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Purpose: To evaluate the correlation of the magnitude of corneal toricity and power vector components of both corneal surfaces measured with a Scheimpflug photography-based system. Methods: A total of 117 healthy normal eyes of 117 subjects selected randomly with ages ranging from 7 to 80 years were included. All eyes received an anterior segment and corneal analysis with the Sirius system (CSO) evaluating the anterior and posterior mean toricity for 3 and 7 mm (aAST and pAST). The vector components J0 and J45 as well as the overall strength blur (B) were calculated for each keratometric measurement using the procedure defined by Thibos and Horner. Results: The coefficient of correlation between aAST and pAST was 0.52 and 0.62 and the mean anteroposterior ratio for toricity was 0.46 ± 0.39 and 0.57 ± 0.75 for 3 and 7 mm, respectively. These ratios correlated significantly with aAST, anterior corneal J0, and manifest refraction J0 (r ≥ 0.39, P < 0.01). The coefficient of correlation was 0.69 and 0.81 between anterior and posterior J0 for 3 and 7 mm, respectively. For J45, the coefficients were 0.62 and 0.71, respectively. The linear regression analysis revealed that the pAST and power vectors could be predicted from the anterior corneal data (R2 ≥ 0.40, P < 0.01). Conclusions: The toricity and astigmatic power vector components of the posterior corneal surface in the human healthy eye are related to those of the anterior and therefore can be predicted consistently from the anterior toricity and astigmatic power vectors.


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Purpose: To evaluate postoperative spectral-domain optical coherence tomography findings after macular hole surgery. Methods: Retrospective, interventional, nonrandomized study. Overall, 164 eyes of 157 patients diagnosed with macular hole were operated on by vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane peeling. Preoperative and postoperative best-corrected visual acuity and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography images were obtained. Two groups were considered on the basis of the postoperative integrity of the back reflection line from the ellipsoid portion of the photoreceptor inner segment: group A (disruption of ellipsoid portion of the inner segment line, 60 eyes) and group B (restoration of ellipsoid portion of the inner segment line, 104 eyes). Results: Logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution best-corrected visual acuity improved significantly after the surgery of macular hole from a mean preoperative value of 0.79 ± 0.37 (range, 0.15–2.00) to a mean postoperative value of 0.35 ± 0.31 (range, 0.00–1.30) at the last follow-up visit (P < 0.01). Best-corrected visual acuity improved significantly in the 2 groups analyzed (all P < 0.01). A larger improvement was found in group B than in group A (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Ellipsoid portion of the inner segment line reconstruction seems to be a good prognostic factor for visual rehabilitation after macular hole surgery.


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Actualmente, la adaptación de lentes de contacto nos ofrece una buena solución óptica para anisometropías, ya que se consigue igualar el tamaño de las imágenes retinianas, astigmatismos irregulares, consiguiendo regularizar la superficie corneal anterior, en miopías medias y elevadas, porque se logra un mayor tamaño de imagen retiniana respecto a la lente oftálmica, en casos de hipermetropías altas o afaquias, al conseguir un aumento del campo visual, y en nistagmus, ya que la lente acompaña al movimiento del ojo. A continuación, presentamos un caso de rehabilitación visual completa con la adaptación de una lente de contacto híbrida de geometría inversa en una córnea operada de cirugía LASIK miópica fallida, que tuvo como consecuencia una inducción muy significativa de irregularidad corneal.


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La lente híbrida de geometría inversa PS ofrece una mejoría de la calidad visual en pacientes con córneas irregulares tras cirugía refractiva miópica, mostrándose como una excelente opción en aquellos casos en que el insuficiente lecho corneal imposibilita retratamientos posteriores.


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En el marco del proyecto de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria 2013-14 de la Universidad de Alicante se creó una red de trabajo formada por los profesores coordinadores de semestre del Grado en Óptica y Optometría y dos alumnos. Dado que durante el curso académico 2013-14 ha tenido lugar la implantación del último curso del Grado en Óptica y Optometría, el objetivo principal de esta red ha sido la realización de un análisis de la implantación del título así como el estudio del diseño y desarrollo del Trabajo Fin de Grado y del programa de Prácticas Externas. Para ello se han recogido las sugerencias y propuestas realizadas a través de las comisiones de semestres, de la comisión de garantía de calidad y de reuniones con el alumnado, con el fin de optimizar el funcionamiento del título, tanto en la distribución de contenidos, como en las metodologías docentes y de evaluación de las distintas materias que componen el plan de estudios.


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En la carrera profesional en el ámbito universitario, la exposición oral, ya sea con la práctica continua en las clases o a través de comunicaciones y conferencias en congresos, constituye una de las principales herramientas que el profesorado debe perfeccionar continuamente. De la misma manera, el debate es una práctica constante tanto dentro como fuera del aula. Aprender a escuchar a nuestro alumnado es una habilidad fundamental para poder comprender sus necesidades y posteriormente poder plantear nuestras propuestas en las continuas reuniones a las que un/a docente universitario/a asiste. El siguiente informe hace un análisis de las comunicaciones presentadas en la mesa de comunicaciones n.4 de las Jornadas de Redes en Docencia Universitaria de la Universidad de Alicante. Derecho Civil, Didáctica General, Expresión Gráfica, Expresión Musical y Didáctica de la lengua y la literatura son las áreas de conocimiento que participaron en dicha mesa. El cómic y la percepción visual, el EEES, la inclusión y la igualdad de género junto a otras actividades de innovación docente fueron los temas tratados. Conocer la Retórica como disciplina fundamental en el ámbito universitario es una necesidad para cualquier docente. El reconocimiento de este discurso académico nos permitirá innovar e investigar con criterios de calidad.


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Purpose: To evaluate the correlation of the mean curvature and shape factors of both corneal surfaces for different corneal diameters measured with the Scheimpflug photography–based system in keratoconus eyes. Methods: A total of 61 keratoconus eyes of 61 subjects, aged 14 to 64 years, were included in this study. All eyes received a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination including anterior segment and corneal analysis with the Sirius system (CSO): anterior and posterior mean corneal radius for 3, 5, and 7 mm (aKM, pKM), anterior and posterior mean shape factor for 4.5 and 8 mm (ap, pp), central and minimal corneal thickness, and anterior chamber depth. Results: Mean aKM/pKM ratio around 1.20 (range, 0.95–1.48) was found for all corneal diameters (P = 0.24). Weak but significant correlations of this ratio with pachymetric parameters were found (r between −0.28 and −0.34, P < 0.04). The correlation coefficient between aKM and pKM was ≥0.92 for all corneal diameters. A strong and significant correlation was also found between ap and pp (r ≥ 0.86, P < 0.01). The multiple regression analysis revealed that central pKM was significantly correlated with aKM, central corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth, and spherical equivalent (R2 ≥ 0.88, P < 0.01) and that 8 mm pp was significantly correlated with 8 mm ap and age (R2 = 0.89, P < 0.01). Conclusions: Central posterior corneal curvature and shape factor in the keratoconus eye can be consistently predicted from the anterior corneal curvature and shape factor, respectively, in combination with other anatomical and ocular parameters.


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El Máster en Optometría Clínica y Visión comenzó a impartirse en la Universidad de Alicante en el curso 2010-2011. Durante estos tres años los alumnos que han accedido a él, han sido, en su mayoría, Diplomados en Óptica y Optometría. Actualmente se está impartiendo el Grado de Óptica y Optometría, por lo que a partir del curso 2013-2014 los alumnos que accedan al Máster serán mayoritariamente graduados. Teniendo en cuenta que en el Grado de Óptica y Optometría se han añadido asignaturas (respecto a la Diplomatura), que incluyen temas coincidentes con asignaturas del Máster, es necesario modificar y reorientar algunas de las guías docentes de las asignaturas del Máster. En este sentido el objetivo principal de esta red ha sido la coordinación entre los profesores de las diferentes asignaturas para actualizar y/o reorientar las guías docentes de las asignaturas del Máster en Optometría Clínica y Visión, evitando solapamientos con las asignaturas de 4º curso del Grado de Óptica y Optometría.


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Objective: To evaluate two cases of intermittent exotropia (IX(T)) treated by vision therapy the efficacy of the treatment by complementing the clinical examination with a 3-D video-oculography to register and to evidence the potential applicability of this technology for such purpose. Methods: We report the binocular alignment changes occurring after vision therapy in a woman of 36 years with an IX(T) of 25 prism diopters (Δ) at far and 18 Δ at near and a child of 10 years with 8 Δ of IX(T) in primary position associated to 6 Δ of left eye hypotropia. Both patients presented good visual acuity with correction in both eyes. Instability of ocular deviation was evident by VOG analysis, revealing also the presence of vertical and torsional components. Binocular vision therapy was prescribed and performed including different types of vergence, accommodation, and consciousness of diplopia training. Results: After therapy, excellent ranges of fusional vergence and a “to-the-nose” near point of convergence were obtained. The 3-D VOG examination (Sensoro Motoric Instruments, Teltow, Germany) confirmed the compensation of the deviation with a high level of stability of binocular alignment. Significant improvement could be observed after therapy in the vertical and torsional components that were found to become more stable. Patients were very satisfied with the outcome obtained by vision therapy. Conclusion: 3D-VOG is a useful technique for providing an objective register of the compensation of the ocular deviation and the stability of the binocular alignment achieved after vision therapy in cases of IX(T), providing a detailed analysis of vertical and torsional improvements.


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Actualmente la medida y gestión de la calidad de color de materiales gonio-aparentes es compleja, pero altamente demandada desde varios sectores industriales, como automoción, cosmética, etc. Desde la Universidad de Alicante, para el curso 2013-14, se va a organizar el primer postgrado (título de Máster) en Tecnología del Color para el Sector Automoción, con un diseño de contenidos que cubre la colorimetría CIE y la percepción visual, instrumentación y software de gestión del color, fundamentos de pinturas y plásticos, y, formulación de pigmentos, con una pretensión clara de cubrir las competencias demandadas por el sector a nivel mundial. El plan de estudios, con 60 ECTS, está diseñado para impartirse en solamente dos semestres: de septiembre a febrero para las actividades teóricas y prácticas semi-presenciales, y, desde marzo a junio las estancias en empresas e instituciones colaboradoras, tanto nacionales como internacionales, para realizar prácticas en empresa (máximo 300 horas), y con ello elaborar, exponer y defender el trabajo fin de máster. De esta forma, al finalizar la primera promoción de este máster propio de alta especialización profesional, esperamos aportar mayores vías de empleabilidad laboral a unos postgraduados en un sector industrial de gran importancia socioeconómica a nivel mundial.


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The mechanical response of the cornea subjected to a non-contact air-jet tonometry diagnostic test represents an interplay between its geometry, the corneal material behavior and the loading. The objective is to study this interplay to better understand and interpret the results obtained with a non-contact tonometry test. A patient-specific finite element model of a healthy eye, accounting for the load free configuration, was used. The corneal tissue was modeled as an anisotropic hyperelastic material with two preferential directions. Three different sets of parameters within the human experimental range obtained from inflation tests were considered. The influence of the IOP was studied by considering four pressure levels (10–28 mmHg) whereas the influence of corneal thickness was studied by inducing a uniform variation (300–600 microns). A Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD) air-jet simulation determined pressure loading exerted on the anterior corneal surface. The maximum apex displacement showed a linear variation with IOP for all materials examined. On the contrary, the maximum apex displacement followed a cubic relation with corneal thickness. In addition, a significant sensitivity of the apical displacement to the corneal stiffness was also obtained. Explanation to this behavior was found in the fact that the cornea experiences bending when subjected to an air-puff loading, causing the anterior surface to work in compression whereas the posterior surface works in tension. Hence, collagen fibers located at the anterior surface do not contribute to load bearing. Non-contact tonometry devices give useful information that could be misleading since the corneal deformation is the result of the interaction between the mechanical properties, IOP, and geometry. Therefore, a non-contact tonometry test is not sufficient to evaluate their individual contribution and a complete in-vivo characterization would require more than one test to independently determine the membrane and bending corneal behavior.


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La diferencia de alineación de los ejes visuales en la Disparidad de Fijación en la gran mayoría de situaciones se produce como un efecto fisiológico no produciendo sintomatología al paciente. Sin embargo, existen ciertas situaciones en las que la Disparidad de Fijación sí que produce sintomatología al paciente, produciéndose como consecuencia del estrés de los sistemas de vergencia y acomodativo con el objetivo de mantener la visión binocular. Existen además evidencias científicas de que determinados hábitos de lectura, patologías como las migrañas y pacientes disléxicos con problemas de lectura y de aprendizaje pueden observar un incremento significativo de la Disparidad de Fijación, estando asociados a Disparidades de Fijación anormales. Debido a la información que proporciona la medida de la Disparidad de Fijación resulta de especial interés la cuantificación de la misma en la práctica clínica, existiendo en la actualidad diferentes tests y dispositivos clínicos que se utilizan comúnmente para la medida de la Disparidad de Fijación, como la Curva de Vergencias Forzadas, el Disparómetro de Sheedy, la Unidad de Mallet y la Carta de Wesson entre otros.


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We investigated the diffraction behavior of plasmonic Bessel beams propagating in metal-dielectric stratified materials and wire media. Our results reveal various regimes in which polarization singularities are selectively maintained. This polarization-pass effect can be controlled by appropriately setting the filling factor of the metallic inclusions and its internal periodic distribution. These results may have implications in the development of devices at the nanoscale level for manipulation of polarization and angular momentum of cylindrical vector beams.


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Purpose: To compare anterior and posterior corneal curvatures between eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and healthy eyes. Methods: This is a prospective, cross-sectional, observer-masked study. A total of 138 white subjects (one eye per patient) were consecutively recruited; 69 eyes had POAG (study group), and the other 69 comprised a group of healthy control eyes matched for age and central corneal pachymetry with the study ones. Exclusion criteria included any corneal or ocular inflammatory disease, previous ocular surgery, or treatment with carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. The same masked observer performed Goldmann applanation tonometry, ultrasound pachymetry, and Orbscan II topography in all cases. Central corneal thickness, intraocular pressure, and anterior and posterior topographic elevation maps were analyzed and compared between both groups. Results: Patients with POAG had greater forward shifting of the posterior corneal surface than that in healthy control eyes (p < 0.01). Significant differences in anterior corneal elevation between controls and POAG eyes were also found (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Primary open-angle glaucoma eyes have a higher elevation of the posterior corneal surface than that in central corneal thickness–matched nonglaucomatous eyes.


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Biomechanics is often defined as ‘mechanics applied to biology’. Due to the variety and complexity of the behaviour of biological structures and materials, biomechanics is better defined as the development, extension and application of mechanics for a better understanding of physiology and physiopathology and consequently for a better diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury. Different methods for the characterisation of corneal biomechanics are reviewed in detail, including those that are currently commercially available (Ocular Response Analyzer and CorVis ST). The clinical applicability of the parameters provided by these devices are discussed, especially in the fields of glaucoma, detection of ectatic disorders and orthokeratology. Likewise, other methods are also reviewed, such as Brillouin microscopy or dynamic optical coherence tomography and others with potential application to clinical practice but not validated for in vivo measurements, such as ultrasonic elastography. Advantages and disadvantages of all these techniques are described. Finally, the concept of biomechanical modelling is revised as well as the requirements for developing biomechanical models, with special emphasis on finite element modelling.