56 resultados para Procesado de la geometría
We carry out a seismic noise study based on array measurements at three sites in the Málaga basin, South Spain, for the further estimation of shear wave velocity profiles. For this purpose, we use both the H/V method and the f–k technique in order to characterize the different materials present in the zone, i.e., Quaternary sediments and Pliocene sedimentary rocks above the bedrock. The H/V analysis shows frequency peaks going from 1 Hz, in areas close to the border of the basin, to 0.3 Hz in places located toward the center of the formation. The f–k analysis allows obtaining the dispersion curves associated with each site and subsequently, estimating the Vs profiles by inversion of the respective group velocities. In this way, the basin basement can be characterized by S-wave velocities greater than 2000 m/s. Regarding the basin fill, it is divided into three layers defined by different wave velocity intervals. The shallowest one is featured by velocities ranging from 150 to 400 m/s and comprises the Quaternary sediments, while velocities going from 550–700 to1200–1600 m/s characterize the two underlying layers composed by Pliocene sediments. Finally, the information provided by the three Vs profiles is integrated in a 2D cross-section of the basin to have a spatial view of its sedimentary structure. The results obtained here, in addition to providing useful information about the infill of the basin near the metropolitan area of Málaga, will be very helpful for future seismic zonation studies in the region.
El grado de Ciencias del Mar ha seguido, en los últimos cursos académicos, un proceso exhaustivo de seguimiento a través del uso de las comisiones de semestre (8 para todo el grado) en las que se ha favorecido la puesta en común, entre el profesorado y las/los responsables del alumnado, de las fortalezas y debilidades observadas en las diferentes asignaturas de cada semestre, así como la propuesta de actividades que impulsarían la calidad docente. El seguimiento ha permitido mejorar la coherencia tanto en la distribución de contenidos como en las metodologías docentes y de evaluación, así como facilitar una coordinación vertical entre materias de diferentes cursos. Las mejoras propuestas podrán servir, por tanto, como punto de partida para las futuras revisiones del grado. Adicionalmente, la firma de un convenio marco con la Universidad de Vigo, por el que se comprometían a intercambiar experiencias y personal en los campos de la docencia, la investigación y la cultura en general, dentro de las áreas que comportan un interés manifiesto, ha permitido al profesorado, coordinado por el centro, el diseño una actividad interuniversitaria transversal para las asignaturas del segundo semestre de segundo curso, que se incorporará a las fichas UA del grado para el curso 2015-16. Entre las modalidades de colaboración se incluye el intercambio, por tiempo limitado, de estudiantes, profesores e investigadores. Aunque la actividad interunivesitaria que se ha diseñado, bajo el marco de este convenio, se ha planificado para el segundo semestre del segundo curso se espera que, en el futuro, pueda extenderse a otros cursos y/u otras universidades.
En esta memoria se describe el proyecto llevado para establecer los mecanismos y procedimientos para el seguimiento y control de calidad de las asignaturas del segundo curso del Grado en Ingeniería Multimedia, curso 2013/2014. En concreto, los mecanismos de control se centran en la planificación de las sesiones docentes y las actividades de evaluación llevadas a cabo en cada una de dichas asignaturas.
Una vez implantado completamente el Grado de Ciencias del Mar en la Universidad de Alicante y a punto de finalizar la segunda promoción, es el momento de revisar el funcionamiento del programa formativo. Por una parte, es necesario continuar con el intenso trabajo de coordinación horizontal y vertical para asegurar la coherencia en contenidos, metodologías, evaluación y guías docentes. Y por otra parte, hay que evaluar si los posibles errores detectados con anterioridad han sido resueltos. Como metodología de trabajo, desde la Facultad de Ciencias se han constituido ocho comisiones de semestre. Cada una de estas comisiones está integrada por un coordinador de semestre, los responsables de las asignaturas de ese semestre, el coordinador del Grado y el/la delegado/a del alumnado. Cada una de estas comisiones se reúne, por lo menos, dos veces por curso. Los resultados de este trabajo permiten la detección de problemas actuales y si las medidas adoptadas han sido útiles para solucionar incidencias pasadas.
La preparación previa del alumnado que cursa la asignatura de Fundamentos Físicos en primer curso de grado implantado en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante, es muy heterogénea. Además, se da la circunstancia que en los últimos cursos alrededor de un 50% del alumnado no ha cursado nunca una asignatura de física anteriormente, aunque esta situación depende del grado concreto. En este trabajo presentamos un análisis de los resultados obtenidos en el curso 14-15 en dos grupos teóricos de Fundamentos Físicos de la Informática a lo largo del curso. Nuestro objetivo es mejorar la metodología de la asignatura en actividades como cursos de iniciación, distribución homogénea del alumnado en los grupos teóricos, o adaptación de la guía docente al contexto particular de cada grupo. Otro aspecto que trabaja la red es el desarrollo de materiales para el autoaprendizaje de la física. Nuestro objetivo es facilitar que el alumnado pueda prepararse la asignatura de Fundamentos Físicos utilizando estos materiales. Entre ellos destacamos la elaboración de libros de resolución de problemas y la elaboración de blogs educativos.
This paper studies the fracturing process in low-porous rocks during uniaxial compressive tests considering the original defects and the new mechanical cracks in the material. For this purpose, five different kinds of rocks have been chosen with carbonate mineralogy and low porosity (lower than 2%). The characterization of the fracture damage is carried out using three different techniques: ultrasounds, mercury porosimetry and X-ray computed tomography. The proposed methodology allows quantifying the evolution of the porous system as well as studying the location of new cracks in the rock samples. Intercrystalline porosity (the smallest pores with pore radius < 1 μm) shows a limited development during loading, disappearing rapidly from the porosimetry curves and it is directly related to the initial plastic behaviour in the stress–strain patterns. However, the biggest pores (corresponding to the cracks) suffer a continuous enlargement until the unstable propagation of fractures. The measured crack initiation stress varies between 0.25 σp and 0.50 σp for marbles and between 0.50 σp and 0.85 σp for micrite limestone. The unstable propagation of cracks is assumed to occur very close to the peak strength. Crack propagation through the sample is completely independent of pre-existing defects (porous bands, stylolites, fractures and veins). The ultrasonic response in the time-domain is less sensitive to the fracture damage than the frequency-domain. P-wave velocity increases during loading test until the beginning of the unstable crack propagation. This increase is higher for marbles (between 15% and 30% from initial vp values) and lower for micrite limestones (between 5% and 10%). When the mechanical cracks propagate unstably, the velocity stops to increase and decreases only when rock damage is very high. Frequency analysis of the ultrasonic signals shows clear changes during the loading process. The spectrum of treated waveforms shows two main frequency peaks centred at low (~ 20 kHz) and high (~ 35 kHz) values. When new fractures appear and grow the amplitude of the high-frequency peak decreases, while that of the low-frequency peak increases. Besides, a slight frequency shift is observed towards higher frequencies.
This study is in the frame of the cooperative line that several Spanish Universities and other foreign partners started with the Haitian government in 2010. According to our studies (Benito et al. in An evaluation of seismic hazard in La Hispaniola, after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, 33rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Moscow, Russia, 2012) and recent scientific literature, the earthquake hazard in Haiti remains high (Calais et al. in Nat Geosci 3:794–799, 2010). In view of this, we wonder whether the country is currently ready to face another earthquake. In this sense, we estimated several damage scenarios in Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien associated to realistic possible major earthquakes. Our findings show that almost 50 % of the building stock of both cities would result uninhabitable due to structural damage. Around 80 % of the buildings in both cities have reinforced concrete structure with concrete block infill; however, the presence of masonry buildings becomes significant (between 25 and 45 % of the reinforced concrete buildings) in rural areas and informal settlements on the outskirts, where the estimated damage is higher. The influence of the soil effect on the damage spatial distribution is evident in both cities. We have found that the percentage of uninhabitable buildings in soft soil areas may be double the percentage obtained in nearby districts located in hard soil. These results reveal that a new seismic catastrophe of similar or even greater consequences than the 2010 Haiti earthquake might happen if the earthquake resilience is not improved in the country. Nowadays, the design of prevention actions and mitigation policies is the best instrument the society has to face seismic risk. In this sense, the results of this research might contribute to define measures oriented to earthquake risk reduction in Haiti, which should be a real priority for national and international institutions.
The aim of this work is to improve students’ learning by designing a teaching model that seeks to increase student motivation to acquire new knowledge. To design the model, the methodology is based on the study of the students’ opinion on several aspects we think importantly affect the quality of teaching (such as the overcrowded classrooms, time intended for the subject or type of classroom where classes are taught), and on our experience when performing several experimental activities in the classroom (for instance, peer reviews and oral presentations). Besides the feedback from the students, it is essential to rely on the experience and reflections of lecturers who have been teaching the subject several years. This way we could detect several key aspects that, in our opinion, must be considered when designing a teaching proposal: motivation, assessment, progressiveness and autonomy. As a result we have obtained a teaching model based on instructional design as well as on the principles of fractal geometry, in the sense that different levels of abstraction for the various training activities are presented and the activities are self-similar, that is, they are decomposed again and again. At each level, an activity decomposes into a lower level tasks and their corresponding evaluation. With this model the immediate feedback and the student motivation are encouraged. We are convinced that a greater motivation will suppose an increase in the student’s working time and in their performance. Although the study has been done on a subject, the results are fully generalizable to other subjects.
Abdominal Aortic Aneurism is a disease related to a weakening in the aortic wall that can cause a break in the aorta and the death. The detection of an unusual dilatation of a section of the aorta is an indicative of this disease. However, it is difficult to diagnose because it is necessary image diagnosis using computed tomography or magnetic resonance. An automatic diagnosis system would allow to analyze abdominal magnetic resonance images and to warn doctors if any anomaly is detected. We focus our research in magnetic resonance images because of the absence of ionizing radiation. Although there are proposals to identify this disease in magnetic resonance images, they need an intervention from clinicians to be precise and some of them are computationally hard. In this paper we develop a novel approach to analyze magnetic resonance abdominal images and detect the lumen and the aortic wall. The method combines different algorithms in two stages to improve the detection and the segmentation so it can be applied to similar problems with other type of images or structures. In a first stage, we use a spatial fuzzy C-means algorithm with morphological image analysis to detect and segment the lumen; and subsequently, in a second stage, we apply a graph cut algorithm to segment the aortic wall. The obtained results in the analyzed images are pretty successful obtaining an average of 79% of overlapping between the automatic segmentation provided by our method and the aortic wall identified by a medical specialist. The main impact of the proposed method is that it works in a completely automatic way with a low computational cost, which is of great significance for any expert and intelligent system.
The commercial data acquisition systems used for seismic exploration are usually expensive equipment. In this work, a low cost data acquisition system (Geophonino) has been developed for recording seismic signals from a vertical geophone. The signal goes first through an instrumentation amplifier, INA155, which is suitable for low amplitude signals like the seismic noise, and an anti-aliasing filter based on the MAX7404 switched-capacitor filter. After that, the amplified and filtered signal is digitized and processed by Arduino Due and registered in an SD memory card. Geophonino is configured for continuous registering, where the sampling frequency, the amplitude gain and the registering time are user-defined. The complete prototype is an open source and open hardware system. It has been tested by comparing the registered signals with the ones obtained through different commercial data recording systems and different kind of geophones. The obtained results show good correlation between the tested measurements, presenting Geophonino as a low-cost alternative system for seismic data recording.
En este trabajo se plantea estudiar los criterios, organizar las evidencias y recopilar los resultados que permiten desarrollar el auto-informe para la acreditación título en la ANECA de Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de la Universidad de Alicante. Por ello, la red de investigación en docencia universitaria planteada implica a todas las asignaturas de estos estudios, incluido el Trabajo Fin de Máster. Para alcanzar los objetivos se comienza por la recopilación detallada de los criterios para el desarrollo del auto-informe y la documentación a cumplimentar. En la organización de las evidencias relacionadas con cada uno de los criterios a evaluar, generadas en cada curso de implantación del título, el trabajo se ha centrado en el criterio 6 (Resultados del aprendizaje) y el criterio 7 (Indicadores de satisfacción). Las tablas comparativas elaboradas, donde se resumen los resultados del aprendizaje, facilitan la puesta en común y la concreción de un plan de mejora.
Past and recent observations have shown that the local site conditions significantly affect the behavior of seismic waves and its potential to cause destructive earthquakes. Thus, seismic microzonation studies have become crucial for seismic hazard assessment, providing local soil characteristics that can help to evaluate the possible seismic effects. Among the different methods used for estimating the soil characteristics, the ones based on ambient noise measurements, such as the H/V technique, become a cheap, non-invasive and successful way for evaluating the soil properties along a studied area. In this work, ambient noise measurements were taken at 240 sites around the Doon Valley, India, in order to characterize the sediment deposits. First, the H/V analysis has been carried out to estimate the resonant frequencies along the valley. Subsequently, some of this H/V results have been inverted, using the neighborhood algorithm and the available geotechnical information, in order to provide an estimation of the S-wave velocity profiles at the studied sites. Using all these information, we have characterized the sedimentary deposits in different areas of the Doon Valley, providing the resonant frequency, the soil thickness, the mean S-wave velocity of the sediments, and the mean S-wave velocity in the uppermost 30 m.
El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar características del conocimiento de geometría especializado en estudiantes para maestro en relación con el razonamiento configural. Los resultados indican la existencia de dos factores claves en el proceso de razonamiento configural en los estudiantes para maestro: la identificación de una sub-configuración relevante, y la manera en la que se organizan las proposiciones geométricas a partir de las aprehensiones discursivas. En particular, y en relación con este segundo factor, se han identificado dos momentos en el uso de las aprehensiones discursivas cuando se asocian hechos geométricos a la configuración inicial y cuando se infiere nueva información al relacionar conocimientos geométricos conocidos con hechos asociados a la configuración geométrica.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar la relación entre las formas del discurso generado por los estudiantes para maestro al resolver problemas de geometría de probar y el razonamiento configural. Analizamos las respuestas de 97 estudiantes para maestro a dos problemas de probar para determinar cómo identificaban y relacionaban propiedades geométricas para deducir nuevos hechos y propiedades de las figuras. Los resultados muestran tres formas del discurso generado por los estudiantes para maestro para comunicar su resolución: gráfico, texto y una mezcla de los dos; y que las formas del discurso generado no influyen en el truncamiento del razonamiento configural que desencadena los procesos deductivos.
El objetivo es determinar las características constructivas, geométricas y materiales en la construcción de cúpulas originales de ladrillo en templos de la provincia de Alicante desde finales del siglo XVII hasta principios del siglo XIX. Se estudian 38 cruceros de iglesias y catedrales en 35 localidades alicantinas mediante recopilación de dibujos originales, levantamiento de planos, construcción en 3D, termografías y toma de muestras, todo ello seguido de un análisis comparativo de variables. Constructivamente, el 88,57 % de las cúpulas simples analizadas son de una hoja de ladrillo macizo (colocado a rosca). Geométricamente, el 97,37 % presentan planta circular y el 92,1 % peralte. El acabado azul vidriado en cubierta es el característico de la provincia (68,42 %), adornado con limatesas en color blanco. Un estudio imprescindible para establecer criterios de uso y conservación, facilitando futuras intervenciones de rehabilitación en este tipo de construcciones religiosas.