3 resultados para Auto, organizzazione, sistemi, MAS, design pattern, TuCSoN, respect

em Universidad de Alicante


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El análisis de las autoatribuciones académicas constituye un aspecto esencial del componente afectivo y emocional de la motivación escolar en estudiantes de educación secundaria obligatoria (ESO). El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar, mediante un diseño transversal, las diferencias de género y curso y el papel predictivo de estas variables en las atribuciones causales académicas de los alumnos medidas a través de las escalas generales de la Sydney Attribution Scale (SAS). El cuestionario fue administrado a 2.022 estudiantes (51.08% chicos) de 1º a 4º de ESO. El rango de edad fue de 12 a 16 años (M = 13.81; DT = 1.35). Los resultados derivados de los análisis de varianza y de los tamaños del efecto (índice d) revelaron que los chicos atribuyeron sus éxitos significativamente más a su capacidad, mientras las chicas los atribuyeron significativamente más al esfuerzo. Respecto a las atribuciones de fracaso escolar, los resultados indicaron que los chicos los atribuyeron significativamente más a la falta de esfuerzo que las chicas. Asimismo, se hallaron diferencias de curso académico en la mayoría de las atribuciones causales analizadas. Los análisis de regresión logística indicaron que el género y el curso fueron predictores significativos de las atribuciones causales académicas, aunque los resultados variaron para cada una de las escalas de la SAS. Los resultados son discutidos en relación a la necesidad de diseñar programas de intervención que tengan en cuenta las variables sexo y curso académico.


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This case report reports the visual rehabilitation obtained with the fitting of a new design of full scleral contact lens (ICD 16.5 contact lens, Paragon Vision Sciences, distributed by Lenticon, Madrid, Spain) in a cornea with advanced keratoconus and previous implantation of intracorneal ring segment with a very limited effect. This eye had a refraction of –3.00 × 55° cylinder, providing a visual acuity of 0.5 LogMAR. The topographic pattern was very irregular with the presence of a significant central protrusion and a significant central corneal thinning. Some previous unsuccessful fittings have been performed with corneal and corneal-scleral lenses. A comfortable wearing was achieved with a fully scleral contact lens of 4600 μm of sagittal height, optical power of –11.25 D, and providing an apical clearance of 196 μm. A visual acuity of 0.0 LogMAR combined with a relevant aberrometric improvement was achieved with this contact lens. The patient was completely satisfied with the fitting. The result was maintained during 1 year after the fitting. Full scleral lenses are then able to provide comfortable wear and a significant increase in visual acuity combined with a significant improvement in the visual quality in eyes with advanced keratoconus.


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Objective: To assess the usefulness of microperimetry (MP) as an additional objective method for characterizing the fixation pattern in nystagmus. Design: Prospective study. Participants: Fifteen eyes of 8 subjects (age, 12–80 years) with nystagmus from the Lluís Alcanyís Foundation (University of Valencia, Spain) were included. Methods: All patients had a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination including a microperimetric examination (MAIA, CenterVue, Padova, Italy). The following microperimetric parameters were evaluated: average threshold (AT), macular integrity index (MI), fixating points within a circle of 1° (P1) and 2° of radius (P2), bivariate contour ellipse area (BCEA) considering 63% and 95% of fixating points, and horizontal and vertical axes of that ellipse. Results: In monocular conditions, 6 eyes showed a fixation classified as stable, 6 eyes showed a relatively unstable fixation, and 3 eyes showed an unstable fixation. Statistically significant differences were found between the horizontal and vertical components of movement (p = 0.001), as well as in their ranges (p < 0.001). Intereye comparison showed differences between eyes in some subjects, but only statistically significant differences were found in the fixation coordinates X and Y (p < 0.001). No significant intereye differences were found between microperimetric parameters. Between monocular and binocular conditions, statistically significant differences in the X and Y coordinates were found in all eyes (p < 0.02) except one. No significant differences were found between MP parameters for monocular or binocular conditions. Strong correlations of corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) with AT (r = 0.812, p = 0.014), MI (r = –0.812, p = 0.014), P1 (r = 0.729, p = 0.002), horizontal diameter of BCEA (r = –0.700, p = 0.004), and X range (r = –0.722, p = 0.005) were found. Conclusions: MP seems to be a useful technology for the characterization of the fixation pattern in nystagmus, which seems to be related to the level of visual acuity achieved by the patient.