16 resultados para 09-TIK-13

em Universidad de Alicante


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El análisis de textos de la Web 2.0 es un tema de investigación relevante hoy en día. Sin embargo, son muchos los problemas que se plantean a la hora de utilizar las herramientas actuales en este tipo de textos. Para ser capaces de medir estas dificultades primero necesitamos conocer los diferentes registros o grados de informalidad que podemos encontrar. Por ello, en este trabajo intentaremos caracterizar niveles de informalidad para textos en inglés en la Web 2.0 mediante técnicas de aprendizaje automático no supervisado, obteniendo resultados del 68 % en F1.


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This paper provides data on diet and feeding habits of five benthic fish species (Torpedo torpedo (Linnaeus,1758), Mullus surmuletus (Linnaeus, 1758), Uranoscopus scaber (Linnaeus,1758), Scorpaena scrofa (Linnaeus,1758) and Synaptura lusitanica (Capello,1868)) common in the artisanal fisheries in the Cullera coast (Mediterranean sea – Spain) and T.torpedo, U.scaber y S. lusitánica feeding habits are almost unknown. T. torpedo preferred small preys like fishes, polychaetes and molluscs, these preys were feed in small portions. M. surmuletus showed the highest feeding dynamic, consuming small prey in large numbers like crustaceans (brachyura and amphypoda). U. scaber had similar feeding habits, but the numbers of preys in the stomach were lower. The principal preys were fishes, crustaceans, molluscs and polychaetes. S.scrofa ate larger prey items such as fish, followed by crustaceans and molluscs. Finally S. lusitánica had a high vacuity index, feeding polychaetes as the most important prey in their diet. Feeding strategy indicates a specialization of T.torpedo, S.scrofa and S. lusitanica; conversely M. surmuletus and U. scaber were generalized species.


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Manual que analiza las cuestiones fundamentales de la Dirección de Recursos Humanos.


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This paper analyses the value of university collections of scientific instruments, their preservation, uses and improvement. It mostly relies on the data obtained by a research project on the scientific heritage of the University of Valencia.


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La red docente durante el curso 2006/07 ha realizado un estudio en cuanto a materiales y metodologías docentes en las asignaturas de primer curso de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación, especialidad en Sonido e Imagen. Esta titulación es impartida en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante. Dicho estudio está encaminado a suplir las necesidades que marca el nuevo Marco Europeo de Aprendizaje. Se ha definido una ficha de la asignatura (cuyos contenidos y estructura se detallan) que permita al alumnado una visión directa y lo más concisa posible de las actividades que se desarrollarán en cada asignatura a lo largo de su periodo lectivo. El conjunto de estas fichas conformará la denominada Agenda del Estudiante, que fomentará la organización personal de cada alumno. La puesta en común de las experiencias y conocimientos de los diversos miembros de la red debe redundar en una mayor eficacia de la docencia. En este trabajo se incluyen las experiencias de las siete asignaturas implicadas en el proceso.


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En este artículo se investigan técnicas automáticas para encontrar un modelo óptimo de características en el caso de un analizador de dependencias basado en transiciones. Mostramos un estudio comparativo entre algoritmos de búsqueda, sistemas de validación y reglas de decisión demostrando al mismo tiempo que usando nuestros métodos es posible conseguir modelos complejos que proporcionan mejores resultados que los modelos que siguen configuraciones por defecto.


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The ceria-catalyzed soot oxidation mechanism has been studied by a pulse technique with labeled O2 in the absence and presence of NO, using ceria–soot mixtures prepared in the loose contact mode. In the absence of soot, the ceria-catalyzed oxidation of NO to NO2 takes place with ceria oxygen and not with gas-phase O2. However, the oxygen exchange process between gas-phase O2 and ceria oxygen (to yield back O2, but with oxygen atoms coming from ceria) prevailed with regard to the ceria-catalyzed oxidation of NO to NO2. Gas-phase O2 did not react directly with soot when pulsed to a soot–ceria loose contact mixture. Instead, ceria oxygen is transferred to soot (this step does not require gas-phase molecular oxygen to be present), and gas-phase O2 fills up the vacancies created on the oxide in a further step. The transfer of oxygen between ceria and soot occurred directly in the absence of NO. However, in the presence of NO, NO2 is expected to be additionally generated by ceria oxygen oxidation, which also reacts with soot. The main reaction products of the ceria-catalyzed soot oxidation reaction with NO/O2 were CO2 and NO. Additionally, evidence of the reduction of NOx to N2 was found.


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Low metal content Co and Ni alumina supported catalysts (4.0, 2.5 and 1.0 wt% nominal metal content) have been prepared, characterized (by ICP-OES, TEM, TPR-H2 and TPO) and tested for the CO2 reforming of methane. The objective is to optimize the metal loading in order to have a more efficient system. The selected reaction temperature is 973 K, although some tests at higher reaction temperature have been also performed. The results show that the amount of deposited carbon is noticeably lower than that obtained with the Co and Ni reference catalysts (9 wt%), but the CH4 and CO2 conversions are also lower. Among the catalysts tested, the Co(1) catalyst (the value in brackets corresponds to the nominal wt% loading) is deactivated during the first minutes of reaction because CoAl2O4 is formed, while Ni(1) and Co(2.5) catalysts show a high specific activity for methane conversion, a high stability and a very low carbon deposition.


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In this study, a new type of nanopigment, obtained from a nanoclay (NC) and a dye, was synthesized in the laboratory, and these nanopigments were used to color an ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer. Several of these nanoclay-based pigments (NCPs) were obtained through variations in the cation exchange capacity (CEC) percentage of the NC exchanged with the dye and also including an ammonium salt. Composites of EVA and different amounts of the as-synthesized nanopigments were prepared in a melt-intercalation process. Then, the morphological, mechanical, thermal, rheological, and colorimetric properties of the samples were assessed. The EVA/NCP composites developed much better color properties than the samples containing only the dye, especially when both the dye and the ammonium salt were exchanged with NC. Their other properties were similar to those of more conventional EVA/NC composites.


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In this study, a novel kind of hybrid pigment based on nanoclays and dyes was synthesized and characterized. These nanoclay-based pigments (NCPs) were prepared at the laboratory with sodium montmorillonite nanoclay (NC) and methylene blue (MB). The cation-exchange capacity of NC exchanged with MB was varied to obtain a wide color gamut. The synthesized nanopigments were thoroughly characterized. The NCPs were melt-mixed with linear low-density polyethylene (PE) with an internal mixer. Furthermore, samples with conventional colorants were prepared in the same way. Then, the properties (mechanical, thermal, and colorimetric) of the mixtures were assessed. The PE–NCP samples developed better color properties than those containing conventional colorants and used as references, and their other properties were maintained or improved, even at lower contents of dye compared to that with the conventional colorants.


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El análisis, elaboración y presentación de resultados tanto experimentales como teóricos es una parte extremadamente importante en la investigación científica. Según nuestra experiencia docente, existe una notable carencia entre los estudiantes en su capacidad para la preparación de informes a partir de los trabajos experimentales realizados en el laboratorio. A veces esa carencia se agrava por no disponer de unos criterios claros de lo que debe aparecer en un informe científico. Por tanto, el trabajo de esta red será la búsqueda de metodologías para incentivar la obtención de competencias por parte del alumnado en lo que respecta a la preparación de informes de resultados de trabajos científicos, sean experimentales o de cálculo teórico. Se tomarán como guía los modelos universalmente utilizados en la bibliografía científica. De esta forma se logrará también familiarizar al alumnado en los cauces habituales de publicación de la investigación, usando ejemplos relacionados con el ámbito de la asignatura escogida (Cinética Química, 3er curso del Grado de Química).


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A Ce0.5Pr0.5O2 mixed oxide has been prepared with the highest surface area and smallest particle size ever reported (125 m2/g and 7 nm, respectively), also being the most active diesel soot combustion catalyst ever tested under realistic conditions if catalysts forming highly volatile species are ruled out. This Ce–Pr mixed oxide is even more active than a reference platinum-based commercial catalyst. This study provides an example of the efficient participation of oxygen species released by a ceria catalyst in a heterogeneous catalysis reaction where both the catalyst and one of the reactants (soot) are solids. It has been concluded that both the ceria-based catalyst composition (nature and amount of dopant) and the particle size play key roles in the combustion of soot through the active oxygen-based mechanism. The composition determines the production of active oxygen and the particle size the transfer of such active oxygen species from catalyst to soot.


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A 3D mesoporous TiO2 material with well-developed mesostructure is prepared in the form of a binder-free thin (100 nm) film and studied as potential candidate for the negative electrode in lithium microbatteries. By appropriate thermal treatments, the selected crystal structure (anatase, rutile, or amorphous), and micro-/mesostructure of the materials was obtained. The effects of voltage window and prelithiation treatment improved first cycle reversibility up to 86% and capacity retention of 90% over 100 cycles. After a prolonged intercalation of lithium ions in ordered mesoporous TiO2 appeared small particles assigned to Li2Ti2O4 with cubic structure as observed from ex-situ TEM micrographs. This study highlights the flexibility of the potential window to which the electrode can operate. Maximum capacity values over 100 cycles of 470 μA h cm−2 μm−1 and 177 μA h cm−2 μm−1 are obtained for voltage ranges of 0.1–2.6 V and 1.0–2.6 V, respectively. The observed values are between 6 and 2 times higher than those obtained for films with 600 nm (80 μA h cm−2 μm−1) and 900 nm (92 μA h cm−2 μm−1) lengths. This indicates that 100 nm thin TiO2 films with high accessibility show finite-length type diffusion which is interesting for this particular application.