26 resultados para DIAZ, JOSE JAVIER

em Universidad de Alicante


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We have analyzed surface-wave propagation that takes place at the boundary between an isotropic medium and a semi-infinite metal-dielectric periodic medium cut normally to the layers. In the range of frequencies where the periodic medium shows hyperbolic space dispersion, hybridization of surface waves (dyakonons) occurs. At low to moderate frequencies, dyakonons enable tighter confinement near the interface in comparison with pure SPPs. On the other hand, a distinct regime governs dispersion of dyakonons at higher frequencies.


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We reexamine the Gouy phase in ballistic Airy beams (AiBs). A physical interpretation of our analysis is derived in terms of the local phase velocity and the Poynting vector streamlines. Recent experiments employing AiBs are consistent with our results. We provide an approach which potentially applies to any finite-energy paraxial wave field that lacks a beam axis.


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We analyzed surface-wave propagation that takes place at the boundary between a semi-infinite dielectric and a multilayered metamaterial, the latter with indefinite permittivity and cut normally to the layers. Known hyperbolization of the dispersion curve is discussed within distinct spectral regimes, including the role of the surrounding material. Hybridization of surface waves enable tighter confinement near the interface in comparison with pure-TM surface-plasmon polaritons. We demonstrate that the effective-medium approach deviates severely in practical implementations. By using the finite-element method, we predict the existence of long-range oblique surface waves.


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We report on the existence of nondiffracting Bessel surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), advancing at either superluminal or subluminal phase velocities. These wave fields feature deep subwavelength FWHM, but are supported by high-order homogeneous SPPs of a metal/dielectric (MD) superlattice. The beam axis can be relocated to any MD interface, by interfering multiple converging SPPs with controlled phase matching. Dissipative effects in metals lead to a diffraction-free regime that is limited by the energy attenuation length. However, the ultra-localization of the diffracted wave field might still be maintained by more than one order of magnitude.


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We report on a procedure to improve the resolution of far-field imaging by using a neighboring high-index medium that is coated with a left-handed metamaterial. The resulting plot can also exhibit an enhanced transmission by considering proper conditions to retract backscattering. Based on negative refraction, geometrical aberrations are considered in detail since they may cause a great impact in this sort of diffraction-unlimited imaging by reducing its resolution power. We employ a standard aberration analysis to refine the asymmetric configuration of metamaterial superlenses. We demonstrate that low-order centrosymmetric aberrations can be fully corrected for a given object plane. For subwavelength-resolution imaging, however, high-order aberrations become of relevance, which may be balanced with defocus. Not only the point spread function but also numerical simulations based on the finite-element method support our theoretical analysis, and subwavelength resolution is verified in the image plane.


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We show that subwavelength diffracted wave fields may be managed inside multilayered plasmonic devices to achieve ultra-resolving lensing. For that purpose we first transform both homogeneous waves and a broad band of evanescent waves into propagating Bloch modes by means of a metal/dielectric (MD) superlattice. Beam spreading is subsequently compensated by means of negative refraction in a plasmon-induced anisotropic effective-medium that is cemented behind. A precise design of the superlens doublet may lead to nearly aberration-free images with subwavelength resolution in spite of using optical paths longer than a wavelength.


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We investigate the existence and dispersion characteristics of surface waves that propagate at an interface between a metal–dielectric superlattice and an isotropic dielectric. Within the long-wavelength limit, when the effective-medium (EM) approximation is valid, the superlattice behaves like a uniaxial plasmonic crystal with the main optical axes perpendicular to the metal–dielectric interfaces. We demonstrate that if such a semi-infinite plasmonic crystal is cut normally to the layer interfaces and brought into contact with a semi-infinite dielectric, a new type of surface mode can appear. Such modes can propagate obliquely to the optical axes if favorable conditions regarding the thickness of the layers and the dielectric permittivities of the constituent materials are met. We show that losses within the metallic layers can be substantially reduced by making the layers sufficiently thin. At the same time, a dramatic enlargement of the range of angles for oblique propagation of the new surface modes is observed. This can lead, however, to field non-locality and consequently to failure of the EM approximation.


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We investigated surface waves guided by the boundary of a semi-infinite layered metal-dielectric nanostructure cut normally to the layers and a semi-infinite dielectric material. Using the Floquet-Bloch formalism, we found that Dyakonov-like surface waves with hybrid polarization can propagate in dramatically enhanced angular range compared to conventional birefringent materials. Our numerical simulations for an Ag-GaAs stack in contact with glass show a low to moderate influence of losses.


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We propose the design of a real-time system to recognize and interprethand gestures. The acquisition devices are low cost 3D sensors. 3D hand pose will be segmented, characterized and track using growing neural gas (GNG) structure. The capacity of the system to obtain information with a high degree of freedom allows the encoding of many gestures and a very accurate motion capture. The use of hand pose models combined with motion information provide with GNG permits to deal with the problem of the hand motion representation. A natural interface applied to a virtual mirrorwriting system and to a system to estimate hand pose will be designed to demonstrate the validity of the system.


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We rigorously analyze the propagation of localized surface waves that takes place at the boundary between a semi-infinite layered metal-dielectric (MD) nanostructure cut normally to the layers and a isotropic medium. It is demonstrated that Dyakonov-like surface waves (also coined dyakonons) with hybrid polarization may propagate in a wide angular range. As a consequence, dyakonon-based wave-packets (DWPs) may feature sub-wavelength beamwidths. Due to the hyperbolic-dispersion regime in plasmonic crystals, supported DWPs are still in the canalization regime. The apparent quadratic beam spreading, however, is driven by dissipation effects in metal.


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El PAT en la Escuela Politécnica está abierto a todos aquellos tutores que deseen formar parte del plan y también a todos los alumnos, que, voluntariamente pueden marcar la opción de participar en el plan en la matrícula, y también a aquellos que, a pesar de no marcar la opción en la matrícula, finalmente han decidido seguir el plan de acción tutorial. Esta característica de participación e inscripción voluntaria permite que el trabajo se realice más satisfactoriamente tanto por parte de tutores como por parte de los alumnos, puesto que han decidido seguir el plan por ello mismos y no como una imposición. Con este trabajo nos proponemos presentar nuestras experiencias en el desarrollo de la tutorización de nuestros estudiantes así como la evolución en el desarrollo de la tutorización por pares.


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We investigated the diffraction behavior of plasmonic Bessel beams propagating in metal-dielectric stratified materials and wire media. Our results reveal various regimes in which polarization singularities are selectively maintained. This polarization-pass effect can be controlled by appropriately setting the filling factor of the metallic inclusions and its internal periodic distribution. These results may have implications in the development of devices at the nanoscale level for manipulation of polarization and angular momentum of cylindrical vector beams.


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Durante el presente curso se ha constatado el asentamiento del tercer curso del grado en Ingeniería Multimedia, lo que se deriva de los informes de seguimiento de las asignaturas del curso que, en su gran mayoría, no han destacado problema alguno (con alguna excepción de la que se informa). Por otro lado, se ha llevado a cabo una iniciativa para contrastar si las dependencias entre las asignaturas de tercero con respecto a sus precedentes en el plan de estudios responden en realidad a los planteamientos que se hicieron durante el diseño del mismo, intentando descubrir carencias o inconsistencias en los contenidos. De esta manera, se han detectado dependencias que no son tales, dependencias que faltan y temarios de asignaturas básicas en los que, desde el punto de vista de las asignaturas de tercero faltan o sobran contenidos.


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We propose a simple yet efficient method for generating in-plane hollow beams with a nearly full circular light shell without the contribution of backward propagating waves. The method relies on modulating the phase in the near field of a centrosymmetric optical wave front, such as that from a high-numerical-aperture focused wave field. We illustrate how beam acceleration may be carried out by using an ultranarrow non-flat meta-surface formed by engineered plasmonic nanoslits. A mirror-symmetric, with respect to the optical axis, circular caustic surface is numerically demonstrated that can be used as an optical bottle.


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En este trabajo expondremos un análisis exhaustivo de como se ha desarrollado la acción tutorial en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante en el curso 2014/2015. El marcado carácter de voluntariedad de la acción tutorial en nuestro centro por parte de estudiantes y tutores permite que el trabajo se realice más satisfactoriamente tanto por parte de tutores como por parte de los estudiantes, puesto que han decidido seguir el plan por ello mismos y no como una imposición. Además expondremos nuestras experiencias en el desarrollo del Taller de Gestión Eficaz del Tiempo, taller desarrollado en nuestro centro bajo la tutela de la experta Nuria Alberquilla, que tiene entre otros muchos objetivos el aprendizaje y puesta en práctica de técnicas para realizar una gestión eficaz del tiempo, con un mejor equilibrio entre la vida académica y personal y la identificación de los principales factores externos e internos que influyen en los resultados obtenidos, y cómo mejorarlos.