small urban settlements on the coast. Finally, Finally, we can see how these "secondary cities" without industry and specialized in leisure, are developing to our days until become new cities of services, doubling the existing ones; now they are "the other cities".


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Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) is a robotic control scheme based on vision. This scheme uses only the visual information obtained from a camera to guide a robot from any robot pose to a desired one. However, IBVS requires the estimation of different parameters that cannot be obtained directly from the image. These parameters range from the intrinsic camera parameters (which can be obtained from a previous camera calibration), to the measured distance on the optical axis between the camera and visual features, it is the depth. This paper presents a comparative study of the performance of D-IBVS estimating the depth from three different ways using a low cost RGB-D sensor like Kinect. The visual servoing system has been developed over ROS (Robot Operating System), which is a meta-operating system for robots. The experiments prove that the computation of the depth value for each visual feature improves the system performance.


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New low cost sensors and open free libraries for 3D image processing are making important advances in robot vision applications possible, such as three-dimensional object recognition, semantic mapping, navigation and localization of robots, human detection and/or gesture recognition for human-machine interaction. In this paper, a novel method for recognizing and tracking the fingers of a human hand is presented. This method is based on point clouds from range images captured by a RGBD sensor. It works in real time and it does not require visual marks, camera calibration or previous knowledge of the environment. Moreover, it works successfully even when multiple objects appear in the scene or when the ambient light is changed. Furthermore, this method was designed to develop a human interface to control domestic or industrial devices, remotely. In this paper, the method was tested by operating a robotic hand. Firstly, the human hand was recognized and the fingers were detected. Secondly, the movement of the fingers was analysed and mapped to be imitated by a robotic hand.


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Nursing Education in Europe is regulated by law from 2005. Clinical learning comprises at least 50% of the total degree program in nursing. It is necessary rely on professionals nurses involved in the learning process and skills development assessment. The level of implication in learning processes of these professional nurses is very important to ensure good results.


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A large part of the new generation of computer numerical control systems has adopted an architecture based on robotic systems. This architecture improves the implementation of many manufacturing processes in terms of flexibility, efficiency, accuracy and velocity. This paper presents a 4-axis robot tool based on a joint structure whose primary use is to perform complex machining shapes in some non-contact processes. A new dynamic visual controller is proposed in order to control the 4-axis joint structure, where image information is used in the control loop to guide the robot tool in the machining task. In addition, this controller eliminates the chaotic joint behavior which appears during tracking of the quasi-repetitive trajectories required in machining processes. Moreover, this robot tool can be coupled to a manipulator robot in order to form a multi-robot platform for complex manufacturing tasks. Therefore, the robot tool could perform a machining task using a piece grasped from the workspace by a manipulator robot. This manipulator robot could be guided by using visual information given by the robot tool, thereby obtaining an intelligent multi-robot platform controlled by only one camera.


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This article presents an interactive Java software platform which enables any user to easily create advanced virtual laboratories (VLs) for Robotics. This novel tool provides both support for developing applications with full 3D interactive graphical interface and a complete functional framework for modelling and simulation of arbitrary serial-link manipulators. In addition, its software architecture contains a high number of functionalities included as high-level tools, with the advantage of allowing any user to easily develop complex interactive robotic simulations with a minimum of programming. In order to show the features of the platform, the article describes, step-by-step, the implementation methodology of a complete VL for Robotics education using the presented approach. Finally, some educational results about the experience of implementing this approach are reported.


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Degree in nursing from the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) maintains the continuity of learning with an integrated learning methodology (theory, simulated practice and clinical practice). The objective of this methodology is to achieve consistency between the knowledge, abilities and skills acquired in the classroom, laboratory and clinic to ensure skills related. Reference Nurse is a key figure in this process, you receive accredited training on Educational Methods, assessment of competence, and Evidence-Based Practice that plays the role of evaluating in conjunction with the subjects. It does not perceive economic remuneration. The main objective of this study is to determine the level of satisfaction of clinical nurses on the Nurses Training Program Reference in UJI (Castellon- Spain). A cross sectional study was performed and conducted on 150 nurses. 112 questionnaires were completed, collected and analysed at the end of training. The survey consists of 12 items measured with the Likert scale with 5 levels of response and two open questions regarding the positive and negative aspects of the course and to add in this formation. The training is always performed by the same faculty and it's used four sessions of 2012. We perform a quantitative analysis of the variables under study using measures of central tendency. The completion rate of the survey is 95.53% (n=107). Anonymity rate of 54,14% The overall satisfaction level of training was 3.65 (SD = 0.89) on 5 points. 54.2% (n = 58) of the reference nurses made a contribution in the open questions described in the overall results. The overall satisfaction level can be considered acceptable. It is considered necessary to elaborate a specific survey to detect areas of improvement of nurse training program reference and future recruitment strategies. The main objective of the present work is the selection and integration of different methodologies among those applicable within the framework of the European Higher Education Area to combine teaching methods with high implication from both lecturers and students.


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Objective. To determine the level of involvement of clinical nurses accredited by the Universitat Jaume I (Spain) as mentors of practice (Reference Nurses) in the evaluation of competence of nursing students. Methodolgy. Cross-sectional study, in which the “Clinical Practice Assessment Manual” (CPAM) reported by reference 41 nurses (n=55) were analyzed. Four quality criteria for completion were established: with information at least 80% of the required data, the presence of the signature and final grade in the right place. Verification of learning activities was also conducted. Data collection was performed concurrently reference for nurses and teachers of the subjects in the formative evaluations of clinical clerkship period in the matter “Nursing Care in Healthcare Processes “, from March to June 2013. Results. 63% of CPAM were completed correctly, without reaching the quality threshold established (80%). The absence of the signature is the main criteria of incorrect completion (21%). Nine learning activities do not meet the quality threshold set (80%) (p < 0.05). There are significant differences according to clinical units p < 0.05. From the 30 learning activities evaluated in the CPAM, it can be stated that nine of them do not reach the verification threshold established (80%), therefore it cannot be assumed that these activities had been completed by students and evaluated by the RefN throughout the clinical clerkship period. Conclusion. The level of involvement of Reference Nurse cannot be considered adequate, although strategies to encourage involvement through collaboration and training must be developed.


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This paper describes a study and analysis of surface normal-base descriptors for 3D object recognition. Specifically, we evaluate the behaviour of descriptors in the recognition process using virtual models of objects created from CAD software. Later, we test them in real scenes using synthetic objects created with a 3D printer from the virtual models. In both cases, the same virtual models are used on the matching process to find similarity. The difference between both experiments is in the type of views used in the tests. Our analysis evaluates three subjects: the effectiveness of 3D descriptors depending on the viewpoint of camera, the geometry complexity of the model and the runtime used to do the recognition process and the success rate to recognize a view of object among the models saved in the database.


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The free hardware platforms have become very important in engineering education in recent years. Among these platforms, Arduino highlights, characterized by its versatility, popularity and low price. This paper describes the implementation of four laboratory experiments for Automatic Control and Robotics courses at the University of Alicante, which have been developed based on Arduino and other existing equipment. Results were evaluated taking into account the views of students, concluding that the proposed experiments have been attractive to them, and they have acquired the knowledge about hardware configuration and programming that was intended.


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This paper describes the development of a low-cost mini-robot that is controlled by visual gestures. The prototype allows a person with disabilities to perform visual inspections indoors and in domestic spaces. Such a device could be used as the operator's eyes obviating the need for him to move about. The robot is equipped with a motorised webcam that is also controlled by visual gestures. This camera is used to monitor tasks in the home using the mini-robot while the operator remains quiet and motionless. The prototype was evaluated through several experiments testing the ability to use the mini-robot’s kinematics and communication systems to make it follow certain paths. The mini-robot can be programmed with specific orders and can be tele-operated by means of 3D hand gestures to enable the operator to perform movements and monitor tasks from a distance.


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During grasping and intelligent robotic manipulation tasks, the camera position relative to the scene changes dramatically because the robot is moving to adapt its path and correctly grasp objects. This is because the camera is mounted at the robot effector. For this reason, in this type of environment, a visual recognition system must be implemented to recognize and “automatically and autonomously” obtain the positions of objects in the scene. Furthermore, in industrial environments, all objects that are manipulated by robots are made of the same material and cannot be differentiated by features such as texture or color. In this work, first, a study and analysis of 3D recognition descriptors has been completed for application in these environments. Second, a visual recognition system designed from specific distributed client-server architecture has been proposed to be applied in the recognition process of industrial objects without these appearance features. Our system has been implemented to overcome problems of recognition when the objects can only be recognized by geometric shape and the simplicity of shapes could create ambiguity. Finally, some real tests are performed and illustrated to verify the satisfactory performance of the proposed system.


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A novel procedure for the preparation of solid Pd(II)-based catalysts consisting of the anchorage of designed Pd(II)-complexes on an activated carbon (AC) surface is reported. Two molecules of the Ar–S–F type (where Ar is a plane-pyrimidine moiety, F a Pd(II)-ligand and S an aliphatic linker) differing in F, were grafted on AC by π–π stacking of the Ar moiety and the graphene planes of the AC, thus favouring the retaining of the metal-complexing ability of F. Adsorption of Pd(II) by the AC/Ar–S–F hybrids occurs via Pd(II)-complexation by F. After deep characterization, the catalytic activities of the AC/Ar–S–F/Pd(II) hybrids on the hydrogenation of 1-octene in methanol as a catalytic test were evaluated. 100% conversion to n-octane at T = 323.1 K and P = 15 bar, was obtained with both catalysts and most of Pd(II) was reduced to Pd(0) nanoparticles, which remained on the AC surface. Reusing the catalysts in three additional cycles reveals that the catalyst bearing the F ligand with a larger Pd-complexing ability showed no loss of activity (100% conversion to n-octane) which is assigned to its larger structural stability. The catalyst with the weaker F ligand underwent a progressive loss of activity (from 100% to 79% in four cycles), due to the constant aggregation of the Pd(0) nanoparticles. Milder conditions, T = 303.1 K and P = 1.5 bar, prevent the aggregation of the Pd(0) nanoparticles in this catalyst allowing the retention of the high catalytic efficiency (100% conversion) in four reaction cycles.


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This communication develops the process of interventions of the Renaissance fortress of a new plant built in 1554–57 in Santa Pola. It is one of the earliest examples built with reference to military architecture theoretical treaties (XV–XVI) and best preserved. The study runs its own story from its initial military use, through the use of civil equipment until the final cultural and Museum Center. First, the project of Italian origin is examined and its use as barracks for troops for a duration of three centuries (1557–1850), pointing out the architectural constants of war machinery in a defense position and its origin as a rainwater collector and cistern: a perfect square with two bastions in which a plan of the uprising is preserved (1778). Secondly, we study the changes in the mentioned architecture throughout a century and a half (1850–1990) after its change of ownership (from the state to the municipality), and as a result of the new use as a city hall and public endowment: a market and health and leisure centre, which meant the demolition of defensive elements and the opening up to the outside of the inner parade ground. And thirdly, the new transfer of the municipal offices brings in the beginning of a project of transformations (1990–2015) that retrieves the demolished elements at the same time as it assigns the entire fort for a cultural centre: exhibition, research and history museum, promoting the identity between the citizens and the building which stands in the foundations of their city. The conclusions take us through an interesting route that goes from the approach of defensive tactics, its use as administrative headquarters to the current cultural policy of preservation. In addition, all the known plans of the fort are recovered (of military, civil and cultural use), some unpublished, as well as the project of the North wing that has guided the last operation and which has been set as a pattern of reference.