61 resultados para Spanish ballads and songs.


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En este trabajo se ofrece un estado de la cuestión sobre la evolución de las religiosas y las seglares, de clase media y obreras, de Acción Católica en el franquismo, una dictadura que encontró en la Iglesia a uno de sus principales apoyos. En los años cuarenta y cincuenta participan del control político y moral de las españolas y su presencia pública es destacada. En las décadas siguientes experimentan un profundo cambio hacia un mayor compromiso, todo lo cual conduce a un escenario de tensiones con la dictadura y la jerarquía eclesiástica, y a una crisis que da lugar a la secularización de muchas religiosas y al abandono de Acción Católica de numerosas militantes; en esta etapa de mayor testimonio sin embargo su reconocimiento disminuye.


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Más allá del mito de la discreta regente de España, María Cristina de Habsburgo ofrece una imagen poliédrica que puede contribuir a calibrar la importancia política, cultural y social de la representación simbólica de la corona. Las imágenes —oficial, de la oposición y populares— de María Cristina son analizadas desde diversas perspectivas: la consolidación de una monarquía en crisis tras el fallecimiento de Alfonso XII pocos años después de la República, la creación de una identidad nacional todavía no afirmada y la conformación de los estereotipos de género en torno al discurso de la separación de esferas. Imágenes que daban respuestas muchas veces divergentes a las circunstancias que distinguían a Maria Cristina de otros monarcas: era regente y no reina por derecho propio, era extranjera pero ocupaba el trono español y era mujer pero desempeñaba la más alta magistratura del país.


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This study is in the frame of the cooperative line that several Spanish Universities and other foreign partners started with the Haitian government in 2010. According to our studies (Benito et al. in An evaluation of seismic hazard in La Hispaniola, after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, 33rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Moscow, Russia, 2012) and recent scientific literature, the earthquake hazard in Haiti remains high (Calais et al. in Nat Geosci 3:794–799, 2010). In view of this, we wonder whether the country is currently ready to face another earthquake. In this sense, we estimated several damage scenarios in Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien associated to realistic possible major earthquakes. Our findings show that almost 50 % of the building stock of both cities would result uninhabitable due to structural damage. Around 80 % of the buildings in both cities have reinforced concrete structure with concrete block infill; however, the presence of masonry buildings becomes significant (between 25 and 45 % of the reinforced concrete buildings) in rural areas and informal settlements on the outskirts, where the estimated damage is higher. The influence of the soil effect on the damage spatial distribution is evident in both cities. We have found that the percentage of uninhabitable buildings in soft soil areas may be double the percentage obtained in nearby districts located in hard soil. These results reveal that a new seismic catastrophe of similar or even greater consequences than the 2010 Haiti earthquake might happen if the earthquake resilience is not improved in the country. Nowadays, the design of prevention actions and mitigation policies is the best instrument the society has to face seismic risk. In this sense, the results of this research might contribute to define measures oriented to earthquake risk reduction in Haiti, which should be a real priority for national and international institutions.


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El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una comparación cuantitativa de las ayudas públicas destinadas a los procesos de reestructuración de la siderurgia en España y en los países de la CECA en el período 1975-1988. Las fuentes utilizadas corresponden tanto a documentación de archivo como a publicaciones periódicas de diversas instituciones: empresas españolas, patronal siderúrgica (Unesid), organismos públicos españoles y de la CEE e informes de la Comisión Europea. El trabajo demuestra que la principal diferencia entre la políticas siderúrgicas española y comunitaria estribó no tanto en el montante de las ayudas públicas destinadas al proceso de reestructuración como en el uso que se hizo de las mismas. Así, mientras en la CEE las ayudas públicas estuvieron condicionadas a la eliminación de los excedentes de capacidad productiva, en España no se realizó ningún ajuste en este sentido hasta nuestra integración en la Comunidad en 1986.


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Background: Several publications have documented the effects of economic recessions on health. However, little is known about how economic recessions influence working conditions, especially among vulnerable workers. Objective: To explore the effects of 2008 economic crisis on the prevalence of adverse psychosocial working conditions among Spanish and foreign national workers. Methods: Data come from the 2007 and 2011 Spanish Working Conditions Surveys. Survey year, sociodemographic, and occupational information were independent variables and psychosocial factors exposures were dependent variables. Analyses were stratified by nationality (Spanish versus foreign). Prevalence and adjusted prevalence ratios (aPRs) of psychological job demands, job control, job social support, physical demands and perceived job insecurity were estimated using Poisson regression. Results: The Spanish population had higher risk of psychological and physical job demand (aPR = 1.07, 95% CI = [1.04–1.10] and aPR = 1.05, 95% CI = [1.01–1.09], respectively) in 2011 compared to 2007. Among both Spanish and foreign national workers, greater aPR were found for job loss in 2011 compared to 2007 (aPR = 2.47, 95% CI = [2.34–2.60]; aPR = 2.44, 95% CI = [2.15–2.77], respectively). Conclusion: The 2008 economic crisis was associated with a significant increase in physical demands in Spanish workers and increased job insecurity for both Spanish and foreign workers.


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In this work we present a semantic framework suitable of being used as support tool for recommender systems. Our purpose is to use the semantic information provided by a set of integrated resources to enrich texts by conducting different NLP tasks: WSD, domain classification, semantic similarities and sentiment analysis. After obtaining the textual semantic enrichment we would be able to recommend similar content or even to rate texts according to different dimensions. First of all, we describe the main characteristics of the semantic integrated resources with an exhaustive evaluation. Next, we demonstrate the usefulness of our resource in different NLP tasks and campaigns. Moreover, we present a combination of different NLP approaches that provide enough knowledge for being used as support tool for recommender systems. Finally, we illustrate a case of study with information related to movies and TV series to demonstrate that our framework works properly.


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During grasping and intelligent robotic manipulation tasks, the camera position relative to the scene changes dramatically because the robot is moving to adapt its path and correctly grasp objects. This is because the camera is mounted at the robot effector. For this reason, in this type of environment, a visual recognition system must be implemented to recognize and “automatically and autonomously” obtain the positions of objects in the scene. Furthermore, in industrial environments, all objects that are manipulated by robots are made of the same material and cannot be differentiated by features such as texture or color. In this work, first, a study and analysis of 3D recognition descriptors has been completed for application in these environments. Second, a visual recognition system designed from specific distributed client-server architecture has been proposed to be applied in the recognition process of industrial objects without these appearance features. Our system has been implemented to overcome problems of recognition when the objects can only be recognized by geometric shape and the simplicity of shapes could create ambiguity. Finally, some real tests are performed and illustrated to verify the satisfactory performance of the proposed system.


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Carmen Chamizo Vega es un referente de la enfermería española y más concretamente de la Historia de la Enfermería. Su labor docente, asistencial e investigadora seguirá marcando el futuro, así como su infatigable trabajo estableciendo redes y lazos de comunicación entre los estudiosos de la Enfermería en España y en América. Carmen, discreta y serenamente, se ha ausentado por un rato de nuestras vidas; con este texto, cuyo título está tomado de una narración suya, quiero honrarla sin panegíricos académicos, apelando solo a la emoción de la memoria.


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Sensing techniques are important for solving problems of uncertainty inherent to intelligent grasping tasks. The main goal here is to present a visual sensing system based on range imaging technology for robot manipulation of non-rigid objects. Our proposal provides a suitable visual perception system of complex grasping tasks to support a robot controller when other sensor systems, such as tactile and force, are not able to obtain useful data relevant to the grasping manipulation task. In particular, a new visual approach based on RGBD data was implemented to help a robot controller carry out intelligent manipulation tasks with flexible objects. The proposed method supervises the interaction between the grasped object and the robot hand in order to avoid poor contact between the fingertips and an object when there is neither force nor pressure data. This new approach is also used to measure changes to the shape of an object’s surfaces and so allows us to find deformations caused by inappropriate pressure being applied by the hand’s fingers. Test was carried out for grasping tasks involving several flexible household objects with a multi-fingered robot hand working in real time. Our approach generates pulses from the deformation detection method and sends an event message to the robot controller when surface deformation is detected. In comparison with other methods, the obtained results reveal that our visual pipeline does not use deformations models of objects and materials, as well as the approach works well both planar and 3D household objects in real time. In addition, our method does not depend on the pose of the robot hand because the location of the reference system is computed from a recognition process of a pattern located place at the robot forearm. The presented experiments demonstrate that the proposed method accomplishes a good monitoring of grasping task with several objects and different grasping configurations in indoor environments.


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La tendencia a la concentración de flujos económicos y humanos en las principales aglomeraciones ha generado unos polos de atracción global en detrimento de las opciones de desarrollo del resto de territorios. Sin embargo la recomposición territorial está siendo más compleja y afecta también al territorio no metropolitano. La introducción de elementos de creatividad en las economías urbanas es un ejemplo de la relativa dispersión territorial de nuevas actividades productivas. La localización de actividades económicas creativas ha sido analizada para el caso de ciudades medias, periferias urbanas y espacios rurales, pero no para el de ciudades turísticas. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar, a escala local y partiendo del cálculo de un índice sintético de creatividad, el comportamiento de dicho índice y en qué medida la clase creativa se localiza en los destinos turísticos del mediterráneo español y las Islas Canarias en comparación con otros tipos de municipios y entre municipios turísticos según su grado de especialización. Los resultados obtenidos permiten formular la hipótesis sobre cómo contribuyen los espacios turísticos a la reorganización productiva del territorio y valorar sus posibilidades de competitividad basadas en la mejora de la tolerancia, la innovación y el emprendimiento, proporcionando oportunidades de desarrollo más integrales y diversificadas en el momento de crisis actual.


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Virtual Screening (VS) methods can considerably aid clinical research, predicting how ligands interact with drug targets. Most VS methods suppose a unique binding site for the target, but it has been demonstrated that diverse ligands interact with unrelated parts of the target and many VS methods do not take into account this relevant fact. This problem is circumvented by a novel VS methodology named BINDSURF that scans the whole protein surface to find new hotspots, where ligands might potentially interact with, and which is implemented in massively parallel Graphics Processing Units, allowing fast processing of large ligand databases. BINDSURF can thus be used in drug discovery, drug design, drug repurposing and therefore helps considerably in clinical research. However, the accuracy of most VS methods is constrained by limitations in the scoring function that describes biomolecular interactions, and even nowadays these uncertainties are not completely understood. In order to solve this problem, we propose a novel approach where neural networks are trained with databases of known active (drugs) and inactive compounds, and later used to improve VS predictions.


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El punto de partida de nuestro estudio se sitúa en el polémico y discutido asunto resuelto por la sentencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos de 8 de diciembre de 2009, Caso Muñoz Díaz c. España, donde se condena al Estado español por denegar la pensión de viudedad a una ciudadana casada exclusivamente por el rito matrimonial gitano. Al hilo de esta resolución analizaremos, entre otras cuestiones, las diversas formas matrimoniales a las que nuestro legislador otorga efectos civiles, la incidencia de dichas disposiciones en el principio de igualdad y no discriminación consagrado en el artículo 14 de la Constitución y en el artículo 14 del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, y la posible vulneración de dicho principio en el marco de las prestaciones sociales reguladas en la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, recientemente reformada.


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The Web 2.0 has resulted in a shift as to how users consume and interact with the information, and has introduced a wide range of new textual genres, such as reviews or microblogs, through which users communicate, exchange, and share opinions. The exploitation of all this user-generated content is of great value both for users and companies, in order to assist them in their decision-making processes. Given this context, the analysis and development of automatic methods that can help manage online information in a quicker manner are needed. Therefore, this article proposes and evaluates a novel concept-level approach for ultra-concise opinion abstractive summarization. Our approach is characterized by the integration of syntactic sentence simplification, sentence regeneration and internal concept representation into the summarization process, thus being able to generate abstractive summaries, which is one the most challenging issues for this task. In order to be able to analyze different settings for our approach, the use of the sentence regeneration module was made optional, leading to two different versions of the system (one with sentence regeneration and one without). For testing them, a corpus of 400 English texts, gathered from reviews and tweets belonging to two different domains, was used. Although both versions were shown to be reliable methods for generating this type of summaries, the results obtained indicate that the version without sentence regeneration yielded to better results, improving the results of a number of state-of-the-art systems by 9%, whereas the version with sentence regeneration proved to be more robust to noisy data.


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This article describes the Robot Vision challenge, a competition that evaluates solutions for the visual place classification problem. Since its origin, this challenge has been proposed as a common benchmark where worldwide proposals are measured using a common overall score. Each new edition of the competition introduced novelties, both for the type of input data and subobjectives of the challenge. All the techniques used by the participants have been gathered up and published to make it accessible for future developments. The legacy of the Robot Vision challenge includes data sets, benchmarking techniques, and a wide experience in the place classification research that is reflected in this article.


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La irrupción política de Podemos en el panorama mediático y electoral español ha supuesto no sólo una revolución política sino también comunicativa. El 15M significó la crisis definitiva de la hegemonía indiscutible del Modelo Difusión en política, como ya se había verificado en otros espacios de comunicación social. Con su “no nos representan”, el 15M fue ante todo un proceso de disolución enunciativa. Tras él Podemos es el único caso de un experimento de hibridación integral del Modelo Difusión y el Modelo Reticular, intentando propiciar su sinergia. El desembarco de Pablo Iglesias en la televisión resulta crucial, pues se trata de un intento de abrochar la enunciación mediático-electoral con la enunciación popular-reticular.