248 resultados para C02


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Purpose – This research deals with a new kind of nanopigment, obtained from the combination of organic dyes and layered nanoclays, that the authors call nanoclay-colorant pigment (NCP). Whilst they have already been employed in inks and coatings, to date these nanopigments have not been used as pigments for polymers. The existing lack of knowledge surrounding them must be redressed in order to bridge the gap between current academic studies and commercial exploitation. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to examine the hitherto unknown aspects of the NCP, which relate specifically to their applicability as a new type of colorant for polymers. Design/methodology/approach – A blue NCP has been prepared at the laboratory according to the patented method of synthesis (patent WO0104216), using methylene blue and montmorillonite nanoclay. It has then been applied to a thermoplastic polymer (linear low-density polyethylene – LLDPE) to obtain a coloured sample. Furthermore, samples with the same polymer but using conventional blue colorants have been prepared under the same processing conditions. The mechanical, thermal and colorimetric properties of these materials have been compared. Findings – The thermal stability of the sample coloured with NCP is reduced to some extent, while the mechanical strength is slightly increased. Moreover, this sample has better colour performance than the conventionally pigmented samples. Originality/value – In this paper, a blue NCP has been synthesised and successfully employed with polyethylene and the obtained sample shows better colour performance than polyethylene with conventional pigments.


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Conceptual Modelling approaches for the web need extensions to specify dynamic personalization properties in order to design more powerful web applications. Current approaches provide techniques to support dynamic personalization, usually focused on implementation details. This article presents an extension of the OO-H conceptual modeling approach to address the particulars associated with the design and specification of dynamic personalization. The main benefit is that this specification can be modified without recompile the rest of the application modules. We describe how conventional navigation and presentation diagrams are influenced by personalization properties. In order to model the variable part of the interface logic OO-H has a personalization architecture that leans on a rule engine. Rules are defined based on a User Model and a Reference Model.


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Comunicación presentada en las VIII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, JISBD 2003, Alicante, 12-14 noviembre 2003.


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A conducting bridge of a single hydrogen molecule between Pt electrodes is formed in a break junction experiment. It has a conductance near the quantum unit, G0=2e2∕h, carried by a single channel. Using point-contact spectroscopy three vibration modes are observed and their variation upon isotope substitution is obtained. The stretching dependence for each of the modes allows uniquely classifying them as longitudinal or transversal modes. The interpretation of the experiment in terms of a Pt-H2-Pt bridge is verified by density-functional theory calculations for the stability, vibrational modes, and conductance of the structure.


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Atomic contacts made of ferromagnetic metals present zero-bias anomalies in the differential conductance due to the Kondo effect. These systems provide a unique opportunity to perform a statistical analysis of the Kondo parameters in nanostructures since a large number of contacts can be easily fabricated using break-junction techniques. The details of the atomic structure differ from one contact to another so a large number of different configurations can be statistically analyzed. Here we present such a statistical analysis of the Kondo effect in atomic contacts made from the ferromagnetic transition metals Ni, Co, and Fe. Our analysis shows clear differences between materials that can be understood by fundamental theoretical considerations. This combination of experiments and theory allows us to extract information about the origin and nature of the Kondo effect in these systems and to explore the influence of geometry and valence in the Kondo screening of atomic-sized nanostructures.


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We develop a theory to calculate exciton binding energies of both two- and three-dimensional spin polarized exciton gases within a mean field approach. Our method allows the analysis of recent experiments showing the importance of the polarization and intensity of the excitation light on the exciton luminescence of GaAs quantum wells. We study the breaking of the spin degeneracy observed at high exciton density (5×1010 cm2). Energy level splitting between spin +1 and spin -1 is shown to be due to many-body interexcitonic exchange while the spin relaxation time is controlled by intraexciton exchange. © 1996 The American Physical Society.


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We have observed a large spin splitting between "spin" +1 and -1 heavy-hole excitons, having unbalanced populations, in undoped GaAs/AlAs quantum wells in the absence of any external magnetic field. Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy, under excitation with circularly polarized light, reveals that, for high excitonic density and short times after the pulsed excitation, the emission from majority excitons lies above that of minority ones. The amount of the splitting, which can be as large as 50% of the binding energy, increases with excitonic density and presents a time evolution closely connected with the degree of polarization of the luminescence. Our results are interpreted on the light of a recently developed model, which shows that, while intraexcitonic exchange interaction is responsible for the spin relaxation processes, exciton-exciton interaction produces a breaking of the spin degeneracy in two-dimensional semiconductors.


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We discuss the influence of a uniform current j⃗ on the magnetization dynamics of a ferromagnetic metal. We find that the magnon energy ε(q⃗) has a current-induced contribution proportional to q⃗⋅J→, where J→ is the spin current, and predict that collective dynamics will be more strongly damped at finite j⃗. We obtain similar results for models with and without local moment participation in the magnetic order. For transition metal ferromagnets, we estimate that the uniform magnetic state will be destabilized for j≳109A cm-2. We discuss the relationship of this effect to the spin-torque effects that alter magnetization dynamics in inhomogeneous magnetic systems.


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We study the spin polarization of tunneling holes injected from ferromagnetic GaMnAs into a p-doped semiconductor through a tunneling barrier. We find that spin-orbit interaction in the barrier and in the drain limits severely spin injection. Spin depolarization is stronger when the magnetization is parallel to the current than when it is perpendicular to it.


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We address the fundamental question of whether magnetoresistance (MR) of atomic-sized contacts of nickel is very large because of the formation of a domain wall (DW) at the neck. Using ab initio transport calculations we find that, as in the case of nonmagnetic electrodes, transport in Ni nanocontacts depends very much on the orbital nature of the electrons. Our results are in agreement with several experiments in the average value of the conductance. On the other hand, contrary to existing claims, DW scattering does not account for large MR in Ni nanocontacts.


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We investigate coupling of localized spins in a semiconductor quantum dot embedded in a microcavity. The lowest cavity mode and the quantum dot exciton are coupled and close in energy, forming a polariton. The fermions forming the exciton interact with localized spins via exchange. Exact diagonalization of a Hamiltonian in which photons, spins, and excitons are treated quantum mechanically shows that a single polariton induces a sizable indirect anisotropic exchange interaction between spins. At sufficiently low temperatures strong ferromagnetic correlations show up without an appreciable increase in exciton population. In the case of a (Cd,Mn)Te quantum dot, Mn-Mn ferromagnetic coupling is still significant at 1 K: spin-spin correlation around 3 for exciton occupation smaller than 0.3. We find that the interaction mediated by photon-polaritons is 10 times stronger than the one induced by a classical field for equal Rabi splitting.


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Here, we present experimental and computational evidences to support that rocksalt cubic VO is a strongly correlated metal with non-Fermi-liquid thermodynamics and an unusually strong spin-lattice coupling. An unexpected change of sign of metallic thermopower with composition is tentatively ascribed to the presence of a pseudogap in the density of states. These properties are discussed as signatures of the proximity to a magnetic quantum phase transition. The results are summarized in an electronic phase diagram for the 3d monoxides, which resembles that of other strongly correlated systems. The structural and electronic simplicity of 3d monoxides makes them ideal candidates to progress in the understanding of highly correlated electron systems.


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We study the electronic properties of electrons in flat and curved zigzag graphene nanoribbons using a tight-binding model within the Slater Koster approximation, including spin-orbit interaction. We find that a constant curvature across the ribbon dramatically enhances the action of the spin-orbit term, strongly influencing the spin orientation of the edge states: Whereas spins are normal to the surface in the case of flat ribbons, this is no longer the case for curved ribbons. This effect is very pronounced, the spins deviating from the normal to the ribbon, even for very small curvature and a realistic spin orbit coupling of carbon. We find that curvature results also in an effective second neighbor hopping that modifies the electronic properties of zigzag graphene ribbons. We discuss the implications of our findings in the spin Hall phase of curved graphene ribbons.


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We propose cotunneling as the microscopic mechanism that makes possible inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy of magnetic atoms in surfaces for a wide range of systems, including single magnetic adatoms, molecules, and molecular stacks. We describe electronic transport between the scanning tip and the conducting surface through the magnetic system (MS) with a generalized Anderson model, without making use of effective spin models. Transport and spin dynamics are described with an effective cotunneling Hamiltonian in which the correlations in the magnetic system are calculated exactly and the coupling to the electrodes is included up to second order in the tip MS and MS substrate. In the adequate limit our approach is equivalent to the phenomenological Kondo exchange model that successfully describes the experiments. We apply our method to study in detail inelastic transport in two systems, stacks of cobalt phthalocyanines and a single Mn atom on Cu2N. Our method accounts for both the large contribution of the inelastic spin exchange events to the conductance and the observed conductance asymmetry.


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The spin dynamics of a single Mn atom in a laser driven CdTe quantum dot is addressed theoretically. Recent experimental results [ Gall et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 127402 (2009);  Goryca et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 087401 (2009)  Gall et al. Phys. Rev. B 81 245315 (2010)] show that it is possible to induce Mn spin polarization by means of circularly polarized optical pumping. Pumping is made possible by the faster Mn spin relaxation in the presence of the exciton. Here we discuss different Mn spin-relaxation mechanisms: first, Mn-phonon coupling, which is enhanced in the presence of the exciton; second, phonon induced hole spin relaxation combined with carrier-Mn spin-flip coupling and photon emission results in Mn spin relaxation. We model the Mn spin dynamics under the influence of a pumping laser that injects excitons into the dot, taking into account exciton-Mn exchange and phonon induced spin relaxation of both Mn and holes. Our simulations account for the optically induced Mn spin pumping.