20 resultados para ATOMIC ORBITALS

em Universidad de Alicante


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A method to calculate the effective spin Hamiltonian for a transition metal impurity in a non-magnetic insulating host is presented and applied to the paradigmatic case of Fe in MgO. In the first step we calculate the electronic structure employing standard density functional theory (DFT), based on generalized gradient approximation (GGA), using plane waves as a basis set. The corresponding basis of atomic-like maximally localized Wannier functions is derived and used to represent the DFT Hamiltonian, resulting in a tight-binding model for the atomic orbitals of the magnetic impurity. The third step is to solve, by exact numerical diagonalization, the N electron problem in the open shell of the magnetic atom, including both effects of spin–orbit and Coulomb repulsion. Finally, the low energy sector of this multi-electron Hamiltonian is mapped into effective spin models that, in addition to the spin matrices S, can also include the orbital angular momentum L when appropriate. We successfully apply the method to Fe in MgO, considering both the undistorted and Jahn–Teller (JT) distorted cases. Implications for the influence of Fe impurities on the performance of magnetic tunnel junctions based on MgO are discussed.


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The conductance of atomic-sized metallic point contacts is shown to be strongly voltage dependent due to quantum interference with impurities even in samples with low impurity concentrations. Transmission through these small contacts depends not only on the local atomic structure at the contact but also on the distribution of impurities or defects within a coherence length of the contact. In contrast with other mesoscopic systems we show that transport through atomic contacts is coherent even at room temperature. The use of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) makes it possible to fabricate one atom contacts of gold whose transmission can be controlled by manipulation of the contact allowing inelastic spectroscopy in such small contacts.


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Using the mechanically controlled break junction technique at low temperatures and under cryogenic vacuum conditions we have studied atomic contacts of several magnetic (Fe, Co, and Ni) and nonmagnetic (Pt) metals, which recently were claimed to show fractional conductance quantization. In the case of pure metals we see no quantization of the conductance nor half quantization, even when high magnetic fields are applied. On the other hand, features in the conductance similar to (fractional) quantization are observed when the contact is exposed to gas molecules. Furthermore, the absence of fractional quantization when the contact is bridged by H2 indicates the current is never fully polarized for the metals studied here. Our results are in agreement with recent model calculations.


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Atomic contacts made of ferromagnetic metals present zero-bias anomalies in the differential conductance due to the Kondo effect. These systems provide a unique opportunity to perform a statistical analysis of the Kondo parameters in nanostructures since a large number of contacts can be easily fabricated using break-junction techniques. The details of the atomic structure differ from one contact to another so a large number of different configurations can be statistically analyzed. Here we present such a statistical analysis of the Kondo effect in atomic contacts made from the ferromagnetic transition metals Ni, Co, and Fe. Our analysis shows clear differences between materials that can be understood by fundamental theoretical considerations. This combination of experiments and theory allows us to extract information about the origin and nature of the Kondo effect in these systems and to explore the influence of geometry and valence in the Kondo screening of atomic-sized nanostructures.


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We investigate both experimentally and theoretically the evolution of conductance in metallic one-atom contacts under elastic deformation. While simple metals like Au exhibit almost constant conductance plateaus, Al and Pb show inclined plateaus with positive and negative slopes. It is shown how these behaviors can be understood in terms of the orbital structure of the atoms forming the contact. This analysis provides further insight into the issue of conductance quantization in metallic contacts revealing important aspects of their atomic and electronic structures.


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Electronic transport at finite voltages in free-standing gold atomic chains of up to seven atoms in length is studied at low temperatures using a scanning tunneling microscope. The conductance vs voltage curves show that transport in these single-mode ballistic atomic wires is nondissipative up to a finite voltage threshold of the order of several mV. The onset of dissipation and resistance within the wire corresponds to the excitation of the atomic vibrations by the electrons traversing the wire and is very sensitive to strain.


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Using a scanning tunnel microscope or mechanically controllable break junctions atomic contacts for Au, Pt, and Ir are pulled to form chains of atoms. We have recorded traces of conductance during the pulling process and averaged these for a large number of contacts. An oscillatory evolution of conductance is observed during the formation of the monoatomic chain suggesting a dependence on the numbers of atoms forming the chain being even or odd. This behavior is not only observed for the monovalent metal Au, as was predicted, but is also found for the other chain-forming metals, suggesting it to be a universal feature of atomic wires.


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The process of creating an atomically defined and robust metallic tip is described and quantified using measurements of contact conductance between gold electrodes and numerical simulations. Our experiments show how the same conductance behavior can be obtained for hundreds of cycles of formation and rupture of the nanocontact by limiting the indentation depth between the two electrodes up to a conductance value of approximately 5G0 in the case of gold. This phenomenon is rationalized using molecular dynamics simulations together with density functional theory transport calculations which show how, after repeated indentations (mechanical annealing), the two metallic electrodes are shaped into tips of reproducible structure. These results provide a crucial insight into fundamental aspects relevant to nanotribology or scanning probe microscopies.


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Electrochemical methods have recently become an interesting tool for fabricating and characterizing nanostructures at room temperature. Simplicity, low cost and reversibility are some of the advantages of this technique that allows to work at the nanoscale without requiring sophisticated instrumentation. In our experimental setup, we measure the conductance across a nanocontact fabricated either by dissolving a macroscopic gold wire or by depositing gold in between two separated gold electrodes. We have achieved a high level of control on the electrochemical fabrication of atomic-sized contacts in gold. The use of electrochemistry as a reproducible technique to prepare nanocontacts will open several possibilities that are not feasible with other methodologies. It involves, also, the possibility of reproducing experiments that today are made by more expensive, complicated or irreversible methods. As example, we show here a comparison of the results when looking for shell effects in gold nanocontacts with those obtained by other techniques.


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We propose cotunneling as the microscopic mechanism that makes possible inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy of magnetic atoms in surfaces for a wide range of systems, including single magnetic adatoms, molecules, and molecular stacks. We describe electronic transport between the scanning tip and the conducting surface through the magnetic system (MS) with a generalized Anderson model, without making use of effective spin models. Transport and spin dynamics are described with an effective cotunneling Hamiltonian in which the correlations in the magnetic system are calculated exactly and the coupling to the electrodes is included up to second order in the tip MS and MS substrate. In the adequate limit our approach is equivalent to the phenomenological Kondo exchange model that successfully describes the experiments. We apply our method to study in detail inelastic transport in two systems, stacks of cobalt phthalocyanines and a single Mn atom on Cu2N. Our method accounts for both the large contribution of the inelastic spin exchange events to the conductance and the observed conductance asymmetry.


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Ab initio quantum transport calculations show that short NiO chains suspended in Ni nanocontacts present a very strong spin-polarization of the conductance.The generalized gradient approximation we use here predicts a similar polarization of the conductance as the one previously computed with non-local exchange, confirming the robustness of the result. Their use as nanoscopic spinvalves is proposed.


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We have studied experimentally jump-to-contact (JC) and jump-out-of-contact (JOC) phenomena in gold electrodes. JC can be observed at first contact when two metals approach each other, while JOC occurs in the last contact before breaking. When the indentation depth between the electrodes is limited to a certain value of conductance, a highly reproducible behaviour in the evolution of the conductance can be obtained for hundreds of cycles of formation and rupture. Molecular dynamics simulations of this process show how the two metallic electrodes are shaped into tips of a well-defined crystallographic structure formed through a mechanical annealing mechanism. We report a detailed analysis of the atomic configurations obtained before contact and rupture of these stable structures and obtained their conductance using first-principles quantum transport calculations. These results help us understand the values of conductance obtained experimentally in the JC and JOC phenomena and improve our understanding of atomic-sized contacts and the evolution of their structural characteristics.


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A microwave-based thermal nebulizer (MWTN) has been employed for the first time as on-line preconcentration device in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). By the appropriate selection of the experimental conditions, the MWTN could be either operated as a conventional thermal nebulizer or as on-line analyte preconcentration and nebulization device. Thus, when operating at microwave power values above 100 W and highly concentrated alcohol solutions, the amount of energy per solvent mass liquid unit (EMR) is high enough to completely evaporate the solvent inside the system and, as a consequence, the analyte is deposited (and then preconcentrated) on the inner walls of the MWTN capillary. When reducing the EMR to the appropriate value (e.g., by reducing the microwave power at a constant sample uptake rate) the retained analyte is swept along by the liquid-gas stream and an analyte-enriched aerosol is generated and next introduced into the plasma cell. Emission signals obtained with the MWTN operating in preconcentration-nebulization mode improved when increasing preconcentration time and sample uptake rate as well as when decreasing the nozzle inner diameter. When running with pure ethanol solution at its optimum experimental conditions, the MWTN in preconcentration-nebulization mode afforded limits of detection up to one order of magnitude lowers than those obtained operating the MWTN exclusively as a nebulizer. To validate the method, the multi-element analysis (i.e. Al, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb and Zn) of different commercial spirit samples in ICP-AES has been performed. Analyte recoveries for all the elements studied ranged between 93% and 107% and the dynamic linear range covered up to 4 orders of magnitude (i.e. from 0.1 to 1000 μg L−1). In these analysis, both MWTN operating modes afforded similar results. Nevertheless, the preconcentration-nebulization mode permits to determine a higher number of analytes due to its higher detection capabilities.


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Detailed electronic structure calculations of picene clusters doped by potassium modeling the crystalline K3picene structure show that while two electrons are completely transferred from potassium atoms to the lowest-energy unoccupied molecular orbital of pristine picene, the third one remains closely attached to both material components. Multiconfigurational analysis is necessary to show that many structures of almost degenerate total energies compete to define the cluster ground state. Our results prove that the 4s orbital of potassium should be included in any interaction model describing the material. We propose a quarter-filled two-orbital model as the most simple model capable of describing the electronic structure of K-intercalated picene. Precise solutions obtained by a development of the Lanczos method show low-energy electronic excitations involving orbitals located at different positions. Consequently, metallic transport is possible in spite of the clear dominance of interaction over hopping.


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The formation and rupture of atomic-sized contacts is modelled by means of molecular dynamics simulations. Such nano-contacts are realized in scanning tunnelling microscope and mechanically controlled break junction experiments. These instruments routinely measure the conductance across the nano-sized electrodes as they are brought into contact and separated, permitting conductance traces to be recorded that are plots of conductance versus the distance between the electrodes. One interesting feature of the conductance traces is that for some metals and geometric configurations a jump in the value of the conductance is observed right before contact between the electrodes, a phenomenon known as jump-to-contact. This paper considers, from a computational point of view, the dynamics of contact between two gold nano-electrodes. Repeated indentation of the two surfaces on each other is performed in two crystallographic orientations of face-centred cubic gold, namely (001) and (111). Ultimately, the intention is to identify the structures at the atomic level at the moment of first contact between the surfaces, since the value of the conductance is related to the minimum cross-section in the contact region. Conductance values obtained in this way are determined using first principles electronic transport calculations, with atomic configurations taken from the molecular dynamics simulations serving as input structures.